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Everything posted by JaysArcade

  1. Been working on a different concept for a vertical theme, Was going to call it BigTate, or Hypertaint, LOL. I think I'll settle on It's Not Called Tate for the name because I've always thought the name Tate for vertical themes is ridiculous. But that's just like my opinion, man. Anyhow, its kind of a silly take on the HyperTate theme. It doesn't have nearly the animation from the HS stuff, but it is what it is. Here is a preview. 2021-08-16 22-19-46.mp4 Not sure if there's any interest, but If anyone would like to contribute, or play around with the theme, I can share the Theme Builder files. It uses some HS assets (transitions) so I'm not comfortable sharing it publicly on the forum, but if you PM me I will gladly share.
  2. Glad you got it sorted out!
  3. Just a thought. Try right clicking the pico8 executable, click properties and see if it needs to be unblocked. Maybe see if disabling windows defender or try putting the pico8 folder in an exclusion helps. Just some things to try. If that doesn't help, I;m not sure what to say. Maybe try a different game? Try downloading the executable again, maybe yours is corrupt? You said the shortcut from the desktop worked? Try setting the shortcut up as the emulator as opposed to directly pointing to the EXE. See if that helps.
  4. Emulators folder is where I have my pico8.exe installed. For the games themselves, it doesn't really matter. Select them and drag and drop them into Launchbox. The rom import process begins. Tell it to copy the games to the launchbox games folder or just run them from where they currently reside. Personally, I copied my games to the images/clear logo folder, then did the drag and drop routine from there. Since they are dual pupose files, Launchbox can use them as the game and as an image.
  5. The problem is XAML is a bit harder to do the animation stuff than it was with Hyperspin. Hyperspin used flash which is pretty much obsolete nowadays due to all the security vulnerabilities it has. I'll try to share the latest with you when I get a chance. It might be a few days though because I am going to be out of town for a bit.
  6. I'm about ready to release the latest version of Vertical Aspirations. It has a new wheel view for vertical games along with some controller stuff that was only possible with the latest Launchbox versions and new version of the Community Theme Creator. Also have some stuff with the Marquees that I've been screwing with over the last year or so. If anyone would like to test it out before I release it, let me know via PM or comment below. 2021-08-08 15-18-10.mp4
  7. I'm just going to set this right here....
  8. All Killer/No Filler - ini to create your own All Killer playlists View File *Disclaimer - This ini file is to be used with JoeViking245's Create Playlists from MAME category ini files plugin (link to that below). Have your cake and eat it too! The All Killer/No Filler lists found on BYOAC, and more recently adopted by our own @Lordmonkus on the LB forum are really nice lists, but they were never intended for collections that have full rom sets. I mean the whole idea of All Killer/No Filler is to pair down your collection to have only the best games. This ini file will let you create All Killer/No Filler Playlists from your existing full MAME rom set. When finished importing, you can browse your paired down playlists of only the best, or switch over to the full set whenever you like. The included ini file was tested with MAME 0.234 and Launchbox 11.15 and includes the following categories so you can create your own Playlists. [All Killer No Filler - Horizontal Classics] [All Killer No Filler - Vertical Classics] [All Killer No Filler - Beat 'Em Up/Hack 'N Slash] [All Killer No Filler - Platformers] [All Killer No Filler - Puzzle] [All Killer No Filler - Run 'N Gun] [All Killer No Filler - Horizontal Shmups] [All Killer No Filler - Vertical Shmups] [All Killer No Filler - Sports] [All Killer No Filler - Vs. Fighting] [All Killer No Filler - Combined] [All Killer No Filler - The Monkus List] - An alternative and smaller list than the combined list. [Spinner Games] [Spinner Racing Games] [Trackball Games] [Lightgun Games] [Vertical Arcade Extended List] - All vertically oriented games. As you can see, I've included a few non All Killer lists as well for cab enthusiasts. Some of the lists have glaring omissions such as no Contra (Super Contra is present though) or Primal Rage. I believe these may be imperfect games or there is some other reason Launchbox doesn't import them. I removed these games from the lists. For simplicity's sake, I also removed any instances of alternate ROMs used for different player layouts. For example, only one instance of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is in the lists, no 2 player version is included since Launchbox does not show these by default when