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Sega Naomi

12 files

  1. Sega Naomi 3D Box - Mr. Retrolust Style

    3D Boxes in the style of Mr. Retrolust. Complete set.


       (0 reviews)



  2. Sega Naomi Fanart Pack by CORE Team

    Sega Naomi Fanart Pack compiled and created by CORE Team. 
    JPEG format
    No intro naming


       (0 reviews)



  3. Mr. RetroLust's Sega Naomi 3D Boxes

    145 Sega Naomi 3D Boxes. This idea was inspired by the custom Sega Naomi 3D boxes made by the late @Robin55 https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/1244-sega-naomi-3d-boxes-with-discs-151-gd-rom-set/
    I also used flyers where possible, did some heavy searching to obtain the original flyers but sometimes they where just not available or too low of a quality so reconstructions where made or fan art was used/made. The filenames used are the current names in the Database so you might have to rename some files. The box is slightly transparent just like a real clear DVD case in which these games where packaged, though the original packaging didn't came with artwork inlays so I tried to create something which could look as if it was designed as console packaging.
    Naomi GD-ROM logo used is made by @Dan Patrick see: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/3402-v2-platform-logos-professionally-redrawn-official-versions-new-bigbox-defaults/ 



       (2 reviews)



  4. Sega Naomi | Pre Configured. Every Hidden Character Unlocked. Analogue Volume and Light Gun Games Calibrated. All Content Unlocked. Controls Pre Mapped Correctly. Censored Games Uncensored. 2 Player Mouse. For Flycast RetroArch

    This one took a while. Way, way longer than expected.
    But here it is, everything that needed to be configured, calibrated, unlocked, mapped or generally a pain in the butt to get working, has been done for you.

    Firstly, thanks to @Joejoe who was instrumental in consolidating this info. He researched a bunch of stuff and got some things working that I couldn't.

    What's been done for you?
    Some of these games had crazy input methods with their arcade cabinets and were mapped to some unintuitive / bizarre default inputs mappings by default.
    Controls have been scrutinised and tested and revised and tested once again. I haven't just set whatever willy nilly. If a fighting game has a modern port or counterpart I have mapped it to the default layout for that modern version. Everything else has been mapped to be as intuitive as possible, and I have provided layout images so you need never be lost with buttons again.

    -All Hidden Characters & Content Unlocked. There are 20 games with some form unlockable hidden content.
    -Analogue Volume adjusted for every game that required it. 13 In Total. This ensures a 1:1 analogue range on a controller (makes racers steering less twitchy). For e.g. the steering and pedals for racing games.
    -Blood is now ON in the censored games
    -All light gun games have been calibrated for both players
    -Optional 2 Player Mouse Support

    Download NVMEM Naomi, Remap Files for RA and your choice of 1 or 2 Player cfg Files for Mouse Light Gun Place NVMEM files in one of the following folders. RetroArch/saves/"roms folder location"/reicast or just RetroArch/saves/reicast.
    Depending on how you have your saves set to save it may be either of these. Place Control Remap files in RetroArch/config/remaps/Flycast Place optional Mouse .cfg files in RetroArch/config/Flycast Use my control images however you want. Frontends, pause menus etc. ENJOY!!!

    Here is the documentation for this configuration. Everything I have done on a per game basis is listed here. Only games that have an enhancement, calibration, password, unlockable etc etc is listed here. A full list of supported games is at the bottom of the page.
    I have also provided any passwords, engineers codes, cheat codes and important information here also.
    This is a consolidation of information. Everything that needs to be actioned by a player for e.g. a cheat code to unlock something will be in green.
    18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker
    18wheelu -The parent rom 18wheelr doesn't work in Flycast due to controls not working correctly
    -This game only has manual transmission that had a gear stick on the original hardware. The stick on the og hardware simply held down a button for high gear and reverse. The button needs to be held for those gears which the physical stick would do. Once pushed into place, it would stay there like a real gearstick using a spring loaded thingy, while keeping the button pressed. There isn't a way to have this held in place using a controller, you have to hold the desired gear button yourself.
    -Analogue Volume calibrated correctly for 1:1 analogue input for the steering and pedals on a controller. Makes racing games less twitchy. Airline Pilots
    alpilot -The controls do not translate well to a controller.
    -It also runs like garbage. It's here but who gives a crap. The novelty was in the arcade cabinet, as a stand alone game it's poo.
    -Analogue Volume calibrated correctly for 1:1 analogue input for the steering and pedals on a controller. Alien Front
    alienfnt -Analogue Volume calibrated for 1:1 analogue range with a controller. Canon Spike
    cspike -This game appears to have macro inputs or something like that hard coded to the core itself. L2 and R2 are special attacks, which are button combinations usually. These do not appear in the control options in RA. Also, these to not register in the test menu either but they sure as shit work. Always leave these inputs alone (L2 & R2) as you'll get clashing. An unexpected bonus.
    -Hidden macro controls mapped on images.
    -Mega Man and Baby Bonnie Hood Unlocked. Press all the way to the left or right to access them.
    -Cammy Shadaloo outfit from Street Alpha 2 Gold Unlocked Capcom Vs SNK Millennium Fight 2000
    capsnk -Every hidden character unlocked:

