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Everything posted by dov_EL

  1. This https://www.amazon.com/Beelink-Ultimate-Celeron-Graphics-Dual-Band/dp/B072KKFF4S/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1514924023&sr=8-4&keywords=beelink+apollo+lake
  2. Apollo LAKE Cpu work Amazing with launchbox , retroarch , MAME etc. Shader work fine in retroarch , HLSL in mame not work fine . You can emulate PS1 , PS2 , Dreamcast, GameCube, N64 too with Apollo lake
  3. this ? https://www.amazon.com/Beelink-Ultimate-Celeron-Graphics-Dual-Band/dp/B072KKFF4S/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1514924023&sr=8-4&keywords=beelink+apollo+lake
  4. I found the ROM of the game, but I can not find this softwareis there any information on this emulator? Does it work with launchbox?
  5. This is THE BEST Mask for vertical game (Donkey Kong, Galaga, Space Invaders, HunchBack ,1941 etc etc) LINK , download and unzip in artwork folder (mame) (No HLSL) Copy your MAME .ini out of mame folder , Rename the file mame .ini, with the name of the ROMS we want to start the game . Open file this .ini , in the .ini in effect file, write the name of the file you downloaded save file, put in mame folder ENJOY !!!
  6. Jason pls create Shutdown button in Home screen , example enter function, press a button (10 sec) to Shutdown
  7. Neo GEO Sega Megadrive Nec PC Engine SNES Gamepad
  8. Street fightert is one of the very few games to support more than 2 buttons (arcade), And in any case it plays very well. On the contrary, I do not understand how you can play console titles, with the configuration of the keys that most use on Bartop
  9. We must try to believe, any configuration different from this posted above, makes all SNES games unplayable, Try a traditional configuration to play Super Mario World . 95% of arcade titles use only 2 button 5% 3 button 1% +4 button All Windows games are natively configured with this button cross arrangement (central). and L + R can not be configured in a different and functional way. I always followed the trail of what others did, and I was wrong. Now I fnally play everything
  10. OK , this is the best configuration for Arcade Megadrive -Master System Nes-SNES PC Engine GB-GBA PSP Playstation
  11. I love mini PC with Apollo Lake Cpu like Beelink AP34 . Work amazing , Mame , retroarch , etc. And work amazing Windows game like Cuphead and many many best Windows game.
  12. Example, New Windows Game , Metadata update is very slow
  13. me too
  14. How to ?
  15. If we start a game with MAME, and forget to turn on the Wireless gamepad, all of the commands we have set before will be lost . there is a mehotodo for making MAME recognize the Gamepad right away, with the same settings we set before, without configuring everything again?
  16. where do I need to write the script with native WIndows games? I have a game NOT TO HERO , open in a Windows Only ALt+ Enter go in full screen
  17. Hi Team . Many people like me have inserted Launchbox in a Bartop, they all have the same need that is this: If we leave free access to options, a less capable person using a launchbox, or a child, can easily enter the options and may combine some mess, If we put the PIN, we should have the ability to shut down Launchbox (shutdown PC) directly from HOME by setting in the options a button to hold 10 seconds to turn off. I think this is the ideal solution that does not bother even the UX
  18. my only problem is I do not know how to update romset. it does not seem to me a simple process
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