289 files
Alpine Surfer Media Pack
By kim_sama98
Alpine Surfer has been playable for about a year and nobody has made a video snap or theme for the game. So I decided to make them myself. The theme seems lazy since I suck at making themes (I used Vegas Pro to make the theme) I decided to add the 3D Box I made, and added the Japanese flyer in case the Japanese version ever gets dumped
4K Arcade Video Snaps
By Pinky
A 4K snap with a little tweaking, the original came from here, just fixed it up to my liking.
Other arcade 4K snaps to view:
A Game in Four Scenes "005"
3 Count Bout
Midway & Bally/Midway | MAME Controller Exclusive Button Layout Images & Pre Mapped Config Files | NVRAM Fixes & Enhancements, Free Play, Unlocks etc
Midway. A lot of hidden gems here. A good mix, decades worth of games. Was nice to go through this particular slice of arcade history. Nothing else to say aside from play with this one! All cheats (as far as I'm aware) are one time use and don't save to the nvram state. If you know of anything that does, let me know!
In a nutshell, I'm tooth picking my way through MAME platform by platform, and pre configuring the controls for all arcade games that are designated as working.
You know the pain of weird awkward auto control mapping and fumbling around trying to figure what is going on. I have done that for you!
These remaps have been done exclusively for controllers. No keyboard inputs at all and all non essential inputs completely removed. Only what is necessary has been mapped.
Also, I have provided button layout images so you know exactly what the buttons are for every game!
I haven't just set whatever, every control has been tested, scrutinised and re-tested before actually making a definitive decision. I believe I have everything mapped to be as intuitive as possible.
Menu control in arcade games can be unintuitive when using a controller. These remaps have been made to make menu-ing intuitive and easy.
NOTE: If the left stick doesn't work in menus, the D-Pad will.
The per game .cfg remap files are idiot proof. Every input is accounted for and set, so your main .cfg wont auto assign any inputs.
Everything has been done on a 1G1R basis with parents taking priority.
However, as stated above this was for some games, not appropriate. Multiple versions have been configured for choice for these titles.
Download Remap files and place these in the cfg folder of MAME.
Download NVRAM files and place in nvram folder of MAME.
Download Button Layout Images so you know what the controls are.
Below is a table of everything that has been done game by game. I have noted everything of importance for the end user experience.
Developer intended cheats are also listed below.
All mid'x'unit.cpp games 2 On 2 Open Ice Challenge
openice Audio Info:
-The audio is almost inaudible at default.
-Audio volume increased in service menu.
-NVRAM File Provided.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Coinage needed setting to dip switch before free play was usable
-Free Play set Cruis'n Exotica
crusnexo Game Info:
-This game is not officially working as of 0.255. There's no floor. I have still configured this for when it is working. Future proofing.
Display info:
-This game displays the dashboard info. This has been turned off so it's only the game screen being displayed.
-Game forces analog calibration on first boot. This has been done. NVRAM provided.
Service Menu:
Free Play set Cruis'n USA
crusnusa Display info:
-This game displays the dashboard info. This has been turned off so it's only the game screen being displayed.
-Game forces analog calibration on first boot. This has been done. NVRAM provided.
Service Menu:
Free Play set Cruis'n World
crusnwld Display info:
-This game displays the dashboard info. This has been turned off so it's only the game screen being displayed.
-Game forces analog calibration on first boot. This has been done. NVRAM provided.
Service Menu:
Free Play set Grid, The
thegrid Game Info:
-Game listed as not working. It is working with some jank, and is for sure a hidden gem.
-This game uses an analog stick and trackball. Took a while to figure out and calibrate.
Service Menu:
-Extra Blood set
-Free Play set High Impact Football
hiimpact Game Info:
-Williams game on Midway HW. Here for completion of this platform.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
Free Play set Invasion: The Abductors
invasnab Controls:
-Light Gun game. This game used a true light gun sensor. As a result there is no dedicated off screen/reload button.
-There is no way to calibrate this games accuracy with MAME alone.
-Reloading can only be performed when the crosshair is all the way to the right.
Dip Switches:
-Violence set to MAX.
-Free Play set Judge Dredd
jdreddp Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set Off Road Challenge
offroadc Display info:
-This game displays the dashboard info. This has been turned off so it's only the game screen being displayed.
-Game analog volume calibrated. NVRAM provided.
Service Menu:
Free Play set Mortal Kombat
mk Display info:
-Ever get the feeling like the characters in MK look a bit....skinny. That's because they are.
-The pixel aspect ratio is an odd one 200:127. This game was made in this resolution...derrr. However, it seems they didn't adjust for a 4:3 display. Hence why everyone looks skinny, even on OG HW.
-Pixel aspect ratio set (200:127). In my opinion this is way more pleasing. Everyone looks undistorted and you almost get a native widescreen resolution.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Coinage needed setting to dip switch before free play was usable
-Free Play set Mortal Kombat II
mk2 Display info:
-Ever get the feeling like the characters in MK look a bit....skinny. That's because they are.
-The pixel aspect ratio is an odd one 200:127. This game was made in this resolution...derrr. However, it seems they didn't adjust correctly for a 4:3 display. Hence why everyone looks skinny, even on OG HW.
-Pixel aspect ratio set (200:127). In my opinion this is way more pleasing. Everyone looks undistorted and you almost get a native widescreen resolution.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Coinage needed setting to dip switch before free play was usable
-Free Play set Mortal Kombat 3
mk3 Display info:
-Ever get the feeling like the characters in MK look a bit....skinny. That's because they are.
-The pixel aspect ratio is an odd one 200:127. This game was made in this resolution...derrr. However, it seems they didn't adjust correctly for a 4:3 display. Hence why everyone looks skinny, even on OG HW.
-Pixel aspect ratio set (200:127). In my opinion this is way more pleasing. Everyone looks undistorted and you almost get a native widescreen resolution.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Coinage needed setting to dip switch before free play was usable
-Free Play set Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
umk3 Display info:
-Ever get the feeling like the characters in MK look a bit....skinny. That's because they are.
-The pixel aspect ratio is an odd one 200:127. This game was made in this resolution...derrr. However, it seems they didn't adjust correctly for a 4:3 display. Hence why everyone looks skinny, even on OG HW.
-Pixel aspect ratio set (200:127). In my opinion this is way more pleasing. Everyone looks undistorted and you almost get a native widescreen resolution.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Coinage needed setting to dip switch before free play was usable
-Free Play set Mortal Kombat 4
mk4 Narc
narc Game Info:
-Williams game on Midway HW. Here for completion of this platform.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Service/Test Menu:
-Free Play set NBA Jam
nbajam Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Coinage needed setting to dip switch before free play was usable
-Free Play set NBA Jam TE
nbajamte Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Coinage needed setting to dip switch before free play was usable
-Free Play set NBA Hangtime
nbahangt Multiplayer Info:
-This game defaults to 2 players.
-4 Players have been set.
Audio Info:
-The audio is almost inaudible at default.
-Audio volume increased in service menu.
-NVRAM File Provided.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Coinage needed setting to dip switch before free play was usable
-Free Play set NBA Maximum Hangtime
nbamht Multiplayer Info:
-This game defaults to 2 players.
-4 Players have been set.
Audio Info:
-The audio is almost inaudible at default.
-Audio volume increased in service menu.
-NVRAM File Provided.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Coinage needed setting to dip switch before free play was usable
-Free Play set Rampage: World Tour
rmpgwt Audio Info:
-The audio is almost inaudible at default.
-Audio volume increased in service menu.
-NVRAM File Provided.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Coinage needed setting to dip switch before free play was usable
-Free Play set Revolution X
revx Controls:
-Light gun game. Calibrated for all 3 players.
Dip Switches:
-Coinage needed setting to dip switch before free play was usable
-Free Play set Smash T.V.
smashtv Game Info:
-Williams game on Midway HW. Here for completion of this platform.
-Twin stick shooter. Configured that way.
Test/Service Menu:
-Free Play set Super High Impact
shimpact Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
Free Play set Terminator 2: Judgement Day
term2 Controls:
-Light gun game. Forces calibration on first start up. NVRAM provided.
Dip Switches:
Free Play set Total Carnage
totcarn Display Info:
-I think pixel aspect looks better.
-Twin stick shooter. Configured that way.
Test/Service Menu:
-Free Play set Trog
trog Display Info:
-I think pixel aspect looks better.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Free Play set War Gods
wargods Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Free Play set WWF Wrestlemania
wwfmania Audio Info:
-The audio is almost inaudible at default.
-Audio volume increased in service menu.
-NVRAM File Provided.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Coinage needed setting to dip switch before free play was usable
-Free Play set astrocde.cpp Adventures of Robby Roto!, The
robby Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play Demons & Dragons
demndrgn Controls:
-Essentially a twin stick shooter. Trackball and stick needed swapping, analog needed calibrating to make playable.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play Extra Bases
ebases Controls:
-Trackball game.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play Gorf
gorf Display Info:
-Lamps are OFF
-Essentially a twin stick shooter. Trackball and stick needed swapping, analog needed calibrating to make playable.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Disables attract Professor Pac-Man
profpac Game Info:
-A quiz game that is an attack on the sences.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Disables attract Sea Wolf II
seawolf2 Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Space Zap
spacezap Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Ten Pin Deluxe NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Electro mechanical in nature. Wizard of Wor
wow Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Disables attract. mw808bw.cpp 280-ZZZAP
280-zzzap Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Amazing Maze
maze Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Blue Shark
blueshrk Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Boot Hill
boothill Controls:
-Move shoot position Up/Down is on the right stick. Shoot is on RT.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Bowling Alley
bowler Controls:
-Analog sensitivity adjusted so it works.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Checkmate
checkmat Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Clowns
clowns Controls:
-Better using digital input for the analog paddle.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Desert Gun
desertgu Controls:
-Light gun game. Configured for controller and mouse.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Dog Patch
dogpatch Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Double Play
dplay Display Info:
-Looks better set to pixel aspect.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Extra Inning / Ball Park II
einning Display Info:
-Looks better set to pixel aspect.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Guided Missile
gmissile Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Gun Fight
gunfight Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Laguna Racer
lagunar Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. M-4
m4 Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Phantom II
phantom2 Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Sea Wolf
seawolf Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Shuffleboard
shuffle Controls:
-Analog sensitivity adjusted so it works.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Space Encounters
spcenctr Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Space Invaders / Space Invaders M
invaders Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Space Invaders II (Cocktail Vs.)
invad2ct Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Space Walk
spacwalk Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Tornado Baseball / Ball Park
tornbase Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. mcr.cpp Demolition Derby
demoderb Multiplayer Info:
-Cab type defaults to 2 players.
