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Everything posted by Belgarath

  1. Thanks Crush! Finally got round to trying Phoenix and wow what an amazing emulator! I tried Alone in the Dark which has always had emulation problems, (looks hideous in retroarch, sounds hideous in 4do) and it ran perfectly! Unfortunately it doesn't seem to suport command lines and it seems that rocketlauncher doesn't support the new version either
  2. It's been a while since I've played with apple ][ emulation, but can I ask is there a reason you want to use applewin? MESS (MAME) was always my preferred choice.
  3. I experience this issue as well, but only with the VLC player, works fine (for me) with the WMP player which is what I prefer to use anyway.
  4. open the cue file with a text editor, make sure there's no path set in the cue file and make sure the name of the file in the cue is the same as the .bin or .iso example if you have a file called Clock Tower (USA).bin you should also have a cue with the same name Clock Tower (USA).cue and the contents of the cue should look like this FILE "Clock Tower (USA).bin" BINARY TRACK 01 MODE2/2352 INDEX 01 00:00:00
  5. Belgarath


    Press Alt T (for tools) then just press o for options, you should see a screen with a drop down box at the top, the dropdown is where you change language. edit: although after doing that myself it now seems to have change 'all' in the platform view to japanese symbols and hasn't changed back...
  6. I had this a few times last week but it wasn't for every game. There definitely seems to be some strange things happening with the database, I've created a few submissions which have had 4 or 5 approvals when surely as soon as it hit 3 approvals they should have been removed from the moderation queue, I even had one change for an entry get 10 approvals... I've just tried to accept a new game entry now and got the same internal server error. edit: Although approving games can't be broken for every entry or person because I've submitted several games and changes recently which have been approved, including today.
  7. Quite often the first file could just be .7z then 7z.001 etc, you absolutely should not have to be manually joining the files. Are you sure you're not missing parts? Also it could be possible the files are corrupt. All the parts (apart from the last one) should be identical in size.
  8. The second file has Metroid spelt incorrectly, it says Metriod, so obviously wouldn't be picked up in a search. (the first file has it spelt Metriod as well right at the end, but before that it has it spelt correctly which is why it's getting picked up).
  9. But it's the same as the video that's already there except it's better quality..
  10. Yes, stx files are exact copies of original disks which includes any on disk copy protection.
  11. Almost forgot, for stx support you'll need the pasti.dll which you can get from http://pasti.fxatari.com/
  12. Sorry, should have mentioned that yes you have to install the original Steem 3,2 first and then overwrite with the SSE version. Steem should support st/stx/msa .st are regular disk images, stx are basically copies of original disk images and msa are compressed disk images. Shouldn't particularly matter which you use.
  13. As far as I know the original Steem works on modern OS's and yes that's the link to the original. Steem SSE as quoted from it's homepage "Steem SSE is an updated version of Steem based on that source release. It incorporates new features and emulation improvements, some of them based on other emulators (of Atari ST or other platforms), some on various internet discussions, technical documentation, like chip datasheets, and test programs on real hardware." So it does everything the original Steem did and more and I believe there's now a 64bit build of it as well.
  14. There's also the Steem SSE fork which gets updated pretty often, the last update was June this year. http://ataristeven.exxoshost.co.uk/Steem.htm
  15. Everything I've ever checked with them has been accurate and I know they used to go to great lengths to verify info and accurate rips but it's not a site I've actively followed in a long time.
  16. Exactly like DOS76 said, when we say 3D though we're talking about games that required D3D, OpenGL etc. If a game had software rendering as an option then that should work (although speed will of course be dependant on the quality of your pc.)
  17. You could download VirtualBox https://www.virtualbox.org/ You'd have to find a copy of Windows XP if you don't have one already but it's a very good program for playing older Windows games on modern Windows (although it's not great for 3D games). I don't really know how you could get Launchbox to load the games up individually though, you'd probably have to settle for it just loading VirtualBox (either that or make a separate Windows installation for every game you wanted to play).
  18. Thanks lordmonkus, that's brilliant, I knew xpadder had some nifty features, I just couldn't remember how to use/find them. Your above method works great, I'm now setting the right thumbstick as alt f4 but only when right trigger is held.
  19. Not sure that's possible...although it might be. Personally I set alt+f4 to the right thumbstick button as it's a button I never use for anything else, is that a possible option for you?
  20. Dinosaur King is System SP / Aurora not System 16.
  21. Exactly, there's a whole ton of stuff that doesn't work with Win 10, is there anything that will only work with Windows 10? If there is I doubt it's much. I'm not going to break compatibility with a ton of software (especially PC games) just so I can have the latest operating system. Later isn't always greater.
  22. Virtualbox is great for emulating Windows XP or Windows 98. Hardware accelerated 3d games can still be a problem, it depends on what games you're trying to run. Me, I'm sticking to Windows 7 and will continue to do so for some years yet, why people have "upgraded" to Windows 10 remains a mystery to me.
  23. Indeed and well done in getting it working Just want people to realise that not all Amiga games will support multiple disk drives so if a game asks for a disk and you think it's inserted, it's probably not Launchbox or WinUAE that's at fault, it's just the game itself won't recognise the other disk drives.
  24. Another World only supports one disk drive I'm afraid so you can remove the -1 "D:\WinUAE\FDD\Another World_Disk2.zip as the game won't recognise it.
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