the Import Clones as additional versions (Recommended) radio button is selected during the MAME ROM import process. Future versions of MAME or Launchbox may not play friendly with the naming of some of the ROMs in the lists and they might not import, but as of MAME 0.234, all games in each list should import without error. This was tested with a MAME 0.234 merged set as well as a MAME 0.234 non-merged set. I assume a split set should be fine as well. For what it's worth, I know Launchbox creates pretty good Playlists already. The All Killer lists have been curated over the years by enthusiasts that want only the best games. These have always been my favorite sets of ROMs and I wanted to share a different way to use them with the community. Could I have just shared the Playlist xmls? Sure. This was more fun though. In order to use the ini file you must install JoeViking245's Create Playlists from MAME category ini files plugin found at the link below. Instructions on it's use can also be found there. The All Killer.ini file should be placed in the ../MAME/ini/folders/ folder wherever you have your MAME installed. Special thanks to @JoeViking245 for his amazing plugin. Submitter JaysArcade Submitted 08/07/2021 Category Playlists
  9. Version 1.0.0


    *Disclaimer - This ini file is to be used with JoeViking245's Create Playlists from MAME category ini files plugin (link to that below). Have your cake and eat it too! The All Killer/No Filler lists found on BYOAC, and more recently adopted by our own @Lordmonkus on the LB forum are really nice lists, but they were never intended for collections that have full rom sets. I mean the whole idea of All Killer/No Filler is to pair down your collection to have only the best games. This ini file will let you create All Killer/No Filler Playlists from your existing full MAME rom set. When finished importing, you can browse your paired down playlists of only the best, or switch over to the full set whenever you like. The included ini file was tested with MAME 0.234 and Launchbox 11.15 and includes the following categories so you can create your own Playlists. [All Killer No Filler - Horizontal Classics] [All Killer No Filler - Vertical Classics] [All Killer No Filler - Beat 'Em Up/Hack 'N Slash] [All Killer No Filler - Platformers] [All Killer No Filler - Puzzle] [All Killer No Filler - Run 'N Gun] [All Killer No Filler - Horizontal Shmups] [All Killer No Filler - Vertical Shmups] [All Killer No Filler - Sports] [All Killer No Filler - Vs. Fighting] [All Killer No Filler - Combined] [All Killer No Filler - The Monkus List] - An alternative and smaller list than the combined list. [Spinner Games] [Spinner Racing Games] [Trackball Games] [Lightgun Games] [Vertical Arcade Extended List] - All vertically oriented games. As you can see, I've included a few non All Killer lists as well for cab enthusiasts. Some of the lists have glaring omissions such as no Contra (Super Contra is present though) or Primal Rage. I believe these may be imperfect games or there is some other reason Launchbox doesn't import them. I removed these games from the lists. For simplicity's sake, I also removed any instances of alternate ROMs used for different player layouts. For example, only one instance of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is in the lists, no 2 player version is included since Launchbox does not show these by default when the Import Clones as additional versions (Recommended) radio button is selected during the MAME ROM import process. Future versions of MAME or Launchbox may not play friendly with the naming of some of the ROMs in the lists and they might not import, but as of MAME 0.234, all games in each list should import without error. This was tested with a MAME 0.234 merged set as well as a MAME 0.234 non-merged set. I assume a split set should be fine as well. For what it's worth, I know Launchbox creates pretty good Playlists already. The All Killer lists have been curated over the years by enthusiasts that want only the best games. These have always been my favorite sets of ROMs and I wanted to share a different way to use them with the community. Could I have just shared the Playlist xmls? Sure. This was more fun though. In order to use the ini file you must install JoeViking245's Create Playlists from MAME category ini files plugin found at the link below. Instructions on it's use can also be found there. The All Killer.ini file should be placed in the ../MAME/ini/folders/ folder wherever you have your MAME installed. Special thanks to @JoeViking245 for his amazing plugin.
  10. Here is the bitbucket. It is like 5 or 6 in terms of votes there. https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/1521/ability-to-launch-a-program-or-game-from It is also a topic in the recent poll but worded differently, accomplishes the same thing. I think it was item #5 on the poll. Thanks for the reminder to play some games occasionally, LOL!
