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289 files

  1. Namco System 12 & Sega G80 - Front Boxes

    Tried my hand at creating some front boxes for Namco's System 12 & Sega G80
    Let me know what y'all think, things I did well or things to make them better.
    I'm not a graphic designer nor do I consider myself fluent in Adobe but I want to get better.
    -Big thank you to @dan-patrick for the awe-inspiring Platform Logos
    Hope you guys like it


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  2. Teknoparrot 3D Box - Mr. Retrolust Style

    I decided to try my hand at making Teknoparrot 3D boxes in the style of my favorite theme by Mr. Retrolust. These use his handy tutorial and tool kit he has provided and the games Arcade Flyer, some have other images I had to search for as well as the clear logos I scavaged across the web. Just wanted to share to the masses if anyone needed them. Will update with Ringedge and Ringwide soon. 


       (0 reviews)



  3. Nintendo PlayChoice-10 - Mr. Retrolust Style

    3D Boxes in the style of Mr. Retrolust. Complete set. This is my interpretation, using Nintendo NES style boxes.


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  4. Locomalito - Mr. Retrolust Style

    3D Boxes in the style of Mr. Retrolust. Complete set of the freely available games. A few of these were already available and I modified some logos, others were made from Arcade Flyers.


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  5. SW Quiz Machines 3D Boxes

    100 3D Boxes for SW Quiz Machines which were popular in Uk pubs in the 90s/00s
    Based using Retrolust's excellent Arcade template which can be found here:


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  6. Singe - Mr. Retrolust Style

    3D Boxes in the style of Mr. Retrolust. Complete set. Some of these were already available and I modified some logos, others were made from Arcade Flyers.


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  7. Antny's Transparent Cabinets

    For a long time, I thought it would be great to have quality arcade cabinet images for my favorite frontend, Launchbox.  What else, lol?  I think that the artwork and images of these cabinets should be preserved. These have transparent backgrounds to maximize their use in themes, especially now that we have the wonderful Community Theme Creator (Thanks y2guru!).  These cabinets have been resized & cleaned up, where feasible.   I will upload the higher resolution copies of these to an FTP.  They can be added to the Launchbox database if someone feels up to doing it. This is YEARS in the making, so I hope you enjoy.
    I originally strived for accuracy, as far as region goes.  I could not determine if the some of the U.S. cabinets were the same in other regions.  So, I kind of gave up in the middle.  You may have to copy/rename some to your liking.  I was going to spend more time going through them but at this point I thought I would just share them.  I'm a little burned out at this point anyway.
    If you would like to help out to make this project continue/better, I could use the following:

      - finding images on the net or if you live close to an arcade or go to shows you can take high-resolution shots (the higher the better).  If you can take super high-resolution images that would be perfect.   Full cabinet at an angle, not partial or blocked (minimum 1600 pixels high, preferably much higher). Additionally, straight on shots can be added also.  You can see what I'm looking for by checking out the images in the packs.  Maybe you have friends at KLOV or other forums and can get them to take pictures.  
      - Cleaning & cutting out images. Quality cutouts and cleaning only.  I'm trying to create the ultimate reference for these cabinets.
      - Identifying region.  Anyone with knowledge of the cabinets.  It would come in handy.
      - Errors.  See something wrong.  I forgot something.  
      - Thoughts.  I would love feedback.  Do you like the sizing?  Should they be bigger?  Smaller?  Ideas to make this project better?
      - Thoughts on making a thread on one of the forums so people can upload their images?  Maybe a forum category?

    Teknoparrot, Dice & Daphne packs on the way......
    I have high resolution control panel packs just about ready for release. They look great.  I'm going to release them at 1200 pixels wide.  Thoughts on size?  If you are taking pictures, take a bunch of the control panels straight on at different heights.  Side art also.  
    Feel free to PM me.
    I hope you like them.
    Tony (AKA Antny)


       (3 reviews)



  8. Antny's Transparent Control Panels

    This is the first set of transparent control panels.  More will be on the way.  These have been downsized to 1200 pixels wide.  Any help would be appreciated.  If you have an arcade close by or heading to a show it would be great to snap some high-resolution pictures. PM me if you would like to help.  This is years in the making, so I hope you like them.


       (2 reviews)



  9. Mame Cart -Fronts

    Hey guys i'm adding these for all you to have. i will be working on adding more for sure. Until i have all if not most of cart fronts for Mame 0.267.
    Can't take credit for all of these but i am making a lot of these that are not available on LB DB, i have tried to submit these on a per game basis . but for some reason some don't get approved.


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  10. Huge Mame Marquee Collection including many in 4K resolution

    I use the awesome Bigbox function to display marquees on a secondary monitor. For years I've been collecting high res Mame arcade marquees from all over the internet and since the start of this project got huge help from people in the community to expand this collection, please see the credits below. Not all marquees are in 4K but many are, I've down scaled the resolution to max 3840 pixels wide and max 2160 pixels high and saved all in .jpg format for a good size and quality balance. This project includes Naomi and Atomiswave marquees as well as other arcade systems.
    These marquees go hand in hand with this bezel project: 
    I have forgotten where I got all marquees through the years but I know many came from the legendary @Mr. Do collection see: https://mrdo.mameworld.info/index.php and the many members that create artwork at: https://www.mameworld.info/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php?Cat=
    @ArsInvictus is certainly one of the providers as well. A huge thank you to @mOa and @JonnyModlin for providing many many marquees to this collection. Many lower resolution marquees came from the legendary team of AntoPisa at https://www.progettosnaps.net/
    Also a huge thanks to the following people and sites: @PapaShine, @Dreamstate, @flanx, imbord3rlin3, @djweevil666, http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/, @THK, https://flyers.arcade-museum.com/, https://www.flyerfever.com/, https://www.recreativas.org/, Ken at https://www.flickr.com/photos/10707024@N04/, zzzaccaria.com, Hasan Tasdemir from Nationaal Video Game Museum for the opportunity to photograph at your amazing museum. 
    https://www.nationaalvideogamemuseum.nl, https://segaretro.org/, @seijurou and all the logo makers and artwork scanners and submitters for the LB database and other databases.
    Hope you enjoy this collection.