-4 Players Set
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Discs of Tron
dotron Game Info:
-This game had an 'environment' can which had an additional trackball and an aim up and down function. It also featured synth voices. However, this version is way overly complicated to the point of unplayable.
-Only using the upright cab version.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Domino Man
domino Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Draw Poker NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Card gambling game. Kick
kick Controls:
-Analog saturation adjusted so the game works.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Kosmik Kroozr
kroozr Controls:
-Setup to play like a twin stick shooter.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. NFL Football Not yet working. Unconfigurable Satan’s Hollow
shollow Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Solar Fox
solarfox Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Tapper (Budweiser/Root Beer/Suntory)
sutapper Configured Under All Endorsement Titles, Just for Fun
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Timber
timber Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Tron
tron Controls:
-Plays like a twin stick shooter.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Two Tigers
twotiger Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Wacko
wacko Controls:
-Plays like a twin stick shooter. Trackball and stick needed swapping places.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. mcr3.cpp Crater Rider
crater Controls:
-Moved Forward and backward to LT & RT.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Max RPM
maxrpm Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Power Drive
powerdrv Controls:
-Basically, a track and field button masher.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play. Rampage
rampage Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set Sarge
sarge Controls:
-Twin stick tank control game. Shoot is on LT & RT.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set Spy Hunter
spyhunt Display Info:
-Lamps really need to be on to see what weapons you have.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play Star Guards
stargrds Controls:
-A terrible twin stick shooter.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play Turbo Tag (Prototype)
turbotag NOT USING OR CONFIGURING: Due to being a prototype the controls are pretty much unusable. mcr68.cpp Arch Rivals
archrivlb Game Info:
-There is an 8 way joystick bootleg version 'archrivlb'. The original uses analog/trackball input. The 8 way joystick version better one to use, however both have been configured.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set Blasted
blasted Game Info:
-Hidden Gem.
-There is a 4 player clone variant named International Team Laser. This has also been configured.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set International Team Laser
intlaser Game Info:
-Clone of Blasted, but it's really a whole different game.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set Pigskin 621AD
pigskin Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play Spy Hunter II
spyhunt2 Controls:
-This needed some lateral thinking. The gears do not toggle. They need to be held at the same time as gas.
-As a workaround, there are 3 accelerate buttons. 1st gear, 2nd gear & 3rd gear are bound to a button as well as accelerate.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play Tri-Sports
trisport Controls:
-Trackball game. analog values changed so it's playable.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play Xenophobe
xenophob Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set balsente.cpp Chicken Shift
cshift Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set Gimme A Break
gimeabrk Controls:
-Trackball game. analog values changed so it's playable.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set Goalie Ghost
gghost Controls:
-Trackball game. analog values changed so it's playable.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set Hat Trick
hattrick Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set Mini Golf
minigolf Controls:
-Trackball game. analog values changed so it's playable.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play Name That Tune
nametune Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set Night Stocker
nstocker Game Info:
-Hidden Gem.
-This is a unique game, like Lucky & Wild there is driving and shooting with a light gun. This game differs as it is intended for 1 player. Acceleration is automatic freeing your brain up to just steer and shoot stuff with the light gun. There are segments where the car stops and the focus in on shooting.
-Setup for use with a mouse and controller, or just a controller.
-Aim lightgun is either the mouse or right stick. Shoot is RT on the controller. Off the Wall
otwalls Controls:
-Rotary style input. Racket in on the right stick.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set Shrike Avenger
shrike Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set Snacks'n Jaxson
snakjack Controls:
-Trackball game. Analog sensitivty adjusted for better play.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set Snake Pit
snakepit Controls:
-Twin stick shooter. Sticks needed swapping.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set Spiker
spiker Controls:
-Trackball game. Analog sensitivity adjusted for better play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play Stoker
stoker Controls:
-Game auto accelerates. Hold A for high gear.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play Stompin'
stompin Controls:
-There are dedicated diagonal inputs. This is a problem as it's difficult to remap as mame, and most other emus do not have a dedicated diagonal input.
-I have this playing with the left stick as good as I can.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play Street Football
sfootbal Game Info:
-When asking for more credits, it plays "money, money, money, moooney......maaaaaanay"
-Trackball game. Analog sensitivity adjusted for better play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play Team Hat Trick
teamht Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set Toggle
toggle Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set Trivial Pursuit
triviayp Game Info:
-All English versions have been configured.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play Midway Games With Original/Unique HW Killer Instinct
kinst Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set. Killer Instinct 2
kinst2 Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set. Omega Race
omegrace Controls:
-Dial game. Analog sensitivity adjusted for better play.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set Midway Games on Non Midway HW Ms. Pac-Man
mspacman Game Info:
-Ms.Pac-Man is hotter, and has a better game than Pac-Man.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set. Bio F.R.E.A.K.S
biofreak Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set. CarnEvil
carnevil Controls:
-Light gun game, configured for controller or mouse usage.
Service/Test Menu:
-This game needed calibrating before it was anywhere near accurate.
-No Free Play Hyperdrive
hyprdriv Game Info:
-Hidden Gem. This is an awesome space racer with barrelrolls just like Star Fox.
-This game needed calibrating in the test menu.
Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
-Free Play set
-Controls calibrated NFL Blitz
blitz Controls:
-There are 2 input variants. 8 way joystick is much better than trackball.
Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
-Violence enabled
-Free Play set NFL Blitz '99
blitz99 Controls:
-There are 2 input variants. 8 way joystick is much better than trackball.
Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
-Violence enabled
-Free Play set NFL Blitz 2000 Gold Edition
blitz2k Controls:
-There are 2 input variants. 8 way joystick is much better than trackball.
Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
-Violence enabled
-Free Play set CART Fury Championship Racing
cartfury Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
-Controls calibrated
-Free Play set Gauntlet Dark Legacy
gauntdl Display Info:
-High VGA graphics resolution being used. A bit more demanding but looks a whole lot better.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
-Free Play set NBA Showtime NBA on NBC
nbashowt Multiplayer Info:
-Game needed setting to 4 players.
-There are 2 input variants. 8 way joystick is much better than track
Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
-No Free Play SportStation: NBA Showtime NBA on NBC Gold Edition &
NFL Blitz 2000 Gold Edition
nbagold Game Info:
-Despite this being a 2 in 1 game, we only want to play NBA Gold Edition. This machine is the only way to play it. Blitz 2000 Gold has a machine all to itself.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu & Dip Switches:
-No Free Play458 downloads
Gamshara 3D box Image
By Pawrock
Now Gamshara is playable in Mame, I needed a 3D box for Launchbox/Bigbox but couldn't find one.
I modified an existing box from the database and include it here in case it is of use to anyone else.
Credit to the creator of the original Arcade 3D box set whose work I built upon.
Capcom inc. CPS 1,2,3 | MAME Controller Exclusive Button Layout Images & Pre Mapped Config Files | NVRAM Fixes & Enhancements, Free Play, Unlocks etc
PLEASE NOTE: The ZN1 & ZN2 games aren't covered here. The Zinc emulator is still the best option for these games. I'll be covering these in their entirety at a later date.
It was mixed bag when configuring Capcom. You got some rotary joystick games, trackball games and of course the mighty CPS games. I honestly thought there would be more Capcom games, but inc. the ZN1&2 games we're looking at around 120-130 games, excluding double ups. There are also some amazing hidden gems here, outside the CPS games.
In a nutshell, I'm tooth picking my way through MAME platform by platform, and pre configuring the controls for all arcade games that are designated as working.
You know the pain of weird awkward auto control mapping and fumbling around trying to figure what is going on. I have done that for you!
These remaps have been done exclusively for controllers. No keyboard inputs at all and all non essential inputs completely removed. Only what is necessary has been mapped.
Also, I have provided button layout images so you know exactly what the buttons are for every game!
I haven't just set whatever, every control has been tested, scrutinised and re-tested before actually making a definitive decision. I believe I have everything mapped to be as intuitive as possible.
Menu control in arcade games can be unintuitive when using a controller. These remaps have been made to make menu-ing intuitive and easy.
NOTE: If the left stick doesn't work in menus, the D-Pad will.
The per game .cfg remap files are idiot proof. Every input is accounted for and set, so your main .cfg wont auto assign any inputs.
Everything has been done on a 1G1R basis with parents taking priority.
However, as stated above this was for some games, a bit objectional for this platform. Multiple versions have been configured for choice for these titles.
Download Remap files and place these in the cfg folder of MAME.
Download NVRAM files and place in nvram folder of MAME.
Download Button Layout Images so you know what the controls are.
Below is a table of everything that has been done game by game. I have noted everything of importance for the end user experience.
Developer intended cheats are also listed below.
CPS 1 1941: Counter Attack
1941 Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
dino Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Captain Commando
captcommu Multiplayer Info:
-This game defaults to 2 players. Up to 4 players can be set.
-Setting up to 3 players allows for character selection.
-Setting 4 players fixes the character selection to the controller position.
-The parent 'captcomm' has been set to 3 players. The USA clone 'captcommu' has been set to 4 players.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults aside from number of players.
-Free Play set Carrier Air Wing
cawing Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Dynasty Wars
dynwar Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Final Fight
ffight Multiplayer Info:
-There is a three player hack version 'ffightae'. This has also been configured.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Final Fight: 30th Anniversary Edition
ffightae Multiplayer Info:
-This is a 3 Player hack. Uncensored intro etc - the ultimate way to play this game.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Forgotten Worlds
forgottn Controls:
-Roraty input game. As usual spin/turn is mapped to LT & RT and the right stick. Shoot is either A or RB.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Ganbare! Marine Kun
ganbare Game Info:
-One of those medal payout games.
-Due'hopper error' It needs a very specific setup to circumvent using the coin slot and prevent it from trying to payout medals/tokens/change.
-Payout needs setting to credit. Change, medal and yen need turning off.
-You cant coin this game up with the usual coin input, you'll get the hopper error. You can coin up/add missiles with the service button.
-Coin input completely removed. Service button added in its place to coin up.
-Upon completion the hopper error will still happen. But clear nv data is on so it won't persist after a reset. Was figuring this out a complete waste of my time? Absofuckinglutly.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-All set as above.