  11. #5 has been on my wish list for years. JoeViking245 made an excellent program to support loading an app from the top level wheel, but it would be awesome to have this done natively so we didn't have to run his app after every theme update. Some solid looking things you guys want to tackle. Looking forward to seeing the results of the poll and the subsequent updates.
  12. The Community Theme Creator is an amazing tool. Unfortunately, as of this time, there is no documentation. There are however, several excellent videos by y2guru and Faeran on the subject. I have recently begun saving bookmarks and other tips from the videos to use as a reference if I ever need to remember how to do something in the Theme Creator. The videos can be pretty long so hopefully this will be helpful for anyone looking for specific info. The bookmarks are time stamped to take you directly to the subject matter within the video. The Basics How To Build a Big Box Theme Basics of UI & Parenting Elements TEXT UI ELEMENT IMAGE UI ELEMENT The links below are miscellaneous and in no particular order. Beginner Starting a new Theme https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=754 Setting your intended aspect ratio for the theme and explanation of the different ratios - https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=779 Explanation of different views within BigBox and selecting view to edit - https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=838 Opening a new Platform View to edit - https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=953 Explanation of a Mandatory UI Element. - https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=986 Explanation of X,Y Coordinates and other properties - https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=1004 How to add new elements to a theme and brief explanation of types of elements. https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=1052 Resizing a wheel element https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=1105 Explaining wheel properties - camera zposition, Item zposition, selected zposition, https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=8435 Specifying images to use in a wheel https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=1176 Using the Wheel stylization assist button to quickly set up your wheel - https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=1236 Adding an image - https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=1310 Making an image (or other element ) fullscreen - https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=1317 Aligning an image - https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=1363 Re-naming the image element (or any other element) https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=1366 Specifiying what image to use and explanation of how to use image metadata to choose images dynamically - https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=1378 Organizing groups and elements - Creating new Groups - https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=1498 Explanation of Stretch - Fill, None, Uniform, Uniform to FIll - https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=1557 Adding a video - Explaning difference between user defined video and selected item video - https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=1936 Is Faeran ETA Prime's cousin? https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=2027 Aspect ratio of video - keep or stretch - https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=2178 Importance of Order of Elements/Layers https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=2325 Copy and pasting an element's properties to another element or to a parent https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=3652 Add a text scroller https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=4453 Change the font of text scroller https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=4634 Determine what to display within text scroller https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=4667 Change direction (vertical / horizontal) of text scroller https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=4691 Change the scroll speed of text scroller https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=4702 Adding a release date element https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=5001 Adding Platform Name text metadata https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=5480 Taking Platform Name length into consideration https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=5541 Editing Text Format (uppercase lowercase), centering text, wrapping text (Wrap, NoWrap, WrapWithOverflow), trimming text (CharacterElipsis - WordEllipsis) https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=5574 Move an element with cursor - Move an element quickly with cursor plus shift key https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=5672 Changing text color and using color picker tool. Also a look at linear and radial gradients within color picker tool. https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=5711 Adding a total games count text box https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=5889 