       (5 reviews)



  11. Video Marquees for Games

    Just started these, rescaled to 1680x342 for Marquee Monitor .. 
    007 Collection
    007: Agent Under Fire
    007: Bloodstone
    007: Everything Or Nothing
    007: From Russia With Love
    007: Goldeneye Re-loaded
    007: Goldeneye
    007: Legends
    007: License to Kill
    007: Live & Let Die
    007: Nightfire
    007: Quantum Of Solace
    007: The Living Daylights
    007: The Stealth Affair
    007: Tomorrow Never Dies
    007: The World Is Not Enough
    4x4 Evo Collection
    4x4 Evo
    4x4 Evo 2
    Ace Combat Collection
    Ace Combat
    Ace Combat 2
    Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere
    Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies
    Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
    Ace Combat 6: Fires Of Liberation
    Ace Combat: Infinity
    Ace Combat X: Skies Of Deception
    Ace Combat: Zero The Belkan War
    Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
    After Burner Collection
    After Burner
    After Burner II
    After Burner III
    After Burner Black Falcon
    After Burner Climax
    American Chopper Collection
    American Chopper
    American Chopper 2: Full Throttle
    Colin McRae Collection
    Colin McRae Rally
    Colin McRae Rally 2.0
    Colin McRae Rally 3
    Colin McRae Rally 04
    Colin McRae Rally 2005
    Colin McRae Dirt
    Colin McRae Dirt 2
    Conflict Collection
    Conflict: Desert Storm
    Conflict: Desert Storm II 
    Conflict: Denied Ops
    Conflict: Global Terror
    Conflict: Vietnam
    Crazy Taxi Collection
    Crazy Taxi
    Crazy Taxi 2
    Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller
    Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars
    Driver Collection
    Driver 2
    Driver '76
    Driver: Parallel Lines
    Driver: San Francisco 
    DTM Race Driver Collection
    DTM Race Driver 2
    DTM Race Driver 3
    Flatout Collection 
    Flatout 2
    Flatout: Head On
    Flatout: Ultimate Carnage
    Ford Racing Collection
    Ford Racing
    Ford Racing 2
    Ford Racing 3
    Ford Racing: Off Road
    Ford Street Racing
    Ford Mustang: The Legend Lives
    Grand Theft Auto Collection
    Grand Theft Auto
    Grand Theft Auto 2
    Grand Theft Auto III
    Grand Theft Auto IV
    Grand Theft Auto V
    Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
    Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City
    Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City
    Grand Theft Auto: London
    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
    Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
    Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
    Jarret & Labonte
    Jarret & Labonte: Stock Car Racing
    Kane & Lynch Collection
    Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
    Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
    Knight Rider Collection
    Knight Rider: The Game
    Knight Rider: The Game 2
    Need for Speed Collection
    Need For Speed
    Need For Speed II
    Need For Speed III: Hot Pursuit
    Need For Speed: Carbon
    Need For Speed: Carbon Own The City
    Need For Speed: GT
    Need For Speed: High Stakes
    Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit
    Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2
    Need For Speed: Most Wanted (2005)
    Need For Speed: Most Wanted (2012)
    Need For Speed: Most Wanted Black Edition
    Need For Speed: Nitro
    Need For Speed: Porsche Unleashed
    Need For Speed: Prostreet
    Need For Speed: Rivals
    Need For Speed: Shift
    Need For Speed: The Run
    Need For Speed: Undercover
    Need For Speed: Underground
    Need For Speed: Underground 2
    Need For Speed: Underground Rivals
    Ridge Racer Collection
    Ridge Racer
    Ridge Racer 
    Ridge Racer 3D
    R4 Ridge Racer 4
    Ridge Racer V
    Ridge Racer 6
    Ridge Racer 7
    Ridge Racer 64
    Ridge Racer: Revolution
    Ridge Racer: Unbounded
    Sega Rally Collection
    Sega Rally
    Sega Rally 2 Championship
    Sega Rally 3
    Sega Rally 2006
    Sega Rally Online Arcade
    Silent Hill Collection
    Silent Hill
    Silent Hill 2
    Silent Hill 3
    Silent Hill 4: The Room
    Silent Hill: HD Collection
    Silent Hill: Book Of Memories
    Silent Hill: Downpour
    Silent Hill: Homecoming
    Silent Hill: Origins
    Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
    Silent Hill: The Arcade Game
    TOCA Collection
    TOCA Race Driver
    TOCA Race Driver 2
    TOCA Race Driver 3
    TOCA Touring Car Championship
    TOCA Touring Car Championship 2
    TOCA World Touring Car  
    Tony Stewarts Collection
    Tony Stewarts All American Racing
    Tony Stewarts Sprint Car Racing
    True Crime Collection
    True Crime: New York City
    True Crime: Streets Of LA
    TT: Isle Of Man Collection
    TT: Isle Of Man
    TT: Isle Of Man 2
    TT: Isle Of Man 3
    V8 Supercars Australia Collection
    V8 Supercars Australia
    V8 Supercars Australia 2
    V8 Supercars Australia 3
    WRC Collection
    WRC World Rally Championship 
    WRC FIA World Rally Championship 2
    WRC FIA World Rally Championship 3
    WRC FIA World Rally Championship 4
    WRC FIA World Rally Championship 5
    WRC FIA World Rally Championship 6
    WRC FIA World Rally Championship 7
    WRC FIA World Rally Championship 8
    WRC FIA World Rally Championship 9
    WRC FIA World Rally Championship 10
    WRC Evolved
    WRC Generations
    WRC II Extreme
    WRC Powerslide

    Need For Speed Nitro.mp4 Grand Theft Auto III.mp4 After Burner.mp4 Crazy Taxi 2.mp4 Ace Combat 04 Shattered Skies.mp4 True Crime New York City.mp4


       (1 review)



  12. Namco System 357 - Mr. Retrolust Style

    3D Boxes in the style of Mr. Retrolust. Complete set. Some of these were already avaliable and I modified some logos, others were made from Arcade Flyers.


       (0 reviews)



  13. Namco System 246 - Mr. Retrolust Style

    3D Boxes in the style of Mr. Retrolust. Complete set. Some of these were already avaliable and I modified some logos, others were made from Arcade Flyers.


       (0 reviews)



  14. Arcade Classics HiRes custom Systems/Playlist front-box

    2700+ Hi-Res Arcade front boxes/posters based on PC top header colored with platform or collection set.
    One of each systems/collections attached as exemples
    Top left banner for system if there is any - top right banner for playlist name
    Separated archives for dedicated systems like Naomi, Atomiswave, Model3, etc...
    I'm still a noob with editing so I did my best to reframe, cleanup from arcade flyers or other custom box front (thanks to everyone who did these custom posters in Launchbox DB). I also created few ones from scratch.
    It fits well with flat design themes like Colorful
    I started from Mame import generated playlists and added few other systems (teknoparrot, CPS III emu, Dolphin Triforce, etc...) so I probably miss several games.
    I can provide .psd files and create missing one once in a while so @me if needed



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  15. ARCADE SYSTEMS OTHER (G-L) 2.5D Custom Box Fronts

