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Everything posted by Retro808

  1. Not condescending at all. A valid concern for your particular use. Honestly though for a single developer (well we have 2 now) to think of each and every "common issue" to already have steps implemented is a daunting task so sometimes, things we as users think should already be there, are not yet implemented. I have been on this forum for over 3 years helping and this request is not as common as one would think it would be. Either way, always share with us your requests and feedback. It helps. If you want to make any feature requests use the link located at the top of the forum under "Help & Support". It is the best place.
  2. This is how Jason originally coded it and likely never revisited it since it has not been something many users have asked about. To be honest I think I have only seen this questioned maybe 2 or 3 times. Most users typically already organize their roms in a folder structure they prefer and just have LB leave the roms there. Or have LB move them into the main LB folder. The best option it typically to already have the roms in the folder you want and use the Scan option to tell LB to scan it for new roms.
  3. If you already have the games in the Switch roms G: folder choose the option to "Use files in their current location". If you have them somewhere else and are trying to get LB to move them into that G: folder location LB currently will not do that. And as mentioned changing the folder path in the platform will not allow LB to do this either. It is just not currently a feature.
  4. Where you have your main LB folder is where LB will look. So whether you have on in internal D drive or an external J drive the \LaunchBox\games folder will always be pointed to that root folder. Which is why the wording states "my LaunchBox games folder" and not simply something like "my roms folder". Even if you change the rom folder path in the platform LB will still want to have a process to allow the user to move or copy roms into the LB folder structure. By "portable" we mean that everything, roms, media, emulators, settings are all contained in the LB folder and you can then move the entire LB folder anywhere you want and everything goes with it. Not solely meaning portable as in it being on an external drive. So currently there is not a way to change it so the options in the image below change to that new folder.
  5. That is because the path the LB rom import wizard image is showing will always be the LB default games folder. It is an option to allow users to move their roms into the LB infrastructure to keep LB as portable as possible. When you changed the path in the Platforms folder location it does not alter LB's default folder structure in that section of the image. That section will always just be the actual LB default folder location. Changing the path as you did allows for the "Scan for" and "Delete" functions to scan or delete from the actual folders you have your roms located in.
  6. Roms: Well we will not link directly to roms and we will not list any site links. We will typically mention a site's name at the best. But links are not allowed. Common resource is Archive. PleasureDome has their discord now where you can find link to current Mame sets. You pretty much have to google. Emulators: Well best place is always the developer's site of the emulator. Mame's site for Mame, Retroarch's site for RA. Pretty much most of the common emulators you will use have their own site and it is always best to get it from the source.
  7. There is not really a tutorial on starting out. Mainly tutorials on adding individual platforms/systems. Here is what we would recommend. 1. Set up your roms and game controls in each emulator first. Get your roms and your emulators and set those up. Make sure your roms run directly in the emulator first, and that your controls work. 2. Import your roms into LB and add the emulator as well. Be sure when you add the emulator you go into the Associated Platforms page and add the name of the platform name you are importing the games to. This ties the emulator to that platform to run the games. Then test and make sure you can launch the games from LB. Reason we recommend doing it this way is if you get to #2 and the games do not launch we know it is not an emualtor/rom issue and likely a LB setting issue. It just makes troubleshooting simpler. Our Youtube site (Unbroken Software) has some easy to follow tutorials as well as ETA Prime's site. Keep in mind the age of the video though as many features have changed.
  8. If you are opening something like a manual in pdf format from within LB it will typically open in the default pdf viewer your system uses. Just tested latest beta and was able to open manuals, cheats, and magazines I have attached to games that are in pdf format.
  9. Yeah some systems can be a pain. We do have some pretty good forum members that can get you running. I know there is a recent Model 3 thread that would likely be helpful to you.
  10. A couple things. 1. I removed the link. Per forum rules links to roms/roms sites are not allowed. 2. Builds like that often require the user to fix some things as those builds are never perfect and just run once downloaded. So you will find you will likely still need to develop the know how and set aside time to correct or adjust set-up on some systems. Not saying there are bad, just not to often and download, unpack, and you are all set kind of thing. 3. We typically do not troubleshoot these builds as we have no idea what that person did with that set-up and if the person downloading it does not know either it makes it harder for us to troubleshoot. So we usually recommend just build from scratch an post any questions / issues you have and let the forum members help you. This is honestly the best way as in the future if anything messes up you typically have to knowledge to fix.
  11. Go into the theme's \Views folder and edit the PlatformWheel1FiltersView.xaml. Scroll to line 427 and you can change the text there. Edit the Text= field.
  12. Will see if I still have it and may post it in this thread. If not I should be able to recreate it pretty quickly.
  13. Currently there is no function like this and I have not seen any current plans for this since emulators are capable of setting the mapping and there are 3rd party software that can as well. Not saying it is not something that will never happen, just have not seen it as a top item to address any time soon.
  14. Ah. In BB settings go to the Images section and then check what you have "CoverFlow Image Quality" set to. The new xaml uses coverflow for the images so that setting might be affecting the image. You will want it set to High or Highest.
  15. It does not. Are you talking about to display what the controls are for the games? If so there are Startup/Pause themes that can help with this, but you need to supply your own images for those control layouts. Or are you talking about actually mapping the controls for in gameplay? If this, then LB/BB do not. It is left up to each emulator.
  16. None of the changes made would have affected image quality. There were improvements to video support as well as updating the default marquee view xaml to support fallback options. Can you post an image of what you are seeing. Also are you using a theme that may have a custom marquee view? Do you see this on all themes you try?
  17. There are not tutorials, but if you go to our Youtube (Unbroken Software) page you can see Faeren make themes in the Creator. Also Y2guru’s Youtube he demoes updates he has made.
  18. There is not public roadmap as to development plans. Videos are something the team does plan to get implemented. Best I can recommend is checking the beta thread as many times things the team is working on is mentioned in there.
  19. Not really sure as I am unsure on the issue. Is the issue that you have the necessary platform name in the Associate Platforms tab and the correct core selected, but the games do not work? Did you also select the games in the platform and choose RA as the emulator? Edit a game and in the Emulation page make sure RA is showing. Can you share pics of your edit emulators screens for Retroarch? Be sure to show the "Details" page and the "Associated Platforms" page with those platform names viewable.
  20. Emulators are simply linked to a platform by adding the platform’s name to the Associated Platform tab in the Manage Emulator’s tool. >Launchbox >Tools >Manage Emulators then edit the emulator.
  21. Retro808

    Cps 1

    If you are using the same emulator for different platforms it should not matter what platform you are in. The exit is related to the emulator. Are you using Mame for your CPS platforms?
  22. Retro808

    N64 DD

    Are you able to run the games directly in the emulator? If not, then the best thing to do is start there and get the games playing there. Then, if they work in the emulator and not in LB we know it is a setting issue in LB directly.
  23. All feature requests should be done using the "Request a Feature" link located at the top of the forum under "Help & Support". This allows us to better track them and see user votes to gauge community desire.
  24. What does the script look like you are using? Can you post the whole script you have in the Running AHK tab?
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