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Everything posted by JoeViking245

  1. If you're not using Escape to exit the game, the 'original' script is still running. If you are, then you may need to give the esc routine a little money. $esc::exitapp If that doesn't work, remove that line altogether. Now create another additional app to Run After that exits the above Run Before addnl. app. If you named your Run Before script "ConfineMouseMovement.ahk", set this script to Run After. DetectHiddenWindows, On SetTitleMatchMode, 2 WinClose ConfineMouseMovement You don't want to have to add #SingleInstance Force. You really do want to close it when not needed.
  2. Seems like there has to be a better [built-in] way to do this through the emulator settings. I don't use M2, so I don't know. (full screen? Probably not windowed-full screen [if even an option]). Anyway, this script assumes you're running the game on your primary monitor and makes use of Windows' built-in ClipCursor function. Set limitW and limitH to the number of pixels you want the border to be. "limitW" is your left/right border and "limitH" is your top/bottom border. i.e. setting limitW to 20 puts a 20-pixel border on the left side AND on the right side (not 10 on each side). Don't touch any other part of the script. Pressing Escape will exit the script. This gets the actual Width and Height of the monitor, then subtracts twice the limit from each, respectively. Width - left & right border. Height - top & bottom border. Then using the ClipCursor function, confines the cursor movement to the coordinates supplied to it. Coordinates for a monitor start in the upper left corner. With limitW and limitH both set to 20, the starting point from the upper left corner is 20 over and 20 down. Then [for your monitor] from there it'll "draw the box confines", 3800 to the right, and 2120 down. limitW := 20 limitH := 20 W = %A_ScreenWidth% H = %A_ScreenHeight% Lw := W - (limitW*2) Lh := H - (limitH*2) ; Courtesy of: ; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=180864&sid=79466bc66cbd4f6a4c02689d4fda46e7#p180864 ClipCursor(limitW,limitH,Lw,Lh) ClipCursor(x,y:=0,w:=0,h:=0){ static free := dllcall("User32.dll\ClipCursor", "ptr", 0) ; Frees the mouse on script start up. static oe := {base:{__delete:func("clipcursor").bind("unclip")}} ; For freeing the mouse on script exit. if (x = "unclip") return dllcall("User32.dll\ClipCursor", "ptr", 0) varsetcapacity(rect,16) numput(x,rect,0,"int") numput(y,rect,4,"int") numput(x+w,rect,8,"int") numput(y+h,rect,12,"int") dllcall("User32.dll\ClipCursor", "ptr", &rect) } esc::exitapp To create/add this as an additional app, follow this:
  3. Think of it as /LaunchBox/BigBox.exe is a 'launcher' for /LaunchBox/Core/BigBox.exe. or /LaunchBox/BigBox.exe is a 'shortcut' to /LaunchBox/Core/BigBox.exe. So what's happening is you batch file is: it starts /LaunchBox/Bigbox.exe this in turn starts /LaunchBox/Core/BigBox.exe then exits itself /wait (/w) is now done because the program you told it to wait for is no longer running. QRes now executes ** Note: /Core/BigBox.exe is still running aka: it starts BigBox, then immediately launches your QRes command. ** I don't know anything about QRes, so I didn't pay any attention to that part of your script. Chances are, it may not have worked anyway if you did point to the Core folder. You may need to "start" it also. start /w "" "C:\Users\Me\LaunchBox\Core\BigBox.exe" start "" "C:\QRes.exe" /x:1280 /y:960
  4. If you're determined to use MAME release 0.133, remove that from the command-line parameters. The only reason a newer version of MAME is giving the appearance of being blurry is because of differing video settings and filters you have set [compared to your 0.133 release]. If you have games that were once playable and are no longer playable with an updated mame.exe, the most common reason is that you didn't update your ROM set to match the new version of MAME. If your MAME emulator is release 0.252 and your ROM set is 0.133, you'll have a lot of issues when attempting to play. 14 years (aka 119 releases) of ROM and emulator updates is pretty substantial.
  5. start /w "" "C:\Users\Me\LaunchBox\Core\BigBox.exe" start /w "" "C:\Users\Me\LaunchBox\Core\BigBox.exe" C:\QRes.exe /x:1280 /y:960
  6. What default command-line parameters do you have for your MAME emulator in LaunchBox?
  7. This will only work for your Arcade platform because you are using a non-merged set. Select your platform then press Ctrl+A to select all games. Tools, File Management, Export/Copy ROM Files from Selected Games to New Folder... Read and follow the prompts. When done, move the [remaining] files that are in the original location (/LaunchBox/Games/Arcade/ or wherever they actually are) to somewhere else. (aka, 'save' them in a different location for the time being until you're sure everything else works). Now move the files from the folder you Exported to, into the 'original location'. Test your Arcade games and make sure they all work.
