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Everything posted by ETAPRIME


    ppsspp problem

    What format is the Rom you are trying to launch?
  2. WOW! This looks so good @Grila this is gonna be amazing.
  3. That would be amazing! I wanted to buy one but the price is crazy. The one you have looks so good. Thanks for sharing. Have you tried the NESiCAxLIVE theme from Shro2016?
  4. Oh my! Im getting everything together to build one. Do you have any plans you could share?
  5. They have come a long way in a short period of time. Been waiting for Red Dead to be playable!
  6. A lot of the Logitech controllers require drivers for windows, Have you install them yet? http://support.logitech.com/en_au/product/precision-gamepad-product
  7. I commented on the CPS1 set you made but can't get over how awesome these look.
  8. WOW! They look amazing! Thank You.
  9. I love that NUC!!


    Hi Noredor, If you are not satisfied with the purchase, we can refund you asap. Just drop us an email from the contact form located here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/contact/ Hope this helps.
  11. Awesome work!
  12. Hey brenavich980, The best board I found for Big Box is the Up Board 2 but a new board called the Latte Panda Alpha will be released in few months and it will run ps2 and Gamecube at full speed.
  13. Now I have a good reason to start using Retro Achievements. Looks Awesome!
  14. Looking good!
  15. Looks awesome! Love that clean look.
  16. Lordmonkus you are the best!! I've been scratching my head all day long. I can't thank you enough!!!
  17. So I have higan working very well with Launchbox.. except I can't exit/close the emulator with a hot key. Does anyone know a fix I've been trying all day.
  18. As far as I know the d3xdx9.dll is part of Direct X package. in the latest video I actually just did a fresh install of Windows 10 on that PC and all I needed was the Direct X9 Package and the, Net framework. using the same controller I set up on the other PC it works right off hand.
  19. Hey guys i have tried everything to get this up and running. Everything works fine in Daphne but i can not start the games with launchbox.
  20. Where do i put my game selection wheel art and how do i enable it in BIgBox?
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