    Gaelco 3D
    ATV Track (Gaelco) (2002) [Driving / Race (chase view) Bike; ]
    Football Power (Gaelco) (1999) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Gaelco Championship Tuning Race (Gaelco) (2005) [Driving / Race; ]
    Gaelco Football (Gaelco / Zigurat) (2002) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Radikal Bikers (Gaelco) (1998) [Driving / Race (chase view) Bike; ]
    Ring Riders (Gaelco) (2004) [Driving / Motorbike; ]
    ROLLing eX.tre.me (Gaelco (Namco America license)) (1999) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Smashing Drive (Gaelco) (2000) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Speed Up (Namco) (1996) [Racing; ]
    Surf Planet (Atari) (1997) [Sports; ]
    Tokyo Cop (Gaelco) (2003) [Driving / Race (chase view); ]
    Argus (Gottlieb) (1986) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Exterminator (Premier Technology) (1989) [Shooter / 3rd Person; ]
    Insector (Gottlieb) (1982) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Krull (Gottlieb) (1983) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Mad Planets (Gottlieb) (1983) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Mello Yello Q*bert (Gottlieb) (1982) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Q*bert (Gottlieb) (1982) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Reactor (Gottlieb) (1982) [Maze / Shooter Small; ]
    Cluedo (JPM) (1995) [Quiz / Questions in English; ]
    Coronation Street Quiz Game (JPM) (1999) [Quiz / Questions in English; ]
    Give us a Break (JPM) (1986) [Quiz / Questions in English; ]
    Hangman (JPM) (1984) [Quiz / Questions in English; ]
    Monopoly (JPM) (199) [Quiz / Questions in English; ]
    Monopoly Classic (JPM) (1995) [Quiz / Questions in English; ]
    Monopoly Deluxe (JPM) (1995) [Quiz / Questions in English; ]
    Scrabble (JPM) (1997) [Quiz / Questions in English; ]
    Ten Up (JPM) (1988) [Quiz / Questions in English; ]
    Trivial Pursuit (JPM) (1996) [Quiz / Questions in English; ]
    Leland Corp.
    All American Football (Leland Corporation) (1989) [Sports / Football; ]
    Asylum (Leland Corporation) (1991) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Ataxx (Leland Corporation) (1990) [Tabletop / Misc.; ]
    Brute Force (Leland Corporation) (1991) [Fighter / Field; ]
    Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat (Leland Corporation) (1991) [Driving / Race Track; ]
    Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off-Road (Leland Corporation) (1989) [Driving / Race Track; ]
    Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off-Road Track-Pak (Leland Corporation) (1989) [Driving / Race Track; ]
    John Elway's Team Quarterback (Leland Corporation) (1988) [Sports / Football; ]
    Pig Out: Dine Like a Swine! (Leland Corporation) (1990) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Quarterback (Leland Corporation) (1987) [Sports / Football; ]
    Strike Zone Baseball (Leland Corporation) (1988) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Super Baseball Double Play Home Run Derby (Leland Corporation / Tradewest) (1987) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Viper (Leland Corporation) (1988) [Shooter / Flying 1st Person; ]
    World Soccer Finals (Leland Corporation) (1990) [Sports / Soccer; ]


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  16. ARCADE SYSTEMS OTHER (A-F) 2.5D Custom Box Fronts

    AAE Another Arcade Emulator
    Alien Storm (Sega Enterprises) (1990) [Shooter; Beat 'em Up; ]
    Armor Attack (Cinematronics) (1980) [Shooter; ]
    Asteroids (Atari) (1979) [Shooter; ]
    Asteroids Deluxe (Atari) (1981) [Shooter; ]
    Barrier (Vectorbeam) (1979) [Action; Puzzle; ]
    Battlezone (Atari) (1980) [Shooter; Vehicle Simulation; ]
    Black Widow (Atari) (1982) [Shooter; ]
    Boxing Bugs (Cinematronics) (1981) [Shooter; ]
    Breakout (Atari) (1976) [Action; ]
    Demon (Rock-Ola) (1982) [Shooter; ]
    Eliminator (Sega/Gremlin) (1981) [Shooter; ]
    Gravitar (Atari) (1982) [Shooter; ]
    Lunar Battle (Atari) (1982) [Shooter; ]
    Lunar Lander (Atari) (1979) [Action; ]
    Major Havoc (Atari) (1983) [Platform; Shooter; ]
    Omega Race (Midway Manufacturing) (1981) [Shooter; ]
    Quantum (Atari) (1982) [Puzzle; ]
    Red Baron (Atari) (1980) [Action; Flight Simulator; ]
    Rip Off (Cinematronics) (1980) [Action; Shooter; ]
    Solar Quest (Cinematronics) (1981) [Shooter; ]
    Space Duel (Atari) (1982) [Shooter; ]
    Space Fury (Sega/Gremlin) (1981) [Shooter; ]
    Space Wars (Cinematronics) (1977) [Shooter; ]
    Speed Freak (1979) [Racing; ]
    Star Castle (Cinematronics) (1980) [Shooter; ]
    Star Hawk (Cinematronics) (1979) [Shooter; ]
    Star Trek (Sega) (1982) [Action; Shooter; ]
    Star Wars (Atari) (1983) [Flight Simulator; Shooter; ]
    Sundance (1979)
    Tac/Scan (1982) [Shooter; ]
    TailGunner (Cinematronics) (1979) [Shooter; ]
    Tempest (Atari) (1981) [Shooter; ]
    Vortex (Zilec Electronics) (1980) [Shooter; ]
    War of the Worlds (Cinematronics) (1981)
    Warrior (Cinematronics) (1979) [Fighting; ]
    Zektor (Sega Enterprises) (1982) [Shooter; ]
    Afega Co.Ltd.