    Evil Ryu
    Evil Lori

    -All hidden stages and bosses unlocked

    To set all character ratios to set to 2:
    Hold A + B, then hold Start at the title screen. Keep all three buttons held until the character selection screen appears.

    EX mode:
    Hold Start when selecting a fighter at the character selection screen. If done correctly "EX" will appear above your character's name. Note: Not all fighters have an EX mode.

    Passwords for Test Menu:
    SNIBD6IO Disables all EX character modes
    0H2DK0EI Disables all hidden stages and bosses; disables all Ratio-4 playable characters
    OIASHCBR Enables all EX character modes; enables Evil Ryu & Evil Iori; enables hidden stages (Morrigan after stg. 3 w/ >70gps; Akuma after stg.4 w/ >85gps)
    OGSDOROG Enables Ratio-4 playable character Akuma (must have Ratio-4 characters enabled)
    KNOIRGON Enables some EX character modes
    MTOMHMNA Enables some EX character modes (different characters)
    ASTUERUP Enables some EX character modes (different characters) Capcom Vs. SNK 2 - Mark of the Millennium 2001
    cvs2 -New Game Modes (Ratio Match, 3on3 Match or Single Match). Accessible via Test Menu
    -Boss Mode Unlocked (Fight all Bosses)

    To enable boss mode, press "Start" button while holding MP + MK on title screen.
    You will then fight all the bosses only.

    Passwords for Test Menu:
    YAMAOOUT only unlocks New Game Modes.
    MORIKAWA unlocks Boss Mode and New Game Modes Castle of Shikigami II
    shikgam2 -Young Fukimo Unlocked
    -Third "Turbo Button" Unlocked in the Test Menu and mapped. Your thumb will thank me.

    To Select Young Fumiko (the one with the purple hat) hold start and press 2 x right

    Remix Tune:
    Hold A+B then START at the title screen

    Extreme Mode:
    at the title screen input
    UP, A, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN, B, B, A, A+B then START Cosmic Smash
    csmash -Announce SE set to English. The Default is Japanese Crazy Tazi
    crzytaxi -This game seems to have a hidden view change button. Like the hidden inputs in Cannon Spike these do not appear in the RA control options, and clash if you set anything to it.
    -Analogue Volume calibrated for 1:1 analogue range for the steering and pedals on a controller. Dead or Alive 2: Millennium
    doa2m -Costumes unlocked. Achieved by completing the game with those characters.

    School uniforms:
    Insert your coin(s), then hold Punch + Kick and press Start. The high school uniforms for Kasumi and Ayane will now be available.

    Reverse replay:
    Press Free + Kick during the "KO", then press Punch during the replay.

    Select winning pose:
    Hold Punch + Kick, Free + Punch, or Free + Kick during the replay to select a new winning pose.

    Control poses view:
    By winning a match in time attack or single mode. Then, hold Punch after the replay. Keep holding Punch and use the Joystick to move the camera. Press Free to zoom in and Kick to zoom out. Dynamite Baseball '99
    dybb99 -Analogue Volume calibrated (both players) for 1:1 analogue range with a controller. Dynamite Baseball NAOMI
    dybbnao -Analogue Volume calibrated (both players) for 1:1 analogue range with a controller. Guilty Gear X
    ggx -Unlocked hidden characters Testament & Dizzy

    Hi-Score Mode:
    Hit all four buttons when you press Start at the title screen and medals will appear when you hit your opponent.

    Passwords for Test Menu:
    ROMANTI = Unlock Testament
    MISOSOUP = Unlock Testament & Dizzy Guilty Gear XX
    ggxx Medal Of Millionaire mode:
    Hold Punch + Kick + Slash + Hard Slash + Dust, then press Start at the title screen.

    Alternate winning pose:
    Immediately hold Punch, Kick, or Slash when the "Slash" or "Destroyed" message appears. Note: Note all fighters have alternate poses.

    Alternate quotes:
    Hold Punch, Kick, or Slash immediately before a match starts to choose between three sets of quotes spoken by your fighter during the match.

