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Everything posted by Massatomic

  1. Thanks for the clear logo and great work on the video!
  2. so good! can you do a clear logo aswell?
  3. I guess so, most backgrounds are 16x9 though... not sure how they would work with themes. wait and see what what the moderators say...
  4. Not sure, dont think the bulk edit tool has the hide option enabled but you could use the audit tool per platform, sort by the clear logo field and right click edit, and tick the hide box. by all means select them all and see if the bulk edit tool can do it but i am not near my pc atm and cant check for you
  5. Sorry to hear that, that was ultimatly what helped my setup scroll smoothly. I also turned my image quality down from high i am running a large 30k collection on a 4690k (standard clock) and gtx970 and it scrolls perfectly now, just need to turn on a few effects now until i find the sweetspot between looks and usabilty
  6. Wwhata the offical set you are refering to? Underwoods db up load tool is running great, if i could match thus up with the set your using it would make it easy and line up properly
  7. turning off all the transition effects helps a lot with performance, try turning them all off and trying the other themes again
  8. Just make sure any media you submitted does not have watermarks or it should be rejected anyway
  9. the changes came to the db yesterday, so they will be accepted now as long as they have the right tags I think it support will still be have to be made for inside LB itself, like adding filters and search fields...
  10. it still will be a side program..didn't I read on the discord that you made some code that allows people to add programs/plugins to the menu in tools @Nielk1 that's all that would be needed really
  11. @Nielk1 may be able to fill you in on how hard or what is needed?
  12. had to make a box front for it of course! Is there a way to hide it from bigbox?
  13. that is a quality suggestion! had not even thought of doing that
  14. yeah, I went to run it yesterday and forgot what it was actually called.... I had to lookup this post so I could find the name and to search where I had chucked it on my hard drive
  15. are you planning on making this a plugin for launchbox, it would be great to be able to call the program from the launchbox menu!
  16. your best bet would be to create some sort of plugin or ask on the plugin channel on the discord if anyone is willing to help you, one of the other memebers has been tirelsy creating home made box fronts for alot of the games aswell There is no meta data attached but i was just waiting for the plugin for the DB to mature a bit and help put all those covers in
  17. @stigzler I am interested in this project, not sure if anyone got back to you but I saved your spreadsheet and added in the launch box platform names, there could be a few systems that I was not sure about but I did put a few notes on the sheet. I have not played with the program yet but is it able to show an xbox controller or the like? another cool feature would be if it could pull the controller information straight from mame and retroacrh! FESystemsMap.xlsx
  18. seems he has fixed it @diamondgeezer
  19. i left a note on the discord, he will see it when he logs in
  20. Afaik you will find your discount code on the bottom of the email with your licence when you purchase launchbox premium, it's in a small font and easy to miss
  21. Also the emu movies ftp is a great source of bezels if your a premium member
  22. Rocketlauncher can do what you need, but it takes a bit to get your head around, most of the guides miss one small detail somewhere. you an also do it straight in retroarch, try this
  23. this needs to be added as a plugin
  24. wait to see what Vlansix wants, he is the person you need to speak to. I am sure he will be greatful for all the info you supplied
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