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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Of course if you want to bug jason about it if you feel it's a bug, who am i to stop you.
  2. Cool, glad you got it sorted. I wouldn't say bug, just a very nice menu option to remember.
  3. Yeah, i think you will be OK with what you have. but if you are concerned about that, start now copying your core somewhere and name it as such. So you always have a backup of the previous when you update.
  4. Hi, unfortunately some programs have issue with scaling, as you have discovered yourself. Unfortunately this is more of a windows issue than anything else, if you are just using launchbox, you can increase font's and font sizes in the options.
  5. Also to add to that, i'm still using a slightly older romset and they all work just fine in the current retroarch core. Are you just worried about incombatability, Or have you actually experienced some yourself?
  6. Your's maybe a different issue but i gave the same advice to someone else on the forums, and it worked for them.
  7. Have you tried changing the background priority settings in launchbox? Ideally uncheck clearlogo if it's already checked, or move something else to the top of the list.
  8. If you wan't to be really helpful maybe you can edit your original post to add more specific details on how you solved this issue. Like what zip did you copy the file from etc, that way users finding your post can fix this issue for themselves. I appreciate you trying to help other users by just posting the file for simplicity's sake, but as @lordmonkus stated we can't host copyrighted files on the site for obvious legal reason's.
  9. Well the only thing i could suggest at this point is to delete the bigboxsettings.xml from your Launchbox/Data folder(do this when launchbox/bigbox is closed) and that will revert all your settings back to default, you will of course have to change any settings that you previously changed again, but it will also reset all the keyboard and controller binds.
  10. Bigbox has absolutely nothing to do with bezels and fades, that is all a Rocket Launcher issue and i suggest asking on there forums. There are some Rocket Launcher users here that may be able to help you, but broadly speaking most people don't need or want the extra complexity that comes with adding it to there Bigbox setup. I'm also pretty sure that none of the Moderators here use Rocket Launcher either, so you are going to have to rely on a handful of users here for help, or as i said ask on their forums where i expect they all use it and could be much more helpful to you than we could be here. Sorry i couldn't help more, but it really isn't a Launchbox/Bigbox issue.
  11. You will need to add the name of the mame core that you are using, you can find this in your Retroarch/Cores folder. So you should have a line that looks a bit like, -L "cores\the name of your specific core_libretro.dll"
  12. Was just about to say the same, also remember there are several mame versions, so you need to put the exact one you are using in the associated platform.
  13. Those are James Bakers video's and are available in Launchbox premium, just go to tools/download platform/playlist videos. His theme's thread is over here.
  14. Can i ask what method you used to import your MAME games? Because the fact that none of them work and that you have zero artwork also, is very strange to me. Unless you specifically unchecked ALL the artwork checkboxes at import you should have quite a lot of artwork in your Arcade section. Also did the mame import screen show? The one where you can prioritise region, skip clones, exclude adult games etc. It's just a hunch but as nothing works and you have no artwork, i'm wondering if you imported as something other than Arcade.
  15. Been playing around off and on this afternoon and haven't been able to reproduce it once, so i guess i just got really unlucky earlier when i hit it.
  16. If i remember correctly that is a weird handshake bug when running to a TV rather than a monitor, i did read about it myself recently ill see if i can dig the thread up, for now try alt enter to switch to windowed the back to fullscreen. Edit: I followed these instructions. https://steamcommunity.com/app/17300/discussions/0/613936039635380740/
  17. Well it only happened the once, as i was going to the options to quit anyway, but ill have have a look and see if i can replicate it. All i did was use the back button on my controller to go into the options.
