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Everything posted by Talphadogg

  1. So the original two scrapped correctly but I did have the same issue on my last film. Is there something I can do on my end I can do to change or is there like a naming scheme I need to follow? I've uploaded the logs for the problem film but let me know if there's something else I can do? LogFile 2023-06-16 04-35-11.txt
  2. Yes I've verified my keys I've just added 2 other movies to test and one scraped correctly but the other one throws the same error message. Here's the error log after trying to scrape the other new movie I added. LogFile 2023-06-14 16-27-07.txt LogFile 2023-06-14 16-31-23.txt
  3. I can't seem to get this to work correctly. I've set up my api keys but I get thrown this error when I initiate a scrape? any Ideas? I'm running the most recent version of launchbox which is still technically in beta (version 13.6-beta-1)
  4. You were indeed correct. I've managed to transfer all of the data off and reformat to NTFS instead of exfat and your amazing theme does indeed work perfectly now. Thank you for all your help! Cheers
  5. No the drive is actually exFat. I'll back it up in the future and reformat it to NTFS and see if that makes a difference. ATM I don't have space to house the data that's currently on there anywhere else. I really appreciate all the help you all have given though! Also this is the best theme man, I'm really grateful for all the hard work you've put into it!
  6. I was running 13.2 beta in both my original build and test build (both from my external) but the fresh copy on my C:drive is 13.1. It's gotta be the SSD, because I just copied the test build from the external to a separate folder on a different internal (D:drive) and didn't change any of the settings and it worked perfectly. It has to be my external drive, right?
  7. E:\Test box\LaunchBox\Images\Nintendo Entertainment System\Clear Logo Contains these images and folders E:\Test box\LaunchBox\Images\Super Nintendo Entertainment System\Clear Logo Contains these images and folders So the clear logos are there. I think my last ditch effort finally paid off though. I just installed a brand new copy of Bigbox and the theme to the C:drive and the game wheel images finally populated.... So basically I just can't run my build portably with this theme......................... Any idea why running off the Portable SSD would cause them images not to load like they do on the C:Drive? This is the external SSD I'm running. Is it not fast/powerful enough?
  8. Okay so I looked at that thread and followed all their suggestions and still had the same result. I have been able to try on a different PC (Nvidia card instead of AMD) and had the same problem where the games don't populate if I use a theme view that uses clear logos. Here's a link to a video of the issue in action. The video is of the fresh copy I installed to test if it was a settings issue. Just to reiterate what I've tried to fix this issue. Refresh Image cache both manually (deleting cache folder) and through bigbox settings. Force populate game wheel. Fresh install of bigbox updated to newest beta (v13.2) with default settings, Fresh download of unified lives! 4.4 placed in the themes folder. (Not over writing, as this was a fresh install) Only imported 6 games. 3 NES 3 SNES. Updated all GPU drivers on both rigs, (AMD card vs Nvidia card) Checked to see if "nahimic" service was running(it was not) Not running an intel GPU but did turn off my GPU's anti-aliasing on both rigs. Swapped between three different monitor models. (on both rigs) and changed to every view in the theme to see if I can get the games to populate with clear logos in any of them. (both rigs) The only common denominator I can think of is every build of launch box I've tried is running from an external Samsung T5 2TB SSD. I'm about to try running from the internal M.2 C:drive just to make sure that bigbox isn't just finding the same settings folder from my original build or something and checking to see if that's the issue, but as bigbox/launchbox was designed to be portable I doubt it will help. Unless I'm mistaken and there are launchbox files hiding somewhere else? Folder structures for both builds E:\Test box\LaunchBox <-----------Fresh copy E:\Retro-Box\LaunchBox <-----------Original Build I'm sorry to be such a bother but I'm really at a complete loss at this point as what to do next to get this theme to work. I've never had any issues with a theme before this.
  9. Brand new folder and stock options is what I meant by fresh copy. I have two platforms (NES, and SNES) with 3 games each imported and full art packs imported through rom importer (with emu movies log in) so that should be fine. My monitors are this running at 1080p
  10. So I installed a fresh copy of BigBox and opted into Betas but it looks like the latest I can update to 13.1? Does the theme require 13.2 or 13.1? I've installed the latest version of the theme but I still can't seem to get game wheels with clear logos to populate? I have the latest drivers for my Graphics card but it is an ancient card (AMD Radeon 390) so could that be my issue? I wont have access to a PC with a newer graphics card for a few weeks but plan on trying it out then on a completely new PC. Platform wheels look great and populate just fine still though! BTW thank you for all the amazing work you've done on this theme. It really is the best looking one I've seen!
  11. Ah I'm on the 13.0 build that might explain it. How do I go about upgrading to the beta?
  12. Yeah the platform wheel works fine and I tried refreshing the image cache for all images and also tried forcing game wheel to populate however both failed. I've tried every option for getting the game wheel to populate and some do but never with clear logos. The ones that do are coverflow which is Horizontal 3 and any text based game list where they just have the name of the game in text format instead of clear logos. When you say "try resetting your big box settings if that fails" what specifically are you referring to?
  13. So I love the theme but I seem to be missing the ability to scroll through games on the wheel as its missing? Any idea on what settings to change to have the wheel populate?
  14. Don't suppose you'd like to post your solution for the Ancient Stone Tablets?
  15. I've been having the hardest time getting Phillips CDI games to work in both mame and retroarch so I've compiled 2 emulators and a collection of files with a typed walk through on how to get games going. Its not really space efficient (you have to install a new emulator per game) but it works for the 4-5 games I wanted to use. I've uploaded it to archive for people but I was curious if I'm allowed to post a like to it? It contains the two Emulators, bios, 5 games and batch files used to launch games without using the emulators GUIs.