Adding a text box to display a constant value https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=6074 Explanation of Smart guides for aligning elements https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=6001 Adding and using a dock panel https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=6669 Using Autosize - Width and Height - for the text in the dock https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=7023 Using Margins to dynamically give text elements a designated amount of space regardless of each element's size. https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=7068 Use a grid or a frame and brief description of how each works https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=7635 Changing the background color and opacity of a grid. https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=7749 Publish a theme https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=2922 Hidden File Menu? https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=8290 Parent Elements Explanation and use of Frames https://youtu.be/4gSvaa-EaU8?t=3191 Explanation and use of Grids https://youtu.be/4gSvaa-EaU8?t=3416 Explanation of Viewboxes https://youtu.be/4gSvaa-EaU8?t=3519 Explanation of Dock https://youtu.be/4gSvaa-EaU8?t=3844 Explanation of Stack https://youtu.be/4gSvaa-EaU8?t=4046 Advanced Adding an animation to a wheel - https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=2543 Run Animation choices - Explaining differences of During Selection, Immediately, Once selected - https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=2548 Animate a parent grid with text https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=8197 Visibility conditioning - colors https://youtu.be/1eGobjpzoXs?t=3759 Using Visibility Conditioning to hide/show/collapse a text element depending on the status of another text element (if no release year, dash disappears). https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=7243 Applying color tint and opacity mask to an image. https://youtu.be/lT_tIGdthV4?t=6923 Looking at text list wheel presets and creating your own text presets. https://youtu.be/1eGobjpzoXs?t=7710 Again, creating a custom text wheel preset. https://youtu.be/lT_tIGdthV4?t=7049 Understanding the 4 numbers in xaml- padding/margins, etc. https://youtu.be/1eGobjpzoXs?t=8096 Parent UI Element Viewbox https://youtu.be/fSmQyksxtgs?t=672 Obsolete elements and new metadata fields: Playmode1-4, Genre1-4, Region1-4 https://youtu.be/fSmQyksxtgs?t=123 Alt-a shortcut to trigger animation within Theme Creator https://youtu.be/lT_tIGdthV4?t=4609 Alt-i shortcut to enable include animations with movement within Theme Creator https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eu7U0sb1p94&t=8290s Hidden File Menu? (In this menu you can also toggle the Alt-A, Alt-i commands mentioned above as well as other commands.) https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=8290 Adding a simple animation to a clear logo. https://youtu.be/lT_tIGdthV4?t=4490 Quick demonstration of how to add a horizontal text scroller https://youtu.be/lT_tIGdthV4?t=7436 Video behind full color (rectangle) and applying opacity to the rectangle to reveal video beneath https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=3761 Better optimize a theme by using one animation for a parent container (grid) to animate all elements in the parent as opposed to three elements having the same animation. https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=4002 A quick look at selecting and using linear or radial gradients within the color picker tool https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=5782 A look at injecting your own XAML code - User Source https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=6141 Animation Triggers, During Selection, Once Selected, Immediately. https://youtu.be/ktKk3T9Pvag?t=589 A look at the Documentation.pdf in the ..\LaunchBox\Themes folder. https://youtu.be/Eu7U0sb1p94?t=6366 Adding sounds to your theme with the animation editor https://youtu.be/aeo8-08AVFU?t=3428 Adding custom navigation sounds to your theme https://youtu.be/aeo8-08AVFU?t=7189 Other notes Collapsed = 0 height , 0 width , Hidden is not shown but width and height is still in place. Create your docks (info rows) in a separate theme that you can copy from into a new theme, saves you setup. Take a look at the documentation.pdf within the ..\LaunchBox\Themes folder. The document goes over all the different views and bindings that can be used in the xaml code. Shortcuts Alt-M to Enable/Disable Audio within editor. Alt-A to Enable/Disable Animations within editor. Alt-I to Enable/Disable Animations with Movement within editor. Alt-V to Enable/Disable Videos within editor. Alt-J to Enable/Disable Animated GIFs within editor (remember, J for JIF, I mean GIF). Alt-H to Enable/Disable Hover Tracking within editor. Alt-L to Enable/Disable Lock to Canvas within editor. Alt-S to Enable/Disable Smart Guides within editor. All shortcuts defined here can also be turned off and on in the hidden file menu within the editor by hovering your mouse at the top of the screen. Deciphering the wheel properties These notes were taken directly from the documentation.pdf that can be