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Everything posted by damageinc86

  1. I also would like to know where this option might be. Sometimes it is hard to find things in all the various menus/tabs/checkboxes etc.
  2. Well, lookie here. Now there is a community theme creator. I wonder if we can fix this now?
  3. I'm not sure what it is called. But it's whatever the standard bannerbox view that shows banners for everything. I know it's not wall, or text list though. It would be nice if bigbox showed some text when you switched views using the TAB key like "horizontalblabla", or "wallviewblabla" so you knew which view you were in right when you switched to it.
  4. Yeah Bannerbox doesn't pull any images from your "base install" so to speak. My custom image folder for the banners that bannerbox uses is like 6 gigs or something crazy like that lol.
  5. I'm not sure if it was this beta that did it or not, but my bannerbox games view doesn't show banners anymore in bigbox. It shows oversized clear logos instead. I'm guessing it had something to do with it though, since this has been my first time starting launchbox in about a month, and i did all the updates that popped up.
  6. Did the launchbox update break this theme? My games view is now just really big clear logos, and not the banners like it was before.
  7. I understood it, and it makes sense. I would only suggest making your own general controls version yourself, because maybe you don't want your buttons like I have set them up?
  8. i think retroarch is like F2 to get to the menu, even when you are in-game. It's something like that. Shouldn't be too hard to do that. Aren't those arcade controls natively mapped to keyboard presses?
  9. Yeah the images and video is a killer with having a nice launchbox setup. Even worse if you have a theme like bannerbox, which requires a full replacement set of images since it cannot compile all your existing images into the banner image on the fly. My 2TB drive filled up FAST! I would say, just get a bigger drive honestly lol.
  10. This is one of two reasons I still launch through RocketLauncher. All you have to do there, is select the game from their list, go to the keymapping tab, and create a new profile. RL then launches joytokey for you to map the controls, save it. Then anytime that game is launched, RL will automatically launch joy2key with that profile. No scripts or anything to mess with, all GUI. For dummies like me lol.
  11. Oh, that's right! I'll try to work on that then, thanks for the tip.
  12. Would there be any way for you to furnish us with a line of code to put in that would maybe add very slight corner markers on the banner that is the currently selected one? since there is no variant when scrolling, it is sometimes difficult to see which banner you are on, and you have to wait until the transition comes in to realize that you are actually on the one that you were trying to get in the middle.
  13. I'll have to mess with this too,...I've always wanted those nice vector effects in mame.
  14. Check out this plug-in for launchbox: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2826-create-playlists-from-mame-category-ini-files/
  15. Well, I know you can make an auto-populated playlist of 2 player games. But I don't know how to translate that into deleting the rest of your non-two player games.
  16. Yes perhaps. Well now it's in two places lol.
  17. I'm sure there's more than 12 people (votes on the bitbucket page) who would enjoy this feature. I bet a lot of people don't even know about the bitbucket stuff, or are too lazy to register for yet another site lol. I wish you could just vote here, I feel like really good features aren't receiving enough eyes on them because they are lost in bitbucket.
  18. What if you delete the config file and restart retroarch? If you have saved some core overrides then I think it wouldn't hurt those, and retroarch would generate a fresh base config file I think.
  19. I put this feature request up on bitbutcket, and it was one of 4 duplicates of the following issue: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/1877/controller-autoconfigs Apparently it is a 4 year old issue/feature request to be able to map each controller individually because for example, button 1 isn't the same button across all usb controllers that a user might have plugged in. I still use my keyboard for this reason. I can never remember what button 1 is on another controller, so I inevitably end up hitting the wrong button and stuff goes wrong. If launchbox/bigbox could just show us a list of all the controllers we have plugged in, and then let us map each one, it would make navigation with any controller 100% seamless.
  20. Holy crap! There are that many 4-way joystick games? I had no idea. I only remember a handful off the top of my head.
  21. I use a photoshop template I found a long time ago. If an image is too far from my normal size, then I just throw it in there and crop it down to my template and save/overwrite it.
  22. I've always thought about this. I don't think there is a Launchbox playlist. Come to think of it, I don't even think that value is in any of the metadata. I can't really remember if I've seen it in there or not.
  23. I think they shoot for higher quality vs. lower quality, but the games database just has so much, that I think a lot of things slip through the cracks. With thousands upon thousands of games, I can understand it. I had to upload my own advertisement flyers for some arcade games that had wrong flyers, were missing entirely, or had the wrong image. Is your image like 55 million pixels or something? I've had some pretty large images that I have used before, and it never complained of memory issues.
  24. I haven't ever stopped using rocketlauncher, so I can give you some pointers on that sometime if you want. When I first switched over I moved all my media into the appropriate folders of launchbox (box front, back, disc, cart, etc.) and then when I imported the romsets I didn't select any media from the scrapers, and it matched pretty well. The awesome thing about launchbox is that you won't have to mess with any xml crap, you just rick click and get to the media window and from there you can manually point to any missing media from your HQ Hyperspin set that actually is in the folder, that LB just missed. Since you are running through Rocketlauncher, the only thing you will be doing by importing your romset into launchbox, is setting up all the metadata, and images and videos. It will all still run through rocketlauncher just like it does right now.
  25. Yup! I remember noticing that Launchbox had folders for Arcade, so when I linked rocketlauncher and Launchbox together I noticed Rocketlauncher populated an Arcade system instead of MAME like it used to with Hyperspin.
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