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Everything posted by Charco

  1. I'm interested in both of those features, it'll be great to get use out of all those pdf manuals from Emumovies and to be able to navigate them via a controller in Big Box would be sweet
  2. Have you tried the normal Atomiswave version with Demul? Mine works. Can't you turn on blood in the settings in the Atomiswave version? This guy seems to have done it: Here are my settings: Here are the details for the mslug6 rom I have and my awbios: EDIT: I replaced the files in my nvram folder with the ones he has linked in that video and blood appears now. I had to go back in to the settings to change the region back to North America and have English language, but it works like a charm.
  3. Charco


    LaunchBox is just a launcher really, so it'll launch whichever program you tell it to.
  4. There are currently very few Turbografx 16/PC Engine games that have achievements, so that's probably why it's saying there are no achievements for most games in that platform. You can check which games have achievements here: http://retroachievements.org/gameList.php?c=8
  5. That sounds cool @cleverest, any chance you could upload a video of you comics platform in Big Box?
  6. Something I noticed recently is that for my playlists category in Big Box it shows the Total Games and Play Count as 0, even though I play games from these playlists on a regular basis. Using CriticalZone Blue Box theme. https://imgur.com/a/M82hS
  7. Correct. Here is some further information on compatible cores: https://docs.libretro.com/guides/retroachievements/
  8. @CriticalCid, do you think you will be adding star icons for the star ratings in the game details screen? I know this is a brand new feature but it'd definitely look nicer than a numerical value.
  9. I'm a busy man, I don't have time for this scrolling up business
  10. I just use 4k Video Downloader.
  11. Have you tested that core in RetroArch itself to launch a game?
  12. I believe "Cheevos" is used elsewhere, that's what the RetroArch devs call it in any changelogs anyway, I say go with that. RA is short for RetroArch around these here parts anyway
  13. Does that mean that the achievements for Mega Drive will be fixed?
  14. I had a long running issue with this when exiting from MAME to Big Box, everything would freeze and the only way out of it was to open Task Manager and kill Big Box. I use controller automation in Big Box and had set Select + Start to exit emulators. I had also made this same command my UI Cancel in MAME itself. I thought this weekend that maybe this was causing a conflict and changed the key combo in MAME to Select + X and, lo and behold, I have had no issues exiting MAME since. @Jason Carr, I remember troubleshooting this issue with you on a live stream and you could not replicate it. Maybe this could have been it all along, anyway, I thought I would post here in case any other users are experiencing the same issue and it may work for them.
  15. Great job, I love the white, you don't see that often in these cabinets.
  16. I didn't realise this was the same behaviour as other popups, just seemed a bit off to me on first use, I kept hitting the same button expecting it to close.
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