found in the Launchbox/Themes folder ImageType: If not specified or left blank, the FlowControl will use the default ImageType for the active platform, or if no active platform an overall default image type will be used. Here are all the possible valid values for platforms views: Clear Logo, Fanart, Banner, Device Here are all the possible valid values for games views: Boxes, 3D Boxes, Carts, 3D Carts, Screenshots, Clear Logos. CurveAmount: The CurveAmount is a multiplier decimal value that specifies how much the wheel should curve. Putting 0 in this value will result in no curve at all. A negative value will curve the wheel in the opposite direction. CurveAmount is currently only supported by the wheel views (WheelCoverFactory and HorizontalWheelCoverFactory). This property will be ignored for CoverFlow views. The default CurveAmount value is 4.5. RotationAmount: The RotationAmount is a multiplier decimal value that specifies how much items in the wheel should rotate as they move further from the selected position. Putting 0 in this value will result in no rotation. A negative value will curve the wheel in the opposite direction. RotationAmount is currently only supported by the wheel views (WheelCoverFactory and HorizontalWheelCoverFactory). This property will be ignored for CoverFlow views. The default RotationAmount value is 0. CameraZPosition: The CameraZPosition property specifies the position of the camera in relation to the Z positions of the images. Generally this affects the size of the images. The CameraZPosition property should always be greater than both the ItemZPosition and SelectedItemZPosition properties, or the images will appear behind the camera and hence not be shown. The bigger the CameraZPosition property, the further away from the images the camera will be, and thus the smaller the images will appear. The default CameraZPosition value is 3.0. ItemZPosition: The ItemZPosition property specifies the Z position of items that are not the currently selected item. This also affects the size of the images in relation to the camera. The ItemZPosition property should always be less than the CameraZPosition property, or the images will appear behind the camera and hence not be shown. The bigger the ItemZPosition property, the closer the images will appear to the camera, and thus the bigger the images will appear. ItemZPosition is currently only supported by the wheel views (WheelCoverFactory and HorizontalWheelCoverFactory). This property will be ignored for CoverFlow views. The default ItemZPosition value is 1.0. SelectedItemZPosition: The SelectedItemZPosition property specifies the Z position of the currently selected item only. This affects the size of the selected image in relation to the camera. The SelectedItemZPosition property should always be less than the CameraZPosition property, or the images will appear behind the camera and hence not be shown. The bigger the SelectedItemZPosition property, the closer the selected image will appear to the camera, and thus the bigger the selected image will appear. Generally, the SelectedItemZPosition property should also be larger than the ItemZPosition property in order to make the selected item appear larger than the other items in the control. SelectedItemZPosition is currently only supported by the wheel views (WheelCoverFactory and HorizontalWheelCoverFactory). This property will be ignored for CoverFlow views. The default SelectedItemZPosition value is 2.0. Spacing: The Spacing property is a multiplier decimal value that specifies how close the images in the control should appear to each other. The greater the value for the Spacing property, the farther away the images will appear from each other. Spacing is currently only supported by the wheel views (WheelCoverFactory and HorizontalWheelCoverFactory). This property will be ignored for CoverFlow views. The default Spacing value is 1.0. VisibleCount: The VisibleCount property specifies the total number of images displayed on the screen at once. This number is automatically increased by 3 on the backend in order to prevent clipping or popping as new images are added to the ends of the control. Therefore, if for some reason you want to display less than three images, you’ll need to set this to a negative value. PageSize: The PageSize property is primarily used for Page Up and Page Down commands. This specifies how many images should be skipped in either direction when pressing Page Up or Page Down. MaxVerticalImageResolutionOverride: Used to override the user’s default CoverFlow image quality settings. Omit this property to use the default settings (recommended for most scenarios). Cached images will be resized to this vertical resolution. Note: CurveAmount and RotationAmount examples. These were counterintuitive to me so here are a few examples. Positive or negative values determine direction of curve or rotation. Default Platform and Games views behave similarly but are horizontal instead of vertical. You are more than welcome to submit other tips, in fact please do! I will do my best to add them to this list. Questions are also welcome, however I'm no expert on the subject. I will add notes as I learn more about what can be done. I will organize and refine the list as time allows