    Bubble 2000 (Afega (Tuning license)) (1998) [Puzzle / Toss * Mature *; ]
    Dolmen (Afega) (1995) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Guardian Storm (Afega (Apples Industries license)) (1998) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Mang-Chi (Afega) (2000) [Puzzle / Match; ]
    Pop's Pop's (Afega) (1999) [Quiz / Questions in English; ]
    Red Hawk (Afega (New Vision Ent. license)) (1997) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Twin Action (Afega) (1995) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Arcadia Systems Inc.
    Aaargh (Arcadia Systems) (1987) [Platform / Fighter; ]
    Blastaball (Arcadia Systems) (1988) [Sports / Misc.; ]
    Delta Command (Arcadia Systems) (1988) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Leader Board Golf (Arcadia Systems) (1988) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Magic Johnson's Fast Break (Arcadia Systems) (1988) [Sports / Basketball; ]
    Ninja Mission (Arcadia Systems) (1987) [Fighter / 2D; ]
    Pharaohs Match (Arcadia Systems) (1988) [Puzzle / Match; ]
    RoadWars (Arcadia Systems) (1988) [Shooter / Driving (chase view); ]
    Sidewinder (Arcadia Systems) (1988) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Space Ranger (Arcadia Systems) (1987) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    SportTime Bowling (Arcadia Systems) (1988) [Sports / Bowling; ]
    SportTime Table Hockey (Arcadia Systems) (1988) [Sports / Misc.; ]
    Spot (Arcadia Systems) (1990) [Tabletop / Misc.; ]
    World Darts (Arcadia Systems) (1987) [Sports / Darts; ]
    World Trophy Soccer (Arcadia Systems) (1989) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Xenon (Arcadia Systems) (1988) [Shooter / Misc. Vertical; ]
    Brezzasoft Crystal System
    Evolution Soccer (Evoga) (2001) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    The Crystal of Kings (BrezzaSoft) (2001) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Top Blade V (SonoKong / Expotato) (2003) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Alley Master (Cinematronics) (1986) [Sports / Bowling; ]
    Baseball: The Season II (Cinematronics) (1987) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Boxing Bugs (Cinematronics) (1981) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Brix (Cinematronics / Advanced Microcomputer Systems) (1982) [Maze / Cross; ]
    Cerberus (Cinematronics) (1985) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Cosmic Chasm (Cinematronics / GCE) (1983) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Danger Zone (Cinematronics) (1986) [Shooter / Flying 1st Person; ]
    Embargo (Cinematronics) (1977) [Maze / Surround; ]
    Freeze (Cinematronics) (1996) [Maze / Shooter Large; ]
    Jack the Giantkiller (Hara Industries (Cinematronics license)) (1982) [Climbing / Tree - Plant; ]
    Mayhem 2002 (Cinematronics) (1985) [Sports / Misc.; ]
    Pirati (Cin) (2001) [Casino / Misc.; ]
    Power Play (Cinematronics) (1985) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Redline Racer (Cinematronics (Tradewest license)) (1987) [Driving / Race Track; ]
    Rip Off (Cinematronics) (1980) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Solar Quest (Cinematronics) (1981) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Space Ace (Cinematronics) (1984) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Space Ship (Sega) (1978) [Shooter; ]
    Space Wars (Cinematronics) (1977) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Star Castle (Cinematronics) (1980) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Star Hawk (Cinematronics) (1979) [Shooter; ]
    Sundance (Cinematronics) (1979) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Tailgunner (Cinematronics) (1979) [Shooter / Flying 1st Person; ]
    Up Your Alley (Cinematronics) (1986) [Sports / Bowling; ]
    War of the Worlds (Cinematronics) (1981) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    World Series: The Season (Cinematronics) (1985) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Zzyzzyxx (Cinematronics / Advanced Microcomputer Systems) (1982) [Maze / Escape; ]
    Eolith Gradation 2D System
    Candy Candy (Eolith) (1999) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Fortress 2 Blue Arcade (Eolith) (2001) [Shooter / Command; ]
    Hidden Catch (Eolith) (1998) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Hidden Catch 2 (Eolith) (1999) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Hidden Catch 2000 (Eolith) (1999) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Hidden Catch 3 (Eolith) (2000) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Iron Fortress (Eolith) (1998) [Maze / Shooter Large; ]
    Land Breaker (Eolith) (1999) [Puzzle / Outline * Mature *; ]
    Linky Pipe (Eolith) (1998) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    New Hidden Catch (Eolith) (1999) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Penfan Girls: Step1. Mild Mind (Eolith) (1999) [Puzzle / Reconstruction * Mature *; ]
    Puzzle King (Eolith) (2002) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Steal See (Moov Generation / Eolith) (2000) [Puzzle / Match * Mature *; ]