    Fast credits:
    Hold Punch, Kick, Slash, Hard Slash, or Dust during the credits. Guilty Gear XX : Reload
    ggxxrl Medal Of Millionaire mode:
    Hold all five Attack buttons then press Start.

    Alternate winning poses:
    Hold P, K, or S after the "Slash" or "Destroyed" message appears. Note: Not all fighters have alternate winning poses.

    Alternate character quotes:
    Hold P, K, or S after the vs. screen disappears and before the match begins. Gun Survivor 2 Biohazzard Code: Veronica
    gunsur2 -You can switch between Claire and Steve in the Test Menu options. I have 2 copies, one set to play as Claire and the other as Steve. Mars TV -Game hangs on stage select screen for about 5 seconds then resumes. Still playable as this only happens in the stage select screen. Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 New Age of Heroes
    mvsc2 -Unlocked all 56 characters available from the beginning, machine registered on Level 84 (USA) after using the 4 USA passwords.

    This is an absolute mission to do. The documentation is too long to put here. If you want it just ask. Melty Blood Actress Again Version A
    mbaa -Unlocked hidden character NECO-ARC using secret code.

    Press start on ARCUEID (Just left of random character select) to toggle on NECO-ARC.

    Secret Code for Test Menu:
    CKFY - Unlocks NECO-ARC Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation Vs.Zeon DX
    gundmxgd -Use the Deluxe version of this game "gundmxgd" NOT "gundmgd". The DLX version allows you to use both sets of characters for either side.

    Passwords for Test Menu:
    MYWC7ZKI - Allows for both sets of characters to be played on either side.
    Q3TIU6M5 - Unknown as to what this actually does. If you know or find out let me know. Monkey Ball
    monkeyba -Analogue Joystick calibrated in the Test Menu. The difference is night and day. I'm even gonna say it handles a little better than the GC version. Power Stone 2
    pstone2 -Unlocked all time-release items and secret character Pride Project Justice
    pjustic -Unlocked all secret characters via password.

    Passwords for Test Menu:
    All secret characters - J2ACRC4U
    B-Batsu - 1B6GIMWN
    D-Hyo - MGNG8U92
    Hyo - C83LKN59
    Kurow - KROYV4EZ
    P-Akira - 5RC52J3M
    Vatsu - YDWVNBTU
    W-Daigo - RG026E1B Samba de Amigo

    Samba de Amigo Ver. 2000
    samba2k -Both of these games have the maracas set on the incorrect sticks by default. I have correctly adjusted this. Still don't make it any easier.
    -The controls do not translate well to a controller. Sega Marine Fishing
    smarinef -Changed cabinet type to STD. The DLX version (which is the default setting) had an actual fishing line, which had an analogue "tension" input. The STD version does not have this. The STD version was the version ported to the Dreamcast, so it's perfect for a controller.
    -Analogue Volume calibrated for 1:1 analogue range with a controller. Sega Strike Fighter
    sstrkfgt -Analogue Volume calibrated for 1:1 analogue range with a controller. Slashout
    slashout New skins: Hold the start button, then press any of the 4 buttons when selecting a character. Spawn
    spawn More characters : On a machine that has had multiple games completed, a screen will appear stating that there is an extended story line available. Hold all buttons and Start in insert your coin(s). Release Start while keeping the other buttons held, then press Start again. Additional characters will appear at the selection screen. Sports Jam
    sprtjam Select all events right off the bat, instead of in round 2. When the metal gate is closing right before the sport selection, input Up, Down, Right, Left, Buttons 1 + 2. If done right, the ?'s will be available. Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper
    sfz3ugd -Secret Character Shin Gokui Unlocked

    To use Shin Gokui hold start when selecting Gokui. There wont be a name or colour change but he gains double air fireballs, faster recovery in some of his special moves, no dizziness, stun timer, etc.

    Play Modes:
    Classical (no ISM) : hold HP+HK at the title screen then START
    Mazi (mega damage) : hold MP+MK at the title screen then START
    Saiko (low guard) : hold LP+LK at the title screen then START

    Battle modes:
    Dramatic battle : hold LK+MK+HK at the title screen then START
    Survival : hold LP+MP+HP at the title screen then START

    Sari (Dhalsim's wife) in every stage:
    When playing as Dhalsim, hold LP+HP between rounds Tokyo Bus Guide
    tokyobus -Analogue Volume calibrated for 1:1 analogue range with a controller. Virtual On Oratario Tangram M.S.B.S. ver5.66 2000 Edition
    vonot -Different Skins and characters. Depending on which seat you have set (GOOD or EVIL) you will get different skins and characters. Also the hud colour will change. World Kicks
    wldkicks -This game will not work until calibrated. Which has been done of course.
    -This game used a football at the base of the cabinet which is an analogue input.
    -The Right Trigger has been used for the shoot / pass input. The speed and distance of the the ball depends on how far you press the trigger.

