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Everything posted by Retro808

  1. Yeah the emumovies seems to be hit or miss for users it affects. I added some new games this morning and it took maybe 10-20 seconds for EmuMovies to show up in the media dialogue box showing what media was available and then download was quick. Hopefully the devs can replicate the issue.
  2. What error? You posted twice "it keeps giving me this error" but you are not showing us what the error is.
  3. Not sure what you got going on. Just tested on several machines about 8 different platform/games and delete worked as should. I only tested deleting a single rom at a time.
  4. In your PSP platform is the "Games" folder pointing to where you have the PSP roms if they are not located inside the LB default folder?
  5. Pulse Pause View File User requested a Startup, Pause, and Shutdown theme to compliment the Pulse BigBox theme. So I decided to see how close I could get to the great design of that theme made by Juketsu. I am not a skilled or seasoned coder, more of a scratch type coder so behind the scenes may not be the prettiest. This was fun seeing how much of the BB theme I could decipher. Since the BB theme was done using the Community Theme Creator and that program uses some custom plugins I had to get creative to replicate some items. The Pause theme was modeled after Pulse's TextGamesView since a menu is needed. Overall layout, metadata, and some animations are all there from the BB theme. Only creative difference I took was using a red heart for the favorites logo. The BB theme uses the same blue star as the user rating. Installation: Download zip file and be sure to unblock the zip. Simply place the PulsePause folder inside your \LaunchBox\PauseThemes\ folder (Do NOT rename the folder). Credit(s): @Juketsu Pulse theme is his original design. The Pause theme uses his design and artwork. NOTES: 1. This theme will stay up until Juketsu releases his version. If he is planning to do one. 2. The menu, depending on how many items you have, may seem like there is a lot of space. Unfortunately that is the way it is. The more items you have the more the space fills are you can see in some pics. I plan a different layout for this, but for now this is the look it has. 3. Theme was only tested on a 16:9 and 4:3 aspect monitor. Submitter Retro808 Submitted 11/23/2021 Category Pause Themes  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    User requested a Startup, Pause, and Shutdown theme to compliment the Pulse BigBox theme. So I decided to see how close I could get to the great design of that theme made by Juketsu. I am not a skilled or seasoned coder, more of a scratch type coder so behind the scenes may not be the prettiest. This was fun seeing how much of the BB theme I could decipher. Since the BB theme was done using the Community Theme Creator and that program uses some custom plugins I had to get creative to replicate some items. The Pause theme was modeled after Pulse's TextGamesView since a menu is needed. Overall layout, metadata, and some animations are all there from the BB theme. Only creative difference I took was using a red heart for the favorites logo. The BB theme uses the same blue star as the user rating. Installation: Download zip file and be sure to unblock the zip. Simply place the PulsePause folder inside your \LaunchBox\PauseThemes\ folder (Do NOT rename the folder). Credit(s): @Juketsu Pulse theme is his original design. The Pause theme uses his design and artwork. NOTES: 1. This theme will stay up until Juketsu releases his version. If he is planning to do one. 2. The menu, depending on how many items you have, may seem like there is a lot of space. Unfortunately that is the way it is. The more items you have the more the space fills are you can see in some pics. I plan a different layout for this, but for now this is the look it has. 3. Theme was only tested on a 16:9 and 4:3 aspect monitor.
  7. Pulse Startup View File User requested a Startup, Pause, and Shutdown theme to compliment the Pulse BigBox theme. So I decided to see how close I could get to the great design of that theme made by Juketsu. I am not a skilled or seasoned coder, more of a scratch type coder so behind the scenes may not be the prettiest. This was fun seeing how much of the BB theme I could decipher. Since the BB theme was done using the Community Theme Creator and that program uses some custom plugins I had to get creative to replicate some items. The Startup theme's Startup view was modeled after Pulse's HorizontalWheels3GamesView and the Shutdown view was modeled after HorizontalWheels2GamesView. Overall layout, metadata, and some animations are all there from the BB theme. Only creative difference I took was using a red heart for the favorites logo. The BB theme uses the same blue star as the user rating. Installation: Download zip file and be sure to unblock the zip. Simply place the PulseStartup folder inside your \LaunchBox\StartupsThemes folder (Do NOT rename the folder). Credit(s): @Juketsu Pulse theme is his original design. The Startup theme uses his design and artwork. NOTES: 1. This theme will stay up until Juketsu releases his version. If he is planning to do one. 2. Theme was only tested on a 16:9 and 4:3 aspect monitor. Submitter Retro808 Submitted 11/23/2021 Category Startup Themes  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    User requested a Startup, Pause, and Shutdown theme to compliment the Pulse BigBox theme. So I decided to see how close I could get to the great design of that theme made by Juketsu. I am not a skilled or seasoned coder, more of a scratch type coder so behind the scenes may not be the prettiest. This was fun seeing how much of the BB theme I could decipher. Since the BB theme was done using the Community Theme Creator and that program uses some custom plugins I had to get creative to replicate some items. The Startup theme's Startup view was modeled after Pulse's HorizontalWheels3GamesView and the Shutdown view was modeled after HorizontalWheels2GamesView. Overall layout, metadata, and some animations are all there from the BB theme. Only creative difference I took was using a red heart for the favorites logo. The BB theme uses the same blue star as the user rating. Installation: Download zip file and be sure to unblock the zip. Simply place the PulseStartup folder inside your \LaunchBox\StartupThemes\ folder (Do NOT rename the folder). Credit(s): @Juketsu Pulse theme is his original design. The Startup theme uses his design and artwork. NOTES: 1. This theme will stay up until Juketsu releases his version. If he is planning to do one. 2. Theme was only tested on a 16:9 and 4:3 aspect monitor.
