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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. The plugin framework DLL is overwritten with the new version on every update, so that probably wasn't an issue. Feel free to post here with any issues you find.
  2. Good to hear. Do you know what might have been left in your plugins folder?
  3. That is a thought I had as well. Could be complicated to implement switching between Big Box and the game while it's running (I'm cringing at the thought of it), but yes, that would certainly be nice.
  4. Unfortunately that's not in the cards, at least not soon. I'm using an embedded version of Chrome (per the initial post), and those aren't features that Chrome supports. We have the ability to put the PDF reader anywhere in Big Box (doesn't have to be full screen for instance), but Chrome doesn't support all those customizations. Per monitor settings though is certainly a possibility. Basically, in order to get that level of control I'd need to build my own PDF reader, which just seems like reinventing the wheel at this point. We also looked at free/open source libraries to do it, and they all kind of suck, so this was the best option currently.
  5. What error did you get with the installer? It makes sense that nothing would work properly if the installer failed. Unfortunately it's the installer error message that matters here.
  6. Just wanted to brag a little. @circo sent me a legit Roland MT-32 for Christmas. Guess what I'm setting up right now.
  7. I don't think so, though that is controlled via the EmuMovies API itself, so that's probably a question for @circo.
  8. @MartinC Honestly I'm not fully following, but I think it should work to manually add them to the XML, yes. @Hank7_98 Unfortunately I believe that's still on my list. At the very least it should make it onto the next poll.
  9. Ah, that's making sense. I'll take a look at this soon. Thanks @rhylek.
  10. I am planning on re-addressing this and making them match up in one way or another in the future, yes. Though it's not currently a high priority, it will be included on the upcoming poll (or at least I plan to).
  11. At least for now, we'll probably leave that to EmuMovies, for the same reason that we don't distribute soundtrack music. Unfortunately we'll probably continue to shy away from that for manuals.
  12. Looking amazing @harryoke! Only thing I'd say is it would be better to focus more on the actual Music Box interface. Even still, looks awesome.
  13. We're shooting for 8.0 on this one guys. The first beta is here. Most notably, Big Box now uses CEF (the Chromium Embedded Framework) for displaying PDFs in Big Box. Here's the full change log: - New Premium Feature: Big Box now includes a built-in PDF/browser viewer for manuals that can be controlled with all existing controllers. This is implemented via the Chromium Embedded Framework (an embedded, open-source version of Google Chrome). - Improvement: Added community star ratings support to the LaunchBox Plugin API. The following fields have been added to the IGame interface: CommunityOrLocalStarRating, StarRatingFloat, CommunityStarRating, and CommunityStarRatingTotalVotes. See the documentation here: http://pluginapi.launchbox-app.com/html/b33d2055-e2be-3f42-12c6-adbc5668f454.htm - Improvement: Added retro achievements support to the LaunchBox Plugin API. See the new Unbroken.LaunchBox.Plugins.RetroAchievements namespace for details. Documentation is here: http://pluginapi.launchbox-app.com/ - Improvement: Retro achievements will now use alternate names from the games database if the game is not found; this requires the game to be already matched up to a LaunchBox Games Database ID Currently, the Page-Up and Page-Down keys/buttons are what zoom in and out in the PDF viewer. We may change that going forward. Let me know how it all goes.
  14. Hey all, wanted to notify everyone about something we're doing for retro achievements. You may see some odd alternate names being added to the database by @Typhon; this is because he's trying to improve connectivity to retroachievements.org. In some cases, retroachievements.org has bad or incorrect names for the games, so our solution is to add their names in as alternate names in the LaunchBox Games Database. So going forward in moderation, we should be careful not to allow removing alternate names, even if they seem formatted badly, etc., or at least we should check to see if it matches the games name on retroachievements.org. Also, these alternate names should of course be allowed through. Thanks all; I plan on improving moderation speed again here soon.
  15. @Hexxxer They are not available currently but I'm going to look into adding them into the API for the next release.
  16. Thanks guys, I will re-evaluate the multiplayer fields situation for the upcoming poll and it'll probably end up as an item on the poll (grouped in with other fields most likely).
  17. Good to know, guys. I'll keep this in mind for the future. We may end up putting something similar to this on the upcoming poll.
  18. Not a bad idea. Perhaps we should put something like that on the upcoming poll.
  19. The vast majority of the videos will work out of the box this way, though there may be a few that don't match up.
  20. If you are having trouble with a particular platform, you can always get on the EmuMovies FTP and download that platform manually from there. Then just put the video files in the right folder and they'll be automatically picked up. That should solve the problem in the mean time, at least, until the issue gets identified and fixed.
  21. Yeah, it would be nice to have a theme-specific settings GUI so hopefully we can add that eventually. The trouble is providing a decent way for theme creators to create and access settings without having to code anything.
  22. Hey all, let's tag @circo on this, as I believe this is probably an issue with the API. I'll try and hit him up here soon as well to see if we can look into it.
  23. Day one ratings are probably pretty wrong, so you gotta update! Yes, that is planned, hopefully for this next official release. Won't be difficult to implement.
  24. Some of the community ratings for Arcade are indeed pretty criminal though. Somehow Galaga is rated at 3.2 stars. That's just unacceptable. But I've confirmed that they are all legit ratings. We must have too many young kids rating these games...
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