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Everything posted by CriticalCid

  1. I agree, a detailed documentation would be wonderful and very helpful! Btw., here’s a small preview of my theme: the platform view which will be using a horizontal wheel
  2. Sorry to bother you again Jason but I’m currently working on my theme and I already ran into some features that I'm missing. So I thought that I just post you my current “wishlist” of things I would need to create my theme exactly as I intend to. I have also included the requests that I already posted in this thread to make it more easy for you to keep track of my “needs” 1. Property for the ImageVideoView tag to override the video folder + when there’s no video in that custom folder for the current selected platform/game it should search for a video in the standard folder instead. 2. Fixing the resizing problem with the WMP engine on the platform views. 3. Is it currently possible to get a horizontal logo wheel? In fact, my platform view which uses a horizontal wheel is already finished and the only thing what is missing now is the wheel itself. 4. The possibility to rename and add new views. 5. Usage of self-created .xaml files as data binding elements. 6. Not really a theming feature but very important for my own theme: BigBox should memorize the last used view on a per-platform base (similar like it does with ImageTypes)
  3. I get that bug occasionally as well. It also appears when I try open a thread from my unread content stream.
  4. Awesome Jason! It’s really appreciated that you take the time to add theming features for me. I will definitely use the weekend to test some more and trying to build a first prototype. Btw. did you found the time to look into my WMP resizing problem?
  5. I'm using a GTX 670 in my HTPC. It's not the best anymore but it still runs new games in 1080p on Medium (sometimes even High) settings quite well in a decent framerate.
  6. You need for every Sega Model system a different emulator. Model 1 runs with “MAME” Model 2 runs with the “Model 2 Emulator” Model 3 runs with “Supermodel”
  7. Sorry I phrased that wrong. I meant that there’s no way to share them easily outside of platinum. I’ve recorded over 2100 themes so far and I’m sure that nobody would want to download them all one by one and I don't want to encourage anyone to spent 50$ for something I've created with the intention to be free.
  8. There’s unfortunately no way to share the themes outside of the HyperSpin platinum section without stepping on the toes of the HyperSpin officals.
  9. Here’s the ticket for it: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/296/image-data-named-same-as-roms-or-rename It’s currently one of the highest voted tickets but another up-vote won’t hurt
  10. I think that could work absolutely great! The only issue that would be left is that the view wouldn’t show anything if there’s no theme video for the game. I searched on Google for the usage of If-Conditions in XAML and this was the first search result. Could that be useful for custom themes? http://blogs.u2u.be/diederik/post/2015/01/28/Using-Conditional-XAML-in-Universal-Windows-Apps.aspx Edit: I just thought of something. BigBox already uses screenshots when there’s no video available. Maybe you could add another condition to that logic so that when there’s no video in the overwritten video folder BigBox is looking in the normal folder instead?
  11. Firstly I want to thank you Jason for your awesome new tutorial! It helped me to clear some questions I had about the bindings but I have a request for expanding the Custom Logic feature. The new custom logic is great but for my needs a little bit too inflexible. As you already know I want to create a view which uses recorded HyperSpin themes. As they will only look good on the one specific view for them I would want to keep the EmuMovies snaps for the other views as well. I could probably use the method that you have shown for this but hardcoding the paths for over 2000 videos is way to hardcore for my taste. What I would need is something like a variable I could use for paths in my view. For example something like this: Source="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Videos/HSThemes/MAME/%ROMNAME%.mp4" In this case the %ROMNAME% would be automatically replaced with the name of the ROM file of the current selected game. Other values I could use as variables would be useful as well. I also have a question for XAML in general. Would it be possible to use something like if-then conditions within XAML? Because I don’t have a HS theme for every game I would want to check if a theme videos exists and if not the view should use the standard Video for it instead.
  12. Yes, when you want to add new games from your library to your LB setup you have to manually use the Steam import wizard every time. But the update process is very quick because it only adds your new games of course. And yes your right with your assumption that LB will re-import all your deleted Steam games. The best way to avoid this is to not delete the games you don’t want and hide them instead. Right click on a game and choose edit. Here you have to check the “Hide” checkbox and the game won’t show up anymore in your Windows games list.