-No Free Play Ghouls'n Ghosts
ghouls Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Gulgun .pa
gulunpa Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play King of Dragons, The
kod Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Knights of the Round
knights Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Magical Pumpkin: Puroland de Daibouken
mpumkin Controls:
-Analog works better using digital.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Mega Man: The Power Battles
megaman Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Mega Twins
mtwins Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Mercs
mercs Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Muscle Bomber Duo: Ultimate Team Battle
mbombrd Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Nemo
nemo Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Pang! 3
pang3 Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Pnickies
pnickj Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Pokonyan! Balloon
pokonyan Game Info:
-Essentially a mini game attached to a vending machine.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Punisher, The
punisher Game Info:
-Essentially a mini game attached to a vending machine.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Quiz & Dragons: Capcom Quiz Game
qad Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Quiz Tonosama no Yabou 2 NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Japanese quiz game. Saturday Night Slam Masters
slammast Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Street Fighter II' (ALL)
sf2 Controls:
-Mapped to the standard SNES layout.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Street Fighter Zero / Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors Dreams
sfach Game Info:
-These games have CPS 2 versions. These are the CPS 1 changer versions. I prefer to play the CPS 2 versions but I have configured these anyway.
-Mapped to the standard SNES layout.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Tenchi wo Kurau II NOT NEEDED. This is the Japanese version of Warriors of Fate Three Wonders
3wonders Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set U.N. Squadron
unsquad Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Varth: Operation Thunderstorm
varth Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Warriors of Fate
wof Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-Free Play set Willow
willow Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play CPS2 1944: The Loop Master
1944 Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Stage Select is ON
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set 19XX: The War Against Destiny
19xx Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Alien vs. Predator
avsp Multiplayer Info:
-This game defaults to 2 players.
-3 Players has been set.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Armored Warriors
armwar Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Battle Circuit
batcir Multiplayer Info:
-This game defaults to 2 players.
-4 Players has been set via the coin chute setting.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults aside from number of players.
-Free Play set Capcom Sports Club
csclub Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness
cybots Controls:
-Boost and weapon attack have also been mapped to RB & RT for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors
dstlk Controls:
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Dimahoo
dimahoo Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara
ddsom Multiplayer Info:
-This game defaults to 2 players.
-4 Players set via the 'coin chute' option.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom
ddtod Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Eco Fighters
ecofghtr Input Info:
-This game has an analog dial to rotate the shoot position,
-This can be deactivated in the Machine Configuration setting. You use the buttons instead to rotate shoot position instead.
-Analog Dial deactivated but still mapped to the usual. Right stick and LT & RT for both styles of play.
-Disabling the analog gives the best results when rotating due to it ramping in speed. It just feels better than analog.
-As above.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Giga Wing
gigawing Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Hyper Street Fighter II': The Anniversary Edition
hsf2 Controls:
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Janpai Puzzle Choukou
choko Game Info:
-A good....yes good mahjong game. A neat take on the idea with an awesome presentation. This hooked me more than all the other games... ffs.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Jyangokushi: Haoh no Saihai
jyangoku Game Info:
-From a good mahjong game to one that's crap. This is not how I like my mahjong. This has only been configured for completeness as it's CPS.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting
mmatrix Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Marvel Super Heroes
msh Controls:
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults s.
-Free Play set Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter
mshvsf Controls:
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes
mvsc Controls:
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Mega Man 2: The Power Battles
megaman2 Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Mighty! Pang
mpang Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge
nwarr Controls:
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' default.
-No Free Play Progear
progear Input Info:
-This game has an optional rapid fire button mapped to button C.
-Rapid fire button activated and mapped.
-As above.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Puzz Loop 2
pzloop2 Input Info:
-This game defaults to digital input. Analog for this game is so much better.
-Control type set to Paddle/Dial.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Quiz Nanairo Dreams NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Japanese Quiz Game Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II
ringdest Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play. Grapple is on RB.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Street Fighter Alpha 2
sfa2 Controls:
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Street Fighter Alpha 2
sfa3 Controls:
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams
sfa Controls:
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha
sfz2al Controls:
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix
sgemf Controls:
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
spf2t Controls:
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Super Street Fighter II Turbo
ssf2t Controls:
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers
ssf2 Controls:
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers Revenge
vhunt2 Controls:
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire
vsav2 Controls:
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire
vsav Controls:
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set X-Men Vs. Street Fighter
xmvsf Controls:
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set X-Men: Children of the Atom
xmcota Controls:
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set CPS 3 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
jojobane Both the GD/CD Rom & Non CD versions have been configured.
-Jojo games are the only ones that don't share the standard Capcom fighting layout on CPS.
Test/Service Menu:
-Voice is On. Why the hell is this off by default!?
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set JoJo's Venture
jojon Both the GD/CD Rom & Non CD versions have been configured.
-Jojo games are the only ones that don't share the standard Capcom fighting layout on CPS.
Test/Service Menu:
-Voice is On. Why the hell is this off by default!?
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Red Earth
redearthn Both the GD/CD Rom & Non CD versions have been configured.
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Violence is ON.
-Voice is ON.
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack
sfiii2n Both the GD/CD Rom & Non CD versions have been configured.
Display Info:
-16:9 set in the test menu and MAME display options.
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Violence is ON.
-Voice is ON.
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future
sfiii3n Both the GD/CD Rom & Non CD versions have been configured.
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Violence is ON.
-Voice is ON.
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Street Fighter III: New Generation
sfiiin Both the GD/CD Rom & Non CD versions have been configured.
-Capcom fighting games share the same inputs and layout. Mapped to the SNES Street Fighter standard layout.
Test/Service Menu:
-Violence is ON.
-Voice is ON.
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Unique Hardware/Boards 1942
1942 Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play 1943 Kai: Midway Kaisen
1943kai Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play 1943: The Battle of Midway
1943 Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play 1943: The Battle of Midway Mark II
1943mii Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Bionic Commando
bionicc Display Info:
-This game looks stretched and distorted at default (4:3).
-Set to Pixel Aspect (8:7) so it looks correct.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Black Tiger
blktiger Display Info:
-This game looks stretched and distorted at default (4:3).
-Set to Pixel Aspect (8:7) so it looks correct.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Capcom Bowling
capbowl Input Info:
-At default the analog sensitivity is far to slow.
-Sensitivity Changed to 45 for X & Y trackball axis.
-As above.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play Coors Light Bowling
clbowl Game Info:
-Clone of Capcom Bowling with a Coors licence. Bizarre.
Input Info:
-At default the analog sensitivity is far to slow.
-Sensitivity Changed to 45 for X & Y trackball axis.
-As above.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play Capcom Baseball
cbasebal Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set Commando
commando Multiplayer Info:
-This game defaults to 1 player.
-2 Players set in the Cabinet Type
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Exed Exes / Savage Bees
savgbees Game Info:
-This game was known as Savage Bees outside Japan. Both have been configured.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Ghosts'n Goblins
gng Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Gun.Smoke
gunsmoke Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Pirate Ship Higemaru
higemaru Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Side Arms: Hyper Dyne
sidearms Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Son Son
sonson Display Info:
-At default this game looks stretched and distorted.
-Set to Pixel Aspect so it looks correct.
-UP is jump here. However, it doesn't make sense to map it to a button. You essentially change tracks with UP and DOWN.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Speed Rumbler, The
srumbler Game Info:
-Right. From here on out if I find a 'HiDdEn GeM' I'm making a note. This game is fuckin' excellent and never heard of it. It's GTA before GTA.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Street Fighter
sf Controls:
-Even way back with the first game in the series they used the standard Capcom fighting game layout. Mapped to default SNES layout.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Space Invasion
sinvasn Game Info:
-This game is a Euro version of Commando. All the enemies have been replaced with robots. Think Contra and Probotector and their differences.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Vulgus
vulgus Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play lastduel.cpp Last Duel
lastduel Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Led Storm Rally 2011
leds2011 Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Mad Gear
madgear Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play lwings.cpp Avengers
avengers Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Legendary Wings
lwings Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Section Z
sectionz Display Info:
-This game looks stretched and distorted at default (4:3).
-Set to Pixel Aspect (16:15)so it looks correct.
Multiplayer Info:
-This game defaults to 1 player.
-2 Players set is cab type.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Trojan
trojan Display Info:
-This game looks stretched and distorted at default (4:3).
-Set to Pixel Aspect (16:15) so it looks correct.
Multiplayer Info:
-This game defaults to 1 player.
-2 Players set is cab type.
-UP is jump. I'm keeping my promise and mapping this to a button. Normally I'd remove UP from the direction input so you cant jump by accident, but you need UP when using the shield.
-So, Up is still jump but so is A.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play mitchell.cpp (Every game for this system is here despite not all being Capcom games. This is for completeness) Adventure Quiz 2 NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Japanese quiz game. Block Block
block Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Capcom World NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Japanese quiz game. Dokaben 1&2 NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Japanese heavy card action baseball game. Mahjong Gakuen 1&2 NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Japanese mahjong game. Monsters World / Monsters World 2
mstworld2 Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Pang!
pang Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Buster Bros.
bbros Game Info:
-Clone USA version of Pang! Both have been configured.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Poker Ladies
pkladies Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Quiz Sangokushi NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Japanese quiz game. Quiz Tonosama no Yabou NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Japanese quiz game. Super Marukin-Ban NOT USING OR CONFIGURING. Japanese mahjong game that uses a mahjong panel input. Super Pang Controls:
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Capcom Games on Non Capcom HW Street Fighter: The Movie
sftm Ahh yes I see you know your judo well! I want to see the Succulent Chinese Meal guy in a MUGEN version of this game.
-Mapped to SNES standard.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Ken Sei Mogura: Street Fighter II
kenseim Game Info:
-A WhackAMole game. Panel display needs to be on so you can see where the 'moles' are popping up. In this case the button location will simply light up.
-You can easily cheat by pressing all the buttons at once when you see a light.
-To be honest this is here for the novelty. I haven't even figured out what button corresponds to what mole position. Just smash all the buttons.
Test/Service Menu:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play F-1 Dream
f1dream Display Info:
-This game looks stretched and distorted at default.
-Set to Pixel Aspect so it looks correct.
-This game controls like garbage. It's not the config, just the game.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Tiger Road
tigeroad Display Info:
-This game looks stretched and distorted at default.
-Set to Pixel Aspect so it looks correct.
-Nothing special to report. A few inputs moves for easier play.