  16. Yes I restarted my machine (the ol turn it off and on again trick). All is working fine now so not sure what I managed to mess up. After the restart I reinstalled mame through launchbox mame importer. Then reinstalled the bezels just to make sure that was the issue but the bezels are working perfectly in tandem with mame. I dont know what I did to break it in the first place?
  17. It must have been a fluke cause they seem to be working fine now?????????
  18. Lord kill me now. I figured the last thing I could try was a restart. It worked. Gonna try to reinstall the bezels and see if the same results happen and will post the findings.
  19. So I had mame running perfectly but then I used the Bezelproject installer (windows) to see what the hubbub about bezels was. Admittedly they are cool however, after running 1-2 games I am now get the error "mame unable to create the direct3d device (88760868)" after installing them? It doesn't matter if I launch them through Launchbox or independently either, I get the same result. I tried doing a fresh install of mame 0.240b through launchbox and from the actual installer from mamedev (the version I was running before hand) and the problem persists. All the info about this error seems to be 3-6 years old but I haven't sifted through enough old forums to figure out a solution yet so I figured I'd ask here. I've un-enabled the bezels through the bezelproject program and then uninstalled it (which still left some files in its install directory -_-) . I'm was still getting the error from all three installs of mame (so I deleted all three and tried one last time to do a fresh install which didn't work out). Any advice on how to save my arcade setup without nuking it and starting from scratch?
  20. Is there a way to make this portable? I would like to make my arcade setup on a T5 SSD and the drive wont always be assigned the same letter so the bios paths for demul wont be the same every time. Or is there a different route I should take?
  21. Okay so this worked for me kind of, but still had issues with some games that I knew worked in the emulator outside of launchbox, but not when launched from launchbox. (Requiem from Hell for instance would launch when directly launched from the eka2l1 emulator but not from the files darkshade had provided in launchbox) Here's what I did to fix that issue and hopefully this helps someone in the future if they run into the same issues that I was having and thanks to Darkshade and Mr.Laor for all the info they and their posts on the subject provided. (Most of this post is basically a carbon copy just with tweaks to file names and condensed into one post) 1. Follow the guide to set up the emulator from the OP Video here. note: Of the Symbian OS' that he linked to in the description of the video the one that has best compatibility is RH-4 as the blzinstapp will actually work. I'm not sure if I can link it so Google is your best friend. 2. Once you have your emulator set up you need to have it set up in launchbox (under tools, manage emulators, add) and after you have put in the path the the executable and named your emulator, make sure to tick the box for "Use file only without file extension or folder path" and add in the default command line parameters this. --app %romfile% --fullscreen 3. Download this folder of blank files and save them into a folder where you will be able to keep track of it. Mine looks like this: H:\LaunchBox\Games\Nokia N-Gage\Command Lines The blank files will all have odd names like 0x101F402 and the reason for this is those are the App IDs for each game in the emulator and will correspond to the shortcuts that we will need to make in step four. 4. I altered Darkshade's .bat file to produce the shortcuts the same way it did before but with the correct App IDs. So to produce the shortcuts we will need download this .bat file and place in the root directory of your emulator with the eka2l1.exe program. Mine looks like this: H:\LaunchBox\Emulators\EKA2L1(Nokia Ngage RH-4) You will need to create a shortcut to the emulator by right clicking eka2l1.exe and selecting create shortcut here. It will create a file called "eka2l1.exe - Shortcut" which is what we want. Run the "Ngage App ID Shortcut.bat" after you have created the shortcut to eka2l1.exe. 5. Take the Game shortcuts folder that has been produced in the root folder of your emulator again this folder: H:\LaunchBox\Emulators\EKA2L1(Nokia Ngage RH-4) and place it in the folder where you stored your command line folder from step 3. Now its time to import your games into launchbox. Import all the files from the command line folder you downloaded in step 3 as "Roms" and scrape for the platform "Nokia N-Gage". You will most likely not get any art work as the games will all be labeled the odd file names like 0x101f409 so don't panic. 6. Once all your games are imported close launchbox and Download this. It's a filled out platform xml file that needs to replace the one launchbox just created in LaunchBox\Data\Platforms\Nokia N-Gage.xml Mine is under this: H:\LaunchBox\Data\Platforms\ Once it has replaced the one launchbox made, open it with your favorite text editing program(I highly recommend Notepad++ because its free and great) and press "ctrl+F". In the options there should be a "find and replace" option with two bars to fill out. In the "find" bar copy Replace\This\Directory into it. Now we need to add what we are replacing it with, which will be the folder where you placed those command line files from step 3. The easiest way to do this is open windows explorer and navigate to the folder. Right click the address bar in the window and copy as text. Mine looks like this: H:\LaunchBox\Games\Nokia N-Gage\Game Shortcuts\ Note like Darkshade said earlier make sure you have the backslash on the end there. "\" After its done finding and replacing just save the file as is. Open Launchbox and all the games should have the correct meta data and names. Feel free to scrap the art work now. Now as far as I know there are a few games that A)Do not work correctly, B)Do not have box art/meta data, C)only work on certain Symbian Operating systems like RH-4. I have only tested all the games I have on two of them (RH-4 and RH-29) but I compiled a list of working and not working with app IDs into this Excel sheet and maybe it will help others in getting the rest of the library to work correctly. That excel sheet can be found here. I hope this helps someone and again thank you to both Mr. Laor and Darkshade for all the info and work they put into this! Cheers everyone.
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