  13. You have to download them all, including the update packs. Because there are too many flyers they had to split the whole set into smaller parts. If you put them into the „Box - Front“ folder will LaunchBox show them to you without any problems.
  14. The majority of all arcade games don’t have any Box Art because they didn’t come as cartridges and were directly built-in the respective cabinets instead. So these flyers were basically advertisement flyers for arcade cabinets but are working really well as Box Art alternative. You could put them either in the folder “Box - Front” or “Advertisement Flyer - Front”. Both would be appropriated.
  15. You could also download a complete flyer pack from Progetto Snaps here: http://www.progettosnaps.net/flyers/ It should cover most of the flyers which are available on the internet. They also have all kinds of other media for MAME.
  16. There’s actually a newer WHD Load database xml which was released today Commodore Amiga.xml @Styphelus his E-Mail is jason@unbrokensoftware.com
  17. Sounds great! I can’t thank you enough for all the extra work you put in for my special requests
  18. You probably mean nested filters. You can vote for this feature on Bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/311/nested-filters
  19. Unfortunately not. You can read this thread for further information’s about this issue: http://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/28693-prefer-to-pay-with-paypal-read-this/
  20. It’s not a new feature, I’ve discovered it weeks ago But yeah, it's a very cool little feature.
  21. Sure, just add -t and the length in seconds before your output path. For example, if you want your videos to be maximally one minute long the command line would look like this: for %%a in ("STEAMVIDEOPATH\*.*") do ffmpeg -ss 00:00:05.000 -i "%%a" -c:v copy -c:a copy -t 60 "OUTPUTPATH\%%~na.webm"
  22. Version 1.0.0


    It seems that many people find it annoying that many trailers which get downloaded by LaunchBox from Steam begin with an ESRB or PEGI logo before the actual trailer starts. With this ffmpeg script you can batch remove the first seconds of all your trailers and cut these logos out of the videos without the need to re-encode them. NOTE: Besides this script you’ll need the free program ffmpeg. You can get it here: https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/ You won’t have to install it. Just download the static version and extract it somewhere on your PC. How to use it: 1. Put my script in the “bin” folder of your ffmpeg installation. 2. Open the .cmd file with any text editor and edit the paths for your Steam/WIndows video folder and the output folder (where it should save the edited videos). Only change the placeholder names in capital letters and leave the rest as it is. 3. The number after the –ss command is the length you want to cut out at the beginning. I set it to 5 seconds but you can change it as you like. 4. Save the file and start it with a double-click. Wait until it’s finished. 5. Overwrite your old video files with the new ones from your output folder.
  23. Script for removing ESRB logos from Steam trailers View File It seems that many people find it annoying that many trailers which get downloaded by LaunchBox from Steam begin with an ESRB or PEGI logo before the actual trailer starts. With this ffmpeg script you can batch remove the first seconds of all your trailers and cut these logos out of the videos without the need to re-encode them. NOTE: Besides this script you’ll need the free program ffmpeg. You can get it here: https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/ You won’t have to install it. Just download the static version and extract it somewhere on your PC. How to use it: 1. Put my script in the “bin” folder of your ffmpeg installation. 2. Open the .cmd file with any text editor and edit the paths for your Steam/WIndows video folder and the output folder (where it should save the edited videos). Only change the placeholder names in capital letters and leave the rest as it is. 3. The number after the –ss command is the length you want to cut out at the beginning. I set it to 5 seconds but you can change it as you like. 4. Save the file and start it with a double-click. Wait until it’s finished. 5. Overwrite your old video files with the new ones from your output folder. Submitter CriticalCid Submitted 08/14/16 Category Third-party Apps and Plugins  
  24. Sure, why not. I hadn't thought that there's so much interest for a script like that but if the people find it useful it would probably be better if it isn't get buried in this thread. Should I upload it to the third-party apps and plugins section or do you plan to add a separate section for it?
  25. Sure, no problem. Great that it worked for you
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