  8. Try this beta release..↴ MultiMonitor2022 (v1.1.5 beta-3a) .7z ⟵ (replace your existing "MultiMonitor2022.dll" file with the one inside this zip) Open setup from the Tools menu. You'll see the new option to set the initial 3D Box Model size. *3* is the default. You can also see a preview by clicking Test. Change platforms in the dropdown box below it. Click Close to close the preview window or simply click Exit. Be sure to click Save 1st if you made changes you want to keep.
  9. Can you share some screenshots of the issue you're seeing? Also, if you can, show some for landscape and for portrait.
  10. Assuming 3D Box Models, yes, it's 'possible'. But what exactly is your end goal? Are the 3D Box Models appearing too large or too small on the respective monitor? How many rotation-clicks on the mouse wheel when hovering over the Model does it take to make it the 'ideal' size? Is it the same amount for all Model types? Regular boxes, N64 boxes, CD cases, jewel cases. This is where "one size" may not fit all. And before you ask, no, I wouldn't make it different based on the 3D Box Model type.
  11. Here's my updated batch file. @phunky1's PS script will probably work right from the get-go, but I'm bound and determined to get mine to work on at least your 2 test files. lol @echo off set path2ps3dec=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\PS3DEC\ps3dec.exe set decryptedISOFolder=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\DECRYPTED_GAMES\ set path=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\PS3DEC\ setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion Set key= for %%f in (*.iso) do ( set keyFile=%%~dpnf.dkey set /p key=< "!keyFile!" start "" /w /d "%path%" %path2ps3dec% d key !key! "%%~dpnxf" "%decryptedISOFolder%%%f" ) pause
  12. @echo off set path2ps3dec=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\PS3DEC\ps3dec.exe set decryptedISOFolder=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\DECRYPTED_GAMES\ set path=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\PS3DEC\ for %%f in (*.iso) do ( set keyFile=%%~dpnf.dkey set /p key=< "%keyFile%" start "" /w /d "%path%" %path2ps3dec% d key %key% "%%f" "%decryptedISOFolder%%%f" ) pause Another last ditch effort. lol Wait... the lon-gass key wasn't showing in your last image. Do you have the dkey files in with the iso's you're decrypting? So the one batch file, 2 .iso files and 2 .dkey files?
  13. Change the one line to look like (add echo in front of it). Then look at the full command line(s) that would have been executed. echo %path2ps3dec% d key %key% "%%f" "%decryptedISOFolder%%%f" I'm assuming your testing this in a folder with just 2 iso files (and their dkey files) and not ALL of them.
  14. Glad it's [finally] working. You should now be able to create a new emulator in LB as was originally discussed/shown way back when, using this batch file. As for the bulk decrypt batch file, now that things are all ironed out it can be fixed too. (if you decide to use it) @echo off set path2ps3dec=D:\PS3\utilities\ps3dec\ps3dec.exe set decryptedISOFolder=D:\temp\decryptedISOs\ for %%f in (*.iso) do ( set keyFile=%%~dpnf.dkey set /p key=< "%keyFile%" %path2ps3dec% d key %key% "%%f" "%decryptedISOFolder%%%f" ) pause 🤞
  15. On the output for the command to decrypt-the-iso, it's putting 2 sets of double-quotes around the input iso file for some reason. I guess remove the quotes (for that part) in the script and see what happens.?.?. Seems odd, but worth a try
  16. What do you have in your Default Command-Line Parameters? Should look like this -minimized -exit -play
  17. Last ditch effort (ya, forgot one more thing 😊) set path2ps3dec=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\PS3DEC\ps3dec.exe set decryptedISO=C:\Users\darre\Desktop\TEMPPS3\DECRYPTED_GAMES\temp-decryptedGame.iso set path2RPCS3ps1=M:\LaunchBox\Emulators\rpcs3\RPCS3-ISO-LaunchBox.ps1 set encryptedISO=%1 set keyFile=%~dpn1.dkey set /p key=< "%keyFile%" set path=%~dp1 start "" /w /d "%path%" "%path2ps3dec%" d key %key% "%encryptedISO%" "%decryptedISO%" start "" /w "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -WindowStyle hidden -file "%path2RPCS3ps1%" "%decryptedISO%" del "%decryptedISO%
  18. The /d is needed to start that program from with it's folder. Try adding one more set of quotes (around %path2ps3dec%). start "" /w /d "%path2ps3dec%" d key %key% "%encryptedISO%" "%decryptedISO%"
  19. Forgot some quotes. 😊 (guess I should have tested with a file name that had spaces in it. lol) Change this line set /p key=< %keyFile% to set /p key=< "%keyFile%"
  20. You launched the batch file from a PowerShell window (vs a Command Prompt window). Which is fine. Per the message, at the prompt type in .\myPS3emu.bat "full\apath\tp\your\game.iso"
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