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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. It works just fine still. 2020-05-30 13-30-36-1.m4v
  2. We have certain settings pre-populated for some emulators once selected for ease of use. In order to use those settings Launchbox obviously needs to know the emulator in use to apply the correct settings, that is why it's a specific name used in this case. If any name was allowed we wouldnt know what emulator it was, in this case Retroarch so correct settings would not be auto populated.
  3. Open a emulator and look for the option for controls or input.
  4. You need to setup controls for games in the emulators, Launchbox doesnt/cant control those. The automation is for exiting out of emulators as well as some other Launchbox/Windows functions, but games are handled entirely by the emulators.
  5. neil9000


    The CHD files do not HAVE to be in the same folder as the roms, as long as you specify to MAME the folder location they will work from anywhere.
  6. Its theme specific, there are no settings for it, you would have to get your hands dirty in the theme code.
  7. Different versions combined to one entry, and multi CD/DVD games most likely.
  8. You mean a license file? Just put it in the Launchbox folder and re-open Launchbox and it will activate premium features.
  9. Yes, tools/options/legacy/images.
  10. You can drag and drop onto Launchbox. So do the search in explorer, exclude the things you dont want in that search, CTRL A to highlite all the search results and drag and drop them onto Launchbox.
  11. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/exclude-terms-from-search/9577f8bf-b8a7-40e9-aa11-996fccff5022
  12. If you do not have a full MAME romset then you shouldnt of used the MAME fullset importer. That importer does not scan your files at all, it assumes you have a fullset and imports all working roms via a metadata file. If you have a handpicked set you should use the standard rom importer, otherwise you are going to have tons of games that dont work as you dont actually have the rom files for them, but they will show in Launchbox.
  13. If you just drag and drop the file he gave you onto the Launchbox window, it will start the import wizard with the three options he showed in his image, choose the "none of the above" option. Then go through the wizard as normal and specify the platform to import the file to.
  14. Thats clearly not Mario 64, my guess is a rom hack.
  15. Yeah but all the programs on your PC are using more ram than they were a few years ago, It's not a Launchbox issue. Its just the nature of progress.
  16. There will be no links to copyrighted games on these forums. Use google like everyone else please.
  17. 2: You cant. And you shouldnt have your roms zipped like that in the first place, i dont know of any frontend or emulator that would work with files like that. You want individual games in there own zips, or better still not zipped at all, you are really not saving any space at all with files that small in the first place.
  18. As i said you need to make them, how would he know exactly what windows games you have and to create them for you? If you want images for all your games in this theme you will need to download the community theme files and the community theme creator itself and generate the images you want, as i said in my previous post.
  19. Obvious question but have you told MAME your rompath? I just tested here launching from Launchbox and it worked just fine.
  20. Also it could simply be a USB board throughput issue. Different brand drives different hardware to convert from SATA to USB.
  21. Also it could be that one of your drives is 7800rpm and the other is 5400rpm. Even the 5400rpm shouldnt have issues with rom files, but worth noting it may simply be a slower drive.
  22. Yeah use NTFS, it allows for file sizes over 4GB, which you will need when you get to the PS2 era and higher that used DVD/Blu-Rays.
  23. You take it easy, if people can help they will. Your original post isnt very descriptive so people probably read it, didnt understand your problem and moved on. Im guessing you are missing the NstDatabase file that nestopia needs and you could find with a very simple google search. https://docs.libretro.com/library/nestopia_ue/
  24. Because you need to make art for them. Using the community theme creator and the files @faeran provides on the download page you can bulk create your own.
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