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Everything posted by Nocta

  1. Hi guys, I'm wondering where we are now in term of the dreamcast emulation fight? Between reicast libretro, DEmul and Redream, I can't decide. Anyone of you made some tests and came to a conclusion to this question?
    Very clean startup theme, exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a lot! ?
  2. Thank you neil9000!
  3. It works! Thanks a lot guys. Now when I use Launchbox and I select a game, I also see the background. I prefer when the background stay neutral while browsing my games, is it possible to only disable backgrounds here and keep it for the game startup and shutdown?
  4. Hi there, It seems that no matter which game I launch, I get a black background on startup and shutdown screens. Does anyone know what I did wrong? Thank you!
  5. That's it, the problem is mostly with the emus themselves. I guess I'll just follow your advice DOS76, just always use the same drive letter.
  6. Hi there, I just moved my launchbox folder and now both launchbox and some of my emulators (I have cemu, demul, dolphin, mame, mupen64plus, pcsx2 and retroarch) are having problems which I'm pretty sure are connected with the change in path. Is there a way to make everything totally portable with some relative paths and how to set it? Thanks a lot!
  7. Hi there, first of all, thanks a lot for this theme! I really love the Game View, sadly the Platform View doesn't work for me because I use the Platform Categories View and it looks odd. Could you maybe add a very simple and clean Platform Categories View like the one in the fundamental dark theme? It would be the best of both worlds! Thank you anyway. ☺️
  8. I really love what you've done. Sadly for me you switched to a different launcher because I still love Launchbox and I really don't want to change for the moment but keep up the good work, it looks great!
  9. I was looking for a grid theme too because I agree with you guys and really don't like the wheel system. I found this thread and now I'm wondering, does anything new happened in this regard since the last post?
    Very nice and clean, I dig it!
  10. Two more requests on my side if you don't mind: Stuntman Gran Turismo 4 I forgot how much I love those games.
  11. Just found this thread and once again a big Thanks to you Zombeaver! I was looking to fix my PSX games but you did it already and shared your work! And by doing so you are saving me and others a LOT of time and frustration. It's really amazing and I can't express it enough. Thank You! By any chance, do you plan on porting your deinterlacing shaders to Slang so we can use them with the new DX11 or Vulkan drivers?
  12. So the cores use the proper driver automatically?
  13. I read the news about the new DX11/12 drivers of Retroarch and I was wondering if someone here knows how to take advantage of it and if it's worth it at all? Thanks.
  14. Done! https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/3922/request-choosing-how-many-genres-are @Lordmonkus I agree with you but I'd rather have this over having one game in 3 different genres and feeling like my library is bloated. But it's super personal I'm aware.
  15. Me too. Thank you!
  16. It was exactly that! I'm really sorry I was not capable to find it on my own, now it makes sense!
  17. It's here.
  18. Sorry for the mess, I only got a black screen if I ran RA in fullscreen and did a screenshot.
  19. Sorry, English isn't my mother thong, sometimes I struggle a bit. I mean that the shaders that are already included in Retroarch and that one can also find inside your folder (crt-hyllian and other like that) are recognised but not the ones you created.
  20. That's exactly what I've done. The "classic" presets are visible in your folder but retroarch doesn't list any of the custom ones. Very weird.
  21. How many hours does your day count? You're already doing so much! I didn't know about your new project, it's awesome!
  22. It's exactly what I've done... Weird. Maybe the brand new Retroarch release broke this? I'd be surprised.
  23. I just discovered this thread and I'm very impressed by the evolution of your shaders Zombeaver, good job and thank you for sharing your work! I added your shaders to my retroarch config (the way you recommend it: Retroarch\shaders\Zombs Shaders\ ) but it seems that I can't find any of your custom ones...
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