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Everything posted by Charco

  1. Glad you got it sorted. I did the same for Metal Slug
  2. Make sure you hold the button combination while booting a game and during the splash screen. In game you can press Start + Select to access another menu for cheats. Here's some more info: http://unibios.free.fr/howitworks.html
  3. Yeah it's not going to happen so I guess we'll have to leave it at that.
  4. You can now turn the platform banners on and off in the latest beta: If you want to update to the betas, tick the box in the LB options menu under Updates and restart LB.
  5. Mostly poo this month.
  6. Yeah, the Motorola 68000 CPU was used in a lot of arcade boards at the time, so the Sharp x68000 is home to a wealth of arcade perfect ports. Capcom actually used x68000s as their dev machines for their CPS1 games. Whether it's worth emulating is really down to the number of x68000 exclusives you might be interested in playing. Theres a great version of Castlevania on there called Akumajou Dracula and the system has quite a few exclusive shoot 'em ups that are worth checking out, Cho Ren Sha 68k being worthy of mention. If you are into shoot 'em ups, it's worth checking out as it's a genre that is English-friendly. If you are already using RetroArch, there is a good x68000 core available.
  7. If you edit the name of the .bin file, ensure to open the .cue file in Notepad and update the filename that it is pointing to, otherwise it will not launch the game.
  8. There's a fair bit of complexity there between RetroArch, Rocket Launcher, and Big Box, so it might be difficult to diagnose this issue. Can you first test to see if this happens when using RetroArch on it's own so that we can rule out the other applications and see if this is RA-related?
  9. Just to note, it's good practice to back up your RetroArch folder before you overwrite anything. Everything should be fine, but always good to have a back up just in case.
  10. I'd recommend that you use the Genesis Plus GX core. You can use the Picodrive core for 32x but I wouldn't recommend it for the other Sega Systems.
  11. For Sega CD you should be looking for Darkwater or Trurip sets.
  12. Ensure that your bios file is named correctly and has the same md5 checksum stated in RA under core information.
  13. Here's a script to launch Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm in full screen from the launcher: #SingleInstance force Loop while WinExist("YatagarasuLauncher") { Send, {Tab}{Enter} ExitApp } Just point LaunchBox to the launcher and this script should do the trick.
  14. Yeah, if you apply the < 4 minutes filter in Youtube you will generally find a trailer or something around about the minute mark which will work perfectly.
  15. I just got this and it's absolutely brilliant, highly recommended!
  16. You may have unintentionally linked to a rom site in your post, I have removed the link. Please don't add any links to rom sites on the forums, thanks
  17. I believe I got mine from Gametronik.
  18. Yeah, I've had my eye on this. Looks great. Myself and my buddy played through Smash TV a few weeks ago too.
  19. That's a great improvement, how many games do you have in your collection?
  20. I am on 7.16 stable, it's always been this way for me though.
  21. If I start LB or BB after booting up my PC it takes twice as long to start compared to if I have opened already, closed it, and opened it again.
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