  9. That is not something edited in the Community Theme Creator. All that stuff is LB data so you have to edit in LB. Looks like @C-Beats provided steps to do just that.
  10. Can you be more specific on what you mean by "edit" individual platform metadata? Are you trying to change what metadata is pulled into the theme for the platform?
  11. Is the zip file it is showing the game zipped file? Would you post a pic of your RA settings. In LB >Tools >Manage >Emulators then edit Retroarch. Post a pic of the "Details" page.
  12. Yes. You just need to make a playlist called "Favorites" and set it to auto-populate with the Field = Favorites and the Comparison = Is True.
  13. Messing around with the Startup and Shutdown. BB Theme Image as reference: Startup and Shutdown theme so far: The "Loading" and "Exit" text fade in/out and the blue glows animate as well like in the BB theme. Still got a lot of cleaning up. @IxMasterxI will send you a copy to test once I get to that point.
  14. For the error you are getting looks like a fix is in place in our current beta. You can download the beta, otherwise you would have to wait for the next stable release. To get betas in LB tools in the updates section there is a tick box to download betas. As a workaround, if you do not have a User Name and Password in the EmuMovies section in your LB settings you should be able to put a random string of data in those and it should keep it from crashing when you then try to download the platform media. As far as the rom duplication piece not to sure. Can you provide information on when the duplicates occur? Is it during import, after closing then opening LB a duplicate appears. Need some details. Also cna you share a pic of the contents of your \Data\Platforms folder.
  15. Oh now you are just getting greedy. 🤣 I am joking of course. I will try and get that going as well. May be a bit (probably about a week) as I have a work project to tend to. Thanks, but the real credit goes to @Juketsu for the visual style of the theme. I do not have that sort of creativity. I am just happy I have taught myself enough coding to be able to replicate his design. It will be a bit longer before I post. Need to clean up some code and refine a few minor things.
  16. If you prefer different images in either of the two box let me know and I can make an adjustment. Let me know what image and in which of the two boxes you prefer.
  17. So got some free time this morning before my 5am conference and got something going. Was able to get a bit more time just a bit ago and got this far. I used the TextGamesView of the BB theme as the design since it fit most with the Pause Menu and needing a text list. Alignment of elements is pretty close to the BB theme. The glows animate like the theme. Game play image is used as currently videos in Pause themes do not work correctly. Something the devs are aware of. So a concession was made to use game play image. Also font size on the "Game Paused" is larger. Just looked odd smaller. Tested on a 16:9 and 4:3 screen and layouts work. My 4K is busted so I cannot test against any other monitor right now. Only gripe is when your Pause menu does not have a lot of items we have a large amount of dead space. You can see this difference in the two images. However, it is better than no theme to use. BB Theme Text View: Pause Theme:
  18. I would say pretty much this. Some of our more prolific theme designers have mentioned doing pretty much the whole theme in something like Notepad++. Some have mentioned using VS. Using VS though you do not always get that full view of the layout and all media, metadata, and elements like you see in the Community Theme Builder.
  19. What platform? If this is Mame did you import your roms using the Full Set Mame import option? If so that is why. You only use that option if you actually are using a full Mame rom set. If importing a curated Mame collection you just use the file or scan options.
  20. There have been no updates. This could possibly be done with a plug-in but one has not been created either. If you ever want to see what updates have been released you can view all changelog notes directly in LB. go to the hamburger menu in the upper left of LB and Choose >Help >Changelog.
  21. Still could be how the theme was coded may not work well with that wider aspect ratio. If all other themes look fine, than it is not a media issue. Only difference is the theme.
  22. Likely aspect ratio. BB themes are typically 16:9.
  23. Likely Nahimic causing the issue. I remember seeing the OneX uses Realtek drivers which has nahimic integration. We do know nahimic services cause graphical issues and recommend shutting down nahimic. I have no experience with the device so not sure if you can just shutdown nahimic services or would need to update a driver.
  24. I do not believe it does it as in depth as a new import with games does. If you have games imported already, but RA is not in your emulators when you go to add RA it will add all the common platforms and select the proper cores. However, it does not do the bios selection like it would during a platform import of games. At least that is what happened when I first tested it on an existing build.
  25. That is what I figured you were asking. In its current state this is not possible. I will do my best to revisit the theme and see what I can do to make what you want. No promises though. I have been very busy and since I am not vastly skilled in coding. So it requires a good bit of time for me to sit, code, and figure things out.
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