Dip Switches:
-Lots of settings changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play739 downloads
laserdisc Laserdisc/Daphne/Singe - Remastered Themes Video [16:9]
By Paulina
Laserdisc/Daphne/Singe - Remastered Themes Video [16:9]
badlands.mp41,177 downloads
capcom zn1 CAPCOM SONY ZN1 & ZN2 - Themes Video [16:9]
By Paulina
CAPCOM SONY ZN1 & ZN2 - Themes Video [16:9]
- capcom sony zn1
- capcom sony zn2
- (and 1 more)
ringedge Sega RingEdge - Themes Video - 60FPS
By Paulina
Sega RingEdge - Themes Video - 60FPS
Themes are based on existing themes by various creators from hyperspin.fe (mainly Skywatcher). The psd files that Sucramjd shared to me were also helpful.
I have re-recorded them with my own editing, as the existing versions did not suit me because of the slow start, which is not suitable for FAST browsing through the list of games, and the 30fps, which causes a slight "stuttering" effect and screen tearing.
I am in the process of recording the remaining themes for contemporary pc-based systems
Marquees (MAME - animated)
By superrob3000
Animated marquees I made for a handful of MAME games.
They are all gif files, so add them as "Arcade - Marquee" Images in LaunchBox. They will animate if you are using the ThirdScreen plugin. Otherwise you'll need to modify your theme files to support animated gifs.
Daytona 2 Mad Planets NBA Jam Punisher Street Fighter Alpha 2 Spiderman
Hyper NeoGeo 64 & The Rest of SNK | MAME Controller Exclusive Button Layout Images & Pre Mapped Config Files | NVRAM Fixes & Enhancements, Free Play, Unlocks etc
This is the rest of SNK after completing NeoGeo. This one is all about those rotary joystick games and the best way to map them. But, did you know that the majority of these have a joystick hack version that doesn't use a rotary input at all. Great!
Despite this I still have configured the rotary versions. Essentially, you can turn/spin left or right on the spot with these games. On OG hardware you'd twist the joystick to do this. Figuring this out for controllers was tricky but nothing I can't handle.
Turn left & right is on the right stick and LT & RT. This suits those who prefer to use both sticks with shoot on RB/LB. You can also use LT & RT to turn and use the face buttons to shoot.
Hyper NeoGeo isn't 100% yet but it's getting there. Enough for me to configure for.
Alpha Denshi had a very close relationship with SNK. So, I configured those handful of games for the sake of completeness.
Below is a table of everything that has been done game by game. I have noted everything of importance for the end user experience.
snk.cpp ASO: Armoured Scum Object / Alpha Mission
alphamis Game Info:
-This game was called ASO in Japan and Alpha Mission in other regions. Both have been configured and a separate image created for both.
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, bonus life changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-All ships at start cheat is ON. Athena
athena Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. Bermuda Triangle
bermudat Controls:
-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick. Using digital inputs for these is way better.
-These games do not play like twin stick shooters. The rotary element was for simply turning (rotating) left and right.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. Chopper I
chopper Display Info:
-At default (3:4) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to pixel aspect (14:25) so it doesn't look like ass.
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. Country Club
countryc Game Info:
-Fuck this game.
-Trackball golf game.
-Man, this is the only game so far that has defeated me. It's working but it's impossible to refine your shots with analog input. It's midrange hits no matter what, even after swapping to digital. Problem with digital is that it has no variance with speed. I dunno, it's shitty game anyway.
-You are welcome to have a crack at this to get it working 'perfectly', but I'm out on this one. It works well enough to play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults Fighting Soccer
fsoccerb Display Info:
-At default (4:3) this game is squashed and distorted.
-Set to pixel aspect (25:14). These the earliest dedicated widescreen arcade games I have come across.
Game Info:
-This game has been switched to a 4 player machine.
-The multiplayer game type selection is stupid, with 5 to choose from. These are on the start buttons of their respective controllers. Type A = Start on controller 1 etc. For Type E (1&2 player v 3&4 player) you'll need to press Y on controller 4.
-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick.
-There is a joystick hack version 'fsoccerb' that has been changed/hacked so you simply kick the ball in the direction you are facing. Completely removing the rotary aspect of the input. You may find this to be easier to play. However, the game was intended to be played while being able to 'spin' your kick direction on the spot.
-Both the original rotary joystick, and hacked non rotary versions have been configured.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Cab type set to 4 player cocktail. No screen flipping. Gladiator 1984
sgladiat Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. Guerrilla War
gwarb Display Info:
-At default (3:4) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to pixel aspect (14:25) so it doesn't look like ass.
-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick. Using digital inputs for these is way better.
-There is a joystick hack version 'gwarb' that has been changed/hacked so you simply shoot in the direction you are facing. Completely removing the rotary aspect of the input. You may find this to be easier to play. However, the game was intended to be played while being able to 'spin' on the spot.
-Both the original rotary joystick, and hacked non rotary versions have been configured.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. HAL21
hal21 Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. Ikari Warriors
ikaripb Controls:
-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick. Using digital inputs for these is way better.
-There is a joystick hack version 'ikaripb' that has been changed/hacked so you simply shoot in the direction you are facing. Completely removing the rotary aspect of the input. You may find this to be easier to play. However, the game was intended to be played while being able to 'spin' on the spot.
-Both the original rotary joystick, and hacked non rotary versions have been configured.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. Jumping Cross
jcross Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. Lee Trevino’s Fighting Golf
fitegolf Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. Mad Crasher
madcrash Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. Marvins Maze
marvins Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. Psycho Soldier
psychos Display Info:
-Left at default (4:3) this game is squished.
-Pixel aspect ratio set (25:14). This is really wide for the time.
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. T.N.K III
tnk3b Controls:
-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick. Using digital inputs for these is way better.
-There is a joystick hack version 'tnk3b' that has been changed/hacked so you simply shoot in the direction you are facing. Completely removing the rotary aspect of the input. You may find this to be easier to play. However, the game was intended to be played while being able to 'spin' on the spot.
-Both the original rotary joystick, and hacked non rotary versions have been configured.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. TouchDown Fever
tdfever Display Info:
-At default (3:4) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to pixel aspect (14:25) so it doesn't look like ass.
Game Info:
-This game has been switched to a 4 player machine.
-The multiplayer game type selection is stupid, with 5 to choose from. These are on the start buttons of their respective controllers. Type A = Start on controller 1 etc. For Type E (1&2 player v 3&4 player) you'll need to press Y on controller 4.
-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Cab type set to 4 player cocktail. No screen flipping. TouchDown Fever
tdfever2 Display Info:
-At default (3:4) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to pixel aspect (14:25) so it doesnt look like ass.
Game Info:
-Technically a sequal despite being a clone of 'tdfever'.
-This game has been switched to a 4 player machine.
-The multiplayer game type selection is stupid, with 5 to choose from. These are on the start buttons of their respective controllers. Type A = Start on controller 1 etc. For Type E (1&2 player v 3&4 player) you'll need to press Y on controller 4.
-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Cab type set to 4 player cocktail. No screen flipping. Vanguard II
vangrd2 Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. Victory Road
dogosoke Controls:
-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick. Using digital inputs for these is way better.
-There is a joystick hack version 'dogosoke' that has been changed/hacked so you simply shoot in the direction you are facing. Completely removing the rotary aspect of the input. You may find this to be easier to play. However, the game was intended to be played while being able to 'spin' on the spot.
-Both the original rotary joystick, and hacked non rotary versions have been configured.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. World Wars
worldwar Games Info:
-A different version of Bermuda Triangle.
Display Info:
-At default (3:4) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to pixel aspect (14:25).
-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick. Using digital inputs for these is way better.
-These games do not play like twin stick shooters. The rotary element was for simply turning (rotating) left and right.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. snk6502.cpp Fantasy
fantasyu Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. Nibbler
nibbler Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. Pioneer Balloon
pballoon Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. Sasuke vs. Commander
sasuke Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. Satan of Saturn / Zarzon
zarzon Game Info:
-Known as Zarzon in other areas. Both titles configured.
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. Vanguard
vanguard Controls:
-4 buttons to shoot up, down, left and right. I have also mapped this to the right stick so it plays like a twin stick shooter. However, there is no auto fire.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. snk68.cpp Ikari III: The Rescue
ikari3w Display Info:
-At default (4:3) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to Pixel Aspect (8:7) so it looks correct.
-The parent version is the normal non rotary input type.
-I have configured both non rotary and rotary versions so you have the choice.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. P.O.W: Prisoners of War
pow Display Info:
-At default (4:3) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to Pixel Aspect (8:7) so it looks correct.
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. SAR: Search And Rescue
searchar Controls:
-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick. Using digital inputs for these is way better.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. Street Smart
streetsm Display Info:
-At default (4:3) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to Pixel Aspect (8:7) so it looks correct.
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults. Hyper NeoGeo 64 Beast Busters: Second Nightmare
bbust2 Game Info:
-Despite what preservation websites may tell you, this game is not for 3 players. Yes it has an entire input system setup for a third player, but it is not used. My source is 'page 28' of the manual.
Display Info:
-At default (4:3) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to Pixel Aspect (8:7) so it looks correct.
-Light Gun game. Accurate out the box.
-Setup to be played with controllers or mice.
Test/Service Menu:
-Blood set to RED, Meat (Gibbing) is ON
-Free Play set Buriki One: World Grapple Tournament '99 in Tokyo
buriki Controls:
-What an odd control scheme. On original hardware, move left and right is on 2 buttons, for the right hand. With a joystick in the left hand, that is for attacking and blocking depending on which direction you pushed.
-Attack and block controls are set to an 8 way joystick. Rather than break these out onto button inputs, keeping this set to a joystick is preferable. This is due to how moves are pulled off and really requires joystick input to play correctly.
-Attack/block/moves is set to the right stick. Move left and right buttons are set to the left stick.
Test/Service Menu:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition
fatfurwa Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Violence is ON. Blood etc.
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Roads Edge / Round Trip RV
roadedge Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Speedometer changed to MPH.
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Samurai Shodown 64
sams64 Controls:
-Button combinations needed for power moves. These have also been mapped to the triggers and shoulder buttons for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Violence set to MAX. Level-3
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Samurai Shodown 64: Warriors Rage
sams64_2 Controls:
-Button combinations needed for power moves. These have also been mapped to the triggers and shoulder buttons for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Violence set to MAX. Level-3
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Xtreme Rally / Off Beat Racer!
xrally Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Speedometer changed to MPH.
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set alpha68k.cpp Gang Wars
gangwars Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract Gold Medallist
goldmedl Display Info:
-At default (4:3) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to Pixel Aspect (8:7) so it looks correct.
