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Everything posted by Khaar

  1. I found the mistake and now it works! Thanks for the help.
  2. Hello @C-Beats. I want to do exactly the same thing! In TextFiltersView, I want to use a specific background image for each genre, for each series, etc. I've created a folder for this: LaunchBox\Images\FiltersView\ In this folder are the images, for example, for the genre Action, an image named 'Action.jpg' Based on your proposed solution, I've created the following code to generate the path to the images and specify it in the Image Control as the Source: <TextBlock x:Name="FileName" Visibility="Collapsed"> <TextBlock.Text> <MultiBinding StringFormat="{}pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Images/FiltersView/{0}.jpg"> <Binding Path="SelectedFilter.Name" /> </MultiBinding> </TextBlock.Text> </TextBlock> <Image Source="{Binding Text, ElementName=FileName}" /> However, it doesn't work, and no background image is displayed. After carefully reading LaunchBox\Themes\Documentation.pdf, I noticed that there is actually no binding named SelectedFilter.Name! So, I misunderstood something here... I hope you can help me solve the problem.
  3. Not so COLORFUL View File # WHAT IS IT ? Not so COLORFUL is NOT an official part of viking's COLORFUL Set! Instead, I created this set using viking's excellent COLORFUL resources. Just like with my Nostalgia alternative set, the goal was to create a look that closely resembles viking's original Nostalgia Set, but only includes games in the videos that I have in my collection and also offers a bit more variety in genres for some platforms. Additionally, most of my videos are a bit longer than viking's videos. Please don't expect any more videos in the future, as these are all the platforms I have in my collection, and I don't intend to add any more. # A PREVIEW OF ALL THIS ? Watch the YouTube playlist with all 32 videos, or check out each platform video in the preview below: Arcade: Handhelds: Consoles: Computers: # SPECIAL THANKS : @Jason Carr for LaunchBox/BigBox. @viking for the resource files and his permission to share this set with you all. # SOURCES - COPYRIGHT : Each brand of hardware and software here represented as a tribute. EmuMovies for (most) gameplay videos. Submitter Khaar Submitted 03/04/2024 Category Platform Theme Videos
  4. Version 1.0.0


    # WHAT IS IT ? Not so COLORFUL is NOT an official part of viking's COLORFUL Set! Instead, I created this set using viking's excellent COLORFUL resources. Just like with my Nostalgia alternative set, the goal was to create a look that closely resembles viking's original Nostalgia Set, but only includes games in the videos that I have in my collection and also offers a bit more variety in genres for some platforms. Additionally, most of my videos are a bit longer than viking's videos. Please don't expect any more videos in the future, as these are all the platforms I have in my collection, and I don't intend to add any more. # A PREVIEW OF ALL THIS ? Watch the YouTube playlist with all 32 videos, or check out each platform video in the preview below: Arcade: Handhelds: Consoles: Computers: # SPECIAL THANKS : @Jason Carr for LaunchBox/BigBox. @viking for the resource files and his permission to share this set with you all. # SOURCES - COPYRIGHT : Each brand of hardware and software here represented as a tribute. EmuMovies for (most) gameplay videos.
  5. Thank you so much! ❤️ In a few weeks, my new video set should be ready. And just like back then with my Nostalgia alternative set, this time I also plan to share the entire set with the community. @Klopjero LOL, you're right, it IS the same hardware!
  6. @viking Is there any chance you could share the resource files for MS-DOS with us, but with the graphics you used back in Nostalgia? I prefer the more modern hardware for MS-DOS and would like to create a platform video with it. Thank you in advance, and best regards.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    A custom palette based on EmuMovie's Authentic Game Boy Video Snaps. I know these snaps were made with a RetroArch shader, so it's very easy to get the same image. However, with this shader you also get other effects such as a dot matrix, ghosting, blurring, etc. This palette mimics the colors of those Authentic Video Snaps without the additional effects and is ideal for all who prefer sharp clean pixels. The palette can be used with the RetroArch Gambatte core. To learn more about custom pallets visit: Libretro Docs/Gambatte How to install: Place the folder called "palettes" in RetroArch's system directory: RetroArch\system\palettes\default.pal Now activate the palette in the core options: Quick Menu >>> Core Options >>> GB Colorization >>> Custom
  8. @Jason Carr The same for me. I have several images with very high approval numbers on pending status. The oldest picture has been in the queue for more than eight days and has 27 approvals (3 rejections)! Just to show a few of them: PS: In case it helps find the problem, my Games Database username is Giovanni_84
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Background artwork for the MAME games Asteroids Deluxe (astdelux.zip) and Space Invaders (invaders.zip). The backgrounds are made for the RetroArch core "Arcade (MAME - Current)", which is the latest version of MAME. Older RetroArch cores are NOT supported! Place the files inside the artwork folder: RetroArch\system\mame\artwork Do not change the name of the files and don't unpack them, otherwise MAME will not recognize the files correctly! MAME should use the backgrounds automatically. If not, press TAB on your keyboard to open the MAME menu, navigate to Video Options >> Screen #0 and select "Upright_Artwork".
  10. Thank you very much @Juketsu for sharing these CTC files! I was able to create my own little mutation of Pulse with it: Left side platform wheel, multiple genres displayed, blue line over the scrolling text, larger box art and platform logos, icon position changed and so on. It's my little mutant baby and I love it! Together with your Slipstream Pause Theme, my Big Box looks better than ever. Again, thanks for creating and sharing these CTC files ❤️
  11. ❤️ YESSSS! ❤️
  12. Bug Report: Checking the theme files, I notice the images for Star Rating 4.1 up to 5.0 are messed up! @Juketsu Maybe you can fix this with a potential 2.1.2 patch.
  13. Bug Report: Checking the theme files, I notice the images for Star Rating 4.1 up to 5.0 are messed up! @Juketsu Maybe you can fix this with a potential 2.1.2 patch.
    This Theme is so clean, awesome job Juketsu! This could (and should) be the new default theme for BigBox.
  14. I'm a bit disappointed that there is no option to vote for a proper "Year Only Release Date"-function.
  15. Black Friday sale in online! This year, instead of just renew my licnce, I've upgraded to the forever-updates license ???
  16. Proper Support for Year-Only Release Dates There are thousands of games from the 90s and 80s out there with uncertain release date. Nobody knows for sure when exactly they were released, except the year. Forcing Launchbox to use a random date isn't useful at all and it doesn't look nice. The better way is to implement an option to switch from a DD/MM/YYYY format to a "Year only" format.
  17. Nostalgia |4:3| alternative Set View File I created this videos for myself simply because I wanted only games that are in my collection to be included in the Platform Theme Videos. However, now that I finished them I thought maybe someone else would like them too! Please don't expect additional videos in the future because these are all the platforms that I have in my Collection and I don't plan to add any more. This video set is also available in 16:9 ratio here Also check out the original Nostalgia Set here by @viking and the Nostalgia additions Set here by @dragon57 // VIDEO // Arcade = 2 videos Handhelds = 6 videos Consoles = 14 videos Computers = 4 videos // INFORMATION // 4:3 format HD resolution: 1440×1080 MP4 format - H264 Codec - AAC audio - 30fps // PREVIEW // You can watch the YouTube playlist for all 26 videos here in 4:3 format. Or check out each Platform Theme Video below: Arcade: Handhelds: Consoles: Computers: Submitter Khaar Submitted 03/11/2019 Category Platform Theme Videos
  18. Version 1.0.1


