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Everything posted by Zombeaver

  1. Okay, I've added two new presets - "Decker" and "Wintermute" - along with quite a bit of other stuff. I discovered that I was using an older version of the image-adjustment.cg pass, and the new one includes some improvements (like better color adjustments) and additional functions, like film grain. I went through and replaced the pass in all the presets with the new one (and made a few tweaks along the way to fix some things I wasn't happy with). Be sure to replace all when you copy these in! With some fiddling and testing I was able to create a new version of the oldtvshader pass which removes the vignette. I still prefer the vignette myself, but I know not everyone does. You'll find two new subfolders in the pack - "Grain" and "No Vignette" with alternate versions of the other presets. Grain adds a slight grain filter (5 on a scale of 0 to 72, so not super heavy) and No Vignette removes the barrel vignetting. I had to make some slight adjustments to the brightness levels for those because without the vignette it makes the image a little too bright overall - after the adjustments, the center of the screen will be slightly darker than in the normal vignette versions, but the brightness will be even overall (no vignetting). If, for whatever reason, you want to change them back to the full brightness, I do have a text file in the No Vignette folder that details the specific adjustments that were made to each preset. Zombs Shaders.zip Razor Girl: Razor Girl - No Vignette: Neuromancer (old): Neuromancer (new): No Shader: Decker: Wintermute: No Shader: Decker: Wintermute: No Shader: Decker: Wintermute: No Shader: Decker: Wintermute:
  2. I use DOSBox Turbo on android, personally. I've not setup any 95 games on it though. I have done 3.1 games though.
  3. Might have something! Some more fiddling: oldtvshader-comp5.cg: Edited: I can't use my presets on this computer (at work) as it just kindof craps itself, but I'll mess with this when I get home tonight. I should be able to slot this pass in in place of oldtvshader-comp5.cg. I'll probably need to alter some gamma values slightly (since the standard values affect brightness for most of the image), but we'll see. I actually kinda like the barrel effect, personally, so I'd make separate versions of the presets. I'll probably place them in a separate folder named "No Barrel" or something. oldtvshader-comp5-no-barrel.cg
  4. So I figured out the values that remove it, but as I suspected this has a pretty dramatic impact on the entire image, not just the corners. Normal values: Edited values to remove barrel: So if I were to remove it, the entire image would be affected. Also, lol at mudlord's comments in his shader:
  5. Actually, I take it back - it's in oldtvshader-comp5.cg, not crt-hyllian-barrel. It doesn't have adjustable parameters though, so I'll have to mess around with the numbers in the .cg itself.
  6. It's not actually a parameter that can be altered via the GUI. It's part of the various "crt-hyllian-barrell" shader passes used in most of these (it's the last pass) - it affects more than just the vignetting though, so simply removing the pass wouldn't be ideal. I have some ideas about what I could change in them to get rid of it, but it'll take some experimenting.
  7. Razor Girl Molly is a super-stylized version of Razor Girl that is nowhere close to neutral, but I actually really like the way it looks so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Zombs Shaders.zip
  8. I'd prefer to have someone else to test with me to be sure, but I was able to connect to myself through the Netplay function in LB by opening two instances of RA.
  9. I also went ahead and made an alternate version that's more color-neutral. For quite a few of these I tend to go for a slightly blue tint at 95% R / 95% G / 100% B. "No Shades" is the same thing as Razor Girl but at 100 / 100 / 100. Razor-Girl-No-Shades.cgp No Shader: Razor Girl: Razor Girl No Shades:
  10. Here are some screenshots from the current work-in-progress - Razor Girl: Zombs Shaders.zip
  11. Mednafen Saturn in RA is quite good - it was missing analog pad support for a while but that's been added recently. I've thrown quite a few games at it and not had any problems with any of them.