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract Sky Adventure
skyadvnt Display Info:
-At default (3:4) this game is squashed and distorted.
-Set to Pixel Aspect (7:8) so it looks correct.
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract Sky Soldiers
skysoldr Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract Super Champion Baseball
sbasebal Display Info:
-At default (4:3) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to Pixel Aspect (8:7) so it looks correct.
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract Time Soldiers
timesold Display Info:
-At default (3:4) this game is squashed and distorted.
-Set to Pixel Aspect (7:8) so it looks correct.
-Rotary joystick game. Mapped correctly so rotate is on the triggers or right stick. Using digital inputs for these is way better.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract Next Space, The
tnextspc Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract Paddle Mania
paddlema Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract Kyros
kyros Game Info:
-An awesome game. Stupid hard but a little known gem.
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract Mahjong Block Jongbou
jongbou Game Info:
-Not a mahjong game. It's Arkanoid meets Mahjong.
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract Mahjong Block Jongbou 2
jongbou2 Game Info:
-Not a mahjong game. It's Arkanoid meets Mahjong.
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. It disables attract Super Stingray
sstingry Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Games With Unique/Individual HW Beast Busters
bbusters Controls:
-Light Gun game.
-Not 100% accurate at default. When calibrating precisely it's still off by a bit. Needs some time spending on it to get 100% accurate.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Lasso
lasso Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Canvas Croquis
canvas Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Main Event (1984)
mainsnk Game Info:
-Man, fuck his game and it's stupid control scheme. I've done it, but I hated every second.
-Boxing game with a joystick in each hand to simulate punching. Uppercuts were on buttons. These have been mapped to LT & RT.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Mechanized Attack
mechatt Controls:
-Light Gun game. Not 100% accurate by default. The seems to be no way to calibrate this game via a test menu. Looks like it was calibrated on the actual light gun hardware.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Meijinsen NOT USING OR CONFIGUURING Japanese heavy game. Micon-Kit Part II
micon2 Controls:
-Analog dial that returns when let go. This is not ideal so changed to digital input for left stick.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Prehistoric Isle in 1930
prehisle Display Info:
-At default (4:3) this game is stretched and distorted.
-Set to Pixel Aspect (8:7) so it looks correct.
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Safari Rally
safarir Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Royal King Jang Oh NOT USING OR CONFIGUURING Mahjong game that uses a mahjong panel. Games on Other HW Ozma Wars
ozmawars Controls:
-Nothing special to note. Some controls moved for easier play.
Dip Switch:
-Difficulty, lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play544 downloads
Street Fighter III New Generation Marquee
By djweevil666
Redone from what Images I could find.
B safe all don't forget to say hi.
Street Fighter III 2nd Impact Marquee
By djweevil666
Recreated this in honor of Mr. Retrolusts continued and relentless quality contributions.
Hope you guys enjoy it.
Sega MAME Arcade Project Combined / Master | MAME Controller Exclusive Button Layout Images & Pre Mapped Config Files | NVRAM Fixes & Enhancements, Free Play, Unlocks etc
After finishing the project for Sega, I thought I'd provide a "master" download with everything on one place.
Below will be a breakdown of all the hardware (mostly in chronological order) along with links to the individual downloads, if you don't want all of it.
Moving forward, this kind of over comprehensive breakdown is not going to be needed. Sega is particular, as it has a lot of hardware to categorise by.
I knew Sega was going to be the most awkward to get right with this project, hence why I started with it. Rom/game selection was the most tricky, as I don't want crossover going forward.
But, got there in the end and its a beast.
Blockade, VicDual, G80, VCO Object, Appoooh, SG-1000
System 1
System 16
System C & E
X & Y Boards
System 18 & 24
System 32
Model 1
Outrun, Hang-On, Mega Play & Misc aka the Mop
Sega Arcade Outrun, Hang-On, Mega Play & Misc | MAME Controller Exclusive Button Layout Images & Pre Mapped Config Files | NVRAM Fixes & Enhancements, Free Play, Unlocks etc
This is the rest of what there is for Sega in MAME. Consider this the Mop for Sega. It's been a journey. I won't be splitting these releases up like this in the future. They'll be in a more condensed form. This process was really only required for Sega as it spans many years, and there is a multitude of hardware.
If you think I have missed anything let me know.
In a nutshell, I'm tooth picking my way through MAME platform by platform, and pre configuring the controls for all arcade games that are designated as working.
You know the pain of weird awkward auto control mapping and fumbling around trying to figure what is going on. I have done that for you!
These remaps have been done exclusively for controllers. No keyboard inputs at all and all non essential inputs completely removed. Only what is necessary has been mapped.
Also, I have provided button layout images so you know exactly what the buttons are for every game!
I haven't just set whatever, every control has been tested, scrutinised and re-tested before actually making a definitive decision. I believe I have everything mapped to be as intuitive as possible.
Menu control in arcade games can be unintuitive when using a controller. These remaps have been made to make menu-ing intuitive and easy.
NOTE: If the left stick doesn't work in menus, the D-Pad will.
The per game .cfg remap files are idiot proof. Every input is accounted for and set, so your main .cfg wont auto assign any inputs.
NVRAM files are not needed here.
Everything has been done on a 1G1R basis with parents taking priority.
However, as stated above this was for some games, a bit objectional for this platform. Multiple versions have been configured for choice for these titles.
Download Remap files and place these in the cfg folder of MAME.
Download NVRAM files and place in nvram folder of MAME.
Download Button Layout Images so you know what the controls are.
Below is a table of everything that has been done game by game. I have noted everything of importance for the end user experience.
Developer intended cheats are also listed below.
segahang.cpp / Hang On Hardware Enduro Racer
enduror Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty, Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Available. Hang-On
hangon Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty, Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Available. Space Harrier
sharrier Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty, Time & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Available. segaorun.cpp / Out Run Hardware Out Run
outrundxeh Rom Info:
-There is a hacked enhanced edition 'outrundxeh'. I normally wouldn't configure hacks like this, but it's really good, so it's here in addition to the parent.
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. Setting free play disables the attract mode. Super Hang-On / Limited Edition Hang-On
shangonle Rom Info:
-The Limited Edition version 'shangonle' was released later and is a bit more forgiving. Both the parent and the LE clone versions have been configured.
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. Setting free play disables the attract mode. Turbo Out Run
toutrun Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. Setting free play disables the attract mode. Super Derby Satellite link game. Not emulated, and maybe never going to be emulated. Super Derby II Satellite link game. Not emulated, and maybe never going to be emulated. megaplay.cpp / Mega Play Bio-hazard Battle (Mega Play)
mp_bio Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Setting Free Play does nothing Columns III (Mega Play)
mp_col3 Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Golden Axe II (Mega Play)
mp_gaxe2 Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Grand Slam (Mega Play)
mp_gslam Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Gunstar Heroes (Mega Play)
mp_gunhe Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Mazin Wars / Mazin Saga (Mega Play)
mp_mazin Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-Despite there being 2 sets of controls, this game is 1 Player.
Dip Switches:
-Region changeable from EU to USA, which changes the title to Mazin Saga. EU set as that's my region. Sorry USA people.
-Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Shinobi III (Mega Play)
mp_shnb3 Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-Despite there being 2 sets of controls, this game is 1 Player.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Sonic The Hedgehog (Mega Play)
mp_sonic Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-Despite there being 2 sets of controls, this game is 1 Player.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Mega Play)
mp_soni2 Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-Yes, 2 Players
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Streets of Rage 2 (Mega Play)
mp_dor2 Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-Yes, 2 Players
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Tecmo World Cup (Mega Play)
mp_twcup Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set angelkds.cpp Angel Kids
angelkds Controls:
-Twin stick game. The left & right stick control the left & right angel.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. Disables attract mode. Space Position
spcpostn Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. Disables attract mode. freekick.cpp / Gigas Counter Run
countrunb Game Info:
-Parent is not working 0.254. The working clone and the parent have been configured.
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Free Kick
freekick Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Gigas
gigas Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Gigas Mark II
gigasm2 Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Omega
omega Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Perfect Billiard
pbillrd Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Games With Unique / Individual Boards Calorie Kun vs Moguraian
calorie Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty, Lives, Bonus Lives & Infinite Lives Cheat changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Cool Riders
coolridr Video Options Info:
-This game uses 2 screens side by side for 2 players. This is not ideal for 1 player. So, this has been changed to display 1 screen for 1 player.
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Test Menu:
-Region/language changed to USA. Defaut was Japan
-Volume Adjustment done for better control. nvram required.
-Free Play set Dottori kun
dotrikun Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
No test menu or dips. Pengo
pengo Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Space Tactics
stactics Display Info:
-This game has an LED display that incures on the image. The info displayed is not important so it has been turned off to make the actual game display larger.
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set, It disables the attract mode. Super Locomotive
suprloco Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Infinite Lives cheat available.
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set, It disables the attract mode. Time Traveler
timetrv CHD Required. It's 10GB, why all these mame chds so big?
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-2 Players will have to take turns on the same controller.
-Start 2 Players is on RB
Dip Switches:
-There's a bunch of different settings for the laser disc functions. Defaults are being used.
-Free Play set Champion Base Ball
champbas Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Champion Base Ball Part-2
champbb2 Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Sega Games on Other Hardware Ali Baba and 40 Thieves
alibaba Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Commando (Sega)
commsega Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty, Lives, Bonus Lives & Infinite Lives Cheat changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. Setting free play removes the attract mode. Flashgal
flashgal Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Gigas
gigas Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Gigas Mark II
gigasm2 Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Hopper Robo
hopprobo Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Legend
legend Controls:
-One of those games where Jump is UP. As AVGN says "having up as jump is fu@*ed up".
-So, I remapped UP to A so it plays better.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Repulse
repulse Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Yamato
yamato Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty, Lives & Speed changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. Setting free play removes the attract mode.204 downloads
Teknoparrot 3D boxart set
By traswheel
Teknoparrot use the game icons and the template to make the games you have
icons are in the emulator
box vid.mp4
Sega Arcade 1984 & Before| MAME Controller Exclusive Button Layout Images & Pre Mapped Config Files | NVRAM Fixes & Enhancements, Free Play, Unlocks etc
There was a significant change in quality and graphical fidelity after 1984, with the release of the Hang On scaling hardware and the System 16 in 1985.
This creates a nice category to errrm... categorise these early arcade boards and hardware. There is a definite before and after 1984 boundary to work with.
So, here is everything Sega up to 1984.
