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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. Not getting it to save the position, is most likely a windows bug. There is software that can help, I use DisplayFusion to help me control certain windows (like RetroArch I have it center each time it opens), and the software helps with multiple monitors. In the end though Citra is very very early on, and it shouldn't be considered anywhere close to being out of the Alpha stage, so there is little help we can provide because things are going to be changing drastically over the next year anyways. As tempting as 3DS Emulation sounds, it's going to be a while yet before it's going to be reliable.
  2. I haven't done PC-FX yet, but I have done a Part 1 and Part 2 to PC Engine stuff. So check out the playlist link below, I use RA for a lot of stuff (Part 2 for PC Engine stuff specifically), so it may help you out. For PC-FX, if you're having any issues getting it to load and the command line you set is right, then chances are the game or the BIOS are wrong. According to the PC-FX info file: firmware_count = 1 firmware0_desc = "pcfx.bios (PC-FX BIOS)" firmware0_path = "pcfx.bios" firmware0_opt = "false" notes = "Suggested md5sums:|1c8996258dfe6c1a07df305f0a3e5758 = pcfx.bios" And if a core requires a BIOS file, all that info is in the respective info files. There is also a tutorial on how to read info files if you're curious, and I explain what info files mean more thoroughly. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6pTDaHeAz-WMcNURVPU-1xLN_TVpT3FB
  3. Yes, that is normal. The user needs to currently change the paths in the Manage System screen manually. I don't know if Jason has any plans to make this an automatic process, but I think not. If it changed every time you imported games to the last location you imported roms, if you decided to import roms to a platform from a different location, then it would change to the latest directory and forget your first directory. Maybe adding more game paths in the future would help, but I can see automatic path changing can be problematic.
  4. I don't think that is currently possible, but that does sound interesting. I can't remember if something like that has been requested before, but you are more than welcome to add that as a ticket. Go to Issues/Requests at the top of this page, and make a quick search, see if anyone has before. If they have, please vote on that existing ticket, and you can make comments to add to it if you'd like. If it doesn't exist, you're more than welcome to create it yourself. You can post the link to your ticket on this thread too, if you'd like, so others can more easily vote for it. Don't forget to vote for your own ticket too!
  5. Try changing views. Different views have different setups. I know for a fact that in the City Hunter theme, there is a view where it's pretty much just the background and the clear logo in the corner so you know what you have selected. Try changing views, or unchecking certain image related boxes in the settings. Removing the images from your install should be a last resort I think.
  6. Oh, and Monkus is totally right, I do very much prefer Custom Configs. I think they're the most powerful version of using game specific or system specific settings, and it doesn't cause any other issues. Monkus has had a good track record of per-core configs, but I've had a lot of reports in the past of users who had issues with it. I had one user go back to a default RetroArch config for testing like I instructed you, and his install started working flawlessly again. He did some digging, and found that the only settings that were changed were config per core stuff. So, I can't explain it, but that seems to be par for the course around here. Only a handful of people have an issue, we can usually narrow it down or figure it out (if the other user is willing to help us out back), but a lot of the time we can't explain why it's breaking, or certain settings do certain things on some machines. Welcome to computers I guess. Conversely, I've never heard any reports of issues with custom configs. Well, I have, but it's generally user error (like missing a space or putting in the wrong config name). It it's self works though, so that's what I decided to go with when teaching users. It seems more daunting than using the UI, but if you can wrap your head around the -L command, then the -C command is the same thing but swap cores/ with config/.
  7. PBP File formats is for PS1 specifically. There is a tutorial for Unconventional Compression that I made, that covers most of the stuff I use. I am working on other forms of compression for a part 2, and I hate using Archives, so it's all 100% archive free (except for MAME or systems where they need to be).
  8. You shouldn't have to change the max players per-se, just make sure the proper controllers are selected via player 1 and player 2. Otherwise, I am glad you got it figured out. So a combination of a 4k TV and the custom config command line being slightly off? It seems like they have some 4k TV stuff to figure out over there, hope it's not too hard to deal with. So essentially, if there is a 4k TV being used, turn off v-sync? Good to know. Also, did you end up going back to 1.3.6 or did you stick with a nightly? (I skimmed through, so I may have missed that)
  9. The easiest method to start fresh, is to not be using custom configs right now, and open up the rar you downloaded from the RA site, and move the RetroArch.cfg from that in to the RA folder and overwrite it. That will start you at default for sure, and all of the suggestions monkus gives will be applied to what would essentially be a fresh install. This way you don't have to make sure paths are still correct or re-download cores again, things like that.
