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Everything posted by Kiinkyfoxx

  1. This is worth a read - towards the end are links to forks of Touchmote with added options - not used these myself but in theory should give a better experience than normal Touchmote also the link below is meant to be very good - I haven't used it as I used the above set up with an adapted version of Touchmote and decided I didn't want to redo the set up again when it came out. https://geekonarium.de/en/lichtknarre-lightgun/
  2. Have you got Forceful pause screen checked? With this checked/ticked I can replicate your issue - so might be worth trying that. However I also have to have start up screen set up as below If I tick Hide All windows not in exclusive full screen then emulator doesn't show - I haven't messed around with PPSSPP for ages so not sure what adjustments I may have made to it in the past to need it like this Just for completeness have associated platforms set like this Using PPSSPP 1.18.1 official release. I do only have one screen though - so not sure if any of this will be of help
  3. The PC games I use with Demulshooter work fine with pause screens here. Which games are you having trouble with? How are you activating the pause screen? What pause screen settings have you tried in LB/BB? How are you launching the games? How are you launching Demulshooter?
  4. As always late to the party, but rather than calling a separate bat file and running as admin, I do the following to enable/disable my wiibar when needing it Run *Runas "pnputil" /enable-device "USB\VID_057E&PID_0306\5&15C311E1&0&10",C:\WINDOWS\system32,hide Run *Runas "pnputil" /disable-device "USB\VID_057E&PID_0306\5&15C311E1&0&10",C:\WINDOWS\system32,hide Now you will need to change it to your device rather than mine, but that could make it all nice and tidy in one ahk Using *Runas to make admin, the hide at the end means it hides the command window that pnputil would open. Might be worth trying if the bat file or shortcut doesn't work for some reason
  5. I know it should be in that folder. Is that the pathway you used when doing it via command line. Is it just worth checking it is in that folder and not somewhere else?
  6. Can you check the pathway for that part please I made mine error out to see what the error message looked like but only got C:\WINDOWS and not C:\\WINDOWS as per your one.
  7. Have you removed stuff from that pathway, or is that really the full pathway? You could try replacing the above with
  8. HI @silver30001 I do something similar for Wiimotes, but with Touchmote, Demulshooter and MameHooker which can require elevated launching, plus using pnputil to enable and disable devices - but I use ahks rather than bat files as I find them easier to work with. I am happy to try to help and give advice and work through it with you, but it might take a few goes. Do you have AHK downloaded and installed or do you just use the one with LaunchBox? I'm guessing you do something like this 1) Enable devices 2) Launch Lichtknarre 3) Game launches and you play for a bit 4) Press Exit button/Game closes 5) Disable devices 6) Close Lichtknarre If I have the correct idea could you upload your bat files that work standalone and I will have a look and see if I can help. Cheers
  9. I use a fork of Touchmote here and with some work you can make it work well, but requires you to have to stand in same place, same side etc. You calibrate it for each wiimote separately and it is possible to play without crosshairs but nowhere as accurate as Sinden or Gun4ir etc but for bits had laying around the house its a very cost effective and useable option. However if you aren't using the Mayflash wiibar and have Bluetooth connection for wiimote you could look at using Lichtknarre programme I tried it in the past and it is accurate once set up correctly, but as I was using Mayflash wiibar I didn't want to make the other changes necessary. But if you have a generic USB sensor bar to use with with it, then maybe give it a try.