       (0 reviews)



  17. ARCADE SYSTEMS OTHER (M-R) 2.5D Custom Box Fronts

    Microprose 3D
    Battle of the Solar System (Microprose Games Inc.) (1992) [Shooter / 3rd Person; ]
    Battle Tank (Budgie UK) (1993) [Vehicle Simulation; ]
    F-15 Strike Eagle (Microprose Games Inc.) (1991) [Shooter / Flying 1st Person; ]
    Armed F (Nichibutsu (Fillmore license)) (1988) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    AV Hanafuda Hana no Ageman (Nichibutsu / AV Japan) (1990) [Tabletop / Hanafuda * Mature *; ]
    Bijokko Gakuen (Nichibutsu) (1988) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Chouji Meikyuu Legion (Nichibutsu) (1987) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    City Love (Nichibutsu) (1986) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Cop 01 (Nichibutsu) (1985) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Cosmo Police Galivan (Nichibutsu) (1985) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Crazy Climber (Nichibutsu) (1980) [Climbing / Building; ]
    Crazy Climber 2 (Nichibutsu) (1988) [Climbing / Building; ]
    Crystal Gal (Nichibutsu) (1986) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Crystal Gal 2 (Nichibutsu) (1986) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Dacholer (Nichibutsu) (1983) [Maze / Shooter Small; ]
    Frisky Tom (Nichibutsu) (1981) [Maze / Integrate; ]
    Galaxian Part 4 (Namco) (1979) [Shooter; ]
    Galaxian Part X (hack) (1979) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Gionbana (Nichibutsu) (1989) [Tabletop / Hanafuda * Mature *; ]
    Gomoku Narabe Renju (Nichibutsu) (1981) [Tabletop / Renju; ]
    Hana to Ojisan (Nichibutsu) (1991) [Tabletop / Hanafuda * Mature *; ]
    Hayaoshi Taisen Quiz Hyhoo (Nichibutsu) (1987) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese * Mature *; ]
    Hayaoshi Taisen Quiz Hyhoo 2 (Nichibutsu) (1987) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese * Mature *; ]
    House Mannequin (Nichibutsu) (1987) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    House Mannequin Roppongi Live hen (Nichibutsu) (1987) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Iemoto (Nichibutsu) (1987) [Board Game; Strategy; ]
    Jangou [BET] (Nichibutsu) (1983) [Tabletop / Mahjong; ]
    Jangou Lady (Nichibutsu) (1984) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Kick Boy (Nichibutsu) (1983) [Maze / Shooter Small; ]
    Kid no Hore Hore Daisakusen (Nichibutsu) (1987) [Maze / Defeat Enemies; ]
    Kozure Ookami (Nichibutsu) (1987) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Legion (bootleg) (1986) [Fighter / 2D; ]
    Legion: Spinner-87 (Nichibutsu) (1987) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Mag Max (Nichibutsu) (1985) [Shooter / Misc. Horizontal; ]
    Mahjong Bakuhatsu Junjouden (Nichibutsu) (1991) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Mahjong Chinmoku no Hentai (Nichibutsu) (1990) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Mahjong CLUB 90's (Nichibutsu) (1990) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Mahjong Final Bunny (Nichibutsu) (1991) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Mahjong Focus (Nichibutsu) (1989) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Mahjong G-MEN'89 (Nichibutsu) (1989) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Mahjong Gal no Kaika (Nichibutsu / T.R.Tec) (1989) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Mahjong Gottsu ee-kanji (Nichibutsu) (1991) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Mahjong Hana no Momoko gumi (Nichibutsu) (1988) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Mahjong Jikken Love Story (Nichibutsu) (1991) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Mahjong Nerae! Top Star (Nichibutsu) (1990) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Mahjong Panic Stadium (Nichibutsu) (1990) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Mahjong Satsujin Jiken (Nichibutsu) (1988) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Mahjong Shikaku (Nichibutsu) (1988) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Mahjong The Lady Hunter (Nichibutsu) (1990) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Mahjong Triple Wars (Nichibutsu) (1989) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Mahjong Triple Wars 2 (Nichibutsu) (1990) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Mahjong Vanilla Syndrome (Nichibutsu) (1991) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Maikobana (Nichibutsu) (1990) [Tabletop / Hanafuda * Mature *; ]
    Medal Mahjong Circuit no Mehyou [BET] (Nichibutsu / Kawakusu) (1992) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Medal Mahjong Gottsu ee-kanji (Nichibutsu) (1991) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Medal Mahjong Janjan Baribari (Nichibutsu / Yubis / AV Japan) (1992) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Medal Mahjong Pachi-Slot Tengoku [BET] (Nichibutsu / AV Japan / Miki Syouji) (1993) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Mighty Guy (Nichibutsu) (1986) [Fighter / Vertical; ]
    Miss Mahjong Contest (Nichibutsu) (1989) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Moon Alien (Namco / Nichibutsu (Karateco license?)) (1979) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Moon Alien Part 2 (Namco / Nichibutsu) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Moon Base Zeta (Taito / Nichibutsu) (1979) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Moon Quasar (Nichibutsu) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Moon Shuttle (Nichibutsu) (1981) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Ninja Emaki (Nichibutsu) (1986) [Shooter / Misc. Vertical; ]
    Niyanpai (Nichibutsu) (1996) [Puzzle / Match * Mature *; ]
    Ojousan (Nichibutsu) (1987) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Pastel Gal (Nichibutsu) (1985) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Quiz-Mahjong Hayaku Yatteyo! (Nichibutsu) (1991) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Radical Radial (Nichibutsu USA) (1982) [Shooter / Driving Vertical; ]
    Roller Jammer (Nichibutsu / Alice) (1984) [Fighter / Vertical; ]
    Rolling Crash (Nichibutsu) (1979) [Racing; Shooter; ]
    Rug Rats (Nichibutsu) (1983) [Maze / Digging; ]
    Scandal Mahjong (Nichibutsu) (1989) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Second Love (Nichibutsu) (1986) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Sei Senshi Amatelass (Nichibutsu) (1986) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Seiha (Nichibutsu) (1987) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Sexy Gal (Nichibutsu) (1985) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    SF-X (Nihon Game (Nichibutsu license)) (1983) [Shooter / Flying; ]
    Skelagon (Taiyo System (Nichibutsu USA license)) (1983) [Shooter / Flying; ]
    Sky Robo (Nichibutsu) (1989) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Soldier Girl Amazon (Nichibutsu (Tecfri license)) (1986) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Space Firebird (bootleg) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Sweet Gal (Nichibutsu) (1985) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Tatakae! Big Fighter (Nichibutsu) (1989) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Telephone Mahjong (Nichibutsu) (1988) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Terra Force (Nichibutsu USA) (1987) [Shooter / Flying; ]
    The Roll (Project) (1979) [Slot Machine / Reels; ]
    Tokimeki Bishoujo (Nichibutsu) (1989) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Tokyo Gal Zukan (Nichibutsu) (1989) [Tabletop / Mahjong * Mature *; ]
    Tube Panic (Nichibutsu / Fujitek) (1984) [Shooter / Flying (chase view); ]
    Ufo Robo Dangar (Nichibutsu) (1986) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Wiping (Nichibutsu) (1983) [Maze / Digging; ]
    Youma Ninpou Chou (bootleg) (1986) [Shooter / Misc. Vertical; ]
    NMK 16 System
    Acrobat Mission (UPL (Taito license)) (1991) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Air Attack (Comad) (1996) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Bio-ship Paladin (UPL (American Sammy license)) (1990) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Black Heart (UPL) (1991) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Bombjack Twin (NMK) (1993) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Bubble 2000 (Afega (Tuning license)) (1998) [Puzzle / Toss * Mature *; ]
    Fire Hawk (ESD) (2001) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    GunNail (NMK / Tecmo) (1993) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Hacha Mecha Fighter (NMK) (1991) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Hot Bubble (Afega (Pandora license)) (1998) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (UPL) (1992) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Mang-Chi (Afega) (2000) [Puzzle / Match; ]
    Many Block (Bee-Oh) (1991) [Puzzle / Sliding; ]
    Nouryoku Koujou Iinkai (Tecmo) (1995) [Quiz / Questions in Japanese; ]
    Pop's Pop's (Afega) (1999) [Quiz / Questions in English; ]
    Rapid Hero (NMK) (1994) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    S.S. Mission (Comad) (1992) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Saboten Bombers (NMK / Tecmo) (1992) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Sen Jing: Guardian Storm (Afega) (1998) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Spectrum 2000 (Yona Tech) (2000) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Stagger I (Afega) (1998) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Super Spacefortress Macross / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross (Banpresto) (1992) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Super Spacefortress Macross II / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross II (Banpresto) (1993) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Task Force Harrier (UPL (American Sammy license)) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Thunder Dragon (NMK (Tecmo license)) (1991) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Thunder Dragon 2 (NMK) (1993) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Twin Action (Afega) (1995) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    US AAF Mustang (UPL) (1990) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Vandyke (UPL (Jaleco license)) (1990) [Fighter / Vertical; ]


       (0 reviews)



