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Everything posted by Headrush69

  1. Yes all my Atomiswave games run via the flycast core. Like I mentioned, I've started each game, used the Retroarch quick menu to manually set the system type, and saved a game options file for each game. I've done that with all Naomi roms as well. Did you try setting the system for that problem game to Sammy Atomiswave and then try launching from LB again? (You have to save a game options file or that setting will apply to all games with that core)
  2. Start a game, hit F1, there should be an Options item, there isn't? Didn't notice that. Would have to see your emulator settings for Retroarch and the associated platform tab as well. Any chance you have a custom command line option? I generally don't trust auto settings for things like that and have manually set all my non Dreamcast roms with Flycast core. Stab in the dark but but maybe Retroarch hashes against it's internal DB when loading through it GUI, and doesn't when started and from command line and passing a filename or some other difference? If your settings are correct you would think it should be the same.
  3. Bring up the Retroarch menu and look under options and see if System type is set to auto. If it is already set to auto and it's not detecting right for a game, set the correct value for that game instead of auto (Atomiswave in this case) and in the same menu at the top save a Game options file. Now when you start that game it should switch to that system properly.
  4. Start Retroarch and than plug your gamepad in. Bring up Retroarch menu, go to Settings -> Input -> Port 1 Controls and select Set All Controls. Do the same as you did for the keyboard but use the gamepad buttons. Once complete, select the Save Controller Profile option in that same menu. Now that profile should load automatically in Retroarch when connected. If you want to re-arrange the layout of buttons for a specific core or game, you do that in the Quick Menu of Retroarch (once a game is loaded) under controls. You make the changes you want and than save a remap (in that menu) and it will be loaded automatically depending on whether you to save it as a core remap, directory remap, or a game remap. Hope that helps.
  5. Looks like it. More info here: P-UAE libretro github
  6. FYI, you need to turn on game bar in Settings -> Gaming first. Are you recording full screen, or just windowed? I have yet to get it to work with Retroarch in full screen or full screen windowed mode. Edit: I just got a message that I need ms-gamingoverlay app when trying in windowed mode. My guess is this is part of the Xbox gaming stuff that I don't have installed on my cabinet.
  7. Definitely. My dual core i3 @ 3,9 GHz out performs my old quad core i5-6500K @ 3.5 GHz on MAME games.
  8. It's makes it simpler for importing by platform though.
  9. I use Flycast in RA exclusively for Atomiswave and no black boxes for me. Options make a pretty big difference with this core, what settings are you using Johnny T and what are your specs?
  10. Same for columns and batmanfr. Only played 2 rounds on vf. Only played for a bit but MAME seem to play Batman Forever on my lowly i3 just fine.
  11. I played with this previously and since LB has LEDBLinky support, I hijacked this process with an AHK script and used the video player mpv to play a video on my marquee screen and then passed the call to LEDBlinky, I never finished it since I really didn't have the right media for it, but it would need some monitoring functions to quit if the emulator quit and things like that, but the process did work.
  12. Yup it's that easy. Use it a lot with my iPac, one of the reasons I leave it in keyboard mode. The AHK script in the running tab of LB will end when program is done.
  13. Not sure. A couple variants to try:
  14. Right click on the file and choose open with Choose another app, Click more apps. and at the bottom of list you should see Look for another app on this PC. Now navigate to your Launchbox folder and look for AutoHotkey.exe. (If you are on the latest version, it's in LaunchBox -> ThirdParty -> AutoHotkey
  15. If you download and run this AHK script: AHK Joystick tester does it recognize your buttons correctly? Do you have more than 1 input device?
  16. Those are just remapping regular keys, your input should look something like this: 1Joy2 The first number if the joystick number, and the second number is the button number on that joystick. I had to use the Atari 800 profile, the others ones didn't work.
  17. Very nice layout. The 7" touch screen is an interesting idea. Showing button functions or info on which device to use on the LCD would sure make it user friendly.
  18. Sure can, I have the same thing with an 8 button per user cabinet and Xbox 360 controllers. In Retroarch the keyboard and controller support are independent, so it doesn't matter whether you using Dinput or Xinput. You have to map your keys within Retroarch to a virtual Retropad layout, basically you are assigning your cabinet controls to a D-pad, A, B, X, Y, L1, R1, etc. If you remap for a game in Retroarch after, remember it affects your controller and the arcade cabinet buttons. (For example if you want to flip the A and B buttons. If you want more advanced control, you can use custom configs. (But more complicated and not worth getting into unless you need) To set your arcade keys, start Retroarch -> Settings -> Input -Port 1 Controls -> Set All Controls. 9Any you don't want to set, just wait and it will move on.) Do the same for Port 2 Controls. Go back to Retroarch Main Menu -> Configuration -> Save Current Configuration.
  19. That link I gave you gives a little more information. You need to substitute your joystick button numbers. Take a look at this: AHK and joystick remapping Of course you'll have to change the numbers to match your joystick (I don't know how many you have), and the button numbers on your joystick.
  20. I have the following in my Running AutoHotKey tab for Altirra emulator: Basically when my Insert Coin buttons (5 and 6) and Start button (1) are used, it sends the F Keys needed for Option, Select and Start. Here is some info on remapping joystick buttons: AHK Joystick remap Edit: For Star Raiders I had to use the defprofile:800. It didn't work with the XL profile. Edit 2: You can remap the Atari console buttons within Altirra so you do not need to use AHK remapping.
  21. If you want to run Atari computer media, add the BIOSes the doc page says. You likely don't need the ATARIOSA.ROM or ATARIBAS.ROM rom. If you just want to run 5200 roms, you only need that BIOS.
  22. Under Settings -> Core is the option "Allow cores to change video driver" enabled?
  23. I wouldn’t mess with the settings directly and stick to the default profiles as much as possible. (Except for things like video enhancements, keys, etc) I stick to the 5200, xl, and 800 profiles. (800 over the xl profile for a few games) Using these can run xex, atr, and roms no problem. I’m not at the computer right now to check, but I vaguely remember that I thought the Start, Option, and Select keys might be hard coded to the function keys. In that case a AHK remap in LB under running hot key can solve the problem.
  24. Could be your issue was more related to the included GPU on the CPU rather than the CPU itself. My cabinet has an i3 and runs everything fine except for a single Teknoparrot game.
  25. Maybe things have changed, but when I tried SSF you had to deal with mounting images to a virtual drive which was an extra hassle I didn’t want to deal with as the other options worked well enough for me.
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