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Everything posted by Retro808

  1. If you are talking about the transition of the wheel out of view and directly into the video for the item the wheel landed on that is controlled by the theme's coding. It is not a BigBox setting. So the code would need to be edited. That could be anywhere from a single line of code to multiple lines.
  2. Test this for me. You have a couple things conflicting so trying to figure out what you are trying to do. I did not catch it earlier as I was quickly glancing at things. This is just a simple version of the original magic marquee adjusted to fit your screen. Let me know if it works and you see the marquee and the blur. Your code was showing the stock marquee image, then you were trying to do a multibinding to show a marquee image and then the image blur under it. I assume that you want a default image to show if there is no marquee (from the Arcade - Marquee folder. _default)? GameMarqueeView.xaml
  3. Ah, good catch I see I did not alter the name. I am not sure. Can you post your xaml file and I will test.
  4. Retrolusts' marquee filler is just taking the main image line of code and duplicating it underneath and adding a blur effect and filling the grid. So your last image line duplicate it below that one and add a blur effect. Something like this: <!-- GAME MARQUEE --> <Image Source="{Binding Path=SelectedGame.MarqueeImagePath}" Stretch="Uniform" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" /> <TextBlock x:Name="GameMarquee" Visibility="Visible"> <TextBlock.Text> <MultiBinding StringFormat="{}pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Arcade - Marquee/_Default.png"> <Binding Path="SelectedGame.Platform"/> </MultiBinding> </TextBlock.Text> </TextBlock> <Image x:Name="MainMarquee" Grid.RowSpan="3" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Source="{Binding Text, ElementName=GameMarquee, FallbackValue='pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Arcade - Marquee/_Default.png'}" Opacity="100" Stretch="Uniform" Panel.ZIndex="1" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" /> <Image x:Name="MainMarquee" Grid.RowSpan="3" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Source="{Binding Text, ElementName=GameMarquee, FallbackValue='pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Arcade - Marquee/_Default.png'}" Opacity="100" Stretch="Fill" Panel.ZIndex="0" RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="LowQuality"><Image.Effect><BlurEffect Radius="99"/></Image.Effect></Image> </Grid> </UserControl>
  5. support@unbrokensoftware.com is an email
  6. @Sascha-FFM Take a look in this thread. It pretty much deals with what you are having issues with I believe. There are some examples of how you can edit the PlatformMarqueeView.xaml and GameMarqueeView.xaml to get the correct alignment. If you need help post in that thread and we can assist. It would be helpful if you show a pic of what exactly you are seeing.
  7. Yes. In the platform folder. You cannot have for example Atari 7800.xaml and Atari 7800.backup.xaml in the \Data\Platform folder. LB tries to read them both.
  8. It is all those platform xaml backups you have in the platforms folder. That is what @neil9000 asked you about. You cannot have those in there. LB is trying to read those and the real platform xaml files. Also remove all those others like the .Missing.Serial.xaml files. There can only be the original platform xaml in there. This is the reason we do not recommend skraper. It places those backups in the \data\platform folder. If you choose to use skraper make sure you remove those backups it makes or turn off the backup option inside skraper.
  9. Can you share a pic of the contents of your \Data\Platforms folder?
  10. Not sure if you posted this on our bitbucket. If so one of our devs asked you to try updating your local games metadata. In LB Use the hamburger menu (3 lines in the upper left) and select Help > Force Update Games DB Meta. Once done try a rom import and see if it helped
  11. Not sure what LB would be doing to affect remote access. If it works in person than LB is working as it should. I am remote into one of my cabinets now using TeamViewer and no issues. Have you checked ConnectWise forum to see if there are others experiencing this issue with other software?
  12. Not saying it is a bad idea, but I have never seen an situation where I would choose to turn an AHK off for an emulator. The only reason I would add an AHK is because it is needed. Maybe elaborate more on your reason for it. I would also recommend making a bitbucket ticket and linking it back to this thread to drive votes for it. To make a bitbucket ticket click on the Request a Feature link located under the "Help & Support" option at the top of the forum.
  13. Cannot say I have ever seen this. Are you changing the view type in the global settings menu or using a button/key to change while in the platform view? Keep in mind if you are on a current version of BB and change a view setting in the global menu the theme specific config will override it. As a couple version ago BB introduced theme specific configs. You should not see a new Theme Specific config menu item in the BB settings. That is where you would be best served to set a theme's specific view.
  14. There is not. Best thing to do is make a copy of the Default theme and rename it then start tinkering. The XAML Tips and Tricks thread in BigBox Custom Themes sub-forum has a lot of helpful tips. stackoverflow.com is a good site for coding tips.
  15. Likely because with the combo there is now a 3rd layer (LB > AHK > Emulator) and AHK is having trouble executing the command with the prompt active. Using just the Escape key you are in the active window pressing a key immediately recognized by the emulator and LB is not actually doing anything.
  16. @neil9000 is not doubting you have the issue you say that we need to actually see a video of it. He is just stating your issue is not a LB issue as in it is not a bug. All of my cabinets close all of the emulators fine using my button or key combos. If this was a LB bug/issue more users would be posting about it. Its a setting issue pure and simple. Any chance you run any of those as Admin? LB controller automation sends the button combo as an AHK to the emulator telling it to send Escape, if that does not work it then tries some other commands like Alt+F4 before stopping. If you have the emulator set to Admin it will not work.
  17. You have something else going on then. I think I only use that script for maybe 2 or 3 emulators. Can you post a pic of your set-up? Edit Dolphin and post a pic of the Details tab and the tab where you pasted the script.
  18. Are you trying to run the importer against an arcade rom set and a software list rom set? I ask because you mention software list so not sure if you mean the machines files or the actual game roms and the full set importer is not for use with software list roms. The full set importer is for the arcade rom set which is why it is specifically called “Mame Arcade Full Set”
  19. Not a bug. Likely need to add an AHK to the Running AutoHotKet tab in your emulator setup. Add the AHK below to the RunningAHK tab. $Esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}} }
  20. What theme? Does it do the same with other themes.
  21. Ahhh. That's it. The theme specific overrides have wheel views saved for platforms. Traditionally I use text list for all my views as I prefer that. Recently testing a couple themes for a friend I changed to wheel view for platforms. I will reach out to Jason to see why text list for platforms will not show marquees.
  22. It does show on the default. The POC is the only theme this issue appears.
  23. @faeran Are you able to test marquee images? I recently noticed that platform level marquee images do not show with this theme. Game level marquee images show fine. All other themes, even the prior themes you have made have no issues showing platform level marquee images. Even if I use a PlatformMarqueeView.xaml or remove it so BB shows the platform image by default nothing will show when I am on the platform list. Go into a platform's list of games and all the individual game marquees do show. I have tested on several cabinets.
  24. There is currently not a setting inside BB for this.
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