  10. I'm not talking about DOS at all actually, sorry for that confusion. When importing games in LaunchBox now (for several months now actually), any multi-disc or disk game gets automatically combined under certain rules, and the rules are being expanded in the future. So for example, if you have an 8 Disk Amiga game, instead of 8 entries for 1 game now, it's just 1 entry with the rest being filed under the additional applications feature automatically. I used to have 50k + games, but ever since i did some major duplication reduction, and the automatic combining became a thing (re-importing a library is easy, just uncheck all of the image downloads and the existing images will re-attach automatically, but then you lose favorites and stats which sucks) and I re-imported several of the problem systems and it severely reduced the amount of games entries. So technically, the amount of games hadn't really changed, but rather the count is severely more accurate because a single disc or disk doesn't count as 1 game, even when they all really only belong to 1. The only games not getting combined right now, are games with Tape in the title, but Jason is going to expand the rules of auto combining at some point. Also, LaunchBox doesn't inherently handle multiple disc or disk swapping, but in some cases the emulators have swap buttons, and in the rest of the emulators cases, making a save state, loading up the next disc and loading the save state usually works. PS1 for example, I've taken a completely different route and put all my games in to the PBP format, and discs switch automatically as they're combined in to one file. As for the eXo stuff, there has been a recent post by him about the status of the project. LaunchBox will have native support for his DOS, 3x and 9x packages (his downloads will ship with LB, at least that's currently the plan), and the details are going to be worked out, things are moving forward there if a little slower than we all would have liked. So while you're not wrong about a lot of that stuff, I think you might be going about some stuff the hard way, which is also not necessarily a bad thing. Your image rename tool for example is certainly the hard way, but it sure as hell works and that's awesome.
  11. The RetroArch controls recently changed to Enter and Backspace, and some UI elements changed, but it's still more or less the same deal. If your problems are settings related, I would replace the RetroArch.cfg with a clean one from the rar and see if that fixes it, making sure all the settings are set back to default. As well, custom configs aren't a required feature by any means, but if you want to get in to customizing platforms with specific settings, they become very very useful. If certain cores are giving your the problems though, try a different from out just in case. In a perfect scenario, the best set of roms to get for pretty much any system they released a set for is No-Intro. So try and grab the latest No-Intro for SNES, and that will for certain give you the best starting point. If you're currently setting up LaunchBox, you're trying Bsnes Accuracy, LB is caching, downloading, and Windows on top of it all, I could see why it's giving you some glitches. I would at least wait till the import is done, image caching isn't going to be too too crazy, and try bsnes balanced. Also, make sure that you have no custom config set like I explained above. Also, it's worth noting for clarification just in case, that F1 only opens the RetroArch menu when you're in a game, it doesn't do anything else. More info on custom configs:
  12. There is a ton of customization on offer here, but it's going to be different than what most may be used to. Jason does know too that stuff is always changing, Nested Filters comes to mind as the next bigger update in that regard. Custom Filters still technically works, but it's having issues keeping up. Earlier when I said the Series field is the way to go and ideally you would never need to edit it, it's because of the Database. It's being populated already because of the Database. At this point in time, you'd have to make sure all your games were added, hence my other post as well. The screenshot also shows off the menu for how you'd get to your series, that's how you'd view them currently. So it's the series being listed off by it's self. So there are certainly plans in place to continue to upgrade the filtering experience, nested filters (which should enhance and replace custom filters), a tag's system has been talked about, and many other enhancements. There just happens to be a list a mile long of a ton of great things that need to get added, let alone tweaks and bug fixes. If you want to completely clear out the Series field and start fresh, so that way only what you add gets shown (until you start scraping empty fields or new games in to LB), then follow the same process above to Bulk Edit the Series field, but instead, do it for all of your games at once and leave the field blank. Then, you can search "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" in the search box and Bulk Edit just their series fields to TMNT, or what ever you want to call it. That, I think, is the path of least resistance right now, and gets the job done a lot more easily than manually adding games 1 by 1 or trying to use an XML list that wont cooperate.