  13. Always good to have more vertical themes. Also glad to see you are into virtual pinball!
  14. I'd like to add that there is a Platform video available for Pico-8 as well by @eli517 . Check it out here.
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Included in the download: You can choose either the 1920x1080 set or a 1080x1080 cropped set depending on which one works better for you. Each set contains 75 short gameplay videos from a set of games I hand selected from the featured cartridges list on the Pico-8 site. Some of the games are short (Little Dragon Adventure), some are kind of quirky (Feed the Ducks), some are interesting re-creations, (Super Mario Bros, Pico Man, Pico Tetris), but all are fun. I added a clear logo and a marquee image in the download. I've also included my Pico-8 xml file. You can drop the xml into the \Launchbox\Data\Platforms folder to easily load the platform and to get the cartridges to match how I've named the videos. I would steer clear of letting the Launchbox database try to name any of this stuff as you'll end up with a mess since the database doesn't have Pico-8 yet. Since this is a fantasy console, we may never see these in the database. Preview preview.mp4 Before you go down the Pico-8 path..... I have not included the games here. You will need to go to the Pico-8 site to get those. You will also need the Pico-8 Fantasy Console executable which costs $14.99 on the Pico-8 site. Pico 8 will let you load the games from the website, directly within the Pico-8 executable by opening it and typing splore at the prompt. Having said that, there might be a way to launch the games that way from Launchbox/Bigbox, but I have no clue how to go about it. Instead, I'm loading the cartridges like a traditional ROM using the command-line switches -windowed 0 -run (see screenshot below). To exit the emulator, the default method is alt-f4. I'm using a quick and dirty ahk script in the running autohotkey script tab that uses the Escape key. There might be something better to use for the ahk code, but this seems to work OK. Within the download is an excel file to help you match the video names to the cartridge names so you know which ones to download. It's kind of a hassle to set up Pico-8 because the cartridges are named things like 15133.p8.png (this is the game Celeste) and the Launchbox database doesn't have Pico-8 games, so you'll be stuck renaming everything by hand (or just use the xml file provided). Still, it seems like a worthwhile project if you don't mind doing a little work. If you use the spreadsheet I've attached and use the search function on the Pico-8 site, you can probably get all the games within 10 minutes or so. The games are free, but sharing is not allowed so I'm afraid you'll need to do the hard work on your own. To download the carts, find the one you want and then click the cart button in the lower left of the game that loads in your browser. On the page that opens, you'll see an image of a cartridge. You need to download that image and save it. It is an image, but oddly enough, it is also the cartridge or ROM. The downloaded file will have a .png extension. You can leave the extension as it is, Pico-8 will load it fine. Once you get all the games on the list, with Launchbox closed, copy the games into \Launchbox\Games\Pico-8 folder in Launchbox (you might need to create this folder if you haven't set up Pico-8 yet within Launchbox). You can copy the games and also use them in the Launchbox\Images\Pico-8\Clear Logo folder if you'd like to use the images as clear logos or maybe put them in the Launchbox\Images\Platforms\Pico-8\Default Cart folder if you'd rather use them as cart images. It's up to you. Once you have all the games, if you want to use the xml, add it to your \Launchbox\Data\Platforms folder. When you start Launchbox again, you should now have the Pico-8 platform as an option. Hopefully you've already set up Pico-8 as an emulator within Launchbox, but if you haven't, do that next and then select all the Pico-8 games in the list and mass edit them to use the Pico-8 emulator as the default emulator for these games. On the PICO-8 Website: Search Found cart. Click it to open in the browser. You can play the game in your browser by clicking the play button. But don't get distracted, you're here to download the game. Click the cart button in the lower left. On the next page, download this image. This is the cart/rom/image thing. In Pico-8, you can remap the controls to any keys you like. Launch Pico-8 by itself and type keyconfig. Other Keys Toggle Fullscreen: Alt+Enter Quit: Alt+F4 or command-Q Reload/Run/Restart cart: Ctrl+R Quick-Save: Ctrl+S Mute/Unmute: Ctrl+M Player 1 defaults: Cursors + ZX / NM / CV Player 2 defaults: SDFE + tab,Q / shift A Enter or P for pause menu (while running) I'm not sure about re-mapping game controllers, but my X-box One seems to do just fine with the defaults. To exit the game with a controller, use the start game button and select shutdown. One last thing. Pico-8 games are fun to play, but the Pico-8 site seems more geared to Pico-8 game developers than game players. It might help if you keep this in mind when perusing their site. Pico-8 website: https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php Pico-8 Manual: https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico8_manual.txt There is a platform video for Pico-8 by @eli517 you can use as well. I forgot to add this when I made this post. This video is what got me interested in Pico-8 to begin with, so thank you to eli517. Apologies if my instructions seem a little scattered. I'm kind of doing a braindump of all I've learned setting this stuff up over the last few days. I'm looking to expand the list to about 100 games (all killer/no filler), so if you know of some that are a must, let me know in the comments. TL;DR - If you are not willing to spend some time setting this up, you might as well find something else to do, but I enjoyed the sh!t out of setting it up, and so should you! The games are fun and worth setting up.
