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Everything posted by Headrush69

  1. The latest version is the one causing me that issue. Turning off the key feature doesn't help. I think out issues are different then. Glad it's working for you.
  2. Core remaps will do what you want, but you can run into issues with device indexes especially if you forget to disconnect a controller. I use the tool devreorder to hide controllers I don't need for specific cores to be absolutely safe of no issues. I create a simple AHK script to move the appropriate devreorder.ini file into place for each core and set that to run before Retroarch as an additional app. For example: So that specific ini file blocks all controllers except the XBOX 360s I use for SNES. Edit: Double checked my set up and I have it set per game, not system. With a little more work you could do per system.
  3. Ah, so you're just grabbing the bezel png and auto generating a basic layout file for native MAME that just points to that image. Makes sense. Will the installer over write existing bezels for native MAME?
  4. These are my preferred bezels, but one thing I miss is some of the features of the built in MAME layouts, like color overlays and lamp support. Many of these are trivial to add so you have both the bezel and these features, Color overlays only require changes to the layout file, but lamp support requires additional images as well. I've done several myself. curious if there a way to submit these changes other than setting up github and using pull requests? (At least for adding color overlays which requires no other files)
  5. How do you know it's seeing a key down, is there info in the LEDBlinky debug log? With LEDBlinky 7.1 I have this issue but I don't see any info in the debug log saying a key was pressed. If I instead use LEDBlinky 7.0.4, no issues.
  6. I like to stick to RA and MAME as much as I can as well. My choices are very similar to yours except for 3. GCE Vectrex - ParaJVE Sega 32X = Kega Fusion (Pico core has issues with a few games) Atari Jaguar - Phoenix (RA core still has issues with a few games) 3DO Interactive Multiplayer - Phoenix (RA Opera core has a few issues with some games)
  7. Hopefully it's from a recent MAME set. The cabinet type is a setting in the game itself, not within Retroarch. In Retroarch, in the controls section, you can set buttons up to the Service and Test buttons. Once the game starts, you use those to get into the game's settings mode and set various option.
  8. Do you have the needed CHD files? Here is the MD5 checksum for those game roms:
  9. Which video tutorial, some are outdated? Did you get your naomi.zip and 18wheeler rom from a current MAME set? Are you using 18wheelr.zip or 18wheelru.zip? I have both zips but point LB to 18wheelru.zip and works fine. Can't remember 100%, will check when I get home, but you might have to set the cabinet type in the game service menu as well to run properly.
  10. Does it still show up in Device Manager, but just with a question mark indicating no driver? If you change USB ports (If you can one on a different port, ie change between USB2 and USB3), and restart does is reload? In Device Manager, do you have the option to uninstall the device? This should clear the associated inf file as well and force a reconfigure on reboot,
  11. Which issue are you referring to: the cut off speech or the key pressed issue? The key issue was fixed for me by going back to firmware version 1.49, not to the latest version. (FYI)
  12. First thing we need to know if whether your arcade controls are mapped to key strokes or joysticks? If its keyboard, (like iPac in default mode), using any input_player1_btn lines won't work. Those are for devices in joystick mode. If you arcade controls encoder is in keyboard mode, you use the lines without btn in them. Here is the settings I use for my arcade controls using an iPac in keyboard mode:
  13. Yes it does. Retroarch treats controllers and keyboard independent, so you can map your iPac keyboard to a Retropad layout in retroarch.cfg file. Example of mine:
  14. In MAME and configure inputs (game), under Analog Controls you can reverse there.
  15. It could be your MacBook is using the Intel GPU rather than the AMD GPU. Also, do you know which video backend MAME is using? (D3D, OpenGL, BFGX) SHould be a setting in MAME64, you can try changing that. If MAME64 has a logging/debugging option, turn that on and you should see which it is using. Using the standard command line version of MAME it's a simple -v option.
  16. Are any games imported into those platforms?
  17. Thanks, knew how to do it, just never crossed my mind to use it. ? Just a heads up to anyone trying, do as Zombeaver mentioned above, but you have to enable autoloading in Retroarch and save your configuration file. It's not enabled by default.
  18. I use the Retroarch WinVice core, but you got me thinking maybe I want to use some state loading to skip some game trainers, hack screens etc and add a few more C64 games to my cabinet.
  19. If that is how WinVice works, then the vsf file should be the file specified for the game rom.
  20. Well if you are using emulation, application command line arguments are no longer used, so it would make sense they are deleted, I think what you want to edit is the custom command line arguments on the Emulation section instead. (I don't know if Vice requires a command line option before the snapshot name though)
  21. Multi-mode firmware is the current system where with a keystroke you can change how the iPac shows up to Windows: Keyboard mode, as Directinput joysticks, or as XInput joysticks. The Winipac application should show what firmware and mode you are using.
  22. Funny you should mention that as I’ve had that issue too. It didn’t happen all the time but occasionally on reboot I would get that. It was real noticeable because it made typing impossible and other issues. I went back to the last pre multi-mode firmware on my iPac4UIO and never had the issue again. My iPac is always in keyboard mode so I’m not losing anything.
  23. I don't have the black caps, but the same buttons otherwise. I do see the same slight teal on some of the buttons when on white. Out of 20 buttons, about 16 show that hue while only 4 are pure white. My trackball never gets that white either, but it could be the ball I have. I remember there was 2 transparent options when I bought it. (Luckily it's not an issue since I don't like the look of white buttons and use different colors, even if the original machine had them.)
  24. I had a perfectly working LEDBlinky system and this started happening when I updated to version 7.1.0 I still wanted to have the any key to stop feature, so for me, reverting to version 7.0.4 returned it to working as it did before,
  25. Having said that, is there a specific reason you are using epsxe? You could try RetroArch and one of it's 3 PSX cores might work better for you.
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