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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. OK, i assume your games are in a folder per game inside a PS1 folder? So launchbox is looking in the PS1 folder and not seeing any files, just other folders. Go into your PS1 folder in windows explorer and in the explorer search bar type *.cue, this will show all the .cue files in your PS1 folder. Click one then CTRL A to highlite them all, then drag and drop them onto launchbox to start the import wizard for those files.
  2. If downloaded from the forums you will need to remove the underscore from systems with more than one word in the name, as uploading automatically adds the underscore, so they wont match the platform name exactly.
  3. Well the issue with MAME in Retroarch is that the MAME core still has the MAME UI, so you have a UI inside of a UI. I use Retroarch for most systems myself, but i dont use it for Arcade, quitting games dropping me into the MAME UI being the main reason.
  4. Dont forget to tell MAME where they are if you are not putting them in with your roms. They should just look like this.
  5. Use the standard MAME, there is no benefit to using Retroarch for Arcade, and as you have discovered there are added layers to using it there,
  6. Well the thing here is Launchbox doesnt care what the file type is, it will import anything you tell it to, literally any file type can be added, so this isnt a case of it "not seeing your ps1 games" something more fundamental is at play here. What format are your roms in, and what steps are you using in the import wizard? Images of the steps would also be helpfull.
  7. They need to be unzipped to there folders. You dont need to do anything in Launchbox with them.
  8. Do you have a premium emumovies subscription?
  9. Just drag and drop the shortcuts it drops on your desktop and choose the "none of the above" option in the wizard.
  10. Well then nobody else will either. If the info isnt online then no one will know.
  11. Can you not use google rather than asking someone else to google it for you?
  12. Just uncheck all the media options except for the metadata when re-importing. You are right media is not deleted and is still there, but unless you unchecked those download options you are telling Launchbox to download it all again, so you will have duplicates of everything.
  13. I have been using it for months with no issues with SDR/HDR or audio like ATMOS, its been a perfect experience for me.
  14. Id recommend using this fork for HDR, it works great and doesnt need additional third party players to work. https://github.com/thexai/xbmc/releases
  15. Yes that is incorrect. All the roms will be "standalone" in a non merged set. So each rom will have all the files needed for the game to run, so you will still have all the parent/clones just that each file will work by itself and not rely on files in the parent. You will about double the size of your set if you convert it to non merged as you will be duplicating thousands of files into other zips rather than the current way of the files in a zip being shared amongst other games. your set will go from about 60-65GB to about 120GB, and it will make zero difference in Launchbox.
  16. The wont make any difference, file names are still the same, its just the contents of the zips that changes.
  17. File name or name in launchbox DO both work. If you download videos from emumovies from within Launchbox they are automatically named the same as the game in Launchbox.
  18. I would never recommend killing native PC games like that. There is a reason PC and console games have warnings to not exit/shutdown your system when the save icon shows. Just killing it with alt F4 (which is what Launchbox will send as escape wont close most PC games) you risk corrupting your save games. Always close PC games through there in game exit menu's.
  19. It also clearly says Mameui64, so not standard MAME.
  20. neil9000

    Mame CHD's

    Thats fine, i have a roms folder and a CHD folder myself, but as long as MAME knows where they are you can have them anywhere you like, even mixed together if you wanted.
  21. The MAME fullset importer does not move any files, in fact it doesnt even read them, it gets what games to import from the mamemetadata.xml file.
  22. neil9000

    Mame CHD's

    No. And usually they are not zipped in the first place.
  23. Thats about right. you dont have 37,500 games, you have 37,500 files, big difference. Launchbox with the default fullset importer options only imports working games.
  24. It will download image media, videos will require a premium emumovies subscription, Launchbox doesnt host any gameplay video snaps.
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