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Everything posted by bman83

  1. HI Here is a link cheers B
  2. Hi, I have never used auto generated playlists. I have made my own. Clearlogos are stored in ..\IMAGES\PLAYLISTS\CLEARLOGOS. You can aso search your LB install for "CLEARLOGO" folders. You could try and see if after the playlist is created you can manually change the clearlogo by genre cheers B
  3. Hi you could make a bat file to run 2 apps then you will only need to setup 1 bat file eg @echo off cd "C:\Program Files\CCleaner" start CCleaner64.exe cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wunderlist2" start Wunderlist.exe exit ORIGINAL SOURCE Cheers B
  4. Hi In answer to question two put your bigbox.exe file in the windows startup directory cheers B
  5. Hi You could try this https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4052291/accessories-how-do-i-turn-my-mouse-magnifier-on-and-off cheers B
  6. Hi, I am not sure there would be a way to configure them properly and use them as analog. Since fighting game controls for example are all designed as digital input anyways. In theory it's possible but probably only useful in menus for something like fast and slow scrolling. I have never used them, sounds interesting though. Cheers
  7. Hi Try this link for information and tools https://github.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup/wiki/Validating,-Rebuilding,-and-Filtering-ROM-Collections cheers B
  8. bman83

    XML import?

    HI, I would try doing in this way. Create a playlist for "GUN GAMES" in LB. Then add a couple of games just to fill out some of the xml. Then navigate to your "GUN GAMES.xml" probably in ..LAUNCHBOX\DATABASES\PLAYLISTS\gungames.xml Then copy the format for your existing list cheers B
  9. bman83

    ExoDos ?

    Hi this is the forum thread Cheers B
  10. Hi In Windows put your BB.exe in the startup folder.. cheers b
  11. Hi I would configure 2 separate platforms, and have 2 separate rom directories. That should allow you to have both systems running at the same time. The you go into ..IMAGES\PLATFORMS\CLEARLOGO and put your images in there for the clear logo above. Then select the image from the edit platforms menu. The refresh image cache in BB if needed Cheers B
  12. Hi Using Mame as an example you can scrape images from a region. NORTH AMERICA for example. Then only the USA images should show. But I am not sure what to do if you already have the images. There is a media cleanup button in the tools menu. BE AWARE THIS MAY DELETE SOME FILES. Cheers B
  13. Hi For ease of configuring with windows I would stick with wired xbox 360 controllers or clones cheers B
  14. Hi If you have problems use x360ce. Make sure to install it to the directory of the .exe file for your game https://www.x360ce.com/ Cheers
  15. Hi, You could move your artwork to get space on your drive, but I would suggest it would be easier to move your roms for specific systems to achieve the space you want. It's a simpler process. Although if you want to move art then you could, you would have to then relink your folder structure to the external drive. Best bet in that case would be use the same directory tree structure and change only the drive letter so there would be less to change in LB. CHEERS B
  16. Hi, Thus far, all the preconfigured emulators have the command line preconfigured too when add the emulator to the platform. Really I have found it a case by case situation, Cross that bridge when you get to it ? Cheers b
  17. Hi if you close your BB on the Nintendo wheel and shutdown does it open there too? cheers b
  18. Hi Mate There are opacity settings in BB. Also you could check if there are settings for the opacity in the theme you are using and change the xml cheers b
  19. Hi Make sure you can play your media via VLC in windows. Then try again in BB. cHEERS B
  20. Hi Do you want to suggest a sticky thread? cheers b
  21. bman83

    LB image question

    Hi Unfortunately like you already know there would not be an automatic way to do this without ruining the links to your setup cheers b
  22. Hi You could hide the roms from the edit menu but I don't know if you can do a bulk selection and hide cheers b
  23. Hi I used this theme thanks to @PREZLEY. The clear logos were all automatically imported via LB when adding platforms. ..\IMAGES\PLATFORMS\CLEAR LOGOS. Marquees also added the same way. You can have multiple images for each category of image but I am not sure how to have them cycle through appearing cheers b
  24. Hi, I used this to create playlists and add the games that way cheers B
  25. Hi, You are on the right track, have you refreshed image cache? Maybe that will work. Otherwise update to the latest version of BB CHEERS B
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