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Everything posted by DOS76

  1. I rebuilt my set as a split set using the MAME.exe (in CLRMAMEPro) itself and my ROM set didn't change anything but the games listed and came back as complete on audit so split is still going to be what it always has been.
  2. Yeah I agree if its cheap get the i7 its always better don't expect the world though.
  3. It's been so long since I set it up I don't remember I think maybe my 360 controllers auto config but I could be way off.
  4. I'm a Plex guy myself so no clue how that works.
  5. I always leave my ROMs where they are that is where the emulator looks for them by default in most arcade situations.
  6. Yes you do need premium LB to utilize the videos.
  7. The non-merged is new this month
  8. I know you probably don't care but I dug deep and got all the facts it seems in the 1st gen they had quite a few dual core i5's then in the 2nd and 3rd gen they had one each 4th gen had 2 this was the last generation they made a dual core i5 http://ark.intel.com/products/43546/Intel-Core-i5-650-Processor-4M-Cache-3_20-GHz
  9. I stand corrected it seems this is a rare i5 that has hyper-threading 650 supports it also maybe it was something they did in the 1st gen only. Its hard to find any Google references about it unless you know the specific number
  10. No i5 processors support hyper threading if they did they would be I7's i3 two cores with hyper threading i5 4 cores no hyper threading i7 4 cores with hyper threading. https://ark.intel.com/products/88185/Intel-Core-i5-6400-Processor-6M-Cache-up-to-3_30-GHz Also some empirical evidence to back it all up
  11. I'm sorry to hear you have an issue with BB you definitely shouldn't with your system specs. If it is that big of a problem I'm sure that Jason will be willing to refund you money you can email him at jason@unbrokensoftware.com or support@unbrokensoftware.com
  12. Brad did you find more than that one ROM that had an issue? If not I don't think its fair to call the whole set broken now if you found more games like this then I would agree but not off of one game.
  13. I didn't read this all yet but I wanted to clarify something you do not need a .bat file to run these games with the CPS3 emulator. You simply have to set it up like this and it should work assuming you have the correct ROM files.
  14. LEDBlinky isn't going to work with those encoders they are the same ones I have.
  15. I thought the same thing @lordmonkusand then I realized it wasn't the same poster
  16. Just go to your MAME platform click on a game and then hit ctrl+a then right click and choose delete from the context menu.
  17. To anyone using the font color options please don't pick fonts that conflict with the users using the dark theme for the forums This post is unreadable unless I highlight all the text it basically dark blue on black.
  18. Well if you update RetroArch and make a whole new build folder you will need to point LB to your new .exe or it will still use the one that you specified..
  19. Click on Premium in the sites header it should take you there. Premium pricing is $50 lifetime license or a $20 year subscription. As a caveat after the 1st year you can upgrade to the lifetime license for $30
  20. In the 5th image did you choose to move your ROMs into LB if so you have to modify your MAME.ini so it knows where to find your games. If you didn't use that option then I'm stumped.
  21. Yeah this program is great. I'm learning that the DB at least for NES has a lot of the same fanart for the different games. Mostly series games or games with other forms of media as well as some sports games with generic pictures. As an example things like Turtles Simpsons Chip n Dale SMB all use the same image across multiple games
  22. If you open RA and load the latest core it says that it is MAME0.181 in the bottom left corner of the application that is with the 1.4 version from the stable folder. Currently their is four versions of MAME found in RA 1.4 2003, 2010, 2014 and the current version. 2003 - 0.78 dll6403 2010 - 0.139 b24b7a2 2014 - 0.159 MAME - 0.181
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