In a nutshell, I'm tooth picking my way through MAME platform by platform, and pre configuring the controls for all arcade games that are designated as working.
You know the pain of weird awkward auto control mapping and fumbling around trying to figure what is going on. I have done that for you!
These remaps have been done exclusively for controllers. No keyboard inputs at all and all non essential inputs completely removed. Only what is necessary has been mapped.
Also, I have provided button layout images so you know exactly what the buttons are for every game!
I haven't just set whatever, every control has been tested, scrutinised and re-tested before actually making a definitive decision. I believe I have everything mapped to be as intuitive as possible.
Menu control in arcade games can be unintuitive when using a controller. These remaps have been made to make menu-ing intuitive and easy.
NOTE: If the left stick doesn't work in menus, the D-Pad will.
The per game .cfg remap files are idiot proof. Every input is accounted for and set, so your main .cfg wont auto assign any inputs.
NVRAM files are not needed for this platform. Everything is done with dip switches which are configured in the provided .cfg files.
Everything has been done on a 1G1R basis with parents taking priority.
However, as stated above this was for some games, a bit objectional for this platform. Multiple versions have been configured for choice for these titles.
Download Remap files and place these in the cfg folder of MAME.
Download Button Layout Images so you know what the controls are.
Below is a table of everything that has been done game by game. I have noted everything of importance for the end user experience.
Developer intended cheats are also listed below.
blockade.cpp / Blockade Blasto
blasto Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
No Dip Switches or Test Menus at all. Very early game. Blockade
blockade Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
No Dip Switches or Test Menus at all. Very early game. CoMotion
comotion Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
No Dip Switches or Test Menus at all. Very early game. Hustle
hustle Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
No Dip Switches or Test Menus at all. Very early game. Minesweeper
mineswpr4 Rom Differences:
-This games parent is the 2 Player version.
-There is a 4 Player clone 'mineswpr4' that has also been configured.
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
No Dip Switches or Test Menus at all. Very early game. sega80r.cpp / G80 005
005 Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Available. Astro Blaster
astrob Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Available. Monster Bash
monsterb Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Available. Pig Newton
pignewt Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Available. Sindbad Mystery
sindbadm Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Infinite Lives cheat available. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Available. Space Odyssey
spaceod Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Infinite Lives cheat available. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Available. turbo.cpp / VCO Object Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom / Zoom 909
zoom909 Video Option Info:
-This game has a scoreboard that causes the screen to be offset. This has been disabled in the video setting so only the display is displayed.
Game Info:
-This game was known as Zoom 909 in EU. That clone version 'zoom909' has been configured for and has an image independently.
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Subroc-3D
subroc3d Game/Display Info:
-This game used stereoscopic glasses for a 3D effect. This game is playable in MONO so there's no screen flickering or double image.
-This game has a scoreboard that causes the screen to be offset. This has been disabled in the video setting so only the display is displayed
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Various 3D effects changeable. Useless unless you have original HW or stereoscopic 3D glasses.
-Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Turbo
turbo Video Option Info:
-This game has a scoreboard that causes the screen to be offset. This has been disabled in the video setting so only the display is displayed.
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-This game has no brake in case you were looking for it.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty, Time & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available zaxxon.cpp / Zaxxon Congo Bongo / Tip Top
tiptop Game Info:
-This game was known as Tip Top in EU regions. This version has also been configured for.
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Future Spy
futspy Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Ixion
ixion Controls:
-This game really makes use of twin sticks.
-Move is on the left stick.
-Turn turret is on the right stick.
-Shoot is RT
-2 Players will have to take turns on the same controller
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. Setting free play disables the attract mode. Razzmatazz
razmataz Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Super Zaxxon
szaxxon Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Zaxxon
zaxxon Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available appoooh.cpp / Appoooh Appoooh
appoooh Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Robo Wres 2001
robowres Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available sg1000a.cpp / SG-1000 Champion Boxing
chboxing Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-X is punch, A is change punch type
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play available Champion Pro Wrestling
chwrestl Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-X is attack, A is change attack type
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play available Doki Doki Penguin Land
dokidoki Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play available bankp.cpp / Bank Panic Bank Panic
bankp Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Combat Hawk
combh Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Vector G80 Games Best Used with AAE
You can use these for AAE as it's MAME based. Eliminator
elim4 Rom Info:
-There are 2 and 4 player versions. Both have been configured.
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-Accelerate has also been mapped to RT. This frees up a thumb to shoot with.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Space Fury
spacfury Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-Accelerate has also been mapped to RT. This frees up a thumb to shoot with.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Star Trek
startrek Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-Accelerate has also been mapped to RT. This frees up a thumb to shoot with.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Tac/Scan
tacscan Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Zektor
zektor Controls:
-This game really needed the dial analog sensitivity bringing down. It was completely unplayable at default.
-The analog sensitivity needed turning down to 25.
-Accelerate has also been mapped to RT. This frees up a thumb to shoot with.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available vicdual.cpp / VicDual Alpha Fighter / Head On
alphaho Game Info:
-The VicDual can play 2 different arcade games in one cabinet. You can switch between the two with a toggle button.
-This is why there are 2 titles for some of these games, inc this one.
-Alpha Fighter is the title you want to play as Head On has a single game all to itself. Alpha Fighter does not.
-Change game by pressing RB
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-Change game by pressing RB
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Borderline
brdrline Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Car Hunt / Deep Scan Not needed as both these games have a standalone version under different titles. Carnival
carnival Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Depthcharge
depthch Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Digger
digger Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-2 Players will have to take turns on the same controller.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Frogs
frogs Controls:
-One of those games where jump is Up.
-This has been changed to A on your controller.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Head On
headon Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-2 Players will have to take turns on the same controller.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Head On 2
headon2 Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-2 Players will have to take turns on the same controller.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Invinco
invinco Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-2 Players will have to take turns on the same controller.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Invinco / Car Hunt Not needed as both these games have a standalone version. Invinco / Deep Scan Not needed as both these games have a standalone version. Invinco / Head On 2 Not needed as both these games have a standalone version. N-Sub
nsub Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-2 Players will have to take turns on the same controller.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Nostromo
nostromo Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Pulsar
pulsar Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-2 Players will have to take turns on the same controller.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Safari
safari Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-2 Players will have to take turns on the same controller.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Samurai
samurai Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-2 Players will have to take turns on the same controller.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Space Attack
sspaceat Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Space Attack / Head On Not needed as both these games have a standalone version. Space Trek
spacetrk Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-2 Players will have to take turns on the same controller.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Star Raker
starrkr Rom Info:
-This is a clone of Borderline but it is considered to be a completely different game. It's also an official Sega release, not a bootleg.
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Tranquillizer Gun
tranqgun Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available Wanted (Sega)
wantsega Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults
-No Free Play available193 downloads
Sega System C & E Arcade | MAME Controller Exclusive Button Layout Images & Pre Mapped Config Files | NVRAM Fixes & Enhancements, Free Play, Unlocks etc
Nothing that savage on the control configuration front with these boards. No other weirdness's and everything pretty easy going. A nice reprieve from the horrors of the System 16 Board.
There are some truly interesting games here, including some of the most bizarre Sonic games you'll ever play. One game used to be attached to a freaking popcorn machine.
In a nutshell, I'm tooth picking my way through MAME platform by platform, and pre configuring the controls for all arcade games that are designated as working.
You know the pain of weird awkward auto control mapping and fumbling around trying to figure what is going on. I have done that for you!
These remaps have been done exclusively for controllers. No keyboard inputs at all and all non essential inputs completely removed. Only what is necessary has been mapped.
Also, I have provided button layout images so you know exactly what the buttons are for every game!
I haven't just set whatever, every control has been tested, scrutinised and re-tested before actually making a definitive decision. I believe I have everything mapped to be as intuitive as possible.
Menu control in arcade games can be unintuitive when using a controller. These remaps have been made to make menu-ing intuitive and easy.
NOTE: If the left stick doesn't work in menus, the D-Pad will.
The per game .cfg remap files are idiot proof. Every input is accounted for and set, so your main .cfg wont auto assign any inputs.
NVRAM files are not needed for this platform. Everything is done with dip switches which are configured in the provided .cfg files.
Everything has been done on a 1G1R basis with parents taking priority.
However, as stated above this was for some games, a bit objectional for this platform. Multiple versions have been configured for choice for these titles.
Download Remap files and place these in the cfg folder of MAME.
Download Button Layout Images so you know what the controls are.
Below is a table of everything that has been done game by game. I have noted everything of importance for the end user experience.
Developer intended cheats are also listed below.
Sega System C/C2
borench Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Columns
columns Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Columns II: The Voyage Through Time
columns2 Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set OOPArts
ooparts Controls:
-Due to being a controller hack version, the inputs in the test menu don't line up. This is totally inconsequential but worth noting.
Dip Switches:
-Region set to USA which also changes the language from Japanese to English.
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. Setting free play removes the attract mode. Poto Poto
potopoto Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Print Club Vol 1-5 Not really games. Not using or configuring. Puyo Puyo
puyo Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Puyo Puyo 2
puyopuy2 Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Puzzle & Action: Ichidant-R
ichir Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Puzzle & Action: Tant-R
tantr Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Ribbit!
ribbit Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set SegaSonic Bros.
ssonicbr Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set SegaSonic Cosmo Fighter
sonicfgt Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set SegaSonic Popcorn Shop
sonicpop Game Info:
-This was a mini game attached to a popcorn vending machine for kids. The idea is that you're helping Sonic to make your popcorn by escaping Dr Robotnik by turning a crank attached to the vending machine. You'd be presented with your popcorn when the game ends.
-There's a bunch of inputs that are for the actual vending machine and don't really do anything if your just playing the mini game.
-Turning the crank is tapping X or A.
-This game does have some input issues causing only one cup type to be selected. The Cup Selection inputs do nothing on the cup selection button screen. Relay seems to select a cup instead.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set. This starts the game immediately without pressing start. Soreike! Anpanman Popcorn Koujou
anpanman Game Info:
-This was a mini game attached to a popcorn vending machine for kids. You'd be presented with your popcorn when the game ends.
-There's a bunch of inputs that are for the actual vending machine and don't really do anything if your just playing the mini game.
-Turning the crank is tapping X or A.
-This game does have some input issues causing only one cup type to be selected. The Cup Selection inputs do nothing on the cup selection button screen. Relay seems to select a cup instead.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set. This starts the game immediately without pressing start. Stack Columns
stkclmns Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Thunder Force AC
tfrceac Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Twin Squash
twinsqua Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Waku Waku Marine
wwmarine Game Info:
-This was a game for use with a kids ride on machine. Very basic gameplay.
