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Everything posted by damageinc86

  1. How did you make the device/fanart backgrounds? I'm trying to make one for a custom platform "PC Games", without the Windows logo.
  2. Is there currently any way to do per system/platform themes? I notice all the themes so far have been global themes. Wondering if that is just a preference of everyone who has made themes, or if it is because you can't make a theme that changes to a different look once it is in the game view of a platform?
  3. Wow that worked. Odd that it has to be the opposite setting than what it should be for restoring a front end lol. Thanks!
  4. It's nice to not have to set up your emulators with each front end, Rocketlauncher centralizes it. Also, you can set up Joy2Key profiles to be launches based on the RL database name, so it takes care of all keymapping launching without having to point to the EXE of the game within the keymapping program itself, but rather RL takes care of it by matching the profile you make to the game's name in the RL database. Super nice feature. The Bezels are amazing also, makes things look sooooo nice. The Fade screens that cover up the emulator launch is another super nice feature, which should be built in to front ends IMO. The PAUSE feature which puts a menu screen above the emulator that has a save state menu where you can enter the emulator's save state keys in autohotkey format into RL, and it will send those commands to the emulator behind the PAUSE screen, so that you can do savestates just by selecting it from the menu and hitting enter. Another feature that I think should be standard within frontends. These are the reason why I use Rocket Launcher. To me, those features make it an essential part of the frontend experience. If those features could be integrated into a frontend, then i'd have no reason to use it anymore. Fade, Pause, Keymaper profile launching based on database names, and Bezels.
  5. Even with "restore launchbox on game exit", the window still moves and shrinks in size after exiting a game. I have set up some PC Games (exe) and some NES games using Rocket Launcher as the emulator, and it launches just fine through RL, but always ruins the Launchbox and BigBox window on exit. Is this anything that can by fixed through LB/BB, or is it Rocket Launcher not knowing how to give Launchbox the focus back?
  6. Didn't check to see if this has been brought up yet, but I am getting frustrated with how long it takes for bigbox to begin scrolling through the clear logos after you have held the move arrows up or down. The hesitation is too long and it messes up the quick response flow that you have if you just repeatedly tap the key. Is there a way to adjust the delay to initiate fast scrolling once you have held the up or down keys? It should really be brought down to close to instant/little to no wait to begin scrolling. Just bought lifetime, and excited about the progress, it's just those little things that sometimes make things hard to get into. thanks!
  7. I am trying to come over from Hyperspin, got the lifetime license, and i'm stuck on my very first system. This looked so intuitive on all the videos, but I don't get it. I'm used to being able to add custom platforms by just editing an xml, or adding the name, and using rocketlauncher for the launching. I specifically want to add PC Games, which is not just windows or steam games, its everything that I run on a PC vs. a console. I have no idea how to import my shortcuts to the pc games, so that Launchbox will add the names of those to the PC Games databse. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  8. The only thing I like about the PAUSE menu in Rocketlauncher is that you can save and load your states without having to press any keys, because the AHK script that Rocketlauncher sends to the emulator, does it all for you. All you need to do is specify those keys, and then when in the PAUSE menu, select it and the rest is done for you. It wouldn't even need to be a full pause menu necessarily, just a little savestate overlay would be nice to have. That is seriously one of the nicest features out there. oh and I didn't mean pause menu like an emulator pause menu, I mean what used to be called Hyperpause from the old Hyperlaunch days.
  9. The only thing I need from LaunchBox that RL currently does, is apply Bezels to the emulators, and a PAUSE menu which we can specify the autohotkey button presses to send to the emulator to use it's save slots. Those are the only two things. If you can manage that, then you will have a ton of people converted instantly I think.
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