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LaunchBox Beta Testing - 6.8+

Jason Carr

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@Jason Carr Hi jason and all sorry hav'nt been on the forums in the longest while due to life actually, but i will say i absolutely love the new forums and all the news updates that have been applied to LaunchBox/BigBox.  Hopefully i will be able to start contributing to the forums again in the near future. A big hi to all here.  Also in Xaml could you do a tutorial how to add a png background to say the Platform wheel and also how toapply a png over the background videos this would be much appreciated.  Anyway congrats on all the vast major improvements you have achieved kudosmartin. 

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On 8/29/2016 at 8:19 PM, Jason Carr said:

Lols. Derailed. I've added items to my short list to allow disabling sounds in attract mode, and also check on that clear logo not working issue. Regional sorting isn't there yet, unfortunately.

Just put out a new beta with our work from the live stream this morning, which adds untested support for LEDBlinky. We also added some options that allow for a lot more flexibility in data binding for the custom themes, and I spent the afternoon typing up 10 pages of documentation for the themes. There's a new Documentation.pdf file in the LaunchBox\Themes folder (or at least there should be after starting up Big Box with this beta).

@Jason Carr, For LEDBlinky, do you have any more info on which settings to choose inside ledblinky setup? I have it set to other FE, maybe I should try hyperspin. Right now, when LEDBlinky is set in launchbox preferences path, mame doesn't launch correctly, so not sure exactly what is being passed. Works fine when no ledblinky path is set in launchbox.


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Welcome back Martin!

Don't have an ETA yet @AeronNL. We have a lot to wrap up yet.

@jking3 My bartop arcade should be arriving tomorrow, so I can figure some things out then. At this point I'm still pretty much a noob to LEDBlinky, unfortunately. I'm sure once I get the cabinet I'll be able to focus on getting everything perfected. :)

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I did put out another new beta guys, but still focusing on fixing the issues with voice recognition. We can keep discussion on the voice recognition stuff in this thread:

If you're testing voice recognition, please go hit that thread up and check out the latest comments to help us test. Thanks all! :)

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@Jason Carr thanks Jason glad to be back just trying to get my feelings around new forum its awesome.  Also trying my hand at xaml downloaded the metallic theme and changed it around a bit as just for one platform view, hope you do more tutorials about xaml hopefully a tutorial about starting from the ground up with the background and how to add grids etc.  Fantastic work your doing for the only programmer on LaunchBox/Bigbox Kudos I Tip My Hat To Yea Sir (try saying it with an Irish Brogue lol).

My First Try at xaml Thanks to the creator of the Metallic theme.



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@Jason Carr I have been testing the new led blinky feature you implemented a few days ago. It is working good for the most part but it has been a while since I used led blinky. I did notice a couple issues:

I have all my platforms configured in led blinky so when you enter a platform in BigBox it only lights up what buttons are used for that platform. That is working correctly as those specific platform buttons stay lit up while scrolling through the games in a platform. When you enter a game those specific buttons stay lit as well which is great. The issue is when you exit a game back into BigBox the lights go off but then come back on right away when you scroll to another game.

Another issue I see is on Mame. LedBlinky has the ability when you enter a specific game if you have it configured in LedBlinky it will only show the buttons lit up that are used for that game which is an awesome feature. I can get this to work because I have ledblinky setup in Rocketlauncher as well and it passes these commands correctly. But for someone that does not use RL this will be an issue.

I think it would be a good idea to get with @arzoo the developer of LedBlinky involved to test out in LB and BB to see maybe what additional commands are needed. I have also reached out to him over at the Arcade Controls forum where his main post about ledblinky is located and he said he would be willing to test it out.


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@Maddoc1007 Got it. I was curious as there was another thread dedicated to it that hasn't had a lot of activity and  it had been  a problem from 6.8 and on . lack of activity is probably good because talking about it on the forum tales time away from actual dev time!  


@Jason Carr I will say I just updated to the new beta and the WMP  shudder start video issue seems to have been resolved. Went through multiple videos and it has vanished! 

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@Jason Carr Just downloaded the latest beta have to say Vlc is almost working flawlessly with it apart from one small irregularity its screen placement with background videos turned off, however this doe'snt happen with background videos turned on.  See below screenshots, the fist screenshot is Windows Media player the screen is positioned correctly, the second screenshot is with Vlc player you notice that it's about a half an inch or more lower than when using WMP.  Note this doe'snt happen when you have background videos turned on.



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