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car
soniccar Game Info:
-This was a game for use with a kids ride on machine.
-The 'yahoo' sample you hear at the start of the game is the exact same sample used for Marios yaahoo in SM64. I shit you not.
-Steering needed to be changed to the left stick as what is labelled as "Left Stick" isn't actually steering.
Dip Switches:
-Free Play set. This starts the game immediately without pressing start. Zunzunkyou no Yabou
zunkyou Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set
Sega System E
Fantasy Zone: The Tears of Opa-Opa
fantzn2 Game Info:
-This is an earlier version of the game. There is an updated version on the Sega System 16b board 'fantzn2x'. Well, its technically the C board. It's complicated lol.
-2 Player will need to take it in turns on the same controller. Start 2 Players is on RB.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty, Time & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available. Hang-On Jr.
hangonjr Controls:
-Due to this being a kids version of the game there is no brake, in case you were looking for it.
-Standard racing controls.
-Analog Volume fine at defaults.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available. Megumi Rescue
megrescu Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-2 Player will need to take it in turns on the same controller. Start 2 Players is on RB.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Opa Opa
opaopa Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Available. Riddle of Pythagoras
ridleofp Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. Setting free play removes the attract mode. Slap Shooter
slapshtr Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-2 Players will need to take it in turns on the same controller. Start 2 Players is on RB.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play Available. Tetris (System E)
tetrisse Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-2 Players will need to take it in turns on the same controller. Start 2 Players is on RB.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Available. Transformer
transfrm Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
-2 Players will need to take it in turns on the same controller. Start 2 Players is on RB.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play Available.
Sega X & Y Arcade Boards | MAME Controller Exclusive Button Layout Images & Pre Mapped Config Files | NVRAM Fixes & Enhancements, Free Play, Unlocks etc
Nothing that strenuous with the X & Y boards. Everything was nice n easy. Some notable differences with versions however. Power Drift being the one I want to tell everyone about. The Link version of this game has an option to stop the ground level from tilting when turning a corner. Great if you are sensitive to motion sickness. I'm not, but even I get sick of the tilting on the original. No more, yay.
In a nutshell, I'm tooth picking my way through MAME platform by platform, and pre configuring the controls for all arcade games that are designated as working.
You know the pain of weird awkward auto control mapping and fumbling around trying to figure what is going on. I have done that for you!
These remaps have been done exclusively for controllers. No keyboard inputs at all and all non essential inputs completely removed. Only what is necessary has been mapped.
Also, I have provided button layout images so you know exactly what the buttons are for every game!
I haven't just set whatever, every control has been tested, scrutinised and re-tested before actually making a definitive decision. I believe I have everything mapped to be as intuitive as possible.
Menu control in arcade games can be unintuitive when using a controller. These remaps have been made to make menu-ing intuitive and easy.
NOTE: If the left stick doesn't work in menus, the D-Pad will.
The per game .cfg remap files are idiot proof. Every input is accounted for and set, so your main .cfg wont auto assign any inputs.
NVRAM files are also here. A lot of games need fixes or calibration in the service/test/dip switch menus before they'll work. There's also a bunch of unlockable content, preferable settings and a whole world of strange and wonderful crap in these menus. This will also be covered in this project. Only Line of Fire & Rail Chase have an nvram file provided as it's needed for the game to work.
Everything has been done on a 1G1R basis with parents taking priority.
However, as stated above this was for some games, a bit objectional for this platform. Multiple versions have been configured for choice for these titles.
Download Remap files and place these in the cfg folder of MAME.
Download NVRAM files and place in NVRAM folder of MAME.
Download Button Layout Images so you know what the controls are.
Below is a table of everything that has been done game by game. I have noted everything of importance for the end user experience.
Developer intended cheats are also listed below.
Sega X Arcade Board
A.B. Cop
abcop Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set. After Burner II
aburner2 Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set. GP Rider
gpriders Rom Info:
-This game has a 2 Player version, side by side monitors, for it's parent version. For many other Sega games that do this, setting the video options to single screen is the only way to get a single display for 1 Player. This is NOT the case here.
-There is an entire clone version 'gpriders for 1 Player.
-'gprider' is 2 Players
-'gpriders' is 1 Player
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. Setting free play disables the attract mode. Last Survivor
lastsurv Controls:
-This game featured a spinning top joystick for turning your character. This is great for twin stick controllers. Like an FPS, move is on the left stick and turn is on the right stick. Shoot is on RT as it's pretty much controlling like an FPS anyway.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Line of Fire
loffire Controls:
-Light gun game. Both players calibrated and setup for mouse or controller use.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty, Time & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Racing Hero
rechero Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. Setting free play disables the attract mode. Royal Ascot This was a massive unique arcade machine. There was an actual track with one large monitor and smaller ones for players to sit at. We are probably never going to get this emulated due to its unique HW and physical play mechanic. Super Monaco GP
smgp Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set. Thunder Blade
thndrbld Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty, Lives & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set.
Sega Y Arcade Board
G-LOC Air Battle
gloc Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty, Lives & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Setting Free Play does nothing Galaxy Force 2
gforce2 Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play set. Setting free play disables the attract mode. Power Drift
pdrift Version Info:
-There is a link version 'pdriftl' that aside from being able to be linked to other machines, has an option to stop the camera from tilting when turning.
-This is great if you cant stand the camera movement in the original.
-If you get motion sickness playing this use the Link Version instead.
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Setting Free Play does nothing Power Drift - Link Version
pdriftl Version Info:
-This version has a dip switch option "Ground Level Tilts". This is set to NO and is my preferred way to play this game.
-The camera tilt in the original 'pdrift' gives me a headache.
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Network ID changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Setting Free Play does nothing Rail Chase
rchase Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-No Free Play available. Strike Fighter
strkfgtr Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set486 downloads
Arcade - 3D Box Update (5.12.23)
By romatno
Disclaimer - A few of these MIGHT NOT BE NEW.... I had a catastrophic PC event and lost a lot of what I had been working on, so a few of these might have been mixed up into the "new" folder.
FYI: I did not use the cool app that I found with one of the downloads - it was a template that automatically created the 3D box art... I was unable to use it because I do not have Photoshop. All of these boxes were created with Gimp, and it was literally my first time using Gimp (more of a Windows Paint Guy 🤣). Please go easy on me - I am not an artist. I just wanted to share what I created so that others who are bugged by the missing boxes can enjoy.
I made some 3D Boxes for Arcade games that didn't appear to already have one (neither through the Launchbox or EmuMovies.
I added the developer onto the bottom corner of the box any time I was able to... some of the games do not have a dev listed, so I left it blank.
I am not looking to get in trouble for copyright infringement, so please, if there's something in here that shouldn't be, let me know and I can remove it.
Otherwise, I hope you all enjoy these.
Here is a list of the 3D Boxes in this set. I hope you enjoy!
Alpha Mission II _ ASO II_ Last Guardian-01 Alpha One Beach Festival World Championship 1997-01 Bomber Man World _ New Dyna Blaster_ Global Quest-01 Bongo Boulder Dash _ Boulder Dash Part 2-01 Buggy Boy_Speed Buggy-01 Come Back Toto CountryClub DeltaCommand Densha de GO!-01 Do Donpachi III-01 Dokaben 2 Dragon Unit _ Castle of Dragon-01 Dynamic Ski F-1 Grand Prix Part II F1GrandPrix.jpg Fire Ball Football Power Golden Tee Fore! 2002 Got-cha Mini Game Festival Great Bishi Bashi Champ Gunpey Gunstar Heroes Hammer Boy-01 Hanabi de Doon! Don-chan Puzzle Hidden Catch 3-01 Intergirl International Cup '94 Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu EX-01 JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken_ Mirai e no Isan-01 Lock On-01 Mang-Chi Mariner-01 Mazin Wars _ Mazin Saga-01 Mr. TNT NBA Showtime_ NBA on NBC _ NFL Blitz 2000_ Gold Edition-01 NBA Showtime_ NBA on NBC _ NFL Blitz 2000_ Gold Edition-02 NBA Showtime_ NBA on NBC_ Gold Edition-01 NBA Showtime_ NBA on NBC_ Gold Edition-02 Pac-Carnival Passing Shot-01 Pitapat Puzzle Puzzle Bobble 2X-01 Puzzle Bobble 2X-02 Puzzle Bobble-01 Puzzle Bobble-02 Puzzle Bobble-03 Puzzle Bobble-04 Puzzlove R2D Tank-01 Rack + Roll Reality Tennis Riot City-01 Rumba Lumber RyuKyu Scramble Spirits SF-HiSplitter-01 Shooting Gallery Shuriken Boy Skater Sonic the Hedgehog 2-01 Sonic the Hedgehog Space Invaders II Splendor Blast II Star Fire II Steering Champ Street Fighter III_ New Generation-03 Stunt Air Super Bishi Bashi Championship-01 Super Crowns Golf Super Dead Heat Super Game III Super Game Mega Type 1 Super Spacefortress Macross II-01 Super Spacefortress Macross II-02 Superbike Sushi Bar Table Tennis Champions Tap a Tune-01 Team Hat Trick The Crystal Maze_ Team Challenge-01 The Electric Yo-Yo The Last Day Tower Shaft Toy Land Adventure Tsurikko Penta Urachacha Mudaeri Video Eight-01 Vs. Battle City-01 Vs. Hot Smash Vs. Mach Rider Vs. Star Luster-01 Vs. Super SkyKid-01 Vs. Tetris Waku Waku Marine Waku Waku Ultraman Racing Wall Street War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushroom Maze Wonder League Star - Sok-Magicball Fighting Yu-Gi-Oh Monster Capsule Zed Blade-01 Zupapa-01 Zupapa-02 Zupapa-03122 downloads
Sega System 1 Arcade | MAME Controller Exclusive Button Layout Images & Pre Mapped Config Files | NVRAM Fixes & Enhancements, Free Play, Unlocks etc 1.0.0
This was another easy going board with nothing that caused me a headache. There are a couple of things to note. Wonder Boy: Monster Land has an official English translation Virtual Console version. Ninja Princess is known as Ninja and Sega Ninja. All versions have been configured for choice.
In a nutshell, I'm tooth picking my way through MAME platform by platform, and pre configuring the controls for all arcade games that are designated as working.
You know the pain of weird awkward auto control mapping and fumbling around trying to figure what is going on. I have done that for you!