  18. DATA EAST ARCADE 2.5D Custom Box Fronts

    Data East Burger Time
    Bogey Manor (Technos Japan) (1985) [Platform / Fighter; ]
    Bump 'n' Jump (Data East) (1982) [Driving / Race; ]
    Burger Time (Data East Corporation) (1982) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Burnin' Rubber (Data East) (1982) [Driving / Race; ]
    Car Action (bootleg) (1982) [Driving / Race; ]
    Disco No.1 (Data East) (1982) [Action; Puzzle; ]
    Lock'n'Chase (Data East Corporation) (1981) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Minky Monkey (Technos Japan / Roller Tron) (1982) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Mysterious Stones: Dr. John's Adventure (Technos Japan) (1984) [Maze / Shooter Large; ]
    Super Doubles Tennis (Data East Corporation) (1983) [Sports / Tennis; ]
    Syusse Oozumou (Technos Japan) (1984) [Sports / Sumo; ]
    Tag Team Wrestling (Technos Japan (Data East license)) (1983) [Sports / Wrestling; ]
    Treasure Island (Data East Corporation) (1981) [Maze / Run Jump; ]
    World Tennis (bootleg) (1982) [Sports / Tennis; ]
    Zoar (Data East) (1982) [Shooter; ]
    Data East Caveman Ninja
    Caveman Ninja (Data East Corporation) (1991) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Crude Buster (Data East Corporation) (1990) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Dark Seal (Data East Corporation) (1990) [Maze / Fighter; ]
    Death Brade (1991)
    Gate of Doom (Data East Corporation) (1990) [Maze / Fighter; ]
    Kuhga: Operation Code 'Vapor Trail' (Data East) (1989) [Shooter; ]
    Mutant Fighter (Data East Corporation) (1992) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Robocop 2 (Data East Corporation) (1991) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Stoneage (bootleg) (1991) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Tatakae Genshizin Joe & Mac (Data East) (1991) [Action; Platform; ]
    The Cliffhanger: Edward Randy (Data East) (1990) [Beat 'em Up; ]
    Two Crude (Data East USA) (1990) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (Data East Corporation) (1989) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Data East Counter Steer
    Counter Steer (Data East Corporation) (1985) [Driving / Motorbike; ]
    Gekitsui Oh (Data East Corporation) (1985) [Shooter / Flying 1st Person; ]
    Zero Target (Data East Corporation) (1985) [Shooter / Flying 1st Person; ]
    Data East ARM6
    Captain America and The Avengers (Data East Corporation) (1991) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Dragon Gun (Data East Corporation) (1992) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Fighter's History (Data East Corporation) (1993) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Gun Hard (Data East) (1994) [Shooter; ]
    Locked 'n Loaded (Data East Corporation) (1994) [Shooter / Gun; ]
    Night Slashers (Data East Corporation) (1993) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Tattoo Assassins (Data East) (1994) [Fighting; ]
    Data East Astro Fighter
    Astro Fighter (Data East) (1979) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Space Fighter Mark II (Data East) (1979) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Tomahawk 777 (Data East) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Deco Cassette System
    18 Holes Pro Golf (Data East Corporation) (1981) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Angler Dangler (Data East Corporation) (1982) [Sports / Fishing; ]
    Astro Fantasia (Data East Corporation) (1981) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Boulder Dash (Data East Corporation) (1984) [Maze / Digging; ]
    Bump 'n' Jump (Data East Corporation) (1982) [Driving / Race; ]
    Burger Time (Data East Corporation) (1983) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Burnin' Rubber (Data East Corporation) (1982) [Driving / Race; ]
    Cluster Buster (Data East Corporation) (1983) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout; ]
    Cook Race (bootleg) (1982) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Disco No.1 (Data East Corporation) (1982) [Puzzle / Outline; ]
    DS Telejan (Data East Corporation) (1981) [Tabletop / Mahjong; ]
    Explorer (Data East Corporation) (1982) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Fighting Ice Hockey (Data East Corporation) (1984) [Sports / Hockey; ]
    Fishing (Data East Corporation) (1982) [Sports / Fishing; ]
    Flash Boy (Data East Corporation) (1981) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Flying Ball (Data East Corporation) (1985) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout; ]
    Genesis (Gottlieb) (1986) [Electromechanical / Pinball; ]
    Graplop (Data East Corporation) (1983) [Ball & Paddle / Breakout; ]
    Hamburger (Data East Corporation) (1982) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Highway Chase (Data East Corporation) (1980) [Shooter / Driving Vertical; ]
    Kamikaze Cabbie (Data East Corporation) (1984) [Maze / Driving; ]
    Lock'n'Chase (Data East Corporation) (1981) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Lucky Poker (Data East Corporation) (1981) [Casino / Cards; ]
    Manhattan (Data East Corporation) (1981) [Misc. / Jump and Bounce; ]
    Mission-X (Data East Corporation) (1982) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Nebula (Data East Corporation) (1980) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Night Star (Data East Corporation) (1983) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Ocean to Ocean (Data East Corporation) (1981) [Casino / Misc.; ]
    Oozumou: The Grand Sumo (Data East Corporation) (1984) [Sports / Sumo; ]
    Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory (Data East Corporation) (1984) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Pro Bowling (Data East Corporation) (1983) [Sports / Bowling; ]
    Pro Soccer (Data East Corporation) (1983) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Pro Tennis (Data East Corporation) (1982) [Sports / Tennis; ]
    Rootin' Tootin' / La-Pa-Pa (Data East Corporation) (1983) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Scrum Try (Data East Corporation) (1984) [Sports / Rugby Football; ]
    Skater (Data East Corporation) (1983) [Sports / Skateboarding; ]
    Super Astro Fighter (Data East Corporation) (1981) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    Super Doubles Tennis (Data East Corporation) (1983) [Sports / Tennis; ]
    Sweet Heart (Data East Corporation) (1982) [Maze / Shooter Large; ]
    Terranean (Data East Corporation) (1981) [Shooter / Gallery; ]
    The Tower (Data East Corporation) (1981) [Climbing / Building; ]
    Tornado (Data East Corporation) (1982) [Shooter / 3rd Person; ]
    Tournament Pro Golf (Data East Corporation) (1981) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Treasure Island (Data East Corporation) (1981) [Maze / Collect; ]