  13. Sure, but the Series tag is much more powerful, you theoretically don't have to add anything, and nested filters would also go a long way towards this as well. You can also view a lot of different things and ways in Big Box, series being one of them. Just back up in to the menu:
  14. I am glad you're deciding to give us a shot! Enjoy your games.
  15. Yea, you can add literally anything you want. You can just add straight video to LaunchBox if you wanted to add video (no metadata obviously). You can also create as many custom platforms as you want. So people are adding a ton of stuff to the Database (which is user ran for submissions and moderation), and it might surprise you.
  16. Yea, I honestly only noticed because I had my eyes glued to the screen with a big grin on my face. HE MENTIONED MY TUTORIALS?!?!?! MJR knows who we are... he's also frikin tall, we met him at Retropalooza.
  17. Am I really famous? Yes, sometimes the api might go down, and waiting is usually the cure. If it's down for more than a day, then we can contact Circo and let him know. Also, yes there is! You can edit a single game and download metadata and media, but the bulk method is to click on a platform on the left, click on a game, Ctrl + A to highlight them all, then go to Tools -> Download Metadata and Media. If all of your games are empty, then you can select the first option as it's the most powerful, but if you have any media and don't want to re-download any of it, then select the second option. If you want to try and update games that have no metadata or media, select the third option. So, I think the second one is the best. The first option is needed to try and update all of your games if you want to grab new media and metadata from the database or emumovies (though Jason wants there to be better tools to handle updating existing media).
  18. Mhm, but I will promise most people will sadly miss that (at least I think). Also, it's really nice to see you @nmc it's been a while!
  19. If there is an error going on, it would most likely be temporary, but unfortunately there isn't anything we can do about that. If the login or API is giving errors, then just give it some time, especially if you are overseas. If it keeps going on, head on over to their forums and see if there are any posts, or make a post and let them know.
  20. In LaunchBox (since that's the only way to import games right now) there is a back button. It's in the top left:
  21. You would have to do that all manually. The easiest route would be to set up each game with the "Series" tag identifier. So what you can do is click on all, search "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" (Hero Turtles as well), and that should show you most of the games. Click on one, Ctrl + A to highlight them all, right click a game, go to edit, select series from the Drop Down Menu, and input what ever you want to call it. Once you have that set, in the left pane on LaunchBox, at the top, where it says Platform or Platform Category, select Series from the drop down menu. If you go the other route, you would have to literally set up all of it manually.
  22. You could also filter the genre if it's set up properly. Nested Filters (when Jason gets to them) will also help immensely in that category.
  23. Yea, that machine should be good to go even with GameCube, Wii and PS2 being run at a lower level (not super high internal resolution up-scaling) even. We have tutorials for a lot of everything. The SNES Beginner tutorial is probably the best place to start. Just plug in the latest version of the software that I show off and it should all be relatively the same, save for some new features. Purchasing is honestly easy if you've made purchases online, and all you need to do is drop in the License.xml that you'll receive in your purchase e-mail in to the LB folder. Here is the entire Tutorial playlist. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6pTDaHeAz-WMcNURVPU-1xLN_TVpT3FB Go through that list and start picking out what looks like a good tutorial. Like I said, I think the SNES Tutorial might be the best place to start. A little bit of exploring will also go a long way as well, going through the options menu. You'll honestly pick up on a lot of it, It's laid out fairly easily. Big Box is your controller centric software, LaunchBox is primarily keyboard and mouse, and where everything gets primarily set up. The Feature Specific tutorials might be of help too, like Controller Automation, Scrape As, How EmuMovies works in LaunchBox, How to Use Custom Big Box Themes (there's another theme related tutorial coming out in about an hour and a half from right now), and since I utilize RetroArch quite often enough then the RetroArch tutorials for Custom Configs and Info Files is also a must. Mostly everything else is system related, so start with SNES so you can get a beginner friendly tutorial, then start watching tutorials for the systems you want next. For starting Big Box with Windows, there is plenty of software that can do this for you, you'll be looking to create a custom shell essentially, so that Windows Explorer doesn't launch with the machine, only Big Box. Otherwise, if you just want Big Box to start, a low rent alternative is to just copy the exe in to the Windows 7, 8 or 10 Start Up folder (Google can help you more there). If you have any more odd and end's questions, feel free to ask. Watching the tutorials should help a lot, and you should honestly pick up on stuff fairly easily, especially if you wsere able to identify a system that would be powerful enough for your needs. The rest we can certainly help with.
  24. Yea I noticed that too, but more eyeballs is better. If you're paying attention it mentions the premium, but yea. It was a little off, but spending 5 min browsing the site tells someone all they need to know theoretically.
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