  12. I made some more adjustments to Street Samurai. I bumped up the contrast and saturation (and adjusted some additional gamma values) - whites were looking a little on the gray side at times, and things were a little muddier than I wanted. Zombs Shaders.zip I've got a huge album of stuff on Imgur that's mostly representative of the newest version, but I did make some final adjustments after taking all those (and didn't want to take a whole new set all over again) because I had to dial in the brightness a bit more - whites were getting a little bit blown out to the point that a little detail was lost. Examples of the adjustment are below. Imgur Album Version used in the Imgur album: Final version: Version used in the Imgur album: Final version: Version used in the Imgur album: Final version:
  13. Happy to help!
  14. A hint more saturation and brightness. Okay, time to actually go to bed now... Street-Samurai.cgp
  15. I've been working on a new preset that I'm calling Street Samurai. This one falls basically in between Chiba City and Neuromancer. I found myself flipping back and forth between those two, and preferring one or the other based on the game, so I thought I'd try something that falls somewhere in the middle. I don't know if I'm done with this yet. Working on these can be pretty tedious (many, many hours of making very small changes to numbers, comparing screenshots, doing this again for a variety of types of content in a variety of situations, then rinse and repeat), so I'm calling it close for the time being. Zombs Shaders.zip Street Samurai Screenshot Comparison.zip No Shader: Chiba City: Street Samurai: Neuromancer: No Shader: Chiba City: Street Samurai: Neuromancer: No Shader: Chiba City: Street Samurai: Neuromancer: No Shader: Chiba City: Street Samurai: Neuromancer:
  16. Yeah, that's what I'm doing. You'll have to delete any existing game fanart if you have them though, otherwise they'll override your base image. I found most of the fanart for games to be pretty questionable at best, which is why I went this route in the first place.
  17. I use base fanart that I make for the different platforms, place them in Images -> Platforms -> [platform name] -> Fanart and then don't download any game-specific fanart - this makes it so that any games I select within a platform will always show that platform's fanart as the background, and nothing game-specific. If you have multiple images in the platform's fanart folder it will cycle between them randomly from one game to the next. If you wanted to do a single image across all platforms, you could repeat this for multiple platforms just copying the image between their fanart folders. There might be an easier way to do that, I'm not sure. I don't use a single image across the board, just specific images for everything within a given platform.
  18. You have to choose a background image priority - the same screen where you disable clear logos for them is where you choose other options, like Fanart. You have to check an image type and then place an image in the appropriate folder. To use fanart as an example, if you want to use an image as the base background (non game-specific) you can put an image in Images -> Platforms -> [platform name] -> Fanart; specific game fanart can be placed in the appropriate fanart folder (Images -> [platform name] -> Fanart) and named after the game title (just like box art or anything else).
  19. That's actually why I prefer video snap browsing for finding stuff - I trust my own eyes and insight a lot more than the opinion of most others. That's not to say that you can't still find things through lists, but I find that most the time they're either really well-known, obvious things or things that are kindof questionable.
  20. But there are some good text adventures Planetfall, Zork, The Lurking Horror... most of Infocom's stuff is pretty good.
  21. No problem! Happy to help! I ended up doing this a while back for a few games in my library like Blood, Heretic, and Hexen. Novert's pretty handy.
  22. Alrighty, no problem bud. Don't let the door hit ya on the way out.
  23. Plenty of people make/do things for the hobby and then don't share them, but they generally have the decency of not rubbing it in people's faces. I'm not saying that if you're capable of help that you must help (even though you should), but there's a very big difference between making something useful to you and then never mentioning it to anyone and someone saying "Hey I made this neat thing that would help here, but you can't have it." If everyone took that attitude, we wouldn't have a community.
  24. Actually, that's exactly what you were doing, whether you call it that or not. You're holding your toys in front of someone else and saying that you won't share. Mmmkay. Still using ZSNES are ya? Why upgrade? ZSNES works. Why reinvent the wheel? It wasn't for stating your opinion. It was for being a jerk. Simply saying "I don't think they should charge for Emumovies despite the fact that they have server costs, I'm entitled to that for free because reasons," you'd simply be stating an opinion. A misguided one, but just an opinion. I'm scorning you for making it a point to say that you're fully capable of helping someone and then deliberately make it a point to say that you will not help them. See the difference?
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