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Everything posted by kmoney

  1. Looks fantastic...great job,looking forward to trying these out!
  2. Just gave the new beta a test and it seems to be working great with no added folders such as the Shaders from DosBox Daum be included into the OG DosBox folder. One issue I noticed that is not really an issue for me since I edit most of my dosbox.conf files with notepad++ but I could see it possibly confusing some users using a custom DosBox is when you click on the edit button beside your custom dosbox conf file to enter the Edit DosBox Configuration menu. The menu has most of the DosBox options to change available in different versions of DosBox but one thing I noticed it did not have was a Direct3D output rendering method available which is an option in DosBox Daum for example so it defaulted to Output method "Surface". I had the output method as direct3d in my custom conf but it defaulted to "surface" in the menu since that option was not available. If I were to make some changes in the Config menu and save it,it also would have changed my output rendering method to "surface" in my conf. file since direct3d was not available. I know OG DosBox does not even have direct3d as an option I do not believe, so I am not sure if anything could be done about that or not since I know the Edit Configuration Menu is mainly for OG DosBox.
  3. @Jason Carr I did some more testing today with the new custom dosbox additions. I tried to use DosBox Daum which uses shaders but ran into some issues. I have a separate folder named DosBox Daum thats not in the OG LaunchBox DosBox folder. I pointed the custom config and exe path to the correct paths in my Daum folder and it seemed to read the config file at first correctly but it was not applying shaders. The Shaders folder resides in my DosBox Daum folder as a subfolder and the only way I could get Shaders to work is to put the Shaders folder inside of the OG LaunchBox DosBox folder. So I think LaunchBox is still looking in the LaunchBox/DosBox folder for certain things even though I have a custom config and exe path set and I have a suspicion that its looking in that folder as well when you choose the configure option.
  4. @Jason Carr Great feature with being able to set a path for custom dosbox versions. I have a question regarding loading a game with my custom dosbox.exe. The custom path is reading my custom dosbox and config file but it does not auto load the game and just goes to dosbox command line. The dosbox that comes with LaunchBox auto loads the same game just fine when you select it and you do not have to type in any mount or command lines and etc. Why would this happen with my custom dosbox? I can send you my custom dosbox.exe and config also if needed.
  5. Excellent quality of life additions!
  6. One feature that I would like to see in the Pause screens is a "View Images" option similar to the one on the game details screen. But the difference from the game details screen View Images option would be, is when you clicked on the View Images option in the Pause menu, it would maybe enter into a sub menu where you could choose which image you wanted to look at vs scrolling through all the images. This would solve the problem as well if you wanted to look at controls information, boxart,maps and etc in your LaunchBox/Images folder for various platforms. I also think this would be a great option for users who would prefer the Pause screen to look less crowded when you first enter the Pause menu with no box or cart images covering the fanart.
  7. Great job...the pause screen transitions are working butter smooth in MAME even with bezels enabled in the newest beta.
  8. The proof of concept for the Pause screens is working fine for me thus far. I have only tried with Retroarch and MAME. Looking forward to seeing the progression!
  9. Very nice feature...been waiting for this a long time. Looking forward to trying this on my cabinet
  10. Excellent put together package. You can tell a lot of C64 love went into this!
  11. Looking good!
  12. Reading and writing to the vlc.cfg file seems to be working great with newest beta as well:)
  13. I wasn't really planning on using opengl, I was just using as an example in doing some testing...lol
  14. @Jason Carr I am not sure if LaunchBox VLC is reading the vlc.cfg file or not. For instance I changed Video output inside of VLC Tools/Preferences from Automatic to OpenGL and saved and I can see that it changed the setting when I open up the vlc.cfg file with notepad++. VLC wrote the change in the file but then I go back into tools/preferences and it is showing automatic again for video output instead of opengl even though the vlc.cfg reads opengl.
  15. Thanks for clarifying the "easy and proper way" way to change settings within VLC that comes packed with LaunchBox so it gets saved to the correct settings file and not the one in VLC appdata folder.
  16. Ok gotcha. There is an issue at the moment with the VLC that is bundled with LaunchBox that if you change a setting within the one bundled or upgrade VLC from within LaunchBox ,it changes the settings and the config version in your VLC standalone version to 2.2.6 which is the one that comes with LaunchBox. I am not sure if you have upgraded your standalone VLC to 3.0.6 yet which is the newest version but if you do so, do not upgrade from the one that comes bundled with LaunchBox. Also if you already have 3.06 installed,just delete the vlcrc file that is in your appdata folder and VLC will create a new config file with the correct version the next time you run standalone VLC. This may or may not fix your issues that you are having with VLC within BigBox but its worth a shot. I am sure @Jason Carr will look into fixing this issue when he upgrades to the newest VLC that comes bundled with LaunchBox.
  17. @@Zaazu Curious if you open your standalone VLC config folder in C:\Users\%username%\Application Data\vlc\vlcrc with Notepad++, what version of VLC does it say you are using?
  18. Those startup screens are looking so nice...awesome work!
  19. Loving the new startup options with the new beta...seems to working great. I am actually really impressed that the startup screens have came so far in so short of an amount of time. Great job @Jason Carr!!!
  20. The initial startup screens are looking great and have not really had any issues as of yet. I was looking through the xaml code a bit to see if I could change the amount of time the startup screen stays on screen before disappearing as it goes away so fast on my system. I am sure that feature is coming though?
  21. @Lordmonkus Thanks for pointing out the new kurozumi shader. I am excited about trying it out as that scene from SOR 2 up above looks way better. There is a few scenes in Streets of Rage 2 that can benefit from this.
  22. @Jason Carr How important is it to you for the startup screen to fade into the game? Is it worth the performance sacrifice to you while playing the game? For me I do not think it would be worth it for a performance hit as for me performance is #1 How important is it to you to use bezels? Are they worth the performance sacrifice to you? I like the look of bezels but do not use them during gameplay because they are too distracting although I do use mame bezels that looks like it would on the original game. What features are you most looking for with pause screens? I really like the way RocketLauncher's Pause screen looks and would really like to see save and load states added to the Pause menu as well as pdf manual and walkthrough viewing. Maybe use LaunchBox built in fanart for the backgrounds and have the games mp3 music playing in the background while in the Pause menu. Be able to view game artwork and mp4 videos of the game such as gameplay footage and tips and tricks videos and such. Would also be nice to enter the Pause menu to view the moves and special moves of a game such as Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat as an example.
  23. Looking awesome especially with the marquees addition!
    Excellent beautiful theme. Very detailed and lots of time and effort and retro goodness went into designing it!
  24. Awesome job on the theme @RetroHumanoid! Just wanted to let you know there is a problem with the addon theme package download. The folders are all out of order and not in the proper folders such as the views,xaml and such so the addon themes do not work.
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