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Unified Refried 2.0


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I'd like to think I can follow directions but apparently not.  I had the previous 1.x version running flawlessly.  I've deleted all of the files as instructed and installed the new theme.  I'm getting nothing.  No backgrounds or anything.  The only thing I get is the refried theme on the configuration menus.  What did I miss?





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7 minutes ago, sundogak said:

Couple thoughts:  Did you do a refresh of image cache?  Also did you do a right-click and unblock of the zip files?

Refreshed the image cache and the dll files did not have the unblock option so I should have been good to go.  Like I said, I was running the previous version flawlessly.

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Hi, Great theme. I have now got almost everything I needed to customize my setup. One annoying thing though, I want to remove game title and along with it the genre, players and rating in the game view, as highlighted in the attached image. Again applauds to your hard work and aesthetics in creating the theme.

InkedUnified Refried.jpg

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Great stuff but I have 2 questions.

1. How do I get Box Front to show instead of the 3D Cover? I would rather display all my covers in 2D for consistency across all systems.

2. I see files for genre backgrounds but when do they get used? They don't  get used in the arcade of console genres unless I've done something wrong setting up this theme.

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51 minutes ago, Styphelus said:

Great stuff but I have 2 questions.

1. How do I get Box Front to show instead of the 3D Cover? I would rather display all my covers in 2D for consistency across all systems.

2. I see files for genre backgrounds but when do they get used? They don't  get used in the arcade of console genres unless I've done something wrong setting up this theme.

1. change your 3D image priority in LB.  Either uncheck 3D box, or move Box front to the top of the list. 

2. RH may need to correct me, but you should see them with the arcade playlists (if you have generated them).  Not sure if they show for the non-arcade playlists as i have not generated those.

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3 hours ago, ed20910 said:

1. change your 3D image priority in LB.  Either uncheck 3D box, or move Box front to the top of the list. 

2. RH may need to correct me, but you should see them with the arcade playlists (if you have generated them).  Not sure if they show for the non-arcade playlists as i have not generated those.

Thanks, I know about no.1 but i was looking for the changes required in the code. I would still like to have view number 2 to show 3d art if I ever want that but for view 3, I'm sure there can be  code modification without messing with the box priorities.

<!-- 3D BOX -->
            <Image x:Name="CoverImage" Grid.Column="2" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Grid.Row="1" Grid.RowSpan="4" Source="{Binding Path=ActiveGame.Box3DImagePath}" Opacity="100" Panel.ZIndex="6" Margin="25,-30,25,30" Stretch="Uniform" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Right" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" >

This is the code for the  3D box. What do i replace it with for the 2D box? I'm sure there's something.


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2 minutes ago, voyagerxp said:

Hey guys can you help me i've been trying to follow the instructions for this great theme but i'm having problems.  when  i start bigbox the platform videos show and not the smart ones in the video.


I get this



But i want this



Any help would be great for this newbie lol


Then you want different videos, as linked on the theme download page.


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Just now, voyagerxp said:

Hey guys can you help me i've been trying to follow the instructions for this great theme but i'm having problems.  when  i start bigbox the platform videos show and not the smart ones in the video.


I get this



But i want this



Any help would be great for this newbie lol


do you have the refried platform videos?


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Love the update!  Thank you!

One question -- I'm curious how the new version should work in a playlist with different platforms.  Is there a way that the background would switch depending on the selected game?  I feel like that happened before, though I could be wrong.  Right now, it picks one platform background to display for all the games in the playlist.

EDIT:  It does work in some playlists, like "All Games" for example.  But not in others.



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3 hours ago, Ginsonic said:

First, many thanks @RetroHumanoid for your great work!

One question please: Where shall I place the videos from the platform video set mentioned above, my installed theme currently does not use it, thanks in advance!

you can either put them in your Launchbox/Videos folder (they would overwrite any vids you have there), or Launchbox/Themes/Unified Refried/Videos folder.  I would do the second as they are specifically made to go with the Refried theme.  


Edit: if you leave the videos in the platforms and playlist folders RH has them in, you can drop those folders into the above video folders.  If you dont, you would need to put them into the Platform and Playlist folders as mentioned below.

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..\Launchbox\Videos\Platforms folder I believe... not the root of the videos folder ;)  Or, if you want them just for the Unified theme, then create a folder in the Unified Refried theme folder with the same structure (ie. ..\Videos\Platforms) and put them in there.

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Many thanks for your help guys!

2 hours ago, neil9000 said:

Also to add you will need to rename them to remove all the underscores that get added when uploading to the forums.

THAT was it, I already wondered, that LB can find the platforms as named in the video package!

Thanks again :)

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On 2/28/2019 at 10:46 AM, alnyden said:

Love the update!  Thank you!

One question -- I'm curious how the new version should work in a playlist with different platforms.  Is there a way that the background would switch depending on the selected game?  I feel like that happened before, though I could be wrong.  Right now, it picks one platform background to display for all the games in the playlist.

EDIT:  It does work in some playlists, like "All Games" for example.  But not in others.



How it works now,is how I always intended it to work. My cabinet is currently unhooked,but,I believe I did leave a view in all of the playlist addons that showed platform art for the selected game,instead of the playlist artwork. "All Games" does this because I did not make specific artwork for that playlist.

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