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Everything posted by The_Keeper86

  1. You ever looked into this anymore? And anything I can do to help?
  2. Been using these for awhile! Could you make one for PS3?
  3. Can you make some themes for the Metal Gear Solid games?
  4. Same to you guys! Best frontend ever imo!
  5. Thanks. That's a shame. Maybe it can be added in the future.
  6. Guessing its either not possible or is and I'm overlooking the option? ?
  7. Hey guys, I was wondering if its possible to play game play videos in the game info screen instead of a video theme? I hope this makes sense? I want to keep the theme videos on the game selection screen if said game has a theme video btw, but when going into the info screen instead of playing the theme video it'll play game play video instead. The reason I ask is some of the Big Box themes I use show the video in a smaller screen in the info screen it just looks weird I guess. If this isn't possible maybe it can be added as an option?
  8. Glad to hear that! Take your time no rush
  9. It isn't a dumb a question I have this problem too sometimes. It's random.
  10. Could try this plugin which seems to work https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/51888-ps3-ebootbin-bulk-importer/
  11. Anyone? Maybe an ahk script could work after the gui loads ie PS4 xmb loads up? I have a button on my mce remote mapped to alt enter which works but still. Kinda silly the app doesn't stay in full screen after each start up? /
  12. I've been using remote play for PC a lot lately and was wondering if it's possible to somehow force the app to start in full screen? It's annoying having to do it with the mouse each time lol.
  13. My library just shows a black screen until I restart Steam lol. Not sure why they pushed the new library update so quick as much as I do like the new layout.
  14. Yeah, I figured that out. No rush on the update though take your time
  15. Yeah, doing that weird thing where it loads the last game you played LOL
  16. Nice first theme! I'd love to see one for Daymare 1998
  17. This happened to me as well last night as much as I love the new layout I'm gonna revert back to stable.
  18. Thanks! I didn't think about that but appreciate it either way!
  19. Could you do one for Daymare: 1998? It isn't in the db yet but I added it it's still waiting approval I think.
  20. For me "add game to Launchbox games database" is greyed out.
  21. Really cool thanks!
  22. Haven't tried the beta but the new backup system will definitely be a much welcomed addition!
  23. Nice! Would you be bale to make some themes for the PS2 Resident Evil games such as the Outbreak games and Dead Aim?
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