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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Im so sorry, but what is this post about? We know gifs work, so i guess thanks muchly??
  2. Yeah it is possible to do, but i really would not recommend it. It would be much better to keep launchbox local and keep your roms on the NAS. Nas's are best for transferring/streaming/moving single files at a time, Launchbox will be accessing multiple files and folders at all times so the cpu and nic in the NAS needs to be able to handle all that data from different files and folders, and then also reliably supply that over your network. Unless its a actually PC being used as a NAS im going to say even good ones like synology are gonna struggle there.
  3. Yeah that is by design, it is a new system after all. You can just cut/paste everything from the old named folder to the new one then delete the old folder. Or just import with the name you want and choose the "scrape as" option. I imported as "Sega Mega Drive" and scraped it as "Sega Genesis" so it was the megadrive folders that were created not genesis ones.
  4. Also the logo should be named exactly as the platform is in Launchbox.
  5. Just create a text file with the name of the game, and add it like any other rom.
  6. You are either 1, not doing what you are told. or 2, being a massive tool.
  7. What am i missing here? Add me to the list of "i added a platform that i no longer want" You can delete any platform you want at any time.
  8. There was nothing to figure out. It still works. What exactly is the issue you are having?
  9. what actually happened? did it do anything? did it give you another error? Are you a robot?
  10. lol, i wish mine would a little, my main display doesnt get my bios screen. I have to grab my harmony remote and switch both TV and AVR inputs if i want to do anything in the bios. I could kill computer hardware sometimes.
  11. Yes, that is what we have been saying all along, if it's missing at launch a new default is created.
  12. Fair enough. Although there are settings in name for the exact monitor, and even the rotation and resolution of said monitor. Whatever works for you in your environment though.
  13. Actually with the "MAME fullset importer" its also not importing the rom files. It knows what games currently are marked as working in MAME and imports them. All it does is pass the game name to MAME essentially, so as long as MAME knows where your roms and your CHD's are, then they load. Actually in that case im not sure. Any reason for using retroarch for MAME? i use retroarch for as many systems as i can, but i avoid it for MAME, i have just had way to many controller issues with it. For me retroarch and the mame core itself seem to fight over controls, and it never works right.
  14. Well if the info you provided in your original post is correct then the advice both myself and @Retro808 both gave you is correct and will fix your issue if followed correctly.
  15. If you deleted it when Launchbox was closed, and you are saying it didnt recreate it, then THAT is bs. Launchbox will not start without that file, so you either didnt delete it, or more likely you are just trolling. Im weighing towards the second, and if you keep it up you will get a vacation from the forums, if not a more severe warning.
  16. Launchbox does nothing with CHD files, just use the MAME fullset importer in Launchbox and point it at your roms folder. You just need to point your MAME emulator at your CHD and roms folders. CHD's should be unzipped to there own folders, like so.
  17. Thats a Arcade backup, you want one called settings with a date, at least thats what you said in your original post. If you do not have any settings.xml backups you will have to delete your current one and let Launchbox recreate it. You wont lose your platforms/games, but any settings you changed from the defaults in the options will be reset to defaults.
  18. Sounds like you force closed Launchbox while it was writing to the settings.xml. Go to Launchbox/Backups and sort by date, fine the newest settings.xml file, copy it and rename it to just settings.xml and move it to Launchbox/Data overwriting the currupted one when prompted.
  19. Both Launchbox and Bigbox have there own settings for that, so you need to set them in both UI's.
  20. neil9000

    Registry Key

  21. That is because Launchbox hasnt been updated to use the new list yet. You will need to wait until that is updated, and i dont know when that will happen as its the holidays.
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