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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Hi and welcome to the community. PPSSPP and Dolphin are better standalone off the top of my head.
  2. Unfortunately not, that's beyond my expertise i'm afraid. Hopefully someone else can chime in and offer you some advice there.
  3. Correct, and it is updated daily, so if you edit a game or add one the metadata will say it needs updating and will pull down the most recent version.
  4. The metadata.xml is in your Launchbox/Metadata folder.
  5. Yeah, for Android. Not really needed for the Windows only Launchbox.
  6. In the second image i posted of Mario 3 you can see the achievement list opened in the RAnes emulator, it shows all the achievements for the game and whether or not any are unlocked and it has a "Game ID" of 1995, which i'm assuming is supplied to the api in order to identify the loaded game and to parse the achievements for it. However when the same Mario 3 rom is launched from Launchbox using the same emulator the achievement list is not populated at all, (as you can see in my first image above) so it looks like to my non coding brain that when a game is loaded to the emulator through command line rather than opened directly from the emulator that the rom being loaded is not ID'd by the emulator, therefore nothing is passed to the api, therefore you cant view the achievements for games if they are launched from Launchbox, and by extension i'm betting achievements won't unlock period if that list is not populated, essentially rendering using Achievements in the standalone emulators useless when launching them from Launchbox. This all works just fine in Retroarch so i'm guessing they handle it differently there. So it looks to me like you "have" to use Retroarch for the achievements at the moment, as they simply do not populate in the standalone emulators when launched from Launchbox. I honestly do not know if this is a emulator or api issue, that's above my pay grade unfortunately.
  7. Just download the list make sure Launchbox is closed and drop it into your Launchbox/Data/Playlists folder and it will be there when you re-open Launchbox.
  8. Are you sure its not asking you to extract MAME itself? it comes as a self extracting zip often.
  9. Most of the videos here are .264 mp4's so i would suggest that. As for bitrate the higher the better without it being a hugely insane file size, especially if it has a lot of motion in it. A higher bitrate will eliminate macroblocking in the file, but will result in a longer render time and a bigger final file size.
  10. Yeah same, and roku's and fire tv sticks as well, plex clients are on pretty much every device these day's.
  11. Plex is a server client system. You install the server software on a pc preferably with a bit of horsepower for transcoding needs, then you install the client on other pc's. pi's, phones, game consoles etc. The client then streams the movie/tv show from the server to the client, either local or over the internet.
  12. Yeah if you saved a config that should be fine also.
  13. Did you save those settings as a core remap overide?
  14. No probs, glad we got it solved. It was starting to do my head in as well as yours.
  15. Well it's not actually come up before, so i guess other people don't add the same game twice. That's what the playlists are for, you could of imported your mame set then created a gun game playlist.
  16. correct, they are already imported, Launchbox by default will not import the same game twice, i mean who needs the same game imported twice? apart from you of course.
  17. Correct, it's already imported. You will need to check the box in the import wizard to force import duplicate games.
  18. But you already have a platform called gun games and time crisis is already in that one?
  19. Hang on a second, you already have it imported to a platform?? That's why its not importing its already imported.
  20. Well i only have 2844 so that sounds about right.
  21. If you open the arcade.xml with notepad++ and search for Time Crisis does it find it?
  22. Are you having launchbox create the playlists also? Time Crisis should be in the "Namco Classics" playlists if you are.
  23. I just leave everything at the defaults. What are you calling the platform?
  24. Look in your Launchbox/Backups folder and find the most recent backup remove the date and copy it into Launchbox/Data/Platforms.
  25. Yeah i am getting the same behaviour here, this shot is the game launched through Launchbox. This shot is the game loaded directly from within the emulator. It looks like the emulator needs a Game id as it is in the second shot when loaded from the emulator, but not in the first shot when loaded from Launchbox. I would suggest you post about this in the beta thread here.
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