    Zeroize (Data East Corporation) (1983) [Maze / Outline; ]
    Data East Last Mission
    Breywood (Data East) (1986) [Maze / Shooter Large; ]
    Captain Silver (Data East Corporation) (1987) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Last Mission (Data East Corporation) (1986) [Shooter / Field; ]
    Shackled (Data East USA) (1986) [Maze / Shooter Large; ]
    Data East Liberation
    B-Wings (Data East Corporation) (1984) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Boomer Rang'r (Data East Corporation) (1983) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Dual Assault (Data East USA) (1984) [Shooter / Flying; ]
    Kamikaze Cabbie (Data East Corporation) (1984) [Maze / Driving; ]
    Liberation (Data East Corporation) (1984) [Shooter / Flying; ]
    Pro Bowling (1983) [Sports; ]
    Pro Soccer (Data East Corporation) (1983) [Sports / Soccer; ]
    Pro Sports: Bowling, Tennis, and Golf (1983) [Sports; ]
    Yellow Cab (Data East Corporation) (1984) [Maze / Driving; ]
    Zaviga (Data East Corporation) (1984) [Shooter / Misc. Vertical; ]
    Data East MEC-M1
    Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja (Data East USA) (1988) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    Birdie Try (Data East Corporation) (1988) [Sports / Golf; ]
    DragonNinja (Data East) (1988) [Beat 'em Up; Platform; ]
    Fighting Fantasy (Data East Corporation) (1989) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Heavy Barrel (Data East USA) (1987) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Hippodrome (Data East USA) (1989) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Robocop (Data East USA) (1988) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Stadium Hero (Data East Corporation) (1988) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Data East Midnight Resistance
    Boulder Dash (Atari (USA)) [Action; Puzzle; ]
    Midnight Resistance (Data East Corporation) (1989) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Secret Agent (Data East) (1989) [Beat 'em Up; Platform; ]
    Sly Spy (Data East USA) (1989) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Data East MLC System
    Avengers In Galactic Storm (Data East Corporation) (1995) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Dunk Dream '95 (Data East Corporation) (1995) [Sports / Basketball; ]
    Hoops (Data East Corporation) (1995) [Sports / Basketball; ]
    Hoops '96 (Data East Corporation) (1996) [Sports / Basketball; ]
    Skull Fang (Data East Corporation) (1996) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Stadium Hero '96 (Data East Corporation) (1996) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Data East Pocket Gal
    Pocket Gal (Data East Corporation) (1987) [Sports / Pool * Mature *; ]
    Pocket Gal 2 (Data East Corporation) (1989) [Sports / Pool * Mature *; ]
    Shoot Out (Data East Corporation) (1985) [Shooter / 3rd Person; ]
    Super Pool III (Data East Corporation) (1989) [Sports / Pool; ]
    Data East Simple 156
    Cannon Dancer (Mitchell) (1996) [Action; Platform; ]
    Chain Reaction (Data East Corporation) (1995) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Charlie Ninja (Mitchell) (1994) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Ganbare! Gonta!! 2 / Party Time: Gonta the Diver II (Mitchell) (1995) [Puzzle; ]
    Joe & Mac Returns (Data East Corporation) (1994) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Magical Drop (Data East Corporation) (1995) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Magical Drop Plus 1 (Data East Corporation) (1995) [Puzzle / Toss; ]
    Osman (Mitchell) (1996) [Action; Platform; ]
    Party Time: Gonta the Diver II / Ganbare! Gonta!! 2 (Mitchell) (1995) [Puzzle / Outline * Mature *; ]
    Data East Super Burger Time
    China Town (Data East Corporation) (1998) [Puzzle / Drop; ]
    Super Burger Time (1990) [Platform; ]
    Data East Unique
    18 Holes Pro Golf (Data East Corporation) (1981) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Backfire! (Data East Corporation) (1995) [Driving / Race; ]
    Bloody Wolf (Data East USA) (1988) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Boogie Wings (Data East Corporation) (1992) [Shooter / Misc. Horizontal; ]
    Chanbara (Data East) (1985) [Fighter / 2D; ]
    Competition Golf Final Round (Data East) (1985) [Sports / Golf; ]
    Desert Assault (Data East Corporation) (1991) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Destiny: The Fortuneteller (Data East Corporation) (1983) [Misc. / Prediction; ]
    Diet Go Go (Data East Corporation) (1992) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Dog Fight (Orca / Thunderbolt) (1983) [Shooter / Flying; ]
    Double Wings (Mitchell) (1993) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Express Raider (Data East USA) (1986) [Platform / Fighter Scrolling; ]
    High Seas Havoc (Data East) (1993) [Platform / Run, Jump & Scrolling; ]
    Lemmings (Data East USA) (1991) [Puzzle / Misc.; ]
    Mad Alien (Data East Corporation) (1980) [Shooter / Driving Vertical; ]
    Metal Clash (Data East) (1985) [Fighter / Misc.; ]
    Pocket Gal Deluxe (Data East Corporation) (1992) [Sports / Pool * Mature *; ]
    Pro Baseball Skill Tryout (Data East Corporation) (1985) [Sports / Baseball; ]
    Psycho-Nics Oscar (Data East USA) (1987) [Platform / Shooter Scrolling; ]
    Tumble Pop (Data East Corporation) (1991) [Platform / Run Jump; ]
    Data East Side Pocket
    Break Thru (Data East USA) (1986) [Shooter / Driving Horizontal; ]
    Cobra-Command (Data East Corporation) (1988) [Shooter / Flying Horizontal; ]
    Darwin 4078 (Data East Corporation) (1986) [Shooter / Flying Vertical; ]
    Kyohkoh-Toppa (Nihon Bussan) (1986) [Shooter; ]
    Side Pocket (Data East Corporation) (1986) [Sports / Pool; ]
    Super Real Darwin (Data East) (1987) [Shooter; ]
    Data East Wolf Fang
    Dark Seal 2 (Data East Corporation) (1992) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Gun Ball (Data East Corporation) (1992) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Nitro Ball (Data East Corporation) (1992) [Shooter / Walking; ]
    Rohga Armor Force (Data East) (1991) [Platform; Shooter; ]
    Schmeiser Robo (Hot-B) (1993) [Fighting; ]
    Wizard Fire (Data East Corporation) (1992) [Fighter / 2.5D; ]
    Data East Z80
    Fire Trap (Woodplace Inc. (Data East USA license)) (1986) [Climbing / Building; ]
    Karate Champ (Data East USA) (1984) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Karate Champ: Player Vs Player (Data East USA) (1984) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Karate Dou (Data East Corporation) (1984) [Fighter / Versus; ]
    Ring King (Woodplace Inc. (Data East USA license)) (1985) [Sports / Boxing; ]
    Taisen Karate Dou (Data East Corporation) (1984) [Fighter / Versus; ]