  16. A curated list of 75 Pico-8 game videos with instructions View File Included in the download: You can choose either the 1920x1080 set or a 1080x1080 cropped set depending on which one works better for you. Each set contains 75 short gameplay videos from a set of games I hand selected from the featured cartridges list on the Pico-8 site. Some of the games are short (Little Dragon Adventure), some are kind of quirky (Feed the Ducks), some are interesting re-creations, (Super Mario Bros, Pico Man, Pico Tetris), but all are fun. I added a clear logo and a marquee image in the download. I've also included my Pico-8 xml file. You can drop the xml into the \Launchbox\Data\Platforms folder to easily load the platform and to get the cartridges to match how I've named the videos. I would steer clear of letting the Launchbox database try to name any of this stuff as you'll end up with a mess since the database doesn't have Pico-8 yet. Since this is a fantasy console, we may never see these in the database. Preview preview.mp4 Before you go down the Pico-8 path..... I have not included the games here. You will need to go to the Pico-8 site to get those. You will also need the Pico-8 Fantasy Console executable which costs $14.99 on the Pico-8 site. Pico 8 will let you load the games from the website, directly within the Pico-8 executable by opening it and typing splore at the prompt. Having said that, there might be a way to launch the games that way from Launchbox/Bigbox, but I have no clue how to go about it. Instead, I'm loading the cartridges like a traditional ROM using the command-line switches -windowed 0 -run (see screenshot below). To exit the emulator, the default method is alt-f4. I'm using a quick and dirty ahk script in the running autohotkey script tab that uses the Escape key. There might be something better to use for the ahk code, but this seems to work OK. Within the download is an excel file to help you match the video names to the cartridge names so you know which ones to download. It's kind of a hassle to set up Pico-8 because the cartridges are named things like 15133.p8.png (this is the game Celeste) and the Launchbox database doesn't have Pico-8 games, so you'll be stuck renaming everything by hand (or just use the xml file provided). Still, it seems like a worthwhile project if you don't mind doing a little work. If you use the spreadsheet I've attached and use the search function on the Pico-8 site, you can probably get all the games within 10 minutes or so. The games are free, but sharing is not allowed so I'm afraid you'll need to do the hard work on your own. To download the carts, find the one you want and then click the cart button in the lower left of the game that loads in your browser. On the page that opens, you'll see an image of a cartridge. You need to download that image and save it. It is an image, but oddly enough, it is also the cartridge or ROM. The downloaded file will have a .png extension. You can leave the extension as it is, Pico-8 will load it fine. Once you get all the games on the list, with Launchbox closed, copy the games into \Launchbox\Games\Pico-8 folder in Launchbox (you might need to create this folder if you haven't set up Pico-8 yet within Launchbox). You can copy the games and also use them in the Launchbox\Images\Pico-8\Clear Logo folder if you'd like to use the images as clear logos or maybe put them in the Launchbox\Images\Platforms\Pico-8\Default Cart folder if you'd rather use them as cart images. It's up to you. Once you have all the games, if you want to use the xml, add it to your \Launchbox\Data\Platforms folder. When you start Launchbox again, you should now have the Pico-8 platform as an option. Hopefully you've already set up Pico-8 as an emulator within Launchbox, but if you haven't, do that next and then select all the Pico-8 games in the list and mass edit them to use the Pico-8 emulator as the default emulator for these games. On the PICO-8 Website: Search Found cart. Click it to open in the browser. You can play the game in your browser by clicking the play button. But don't get distracted, you're here to download the game. Click the cart button in the lower left. On the next page, download this image. This is the cart/rom/image thing. In Pico-8, you can remap the controls to any keys you like. Launch Pico-8 by itself and type keyconfig. Other Keys Toggle Fullscreen: Alt+Enter Quit: Alt+F4 or command-Q Reload/Run/Restart cart: Ctrl+R Quick-Save: Ctrl+S Mute/Unmute: Ctrl+M Player 1 defaults: Cursors + ZX / NM / CV Player 2 defaults: SDFE + tab,Q / shift A Enter or P for pause menu (while running) I'm not sure about re-mapping game controllers, but my X-box One seems to do just fine with the defaults. To exit the game with a controller, use the start game button and select shutdown. One last thing. Pico-8 games are fun to play, but the Pico-8 site seems more geared to Pico-8 game developers than game players. It might help if you keep this in mind when perusing their site. Pico-8 website: https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php Pico-8 Manual: https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico8_manual.txt Apologies if my instructions seem a little scattered. I'm kind of doing a braindump of all I've learned setting this stuff up over the last few days. I'm looking to expand the list to about 100 games (all killer/no filler), so if you know of some that are a must, let me know in the comments. TL;DR - If you are not willing to spend some time setting this up, you might as well find something else to do, but I enjoyed the sh!t out of setting it up, and so should you! The games are fun and worth setting up. Submitter JaysArcade Submitted 03/27/2021 Category Game Media Packs
