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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. If it was buried deeper then why use it at all right? At the end of the day its a paid product with zero DRM, and i'm thankful for that.
  2. Yes, a good purpose that's my point, having it right there out in the open, is a good deterrent for people just saying here you are use my license.
  3. Hey there, yes it's xaml, check this out.
  4. Yeah i would echo @lordmonkus there, i personally am not familiar with either of the things you are referencing, (i just use a controller) but i am sure if there is a solution for you, someone will chime in here. just be a little patient, and you may get a answer that works for you.
  5. Also to add to that, if for some reason we can't get them to go away, you can always go to the Launchbox/Images/platform name and just delete the background image folder, then there are no background images to show.
  6. Yeah, i am sort of with you there to a certain extent with the full name thing. However i think it is needed to keep Launchbox/Bigbox DRM free. The dev could probably easily remove that from view, but that would then defeat it's purpose and he would then have to use real DRM which would probably mean having a license explicitly connected to the specific instance of the program you are using, and would necessitate a new license if you installed to a different system. I believe this has been brought up before and that was more or less his response, to remove the name he would have to make the license much more restrictive, which he doesn't want to do.
  7. Ah, you just posted a pick from further up and wasn't sure. Bigbox will abide by the preferences you set in Launchbox, so go to tools/options/background priorities, and uncheck any that are already checked, save and reload bigbox. If that doesn't work just report back here and we will dig a little deeper.
  8. @Raveryn are you asking a question there?
  9. Also just to add you may find the audit in Launchbox useful. If you go to tools/audit system name it will display all your games in a list format, then if you scroll all the way to the right the last section is database ID's for your games. You will notice that these are actually url links, so you can just click on it and the database page will open in your browser. May save you some time over manually searching for games on the database.
  10. No probs, bare in mind though that the database is updated every 24 hours and the added or edited fields need to be approved first. So once everything goes through within the next 24 hours the new data will be added to the database .xml, so next time you search for game data and launchbox downloads the latest .xml your edits should show in that file.
  11. Not that i'm aware of no, it would just be a case of looking on the database at specific games. Of course if you already have some alternate names that are not already in the database then feel free to add them there, so other users can benefit from your hard work also. Also if you go to your Launchbox/Metadata folder there is a metadata.xml file that is the most recent database metadata, this is downloaded and updated every time you search for metadata for a game. So you could open that in notepad++ and use the search function to find specific game metadata. Hope that helps.
  12. Yeah i cant remember what payment method it was, but i had clearly used it before as i just clicked login with google account then entered my credit card info, so i assume it used the name associated with my google account. As for the original question as @lordmonkus said you can ask, but generally it is only changed for streamers and youtubers so that the real full name isn't shown on a stream. Also having the name attached to the license makes it easier to spot if a license is being shared, we have had to block a few recently for just this reason.
  13. Mine shows my full name also, but i used a payment method that i logged into with my google account.
  14. That's how i always update myself, i choose the "don't overwrite existing metadata/images" option, so it only grabs stuff i don't have rather than grabbing everything all over again. That would explain why your's is taking longer than mine does, but it still shouldn't take that long though.
  15. Ok thank's for the update, yeah you have pretty much the same internet speeds as me, i have 38mb fibre to the cab and i have never had to wait anywhere near to that amount of time even when updating my entire collection. I wonder if launchbox has got stuck in a loop of not finding images. Have you tried cancelling the metadata update and restarting it. You will keep anything you have already downloaded, so launchbox will skip over those if you initiate the update wizard again.
  16. You could also use some 3rd party software like controller companion or xpadder, to map those keyboard buttons to your controller, which fools windows into thinking a button on your stick is just a specific keyboard button.
  17. Actually on second thoughts i think you can get the betas in the free version also, so you could update if to that now if you would like. I'm currently using it myself and it is very stable, and has some big performance improvements in bigbox especially with coverflow performance.
  18. How long a import and download will take obviously depends on how many games you are importing and what sort of internet speeds you have, that does seem like a excessively long time though. That error for api.gamesdatabase.com has nothing to do with emumovies though, that is the Launchbox database returning those errors, so that could explain why it's taking so long if for some reason it's not finding the images on the database. I don't have access to that sort of information though as to how the server is doing at the moment, but i'll look into it and ask the correct people, and report back if i find any information on if the database is having any issues at the moment. Sorry i couldn't help more, but thank's for reporting the issue.
  19. Hi, the alternate names in the Launchbox database is a very new feature (probably in the last month or so) And is very far from complete. Launchbox will now combine games with alternate names during the import process, and can also be done after a import by clicking on the platform on the left, then going to tools/consolidate roms. However i believe this is still only in the current betas for 7.11 and not the official 7.10 release. So you have two options, if you are on Launchbox premium you can update to the beta and use it now, or you will have to wait for the official 7.11 release, which unfortunately i do not have a ETA for. Here is a shot of the beta change log, with what you are asking for highlighted. Hope that helps.
  20. OK @Grila the ones i am missing are, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Sega Game Gear, Spectrum, mame/Arcade, and port's. Thank's again.
  21. Ah i see, sorry i just thought you meant there wouldn't be a clear logo and a description for certain platforms, gotcha. I'll have a look at what platforms they are and get back to you, there is nothing fancy though just the usual 8 and 16bit stuff plus mame, N64, ps1 and spectrum.
  22. Retropie menu looks just fine @Grila . One little issue though, for the platforms you haven't added yet there is just a totally black background, so i can't even see what platform i have selected, see shot's. Any chance you can make them blue like the rest so i can at least read the platform i'm on, currently it's black text on black background. Thank's again.
  23. Awesome news, thanks for the update @Grila ill check that out here in a few minutes.
  24. Just close launchbox and copy them to the Launchbox/Data/Playlist folder, then restart Launchbox and they sould just re-appear like normal.
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