    I created this videos for myself simply because I wanted only games that are in my collection to be included in the Platform Theme Videos. However, now that I finished them I thought maybe someone else would like them too! Please don't expect additional videos in the future because these are all the platforms that I have in my Collection and I don't plan to add any more. This video set is also available in 16:9 ratio here Also check out the original Nostalgia Set here by @viking and the Nostalgia additions Set here by @dragon57 // VIDEO // Arcade = 2 videos Handhelds = 6 videos Consoles = 14 videos Computers = 4 videos // INFORMATION // 4:3 format HD resolution: 1440×1080 MP4 format - H264 Codec - AAC audio - 30fps // PREVIEW // You can watch the YouTube playlist for all 26 videos here in 4:3 format. Or check out each Platform Theme Video below: Arcade: Handhelds: Consoles: Computers:
  19. Nostalgia |16:9| alternative Set View File I created this videos for myself simply because I wanted only games that are in my collection to be included in the Platform Theme Videos. However, now that I finished them I thought maybe someone else would like them too! Please don't expect additional videos in the future because these are all the platforms that I have in my Collection and I don't plan to add any more. This video set is also available in 4:3 ratio here Also check out the original Nostalgia Set here by @viking and the Nostalgia additions Set here by @dragon57 // VIDEO // Arcade = 2 videos Handhelds = 6 videos Consoles = 14 videos Computers = 4 videos // INFORMATION // 16:9 format HD resolution: 1920×1080 MP4 format - H264 Codec - AAC audio - 30fps // PREVIEW // You can watch the YouTube playlist for all 26 videos here in 16:9 format. Or check out each Platform Theme Video below: Arcade: Handhelds: Consoles: Computers: Submitter Khaar Submitted 03/11/2019 Category Platform Theme Videos
  20. Version 1.0.1


    I created this videos for myself simply because I wanted only games that are in my collection to be included in the Platform Theme Videos. However, now that I finished them I thought maybe someone else would like them too! Please don't expect additional videos in the future because these are all the platforms that I have in my Collection and I don't plan to add any more. This video set is also available in 4:3 ratio here Also check out the original Nostalgia Set here by @viking and the Nostalgia additions Set here by @dragon57 // VIDEO // Arcade = 2 videos Handhelds = 6 videos Consoles = 14 videos Computers = 4 videos // INFORMATION // 16:9 format HD resolution: 1920×1080 MP4 format - H264 Codec - AAC audio - 30fps // PREVIEW // You can watch the YouTube playlist for all 26 videos here in 16:9 format. Or check out each Platform Theme Video below: Arcade: Handhelds: Consoles: Computers:
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