  10. Hi @tjack Try the following suggestion on this thread and see if that helps you out Good luck
  11. Hi All, EDIT: Please see bottom for original message New message I have found two work arounds, not sure if it is a bug or a user specific issue. I have used custom fields on certain DosBox-X/DosBox emulated games When I arrange/sort the games by one of these custom fields, LaunchBox ignores the custom DosBox exe request, but when I sort by Title or anything else it works. Simple option is just leave in title and normally they are but it wasn't earlier and that's what caused the issue, I had been doing some work on tidying things up/improving my theme and had left sorted by Controller type. Why would LaunchBox ignore the custom exe but only when sorted by a custom field that has a value in it? Thanks for any help. Original message; I thought I would play a game today, but unfortunately LaunchBox appears to be ignoring the custom Dosbox Version path. Rather than using Dosbox-X it is loading DosBox 0.74 from the third party folder. I know it use to work, so not sure what has changed. I have tested several other games and they are all doing the same DosBox-X is 06/10/23 and LaunchBox is 13.8 Anyone else having an issues or can any see where I'm going wrong? The conf works for loading directly in DosBox-X Its just LaunchBox ignores my request to use DoxBox-X Thanks in advance for any help Ps If I rename the DosBox folder in Third Party I get an error stating DosBox cannot be found PPS Copying DoxBox-X folder over to third party, renaming the folder and the exe to match the original DosBox makes it work, so having to trick LaunchBox, which means it is ignoring the custom path
  12. @Sbaby and @JoeViking245 It is recommended to launch this game mod as admin - if Sbaby is doing that then the ahk won't work unless also launched as admin. I have the game exiting via arcade box and keyboard - try adding the below parts to JoeViking245 script and see if that work As per JoeViking245 if you share screenshots it will make it easier to help, I run my exit ahk as a separate additional app as it does other things as well before and after the game but you could do the same with the running ahk tab Cheers full_command_line := DllCall("GetCommandLine", "str") if not (A_IsAdmin or RegExMatch(full_command_line, " /restart(?!\S)")) { try { if A_IsCompiled Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%" /restart else Run *RunAs "%A_AhkPath%" /restart "%A_ScriptFullPath%" } ExitApp } SetTitleMatchMode, 2 DetectHiddenWindows, on #SingleInstance, Force
  13. Appears I may have been lying.....seems it was only 4 files in fact Just undo Devreorder in System32 and SysWOW64 folders So rename the dinput8.dll to dinput8dev.dll in both folders, and then rename dinput8org.dll to dinput8.dll again in both folders Now no Devreorder, if you want to "reinstall" it then undo the name changes on the above files so it is all back to how it was Being the lazy person I am I have set up a rough and ready ahk to do it, which I am happy to share if you would like - but as with anything like that - I will state it works for me but comes with no promises to work for others
  14. Does it only happen when adding a mame rom? Does it happen when you try to add any rom for any system? Just wondering if the fix in the below link would work if that doesn't work might be worth putting an image of the error on here to see if that helps people to help you
  15. You could make a separate emulator for each game version, think only 3 lightgun games working at the moment, and name after the game. Not ideal way normally but doable for a small number of games Or if you only want one "emulator" then make an ahk. That way you could also load any other programs you might need as well. Eg sinden software, mamehooker, demulshooter, licktknarre, touchmote etc without using additional apps I have gone down the ahk route myself but as it has lots of extras involved for my setup I won't put it here, as won't work for you, but happy to help if you need any
  16. I don't know if this will be any help, as I don't have BigBox as the shell, but instead a home made exe that loads a selection screen for BigBox, LaunchBox or Windows But by using the following in a bat file I can make Explorer the shell that loads up instead of my exe the next time I run the computer, in theory would that also work by running as a command line - just tested the theory and I could change from my exe to explorer and back again via command line reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /v Shell /d explorer.exe /f Now it might need some changing and all because it works for me doesn't mean it will for you and it is changing the registry so you might want to look into it a bit before just going along with it as there might be a better/easier/safer way Also if I ever have an issue where my exe doesn't load by running Task Manager and starting explorer I could get it working, I have just realised that I could have just use "Window+R" this whole time as shown by @C-Beats I have tagged C-Beats as I don't know if the above pathway is where BigBox sets itself as the shell and thought they would be able to make any necessary changes or just delete/remove this post if they thought it wasn't a good idea.
