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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Awesome, great to hear. Really appreciate what you're doing. I'll get back to you on the proper gif support early next week at the latest.
  2. By the way, @niglurion, I hope you don't mind but I'm going to feature this theme and your video in the email that goes out tomorrow.
  3. Thanks for that. If you're able to do any testing to figure out if it's specific to certain views and/or when the background videos are enabled, that'd be wonderful. Otherwise I will try and reproduce it with those specific views.
  4. Thanks @Rincewind. Yes, there are image quality settings in Big Box that might help. And yes, it's important to wait until all of the images are cached before judging the overall performance.
  5. Hmm, yeah, it seems like you should have decent performance with that hardware. The first thing I would try is to make sure you have the latest version of .NET installed, version 4.6.1. Also, unfortunately Windows 7 may be less performant than Windows 8 or Windows 10 due to lots of performance Microsoft has made in the later OS releases. That said, I wouldn't think it would be that drastic, either. Let me know if you're already up to date and we can dive deeper. Also, thanks for the purchase. I hope we can get it figured out but rest assured that if we can't, I'm happy to send you out a refund.
  6. Yeah, the good news is I now have a means of gathering all that Steam game data. I still have to put in the work to be able to actually integrate it all, but it's all accessible. So sooner or later we can download other stuff from Steam as well. At least until Gabe Newell sues us for taking all of their bandwidth. I have the Steam trailer downloads working great but I'm having issues getting the .webm files to play properly in Windows Media Player, figures.
  7. Hi Dream, this is possible if the same images happen to exist on both EmuMovies and the LaunchBox Games Database. It's also possible to download duplicates by editing a game and telling it to re-download images that already exist.
  8. Sorry for that solid. There was a short period in there where we were testing before going live with the new forums.
  9. We do plan to do an Amiga tutorial, but unfortunately I have some work to do to make Amiga work well in LaunchBox first (and also some research to do because I've never actually used Amiga...yet lol). Supposedly Amiga imports aren't really possible right now.
  10. Thanks for the detailed report here, @Sepulchre. I haven't been able to consistently replicate it so it's been a hard one to fix. I think I've only ever seen it happen once on my various machines. Are you using background videos? Does it matter? @DOS76, how were you able to replicate it? How long did it take before it showed up for you? I wasn't aware of the genre error, actually. I've added that to my shortlist as well.
  11. We can indeed. These forums support Tapatalk, I just have to get it installed. So we should have that soon.
  12. Agreed, my friend, it's easy to do. Thanks for the note.
  13. Except I probably just pissed off Gabe Newell.
  14. Jason Carr


    Hi orac, if you do create some videos it would be awesome if you could share them with us in the new Downloads section! MP4 formats are usually the best, yes. The general rule of thumb is if it plays in VLC and Windows Media Player, it'll play just fine in LaunchBox and Big Box.
  15. Hey guys, I gotta run away for a few but I wanted to let you guys know that I got Steam trailer video downloads working. Going to try and put out the beta with it tonight.
  16. Hi guys, currently working on a way to change out that animated gif. Should have that soon.
  17. Jason Carr


    Ah, sure. I plan to add background music soon, but there's not currently a good way to do a full jukebox. Not a bad idea though.
  18. Hi Dreamwarrior, edit your games and check to see if there is a video listed in the Other tab. Video playback is a premium feature, though; not sure if you're premium. You also have to enable viewing the videos in the LaunchBox game details sidebar in the game details options.
  19. Hi Dreamwarrior, I know this is somewhat confusing, but the "default" emulator is not necessarily the emulator that is used for your games. The default emulator really only applies to when you're adding new games. If you change the default emulator, your games will still have the old emulator assigned to them. So yes, the bulk edit wizard is the way to change the emulator for a group of games. I believe we have a feature request ticket that would prompt you to update your games when you change the default emulator, though, to remove this confusion. Thanks!
  20. I don't understand why but I've had a ton of issues with the latest versions of Retroarch too. Performance issues, crashes, and everything else. My best recommendation would be to go back to a previous version if the latest versions aren't working. In my case, I had to go pretty far back in order to fix some of the issues I was seeing, something like 1.2.2 I think.
  21. Sadly we need to only allow uploads to the downloads section from the original author of the media, or at least with permissions from the original author. We can't have people angry with us over stolen media, so as much as I'd like to make it all open, we need to make sure we have permissions before media is uploaded.
  22. Makes sense Dreamwarrior. To be honest the uninstaller is mostly pointless because LaunchBox doesn't touch anything outside of its own folder anyways. But I see what you're getting at.
  23. Jason Carr


    Not quite following. You can run any EXE with LaunchBox, yes. What do you mean by a jukebox?
  24. Hi @flavad99, I'm trying to get that error fixed but unfortunately I haven't been able to replicate it. Are you still seeing it? What view are you seeing it with and when does it happen?
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