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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. It only works because that was before the XML split, however, going through the XML split all over again can cause some issues actually. So I would never suggest this being the course of action for most users. However, in this case, since this is the only way to easily get all of that info in to LaunchBox (for now), then I guess it does work. At least until eXo gets the new set going though. Thank you for your method.
  2. I am getting a lot of LaunchBox crashes after importing or updating metadata. It seems to to Stop Responding in Windows if you leave that dialogue open for a while, press ok, then try and navigate the UI quicky afterwards. Seems really dumb, but hey...
  3. Not yet, but more Region options have been suggested and requested a lot. There are Bit Bucket tickets for this at our Bit Bucket, and that would be the best way to let Jason know what he should be working on, voting for the tickets that you want done the most. Click on Issues / Requests at the top of the websites page (not the Database page). I know he does want to work on this stuff, but it is just him coding and developing.
  4. Yea, it's a bit ridiculous. A lot of emulation issues can be solved by a different BIOS or a different rip of the game. So much is mislabeled or ripped poorly.
  5. Yea, that means associated files are missing. Either BIOS or Parent roms, and it looks like parent roms. At this point, I would say to call it on that set, and either re-download or update. MAME is on .181, soon to be .182, so there's lots of updates. I would say to download a new version or which ever you want and import again, fresh. If you do download again, just remove the old MAME files completely. Don't merge, don't combine, just replace all together.
  6. What exactly do you mean? The Audit tool goes through your library, pulls some info from the Database but for the most part a games information is in the file name, assuming a user doesn't edit the file name. So things like revision, region, if it's considered a quality dump, if it's homebrew, unlicensed etc. It changes depending on the system, the set or per rom file, and if Jason didn't account for some variable or tag it can always be added in.
  7. Either way, it's really appreciated! I had only just learned that there was a bug after I originally replied. We appreciate you letting us know though, it really does help.
  8. Either way, it's really appreciated! I had only just learned that there was a bug after I originally replied. We appreciate you letting us know though, it really does help.
  9. Huh, mine just started up. I don't recall If I have a No-Intro, Redump or TOSEC set for PC Engine CD, I forgot. The syscard3.pce I am using is 384kb, it's a patched BIOS if I recall. It's hard to figure out whats what out there since so much is mislabeled. What the emulator is telling you is that you don't have the proper bios actually. I went through about 15 different BIOS too, which sucks. Various sizes and labels.
  10. If you let LaunchBox move your roms too, it only moved over the roms that it was making in to game entries, but every other rom files needs to also be in the same directory, even if you're not launching it from within LaunchBox.
  11. Yea, it will only add games based on the settings you selected during import, the MAME Importer. I would be willing to guess you're missing the ones from a different regions, or even potentially clones.
  12. Jason goes over them a bit here:
  13. What Derek said for the media, is exactly what I would say. Just drop the proper media in the right folders. As long as the media is named like the rom file or the name of the game inside of LaunchBox, it will automatically attach. Just uncheck the media boxes in LaunchBox (don't uncheck the "use LaunchBox Games Database box", but the screen after and all of the image boxes). If you want some help with various things, or to see Demo's, we have quite a few videos on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSIht6UXIEXIgz4eXAEShxA/videos
  14. No, you can't change disc's (disks) like that from within LaunchBox. The easiest method though usually, is to make a save state when it asks you to swap discs, then close down and open up the next disc, then load your save state. If you are in RetroArch using 4DO, then there is a global button to swap discs. As for the decompression questions, I actually don't know.
  15. Which games do you know are missing? Are they games that don't meet the requirements of the check boxes and drop down you had selected? If they're a different region, then you might want to run the same importer again, after the first one, but with different options selected. I did this to import USA and Japanese Arcade games. Is it many games you are missing or just 1 or 2? Are they games that only have CHD's and no archive file? We're they added in after .174?
  16. That is really odd... You said you said this install of LB was on a thumb drive?
  17. Ah, ok. So from the Beta thread, a quote from Jason: So it does seem like this is a bug and he knows about it.
  18. The Audit Tool should only show you games for the System you have selected. Or maybe I am not understanding the post enough. What are you trying to do?
  19. I think those folders are only used from the Database currently, because on the Database images can have regions attached to them. A user can't filter and show a specific region yet, but yea. You can drop the images in to the folders manually, and it will save you a lot of time. The images need to either match the game name in LaunchBox or the rom files, or you can try and follow the LB naming convention. The sub folders should automatically pick things up too.
  20. Yea saddly. I mean, he could more easily add just the categories for different ratings boards, but that still requires users to put in that info, but not to mention, if a game has any ratings attachments it will just download them all. There needs to be a way for a user to prefer certain regions for all types of metadata yet.
  21. Huh... that's a new one. So just the auto-updater wont work? I read something about Drive letters being wrong, so I went with what I know about Drive letters, sorry about that. You can grab the latest version from the site and install it on top of your currenlt install, and everything will keep intact. It doesn't overwrite anything for settings and games.
  22. Well if you don't like Clear Logo's, than that City Hunter view might not be the one for you either. There is a view in there that all it is is a clear logo for the console (and I think for games too, assuming the game in your library has one), and the video for that platform or game. Those are the only two elements on that view. What you're asking for, I think exists, but not exactly the same way you want, and I for the life of me can't remember which theme it is. I want to say the Minimilistiac or Metallic Themes... but I honestly don't know. If there are any theme developers with a theme that has a view like this, or could make a view like this, that would be pretty cool. I know @Jason Carr wants to add more features, but I think the hope is that themes and theme views end up taking care of all of that. It gets to be a giant list of features that can cause more problems than they are worth if everything is eventually just micromanaged in the settings. I think that might put some theme editors out too. Just my thought though, I am not sure exactly what Jason wants to add in regards to all of that.
  23. This requires a feature request that should already be there on the LaunchBox BitBucket and the Database BitBucket. So even though there's a bit in the guidelines about other ratings boards, that feature was never added. Obviously it was intended to, but @Jason Carr hasn't worked on the Database in a while unfrotuently due to LaunchBox taking up all of his time. So the Database would need to be updated to allow for these, and then LaunchBox would need to pull that info after users started updating it. This would also require the region tagging and parsing to also get a big upgrade which I was just talking about in another thread ironically.
  24. If you update LaunchBox, that wont fix your drive paths. If your games or emulators were kept on a different hard drive, then LaunchBox needs to assign a full path to them so it knows where they are. If all of your games and emulators were kept on the same drive or within the LaunchBox folder, then it uses relative paths and can be moved to any PC without the need of LaunchBox knowing what drive letter it's on, the folder structure technically never changed. If you can't mimic the same folder structure on your other PC (with the hard drive letters and all), then the next easiest method is changing the drive letters. You can use Notepad++ to open up your platform XML's. This is where all of the information is kept about your games per platform. They're in ../LaunchBox/Data/Platforms. Close down LaunchBox and open up the XML for the platform you're having trouble with. You'll press Ctrl + F to search and go to the replace tab. If the old drive path was... say, D:/Emulators, or D:/Roms, search for "D:/Roms" and replace it with your new drive letter, like "F:/Roms". Click Replace all, save the XML and open up LaunchBox to see if the changes took effect. Before I moved all of my emulation stuff to one 8TB Hard Drive, I would have to do this if I moved roms or emulators. You could also delete all your games, re-import them and uncheck all of the media boxes to import really fast, but that can take a bit longer than the other method. All of your old artwork will re-attach automatically, but yea, the find and replace method is still faster.
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