  17. Hi Dave There seems to be a problem with Mame 0.252 when using D3D in the OSD Video options Mine has the same issue if I use video auto But changing it to opengl or bgfx seems to make it close like normal I don't pretend to understand why but found info on the Mame github page about it Cheers Edit: Also only appears to be a problem on D3D if using full screen rather than a window Edit 2: Having made a back up of my mame.ini I then generated a new one, went through the new one line by line making any changes needed, eg roms path etc and then found it didn't matter what OSD video option I used the shut down screen returned to its original timing and speeds - again no idea why or what was causing the issue but found this works.
  18. Working here with latest BigPemu (V1.04) and LaunchBox Settings as follows Using zipped folders for each game, not unzipping before loading and inside the zips are .j64 files Might be worth putting images of your set up to see if others can see any issues Good luck
  19. @Lf indy Try putting LaunchScript.dll into Plugins folder - its the one I use that jayjay made before and works with LaunchBox Version 13 And then rename whatever script you use to OnGameExit.ahk and put that in the Third Party AutoHotKey folder The one I've uploaded below is the old RegainFocus.ahk with an extra Click put in it and renamed. I've taken all the mouse cursor stuff out of what I use Good luck, and I take no credit as this is stuff that other people have sorted and I've just uploaded LaunchScript.dll OnGameExit.ahk
  20. Hi, I use portable and can update either with auto updates on or using clicking to update Stupid question, when you open Ryujinx does the command window show you are in portable mode? You could try doing it via command line I know I had to for some reason or other at the start but now I don't I "think" the command line if run from the Ryujinx folder is Ryujinx.exe -r ".\portable" Good luck Ps just tested here and working with the above
  21. If you haven't opened and closed LaunchBox too many times you should have a backup of your arcade platfom xaml somwhere in the zip folder from before you deleted it. Might be worth having a look through those and seeing if replacing it helps bring it back. Won't help with it not updating but at least it brings it back to where you were rather than leaving you with nothing.
  22. Try having a look at this
  23. No idea about Steam Big Picture as don't use it, but Steam and LaunchBox/BigBox do play nicely together with startup/shutdown screens and also pause screens with effort and quite a bit of ahk work However to answer your question about disabling pause screen from appearing - yI think you can do it and you can do it in LaunchBox without messing around with files - I'm sure I did in the past but haven't tried recently Highlight the game you want to disable the pause screen in Go to edit metadata/media At the very bottom on left hand panel is Startup/Pause Go onto that page and put a tick in the Override default pause screen settings box, click the Customize button, and make sure none of the check boxes are ticked - that SHOULD stop pause screens working. If you have lots of games you want to do it to and don't want to do them one at a time, then highlight every game you want to change, right click on the last one and then open bulk edit tool and make the changes via that. Hopefully that will work for you Good luck Ps I haven't tested this as use an ahk to open my steam games so have an "emulator" that I can make changes in, but the theory is correct and should work.
  24. Hi @BabyBillyFreeman I have had a similar issue but at a different line. With the help of others on here I found that generating the file myself and then reviewing it I was able to see what the problem was, for me it was using Devreorder system wide to help with controller ID order To produce the file you; Open a command window change directory to wherever you have the mame.exe then mame -listxml > listdump.xml This will generate the file in the same folder and then I used notepad++ to open it and find the problem line. Which hopefully will let you figure out the issue or come back here and ask for more help with the specific issue Good luck
  25. Sorry I did read this and watch the video but then got called away to play Streets of Rage 3 It seems like Skizzosjt has given lots of information and more indepth than me. If that doesn't work, my only suggestion would be for you to upload your config file for the emulators and let us try them on our setups and see if it causes at issues. I know I have had black screen issues before on some systems and managed to get past them in the end and startup/shutdown and pause screens work here. My computer is old so most likely why I have to have a longer time delay as takes longer to do things. Good luck and as I said if it still doesn't work, then might be worth picking one system, giving us which version number you are using and a copy of you config files. I think that should be allowed as no copyright material in them.
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