  17. This frontend has 4 screens going at once.
  18. That's not entirely true, the frontend does displays that stuff - when scrolling through the games, not the pinball app. As for those real LED DMDs, the other guys frontends display to those as well (while in the frontend), not the Pinball app or LED Blinky. We Use LED Blinky for the buttons and DOF for all the environmental effects like the blinky buttons, strobes, fans, LED matrixes, knockers, etc. A lot of guys use monitors for their DMD, myself included. I built a mini cab a few years ago that has a 7 inch monitor for the DMD. The frontend displays videos recorded from gameplay in the DMD area, as well as videos for the backbox and playfield. My cab doesn't use one but a lot of guys have topper videos as well and even under videos if you can believe that. I've seen set-ups that have 5 monitors. It's crazy. Here is a short vid of the three screens on my cab displaying videos from the frontend. Don't be distracted by the LED matrix near the playfield, watch the small monitor between the speakers.
  19. Multiple monitor support would be welcome for anyone that would like to have (and I hope I'm not jinxing it again by saying it), better pinball support. Playfield, backglass, DMD, and topper video monitors are pretty standard in the Virtual Pinball community these days. Your typical Bigbox users probably don't care about it (too niche), but Pinball enthusiasts would love to be able to use it. Bigbox as it is, is so close to being a great frontend for pinball (database issues aside). It's just missing a couple things. Just my 2 cents.
  20. I don't suppose you have these shared somewhere do you? I'd love to get my hands on those!
  21. Hey these are pretty cool. If you saved any of the Marquees you created by themselves and want to share, I'll give you credit, and roll them into the next release of Jays Arcade Platform Marquees.
  22. Thank you. I was wondering if I was chasing my own tail trying to figure this out. If he gets around to it, that's a bonus.
  23. Thanks. Yeah I see the views and get that. Just not sure where these pop ups play into any of those views. I'm guessing these are not themable at all. They all look pretty much the same in every theme I've seen them in. I don't really want to theme these pop-ups at all to be honest. I just wish there was a way they would scale properly on vertical oriented monitors. I went through a few themes to see if any of the pop-ups were themed. Not a single one I looked at were themed, so I guess I've answered my own question and these are not themable at this point. You can see the Vertigo theme has the same issue on a vertical monitor. I know vertical is kind of niche. I really just wanted to know if there was a way to work around this or if we're just stuck with this for now. Thanks for the feedback. If anyone knows of a theme where these pop-ups have been themed, I would love to know which theme it is so I can look at it to try to figure out how its done. banner box city hunter 2 nosh on this pyramids Vertigo
  24. Curious about these pop up windows in BigBox. Are these some how hard coded into BigBox or are they themable too? I've built my theme with the Community Theme Builder and there is no way to edit these with that tool that I can tell. I've messed around with the Visual Studio program a bit to see if I can find these views to edit but I'm pretty lost. I've also messed with scaling and different resolutions up to 4k and the look of these pop-up windows never seem to change with any of that. As you can see from the image, these don't look so hot in a vertical theme. If someone could point me in the right direction - OR - tell me not to waste my time, I'd be most appreciative.
  25. So something I noticed after I posted this last night. The Alt f4 method works to close FX3 with that file I built, but when I open a different table, FX3 asks if I want to re-open the one I had previously closed. It doesn't do this if I close tables the "correct way". Honestly, I love getting frustrated and trying to solve stuff like this, but for as little as I play FX3, its just not worth the trouble for me. I think I'll stick to going through the menu to close. I might come around to revisit this though.... I'm a glutton for punishment, LOL.
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