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Everything posted by C-Beats

  1. Not at the moment, changing the application path of the game resets the hash. At the moment there really isn't a need to ever rehash since we don't update the RaHasher app, the results would be the same. I suppose if you're changing the XML files directly you'd miss out on the app clearing that hash value, but if you're already in there doing that you can just remove that tag as well.
  2. I don't ever really use PowerShell but this appears to just be creating symlinks for folders you can already point inside of the app. I will give you that the script may be faster then manually changing all the image paths for every platform, but it IS possible to do so in app already.
  3. At the moment we have no plans of implementing a feature that tells you what RetroAchievement Game IDs you are missing in your system. You could probably con a plugin dev to something like that easily enough though.
  4. That just sounds like the theme you're using doesn't display videos full screen and you need to change either the theme or the view you are using to find one that plays them full screen.
  5. Not entirely sure what Unified theme that is, but you should be able to just copy the Arcade platform view file to the root view and name it appropriately to work. There should be a file called something like WheelGamesView with a folder that matches and has files in there. You'd find the arcade file in that folder, move it up one level then rename it WheelGamesView (deleting the one you had before). I'd make a copy of the theme before doing this so that you can revert if you break something.
  6. No currently there is no way to create a new image type or group within LaunchBox
  7. In Big Box options you can just have it open to "All Games" instead of "Platforms"
  8. Android is free for 100 games or less and you can opt into the beta on the free version.
  9. Thanks for the report. This will be corrected in next beta release. RetroAchievements was sending different hash casing and so hashes with letters in them sometimes weren't being matched correctly. This will resolve itself in the next release and shouldn't require any additional effort on your part.
  10. Ah, yeah it very well could be how they handle zip files. We only do special logic with .7z because their app doesn't read those at all. To answer your question yes, the app uses the calls in that library. ZIP does change the paths the app takes to get to the answer so you could be correct in that having that platform in a zip file causes that issue.
  11. @moudrost Thanks for the report regarding the icon names. This will be corrected in next beta release.
  12. What format are your games in?
  13. I just tested myself and can confirm I am getting the CUE file correctly so there probably something else going on.
  14. No CUE files has track information in them so the app knows where in the bin file to look for the track it needs for the process. In most CUE/BIN systems hashing only the BIN file will result in a hash failure. Typically the CUE file is required so it knows where to look. You are right though that it needs the info from the BIN for the hash though.
  15. I'll take a look. May be a possibility thanks for the additional information.
  16. I think we set scaling to high quality, I know WPF has a more linear scale for pixel art. I'll mess with some settings and see what we can to do to keep the image looking clean.
  17. Typically this is caused because the app we use from RetroAchievements fails to read the file properly. This can either be caused by an error in the app, or the file not formatted in a way the app expects. It typically has more to do with the data in the ROM than the file extension from what I've seen.
  18. That box was made pretty much for MAME and Arcade emulators that just need the file name passed. This is the first time I've heard someone needing them separated for any emulator
  19. Think the most update tutorial we have on it. UI may have changed some since this but the concept overall is the same:
  20. The issue you're running into is exactly why we use the groups instead of individual image types. Even within the same platform having the image type you WANT to use in good quality can be hard. Using a group that contain several backup types helps make sure games that DON'T have your primary type at least have SOMETHING drawn on the grid though while you work on finding the image you'd prefer to use.
  21. Ah, that may be the source of the confusion on my part. You are referring to two completely different mechanics. You're referring to an image type not a group. A group is multiple image types in a predefined order. I think once you get used to how the groups work you'll come to the conclusion that is overall the better system and eliminates a lot of bloat in the UI/App that I admit can already get kind of confusing. If after using it though you feel strongly about your request you're welcome to create a feature request ticket asking for us to review it. At this time though we have no desire to list every image type in that menu. On a completely different side note, I can appreciate you're an individual with good taste. That theme choice is spot on
  22. Not sure I follow. You can change what Image Group you're utilizing per platform already, and they have their own menu where you can manage them inside of Options. Could you elaborate on what you feel is missing?
  23. Ah yeah, apologies. Was running from memory and forgot that option name was changed. Those priorities tabs WERE what I was referring to.
  24. LaunchBox is designed from the ground up to be a portable app. Your install case however isn't a portable one, as you've stated you're using external locations for games/resources. You can change the individual image folders for every platform to be wherever you want as well already so there is no need to over complicate things and use symlinks to do it.
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