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Everything posted by Bedwyr

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Submitting some photoshop files I've been using to unify, edit, correct, and clean up disc and cartridge art including several PS1, PS2, NES, Super Famicom, and GameCube images. These are useful templates and labels for recreating missing console media artwork.
  2. Disc-Cart PSDs.zip View File Submitting some photoshop files I've been using to unify, edit, correct, and clean up disc and cartridge art including several PS1, PS2, NES, Super Famicom, and GameCube images. These are useful templates and labels for recreating missing console media artwork. Submitter Bedwyr Submitted 03/23/2017 Category Game Cart Images  
  3. My bad. It does operate in mode 4. It's just that I leave it in mode 1 when not using it as the instructions warn about overuse of the IR lights being constantly on in 4. I just forgot. On a slightly related note, is there a way to get Dolphin to read my xbox controller as a wii classic pro when playing a wii game and not a gamecube controller?
  4. Likely not unless you want to design your own hack or look up a dedicated arcade supplier for a cabinet unit. If you do want to roll your own, this is your microcontroller: https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/ Otherwise, you'd have to figure out how to map a trackball mouse device to the game/emulator you want to use and couple it with an interpreter like Joy2Key, xpadder, or pinnacle game profiler.
  5. Well, it was just an experimental exploration. They merely lifted the sprites and inserted them into a 3d engine to unpack what made the original game tick. I view that prototype as a waypoint on the way to what BotW became.
  6. I'm an idiot. I missed the 16:9 setting on the Wii config. I must have forgotten to do that when I upgraded to 5.x.
  7. Ok, I looked up screenshots and it appears that's intended. However I have a followup question. I've been testing several other Wii discs in Dolphin and am wondering what settings I should use for games such as Donkey Kong Country Returns and New SMB Wii to remove the black bars during gameplay. It appears from older discussions elsewhere that correctly configured Wii would display on HD without the bars.
  8. Sorry guys. I submitted a Super Paper Mario Disc instead of the Sonic Colors disc. A derp moment. Apologies.
  9. Quick question. Is the pointilist shadow effect an intentional artistic flourish in the game or is it a graphical glitch?
  10. Have to do it later though. Many many errands and tasks to get done today.
  11. How about I resubmit at the larger size for now? (I think it may not be square; I'll at least get the numbers evened up.) I'll also post the resources in downloads.
  12. What do other disc images generally run for size?
  13. I just submitted a few disc images I'd made in the past week or so and noticed that I'd failed to reduce size of the Disgaea disc to 300x300 as with the others. For my own database, I prefer the lower pixel count as Discs are rarely primary images (maybe someone will make a theme with them rotating all Kodi like). Is the smaller or larger image preferred? I can resubmit either. Unfortunately I don't have anything like access to a full PS2 library; just games that fit my tastes. I can also submit the multi-layered .psd file I'm working from as a resource. Would that be useful to you all?
  14. It's not that big a deal, but the main point of having triple redundancy (primary, local backup, cloud backup) is to account for holes in your risk management plan. I'm getting increasingly leery of cloud backup and don't have anything sufficiently offsite, so backing up in a way that allows for recovery from fire, flood, and limited earthquake damage means I've reduced my risk by a sizable amount for reasonable cost. I'm also not just backing up the gaming but design documents, records, and such. This is actually part of what I do professionally. I figure out how to use communications to reduce the probability rate of a midair collision to 1x10^-9 accidents per flight hour (or something in that ballpark). That's how the world's civilian airspace is designed.
  15. You kidding? The FCC just reversed itself and will now allow ISPs to funnel your data along to advertisers. I'm researching VPNs as we speak.
  16. I think I'd be ok with a local NAS backup if it were in a fireproof safe. It won't stop apartment burglary (owning a home means I would bolt it to the floor), but it takes care of 95% of anything else short of war.
  17. Checked your bindings in Dolphin? Also, I placed mine on the stand just below the bottom edge of the tv and leave it lit in mode 1.
  18. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mayflash-W010-Dolphin-Bar-Wireless-x/dp/B00HZWEB74
  19. Oh good grief. Well, I hope they enjoy my ADS-B interpreter code. Enjoy fellas. Also, to the NSA: wazzap peeps? Hope your opsec post mortem for this one is more in depth than the one the CIA did on yours. <hat tip>
  20. Quick check. I've forgotten as I'm already ripping, but does Imgburn accurately rip bin/cue files? I'm on disc 2 of FFVIII and just had this thought in the back of my mind that somewhere I'd read that the cue sheet was mis-timed and something like cdrwin was recommended. I might not be recollecting correctly, though. Should I expect the output to be ok in others' experience?
  21. You got this? https://www.amazon.com/Mayflash-W010-Wireless-Sensor-DolphinBar/dp/B00HZWEB74 Dolphin directly supports this and it works like a charm for me.
  22. That is really helpful! I'll see if I can spend some time later and try that out.
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