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Everything posted by Pietro

  1. Only 4x1 and 5x1, i'll send the only picture of the roms i've found on the internet This videogame has only 4 cartridges at all, PAC 02 to PAC 05, the PAC 01 is inside the internal memory
  2. Man, I'm struggling with some videogames to find the complete romset. Videogames from the 2 or 3 generation. Sometimes the only thing I can find is old and dead links. It's disappointing sometimes.
  3. Man, I was talking about this with my friends last week. And I am personally saving all games of all plataforms that I can. Cause as the years go by, it's getting harder and harder to download some games. So I'm kinda making a backup for life hahhaha
  4. Hey guys, i'm trying at my best to collect all games of all the generations of videogames, and in the second generation has a videogame called Unisonic Champion 2711, this console has only 4 cartridges and i'm recreating the boxes and the cartridges in photoshop to make it look better. If some of you guys want the files, i'll share here because I didn't find this console on the database. here are a pic of the progress of the cartridge i'm recreating, i know, it ain't much but it's honest work haha
  5. Anu updates?
  6. And i know this cause i've already tried to use only PT-BR descriptions on my Batocera instalation
  7. Not every game have the description translated Even on Screnscrapper
  8. Marvelous I've discovered your plugin today, and man, i'm already a big fan You're really awesome !!!!
  9. Just a question, i have a lot of PC games that are not from Steam, can i play them through steam too? Cause i've tested and only games that I play via retroarch show me the option to play via steam
  10. I just open it once, and man, its gorgeous And its good start using LB again, now that I build a new PC
  11. Jesus fking christ. I don't know if I call this man lucky or unlucky
  12. Are you sure you're looking at the correct folder???? Sent from my LG-H818
  13. Hey guys!!! Ima big fan of Kodi, and cause of this i'm making a BB theme based on one of Kodi's theme, the Aeon MQ6 Hope you like it
  14. I didnt know this, I'll search about it when i get home. Just a doubt, how you guys configure RL with LB??? Ima kinda noob on this.
  15. help the post with my own logos too
  16. To separete I create different plataforms, it's kinda boring to select game by game, but it's worth it And to big box i create manually the logos too
  17. AWESOME!!!! I want it now!! hahahaha
  18. This is my collection so far. I started my project using Hyperspin, then i jumped to SteamBigmode, then i found out about launchbox. My plan is to build a PC inside a SNES console, i already have the snes, the laptop MB that i'll use inside the snes, the system, the only thing that is missing is some cables, but they will arive soon. And yes, I was using a 4:3 monitor, now I'm using a 16:10 monitor
  19. Try now Ganbare_Goemon_Karakuri_Douchuu.rar
  20. Pietro

    Android games

    Hey guys, any of you ever emulated android games?? If so, how do you do?
  21. Im working on the others, but ima little busy planning my vacations.... Hahahaha Sent from my LG-H818
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