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Everything posted by DOS76

  1. Well you guys have been great this is the first time you've posted in almost 3 weeks since having your problem it sucks that you can't get it working as expected if you still want to wait it out that's awesome just if you were feeling frustrated that would be an option.
  2. The PJ64 error looks like it ins't finding the game or a file needed for the game. I don't use PJ64 anymore so I can't be of much assistance
  3. You don't fix the emus in the xml files you go to tools>manage emulators and you change the path to the new path your emulator is in easy peasy
  4. Thanks Neil manual combine sounds like it will do the trick I'll check you out on the stream later.
  5. Okay that looks like it gives you a number of other dupes though huh ones with not matching titles don't know if I like that.
  6. It may work in MAME. If you do try it in MAME there seems to be caveat on getting it to work correctly so check out this post it might help. http://forums.bannister.org/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=65595 of course the post is 6 years old so it may not even apply any more
  7. Same on PC with a portrait monitor if you don't shrink the size enough to make the menu expand the control doesn't do anything. Weird that it works when you use the white theme
  8. If you guys can't fix your issues you can email or PM Jason and I'm sure he would have no issue in returning your money
  9. I reimported my whole arcade collection yesterday and got no results which I know isn't typical since others are getting them do you have to check any boxes on the MAME list at the end to get it to work for arcade I've searched games I know should have multiple ROMs for them like 1942 and I only get one result with no additional apps added don't know what I'm doing wrong.
  10. LB does work with controllers and only the controller automation part is premium so you can set up and control LB with the controller however unless the emulator supports exiting with the controller you will not be able to use the ahk solution built into LB without a premium license
  11. if your MAME 0.182 split set has the game at that size now perhaps they fixed it or you didn't get it at PD.
  12. yeah I think the parent clone relationship shifted doa2m is listed as the parent now.
  13. yeah doa2m is the parent but it is still the same size 3mb I have a 0.1820full set rebuilt with CLRMAMEPro from 0.181 and it didn't change the size of my file.
  14. I understand I never move my games into LB either.
  15. To add your own images go to the image folder go to the platform and add the files to the appropriate folders.
  16. If you can find loose non-merged they would actually be fine to get individually but as they were new this month (at least I've never seen them for download before) they are probably hard to get individually
  17. okay I'm guessing that you didn't move your games into LB so they are using hard paths you will have to use NotePad++ to edit each platforms xml. Use the find and replace function to switch paths.
  18. I've tested this both with the 0.178 and 0.182 MAME set dc.zip and the August 2016 build of Demul
  19. Your bios file is either wrong or corrupted try finding dc.zip from a MAME set and replacing the file you have
  20. Under plugins and paths you set all of those settings.
  21. Okay I hate to self-promote but if you have a newer MAME set you can grab these .bat files that I made to easily extract all the bios and Arcade Roms that are needed for Demul. If you keep them in the folder structure that they are extracted to you will have to add each folder to Demul as a ROM path or they can all be combined into a singel folder it up to the end user really. Have you watched the tutorial Brad did just a few weeks ago its about setting up Naomi and Naomi 2 in Demul
  22. Yeah having an a 164 rom set and 182 version of MAME can be problematic for sure. Glad you got it all worked out
  23. Okay I tried to import all my MAME games and without removing them and just let it import all clones the results weren't what I was hoping so I'm now importing all my MAME games again if that doesn't go how I want I'll just put my original Arcade.xml back into the folder
  24. Just tested consolidate ROMs and it didn't work quiet like I thought it would I used it on my arcade collection and it consolidated what I had already there but if you already imported MAME and used the checkbox to not get clones than the consolidation doesn't do anything for your you still will need to delete your Arcade platform and reimport to get it to function properly.
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