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Everything posted by RetroFanZ

  1. I really like these logos. but is there a way to reduce the space between these in big box? I find them too spaced out personally and I would really like to use them
  2. @Klopjeroi'ts a mistake sorry.
  3. @JereBear That's absolutly perfect Thank's a lot!
  4. Hi, I don't know if I'm in the right place I'm looking for someone to create logos. Cave 68K Cave CV-1000B Cave CV-1000D Psycho SH2 Toaplan Version 2 Thanks in advance!
  5. Yeah Great Job Thanks a lot!
  6. can wee change the space between wheels?
  7. hey i' looking for some collections logos please Aleste Collection Darius Collection Mortal Kombat Collection Mega Man X Mega Man Zero Mega Man Legends Mega Man Star Force Mega Man World Mega Man Battle Network Thx for the help
  8. Hey very good Job! can you do Mega Man collection please?
  9. thank you friend for your advice I will try. Even if I think that the compression loses a bit of quality but I will try and keep you informed of the result thank you for your help I always remain open to advice!
  10. Hi Thank you for your answer! So I refreshed and forced the cache but I still have the same problem. On the other hand, when I go back to lower quality images, everything returns to normal. I think that at the moment I have no choice.
  11. Have U tested it with mega bezel Shaders for retroarch?
  12. Hi all! Here I come to you to find out if there is a limit to the quality of the images supported by Big Box. let me explain. I improved the quality of the images using software. https://ibb.co/7NQxV9z 648x634 743Ko Here we have the improved version https://ibb.co/nwsdH6M 2592x2536 29 Mo Since then I have had lags when the 3D box appears. Is it possible to fix this or should I lower the resolution? if yes what is the limit? I'm using big box's unfied theme. Thanks for your help!
  13. nice work but the game pad is maybe to present?
  14. hey the no shadow set can't be dl fully.can u re upload it plz
  15. my god I hadn't thought of that... thank you very much topic closed. thanks again
  16. Hello. I come to you because I noticed an "error" in launch box and big box. Let me explain. some games with retroachievements are not recognized in LB and BB. I have also tested the retroachievements badges plugin which does not recognize them either. here are some screens. here on LB As you can see at the bottom in the red box no achievements available. No Badges. Nothing on the pause Menu. And nothing in the game menu in BB. But... Perfectly valid under retroarch and it triggers normally. I first thought it was due to the game. I then re-downloaded several versions of the game. I also checked the crc 32 which corresponds to the version of the retroachievements site. Then I tried another game which has not been altered by a patch and it is the same. It's not a very big problem but if one of you has the solution it could be really appreciable. thank you
    perfect thank you
  17. great stuff thank you have you the covers without the box?if yes can you share please? i like have both
  18. is a 2d version exist?
  19. and in the future no possibilities to contribute for different languages?
  20. Hi I wanted to know if it was possible to contribute to the games database by translating the one if? and if at the time of scraping it was possible to choose the language you want?
  21. hey for me it launch automaticaly on gui i must manualy launch the game have u allready had this issue?
  22. ok.... romPath = %1% If A_Hour between 06:59 and 20:59 Run, "RETROARCH\PATH" -L "CORE\PATH\DAY.Dll" -c "CONFIG\PATH\DAY.cfg" "%romPath%", 1 else Run, "RETROARCH\PATH" -L "CORE\PATH\NIGHT.Dll" -c "CONFIG\PATH\NIGHT.cfg" "%romPath%", 1 Here is the final script Just Works Perfectly. Thx to every one! in fact if u wana do that i separate my config files like that: Retroarch Config Sega Saturn Beetle Saturn Sega Saturn.cfg Sega Saturn - Nightly Beetle Saturn Sega Saturn - Nightly.cfg Super Nintendo Entertainment system SNES9X Super Nintendo Entertainment system.cfg etc...for all my systems just point the config folder in the folder configuration in retroarch. then create 2cores 1 day and 1 night apply the proper shader do each and then save. follow the tutorial above and th' ats it! pretty good not necessary but impressive IMO. Thanks again.
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