These remaps have been done exclusively for controllers. No keyboard inputs at all and all non essential inputs completely removed. Only what is necessary has been mapped.
Also, I have provided button layout images so you know exactly what the buttons are for every game!
I haven't just set whatever, every control has been tested, scrutinised and re-tested before actually making a definitive decision. I believe I have everything mapped to be as intuitive as possible.
Menu control in arcade games can be unintuitive when using a controller. These remaps have been made to make menu-ing intuitive and easy.
NOTE: If the left stick doesn't work in menus, the D-Pad will.
The per game .cfg remap files are idiot proof. Every input is accounted for and set, so your main .cfg wont auto assign any inputs.
NVRAM files are not needed for this platform. Everything is done with dip switches which are configured in the provided .cfg files.
Everything has been done on a 1G1R basis with parents taking priority.
However, as stated above this was for some games, a bit objectional for this platform. Multiple versions have been configured for choice for these titles.
Download Remap files and place these in the cfg folder of MAME.
Download Button Layout Images so you know what the controls are.
Below is a table of everything that has been done game by game. I have noted everything of importance for the end user experience.
Developer intended cheats are also listed below.
4-D Warriors
4dwarrio Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Block Gal
blockgal Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Brain
brain Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Bullfight
bullfigt Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Choplifter
choplift Controls:
-'Turn Chopper' has been assigned to RT in addition to X. Using RT to turn the chopper makes it way easier to play as you can hold it AND still shoot.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
flicky Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Gardia
gardia Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Heavy Metal
hvymetal Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available I'm Sorry
imsorry Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Mister Viking
mrviking Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available My Hero
myhero Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Nonoranka
nob Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Pitfall II
pitfall2 Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Regulus
regulus Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Sega Ninja / Ninja / Ninja Princess
nprinceso Game Info:
-This game is known under 3 different titles. All 3 have been configured for regional preference and choice.
-This game uses a shoot button that lets you shoot in the direction you are facing. The other shoot button only shoots up, this makes it easier to kill dudes when you are facing the other way.
-There is a button that makes you disappear and gives you loads of I frames. Mastering it is the key to winning this game. I placed this on RT as well as B. Makes it way easier to play.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Shooting Master
shtngmst Controls:
-Light gun game.
-Configured for both controller and mouse usage.
-2 Players will have to take turns on the same controller.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Spatter
spatter Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Star Jacker (Sega) / Star Jacker (Stern Electronics)
starjacks Game Info:
-This game has 2 versions from 2 different publishers. They do differ enough for me to want both versions.
-The sega version lets you use three ships from the start. The Stern version only uses one ship.
-Both versions have been configured independently.
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available SWAT
swat Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available TeddyBoy Blues
teddybb Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Toki no Senshi: Chrono Soldier
tokisens Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Ufo Senshi Yohko Chan
ufosensi Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Up'n Down
upndown Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Water Match
wmatch Controls:
-Twin stick game.
-Use both sticks like arms. I still don't know how to properly play this game.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Wonder Boy
wboy Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available Wonder Boy: Monster Land
wbmlvc Rom Info:
-This game had only 'bootleg' English versions. However, in 2009 there was an official Sega Virtual Console in English released.
-The English Virtual Console version has also been configured.
-This game uses DOWN to use items/bombs etc. This is not ideal as you end up accidentally throwing all ya stuff away.
-So, Down has been removed and replaced with the B button.
-Use items/throw bombs is bound to B.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-No Free Play available182 downloads
ringedge RingEdge Sega - Carbon Logos
By Paulina
RingEdge Sega - Carbon Logos
- ringedge sega
- carbon
- (and 2 more)
Sega System 18 & 24 | MAME Controller Exclusive Button Layout Images & Pre Mapped Config Files | NVRAM Fixes & Enhancements, Free Play, Unlocks etc
Moving forward I have decided if a game has a clone/variant that has a different name due to region, I will configure for it and provide an image for it independently.
Also, I have made the decision to drop DINPUT. This is for multiple reasons. Firstly, I personally only use XINPUT. Secondly, I only provide images of an XBOX controller. Thirdly, not all DINPUT controllers have the same Input ID's/Button layouts. I was making the DINPUT configs with a PS4 controller. Fourthly, it takes too much time to get these out configuring for both. The majority of users are using an XINPUT controller.
If you were using a PlayStation controller there is an app called DS4 Windows which makes Windows think your PlayStation controller is an XINPUT device.
In a nutshell, I'm tooth picking my way through MAME platform by platform, and pre configuring the controls for all arcade games that are designated as working.
You know the pain of weird awkward auto control mapping and fumbling around trying to figure what is going on. I have done that for you!
These remaps have been done exclusively for controllers. No keyboard inputs at all and all non essential inputs completely removed. Only what is necessary has been mapped.
Also, I have provided button layout images so you know exactly what the buttons are for every game!
I haven't just set whatever, every control has been tested, scrutinised and re-tested before actually making a definitive decision. I believe I have everything mapped to be as intuitive as possible.
Menu control in arcade games can be unintuitive when using a controller. These remaps have been made to make menu-ing intuitive and easy.
NOTE: If the left stick doesn't work in menus, the D-Pad will.
The per game .cfg remap files are idiot proof. Every input is accounted for and set, so your main .cfg wont auto assign any inputs.
NVRAM files are also here. A lot of games need fixes or calibration in the service/test/dip switch menus before they'll work. There's also a bunch of unlockable content, preferable settings and a whole world of strange and wonderful crap in these menus. This will also be covered in this project. Only Laser Ghosts needed an nvram file provided as it's needed for the game to work.
Everything has been done on a 1G1R basis with parents taking priority.
However, as stated above this was for some games, a bit objectional for this platform. Multiple versions have been configured for choice for these titles.
Download Remap files and place these in the cfg folder of MAME.
Download NVRAM files and place in NVRAM folder of MAME.
Download Button Layout Images so you know what the controls are.
Below is a table of everything that has been done game by game. I have noted everything of importance for the end user experience.
Developer intended cheats are also listed below.
Sega System 18
Alien Storm
astorm3 Rom Variation Info:
-This game is one of 'those' that has a 2 player variant that allows for character selection, and a 3-4 player variant that fixes the character to the control/coin slot position.
-For all games that do this using both versions is the best option. As you want the convenience of selecting a character for 1 - 2 players, but still want to be able to play 3-4 players.
-The parent 'astorm' is 2 player. The clone 'astorm3' is 3 players.
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Bloxeed
bloxeed Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty, Time & High Speed Mode changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Clutch Hitter
cltchitr Controls:
-A baseball game with fairly complicated controls. Had to get a photo of the original control panel to figure everything out.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set D.D. Crew
ddcrew1 Rom Differences Info:
-This game is one of 'those' that has a 3 player variant that allows for character selection, and a 4 player variant that fixes the character to the control/coin slot position.
-For all games that do this, using both versions is the best option. You want the convenience of selecting a character for 1 - 3 players, but still want to be able to play 4 players.
-The parent 'ddcrew' is 3 player. The clone 'ddcrew1' is 4 players.
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Desert Breaker
desertbr Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
Cab Type set to 3 Players. 2 is the default.
-Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Hammer Away
hamaway Controls:
-Shooting air and ground targets is on individual buttons.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Laser Ghost
lghost Important Info:
-This game forces configuration on first boot before you can play the game. All 3 players calibrated.
-3 Player Light Gun Game
-Gun Offset needs to be ON in 'Machine Configuration'.
-Setup for use with 3 controllers or 3 mice or any combination or both.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Michael Jackson's Moonwalker
mwalk Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Cab Type set to 3 Players. 2 is the default.
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Pontoon Not Working. Even if it was it's just a no thrills pontoon card game. I personally don't mess with these are there are a ton of em and well boring. Shadow Dancer
shdancer Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty, Lives & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set Wally no Sagase!
wallyja3p Rom Differences Info:
-There is a 3 player version 'wallyja3p' which has been configured in addition to the 2 player parent 'wwallyj'
-You can play this game with a controller, mouse and/or a light gun. Shoot Wally in the face to find him. It works better playing it this way so both mouse and controllers have been configured.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set
Sega System 24
Bonanza Bros
bnzabros Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set. Crack Down
crkdown Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Nothing worth noting.
-Free Play set. Dynamic Country Club
dcclub 2 Players Info:
-This game had one set of controls. 2 Players would have taken it in turns on the same control panel, you gotta do the same.
-Start 2 Players is on RB. Using the Start button will start for 1 Player only.
-Turn left & right is on the right stick and D-Pad.
-Swing club is on RT. Hold and let go when you have the ball position you want. It is an analog input so if you don't want full power, only pull the trigger a little bit.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty, Time and Max Balls changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set. Gain Ground
gground Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set. Hot Rod
hotrodj Rom Differences Info:
-There is a 3 & 4 player version of this game.
-The 3 player version 'hotrod' is also the 'Turbo' version. Your car goes significantly faster.
-The 4 player version 'hotrodj' is the 'normal' version despite not being the parent. Your car goes at normal speed, and you get 4 players.
-Using both is preferable as they differ. If I had to choose it would be 'hotrodj'.
-Steering is on both the right stick and D-Pad. Using the D-Pad for these types of games can be preferable. So, both are usable.
Dip Switches:
-Language set to English for 'hotroj' version.
roughrac Controls:
-Steering is on both the right stick and D-Pad. Using the D-Pad for these types of games can be preferable. So, both are usable.
-Accelerate is a digital input with this game. It's been mapped to RT as well as X.
Dip Switches:
-Starting Cash set to 20000. Default is 15000.
-Free Play set. Scramble Spirits
sspirits Controls:
-Everything was straight forward. A few inputs moved for better control.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Lives changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
-Free Play set. Super Masters Golf
sgmast Controls:
-Turn left & right is on the right stick and D-Pad.
-Swing club is on RT. Hold then let go when you have the ball position you want. It is an analog input so if you don't want full power, only pull the trigger a little bit.
Dip Switches:
-Difficulty & Time changeable. Using 'normal' defaults.
Here are some Realistic Arcade Bezel for the Donkey Kong Games using the Mega Bezel Reflective Shader
By Orionsangel
- donkey kong
- arcade
- (and 7 more)
american laser games American Laser Games - Remastered Themes Video :)
By Paulina
American Laser Games - Remastered Themes Video
Made and re-recorded from scratch with higher resolution graphics
laserdisc Daphne/Laserdisc - Logos Carbon
By Paulina
Daphne/Laserdisc - Logos Carbon
American Laser Games is separately