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Everything posted by The_Keeper86

  1. Sweet! Looking forward to them. Too bad more can't contribute. I tried looking for a guide in the past but couldn't find anything.
  2. Awesome! Can you do some of the PS2 themes? I know there used to be a theme for Resident Evil Outbreak File 2 which is definitely one I want
  3. Really sweet idea! I guess it'd be better if it could be made to be more automatic if that makes sense?
  4. Looks sweet! You should've added the Resident Evil REmake since it was originally exclusive to the GC but its no big deal
  5. Can confirm the latest update works. Thanks!!
  6. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong. I put the dll in the plugins folder, unblock it but when I right click a game and select configure pcsx2 settings I get this error. Error
  7. Very awesome theme! Though is there a way to download just front vertical covers from the cover project? i didn't see an option anywhere.
  8. No problem. Glad to help! I didn't think about the widget having to be refreshed. Not sure I know how to do that ha ha.
  9. Would a log help? Also I believe this only happens for Mame games.
  10. After un-checking show games without artwork and updating the database it still shows games without artwork in the random games widget. Unless I did something wrong?
  11. I believe the PC port of Silent Hill 2 was also basically the same as the one on the original Xbox.
  12. Would it be possible to only show games that have art? At least in the random games widget. A lot of Mame games show sometimes with no art. If not no worries. I hope this requests makes sense?
  13. Do you have a psd you could share for making these? Maybe I can make some for missing platforms and credit you of course. If not that's cool man.
  14. Any ideas what I can do? I even re did the platform image cache still no luck
  15. Hey guys, I'm having a really strange problem and can't quite pinpoint the problem. For some reason my playlist clear logos don't display but instead show a game's clear logo for that playlist if that makes sense? Here is a screenshot. Any help would be appreciated it! Note that I was running beta 5 last night before this happened and switched back to 7.9 thinking maybe it was a bug in the beta but still does the same thing
  16. The only thing I can think of is using Rocketlauncher which has a per game memorycard option for Deml.
  17. I got a random crash on beta 3. https://pastebin.com/LWUCNeWN
  18. Sweet thanks! Looking forward to them
  19. @Zombeaver Can you do some for playlists like Nintendo Classics, Atari Classics etc and for Naomi 2 and Model 3 please? These are amazing! If you already did those I apologize I couldn't find them.
  20. Sweet! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Ha ha well I don't want to take that away from you but like you mentioned I'll be more than happy to test out RL with it
  21. That sounds awesome! Have you tried it with RL? If so did the overlay work? I'm sorry for all the questions. If you ever need someone to test I'd be more than happy to of course I'd need some directions
  22. That's true. I have no problem editing the module ahk. I'm just unsure how to make RL start the GameLaunchProxy.Like what would the commandline look like? What kinda features will the new app have over this one?
  23. I'm not even sure how to do that to be honest lol. I know I'm probably starting to sound like a pain in the butt. Do I still need to edit the module ahk? Maybe I'll just wait for your new app.
  24. Thanks that makes sense. Cool I didn't know you had a video. So if I edit the ahk as seen in the video there is a possibility that it'll work? If it weren't for RL not working with the Steam overlay I don't think you'd have to be going through all this trouble unless you don't use RL anymore? Lol.
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