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Everything posted by DOS76

  1. at one point the project forked and now it has been merged back together so technically the standalone is just MAME now. Using the MESS side of MAME is actually pretty simple to do and it is much more up to date then any builds of the emulator. I do know that the UI version is complied for MESSUI though every month.
  2. For future proofing stating the console is still in production should either be left out or stated that as of this date it is still in production.
  3. Actually now you should get the MAME 0.202 set and it really doesn't matter if it is split, merged or non merged any longer LB should support them all the same.
  4. yes just close LB then navigate to LaunchBox\Data\Playlists and delete all the XML files found there
  5. FYI @y2guruone of the theme creators in the community has been working on a visual theme editor that any end user can use to create themes I don't think its quite complete yet but getting there and when its finished I'm sure we will see an influx of new themes created by people who don't know how to code themselves.
  6. If your TV has a game mode try setting it also.
  7. At this point wouldn't configuring be quicker than waiting for a solution?
  8. yeah if you even want the app you can also sign in on any device and access the web player which is extremely convenient
  9. It is beyond the current scope but I could see it being a future direction of the application I know its the reason I use Plex over Kodi
  10. Lol yeah need a thread called total rewrite of applications scope and goals. I would also love to see a server client model adapted by LB but don't know how well it would perform so don't know how feasible it would be.
  11. When you did your initial import for MAME did you uncheck the check box to skip hacks if not then the hack wouldn't be included. Also you can try right clicking on Ms Pac-Man and see if it added the game as an additional app that is accessible from the right click menu.
  12. That my well indeed be your motivation but it comes off as arrogant and pushy to me personally
  13. BigBox does not have a windowed mode.
  14. things like images aren't usually listed with drive letters in LB as long as they are located in the LB folder they usually use relative paths like shown here so they wouldn't need to be edited
  15. Anything referencing LaunchBox.xml is outdated as since then the data has been split up and put in its own individual xml file located in the data folder. Depending on how you setup it may work just by transferring it to the new drive. Are your games either in the LB games folder or on the same hard drive as your LB build? If they are then most likely it will still work on the new drive as long as all the folder structure is the same and the only thing that changes in the directory path is the drive letter. If not then you can either bulk edit your xml files in NP++ or try using the feature in the tools menu to move roms around.
  16. here is a visual aid for how the romsets work. People use different ones for different reasons. Non-Merged is mostly used by people that want to delete games out of the MAME set and only use specific games and since non-merged sets don't have dependencies like the split set it makes it perfect for that. The merged set used to not really work the best with LB but now with the recent MAME updates in LB it is a pretty good choice. So really there is little difference between using split and merged these days and non merged isn't really necessary unless you want to be able to delete things from the set without worry of breaking stuff.
  17. I'm pretty sure that MAME isn't as picky about files when using the command line vs using the UI. Just take the software list themselves as an example via command line you can launch basically any rom through MAME using LB but in the UI you must have the specific software list games for the MAME set in an archive for it to work
  18. Is there any plans to implement something that will allow you to bulk edit whether the root element is checked under the parent tab when editing a platform. I have a Marvel comic build going that has thousands upon thousands of titles being used as platforms all under platform categories and now it is all duplicated to show both under the Platform Category and under the Root which is definitely not how I want it to be. I just manually edited on my Video Game build and the 20+ platforms on there were long and tedious no way I'm going to be able to do this in the other build. Is there an element in an XML file that is boolean for whether or not this is checked and if so what XML can I find it in.
  19. i5 7400 should support Vulkan so in Dolphin try changing the video backend and see if that helps any if you are using the stable version of Dolphin I don't believer there is Vulkan support so you will need a dev build
  20. last time I saw drag and drop issues it was permission issues that were causing it.
  21. You should watch the YT tutorial for RetroArch on the LaunchBox YT channel anyone got a link
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