  18. HI @CriticalCid Just got a error in bigbox which i posted in the beta thread, but thought i would post here also as there is reference to the plugin included with your theme. Unable to return a TimeSpan property value for a Duration value of 'Automatic'. Check the HasTimeSpan property before requesting the TimeSpan property value from a Duration. App: Big Box Version: 7.11-beta-12 Type: System.InvalidOperationException Site: System.TimeSpan get_TimeSpan() Source: PresentationCore at System.Windows.Duration.get_TimeSpan() at Ao.Bigbox.Controls.MediaTrack.SetupStoryboard() at Ao.Bigbox.Controls.MediaTrack.OnMediaOpened(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised) at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args) at System.Windows.Controls.AVElementHelper.OnMediaOpened(Object sender, EventArgs args) at System.Windows.Media.UniqueEventHelper.InvokeEvents(Object sender, EventArgs args) at System.Windows.Media.UniqueEventHelper.InvokeEvents(Object sender, EventArgs args) at System.Windows.Media.MediaEventsHelper.OnMediaPrerolled(Object o) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler) Recent Log: 12:48:51 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) EventManager.Detach 12:48:51 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) Free 12:48:51 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) ReleaseMediaPlayerFunction 12:48:56 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) HandleManager.Remove 12:48:56 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) EventManager.Detach 12:48:56 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) Free 12:48:56 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) ReleaseMediaPlayerFunction 12:48:56 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:48:57 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:48:59 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:49:00 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) HandleManager.Remove 12:49:00 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) EventManager.Detach 12:49:00 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) Free 12:49:00 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) ReleaseMediaPlayerFunction 12:49:07 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:49:07 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) HandleManager.Remove 12:49:07 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) EventManager.Detach 12:49:07 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) Free 12:49:07 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) ReleaseMediaPlayerFunction 12:49:08 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:49:37 PM Music.Initialize Start 12:49:37 Music.Kill Start 12:49:37 Music.Kill Finished 12:49:41 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:49:43 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:49:48 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:49:48 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) HandleManager.Remove 12:49:48 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) EventManager.Detach 12:49:48 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) Free 12:49:48 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) ReleaseMediaPlayerFunction 12:49:51 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) HandleManager.Remove 12:49:51 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) EventManager.Detach 12:49:51 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) Free 12:49:51 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) ReleaseMediaPlayerFunction 12:49:52 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) HandleManager.Remove 12:49:52 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) EventManager.Detach 12:49:52 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) Free 12:49:52 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) ReleaseMediaPlayerFunction 12:49:53 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:49:55 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:49:57 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:49:57 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) HandleManager.Remove 12:49:57 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) EventManager.Detach 12:49:57 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) Free 12:49:57 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) ReleaseMediaPlayerFunction 12:49:58 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:49:58 PM Exception
  19. @Jason Carr, just got this error when going into bigbox options in order to quit bigbox. Unable to return a TimeSpan property value for a Duration value of 'Automatic'. Check the HasTimeSpan property before requesting the TimeSpan property value from a Duration. App: Big Box Version: 7.11-beta-12 Type: System.InvalidOperationException Site: System.TimeSpan get_TimeSpan() Source: PresentationCore at System.Windows.Duration.get_TimeSpan() at Ao.Bigbox.Controls.MediaTrack.SetupStoryboard() at Ao.Bigbox.Controls.MediaTrack.OnMediaOpened(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised) at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args) at System.Windows.Controls.AVElementHelper.OnMediaOpened(Object sender, EventArgs args) at System.Windows.Media.UniqueEventHelper.InvokeEvents(Object sender, EventArgs args) at System.Windows.Media.UniqueEventHelper.InvokeEvents(Object sender, EventArgs args) at System.Windows.Media.MediaEventsHelper.OnMediaPrerolled(Object o) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler) Recent Log: 12:48:51 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) EventManager.Detach 12:48:51 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) Free 12:48:51 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) ReleaseMediaPlayerFunction 12:48:56 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) HandleManager.Remove 12:48:56 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) EventManager.Detach 12:48:56 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) Free 12:48:56 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) ReleaseMediaPlayerFunction 12:48:56 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:48:57 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:48:59 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:49:00 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) HandleManager.Remove 12:49:00 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) EventManager.Detach 12:49:00 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) Free 12:49:00 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) ReleaseMediaPlayerFunction 12:49:07 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:49:07 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) HandleManager.Remove 12:49:07 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) EventManager.Detach 12:49:07 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) Free 12:49:07 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) ReleaseMediaPlayerFunction 12:49:08 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:49:37 PM Music.Initialize Start 12:49:37 Music.Kill Start 12:49:37 Music.Kill Finished 12:49:41 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:49:43 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:49:48 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:49:48 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) HandleManager.Remove 12:49:48 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) EventManager.Detach 12:49:48 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) Free 12:49:48 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) ReleaseMediaPlayerFunction 12:49:51 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) HandleManager.Remove 12:49:51 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) EventManager.Detach 12:49:51 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) Free 12:49:51 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) ReleaseMediaPlayerFunction 12:49:52 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) HandleManager.Remove 12:49:52 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) EventManager.Detach 12:49:52 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) Free 12:49:52 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) ReleaseMediaPlayerFunction 12:49:53 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:49:55 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:49:57 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:49:57 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) HandleManager.Remove 12:49:57 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) EventManager.Detach 12:49:57 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) Free 12:49:57 PM VlcMediaPlayer.Dispose(bool disposing) ReleaseMediaPlayerFunction 12:49:58 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 12:49:58 PM Exception
  20. I have never had this error with this theme before. just a thought though have you tried copying the dll's to the main plugin folder?
  21. Just fyi, if they already work then i wouldn't recommend re-importing them. Just go to tools/manage emulators and edit your mame to point at the newer emu, then click on a mame game in your library and use ctrl and a to highlight them all, the right click and edit then choose emulator then in the second dropdown ypur mame emu.
  22. Yeah, real DRM would limit you to the one install, but that's not the case, so i agree it's a good compromise.
  23. No, real DRM, would call u to have a different license/account on different systems,or make you login to a account on every system you used. this is just a license that you can move to a different system with zero issue. And yeah, if you are going to a house and you don't want people to know your name, then you have bigger issues than a Launchbox license.
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