       (0 reviews)



  19. Antny's Transparent Teknoparrot Cabinets

    This is the next installment of arcade cabinets. This time it is for Teknoparrot.  I'm always looking for quality images.  If you would like to help out, pm me.
    I hope you like them.


       (0 reviews)



  20. Hypseus Singe Clear Logos

    This is
    3  Hypseus Singe Clear Logos
    hope you like it


       (0 reviews)



  21. The MAME Arcade Pre Configuration Project | Complete Download with Arcade Platform XML

    Proper update is coming in about a week (06/08/24). More games and fixes!
    8 Months (so far), 3550 games, 100's of hours configuring and too many late nights to count..... this is the MAME Arcade Pre Config Project.
    If you want show your appreciation and support the project and myself please check put my Patreon https://www.patreon.com/warpedpolygon
    No need to use the importer with the provided custom platform xml. I fully recommend using this to get the most out of what's been done.
    If you have been following along you know what the score is. If you are new here, let me explain what all this is.
    MAME is awesome, however like many other emulators it doesn't know what your use case is, how can it. So, it's defaults are more of a 'one size fits all... but not perfectly' kind of deal. As a result getting things setup can be a mine field. This isn't just down to MAME defaults, plenty of games present you with a bunch of hoops to jump through just to play the damn thing. This, on top of figuring out controls, (which is the main point here) can be a very frustrating experience. Even google can come up short sometimes leaving you to fumble around in the dark. Removing this frustration is the whole point of the project. I see lots of github requests for MAME that aren't emulation issues, they're configuration and setup issues. This project should alleviate the rage of most users. FOR CONTROL PAD USERS.
    So, let's just get into the stuff you wanna hear. To keep it simple I'm gonna list what IS here and what ISN'T here:
    Every working Parent ROM has been configured. Although, some games listed as NOT WORKING do indeed work to some degree. These have also been configured to future proof the project. Clones and/or preferred versions have been identified, configured and added in ADDITION to their parent counterparts. This could be an uncensored Japanese version, control hack, translation or even a sequel. In some instances an entirely different game can be a clone version. This is such an important part of the project. All English region Names/Versions have been configured. You may know a game by a completely different name depending on your region. All English versions with different names have been configured. So, if it's Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom, or just Zoom 909 to you, you'll be able to find it. It'll have that title in game also. I haven't just duplicated the parent version and changed the name in LB. All games have been tested and controls configured for XINPUT Controllers. This has been done per game. Some games needed ages spent on them to figure what the hell was going on. Robocop 2 has diagonals that need mapping to the second player joystick, despite being a one player game. So, you can imagine the time and testing that went in. Multiplayer games set to work with maximum players. Pretty much 70% of 4 player games were setup for 2 players by default. Games that remove the character selection for 4 players have had their 2 player versions also added so you have the choice. Multi screen games set for both one and two screen use. You will have the choice to launch the 1 screen or 2 screen version without having to set everything up. These maybe listed a 1 and 2 player variants. All analog games have had their sensitivity checked and changed if needed. Yes, the trackball Sonic game works just fine despite what people say. Every configured game has a control layout image. Working Prototypes are here. English set for Japanese only games wherever possible. There's more than you think. Unlockable/hidden content pre unlocked. Keep in mind some cheats for hidden content are a one time use and don't save to NVRAM. Fighting game button layouts are setup to all be the same. Exactly the same as Street Fighter 2 on SNES for 6 button fighters.  Light gun games set for controller AND mouse usage. Inaccurate games have been calibrated. Widescreen games set to pixel aspect. Technical hoops already jumped through. Much, much, much more. WHAT ISN'T HERE
    Mah-jong games that use a Mah-jong panel. These simply have too many inputs to map to a controller. Mah-jong games that use a joystick are here. Japanese quiz games. Gambling and video poker games. Basically anything with a BET, HOLD input system. Japanese clone versions, UNLESS they are preferred or have additional content.  Truly non working games that simply black screen. Any arcade platforms better emulated outside of MAME for e.g. Sega Model 2 & 3. ABOUT THE PLATFORM XML
    A lot of work has gone into making sure these games are all accounted for in the xml. There were a bunch of roms that weren't recognised by the importer or games that simply haven't yet been added to the Database. I have made sure that these have been added and named correctly before I start changing/updating the database. Also, I have gone the extra mile and added version info in the title of the game if there are multiples of the same game. So, you will see The Simpsons (2 Player) and The Simpsons (4 Players) as separate versions for extra convenience. PlayChoice-10 games and mega play games have also had this info added to the title so you know exactly what version is being selected, despite sharing the same name as other versions/games.
    Despite my previous statements, Non-Merged is the best for sooo many reasons. I plead with you, just go non merged and you'll have a better time. 
    However, I have been accommodating and everything has been setup for Merged set users also. But, having games setup as individual roms is way easier to manage than using a merged set and selecting/expanding different versions. This presented a problem that I cant be asked to explain. The long and short is MERGED SET USERS WILL NEED TO USE THE DUMMY ZIP FILES PROVIDED TO BE ABLE TO LAUNCH CLONES. This is so LaunchBox has something to grab onto and launch the game. Is it an elegant solution....NO. Does it just work and future proof any updates and changes that MAME may make to the Merged set...YES. This is because there's a dummy zip for every game, simply copy paste them into your roms folder and DO NOT REPLACE any files that are already present. DO NOT REPLACE. DO NOT REPLACE. 
    Not all Merged set users are going to like that solution. My advice if you are not wanting to use dummy zips....get a Non-Merged set.
    Download CFG, NVRAM and Control Layout Images Put CFG and NVRAM files in the cfg and nvram folders of MAME Use Images however you want. I like to put these in the Screenshot - Gameplay images folder so they display in the side bar. If you don't use a gameplay screenshots this is a nice solution outside of BigBox. This has been made for use with XINPUT controllers. If you aren't using an XINPUT controller you can use DS4windows or it's alternative. USING THE ARCADE PLATFORM XML
    Download the Arcade.xml (Merged Set users ONLY) Grab ALL the DUMMY ZIPS and place in Roms folder. DO NOT REPLACE anything that is already there. Backup your old xml just in case if you have one. Make sure LaunchBox is not running Place Arcade.xml into Data->Platforms folder in LaunchBox Start LaunchBox. The Arcade platform should be showing now. Select all games in the Arcade platform (Ctrl+A), then go to Tools->File Management->Change ROMs Folder Path for Selected Games Find your ROMs folder and select it. Don't forget to set your emulator path and set it as the default for Arcade platform. PLAY!!! This project will be kept up to date moving forward. If you have any info, suggestions or whatever just holler in the comments. 


       (9 reviews)



  22. 6 Button Control Layouts Marquees/Banners

    Some button maps I created for FinalBurn Neo (and possibly MAME?) I've created these based on the "All Killer No Filler" games list I'm using. There are 596 images in total, but I haven't checked them all, they've just been pulled straight out of a controls.xml.
    They're all 800x480 Transparent PNGs, I'm using them on a 5" 2nd display, with the ThirdScreen Plugin falling back to my platform button map if one doesn't exist for the game.
    Photoshop PSD template included. The font used is JLS Data Gothic C, which can be downloaded free for personal use on DaFont.


       (1 review)



  23. Transformers Shadows Rising

    Here we go guys and gals, sorry its late, but crazy busy just lately. Anyway usual stuff you've come to expect from me, videos, boxes, logos etc etc blah blah blah, enjoy


       (2 reviews)



  24. Point Blank X

    Here we go guys and gals, sorry its late, but crazy busy just lately. Anyway usual stuff you've come to expect from me, videos, boxes, logos etc etc blah blah blah, enjoy


       (1 review)



  25. Ghostbusters Raw Thrills

    Here we go guys and gals, sorry its late, but crazy busy just lately. Anyway usual stuff you've come to expect from me, videos, boxes, logos etc etc blah blah blah, enjoy


       (1 review)



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