    Secret Teams:
    Kick ball device in team selection screen the number of specified times.
    Namco Starts '80: Kick 8 times
    Namco Starts '90: Kick 9 times World Series '99
    smlg99 -Analogue Volume calibrated for 1:1 analogue range with a controller. World Series Baseball / Super Major League -Analogue Volume calibrated for 1:1 analogue range with a controller. Zombie Revenge
    zombrvn -This game has an analogue input alternative that can be activated and calibrated.
    -Analogue input used and calibrated. The difference is night and day, soooooo much better.
    -Violence mode set to ON. Red blood.

    Alternate costume:
    Pick a character at the selection screen. Hold Start and press Punch or Kick. Release Start after your character can be moved.
    Light Gun Games
    Confidential Mission
    confmiss -Calibrated for both players. Death Crimson OX
    deathcox -Calibrated for both players.
    -This game has an issue with reloading. A strange auto reload system is being used instead, and is not ideal. Playing the DC version is preferrable. The House of the Dead 2
    hotd2 -Calibrated for both players.
    -Blood set to ON Lupin the Third: The Shooting
    lupinsho -Game has an issue with reloading rendering the game unplayable for the moment. It is still included as a fix may be implamented soon.
    -Calibrated for both players Mazan: Flash of the Blade
    mazan -Game will not work untill calibrated.
    -This isn't really a light gun game. You used a foam sword inside a sensor gate that was interperated on screen.
    -You can't tilt the sword but this game is still very playable.
    -Left click has been set to offscreen reload as pushing the sword in and out of the sensor gate is considered a stab attack.
    -Swing the sword and stab like a shooting game with the left click. The Maze of Kings
    mok -Calibrated for both players. Ninja Assult
    ninjaslt -Calibrated for both players.
    Casino, Mahjong, Quiz and Japanese Heavy Games (NOT INCLUDED)
    Dengen Tenshi Taisen Janshi Shangri-la LA Keyboards Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai 3 Moeru Casinyo Usagi - Yamashiro Mahjong Hen Super Shanghai 2005 Soreike! Anpanman Popcorn Kojou 2 Sega Yonin Uchi Mahjong MJ Quiz Katai Q mode Quiz Ah! Megami-sama Oinori-daimyoujin Matsuri
    Games not working with Flycast with Reasons (NOT INCLUDED)
    Manic Panic Ghosts!
    Pokasuka Ghost! -Not working with Flycast at the moment due to unemulated hardware. Outrigger! -This game is working but the controls are all over the place and seemingly cannot be remapped. It used a trackball which the mouse is being used for. However shoot is on the controller and keyboard. Ferrari F355 Challenge -Not working with Flycast at the moment due to unemulated hardware. Ferrari F355 Challenge 2 -Not working with Flycast at the moment due to unemulated hardware. Shootout Pool (All) -Not working with Flycast at the moment due to unemulated hardware. Triggerheart Exelica -Input delay of a about 1-2 seconds. Unplayable at the moment
    -A fix is coming soonish Mushiking (All) -Not working with Flycast at the moment due to unemulated hardware.
    -This game used physical rf cards. This game will not likely be emulated anytime soon due to how awkward this is to implement. Kick4Cash -Not working with Flycast at the moment due to unemulated hardware. Dragon Treasure 1-3 -Not working with Flycast at the moment due to unemulated hardware.
    -This game will not likely be emulated with Flycast anytime soon due to how awkward this is to implement. Derby Owners Club (All) -Not working with Flycast at the moment due to unemulated hardware.
    -This game will not likely be emulated with Flycast anytime soon due to how awkward this is to implement.
    -Not really missing out on anything. Crackin DJ (All) -Not working with Flycast at the moment due to unemulated hardware.
    -This game will not likely be emulated with Flycast anytime soon due to how awkward this is to implement. Dog Walking This game used a treadmill as an input device. Needless to say this one isn't on the list to work anytime soon. World Champion Football Serie/Clubs (All) -Not working with Flycast at the moment due to unemulated hardware. Touch de Uno! (All) -Not working with Flycast at the moment due to unemulated hardware. Star Horse (All) -Not working with Flycast at the moment due to unemulated hardware.
    -Not really a game
    Full List of working games in Flycast that have been configured and mapped. This is 1G1R, only the parent versions have been configured for, with 18wheelr being the only exception as it doesn't work. 18wheelu does, so you may want a separate split rom for that game if you are using a Merged set. DON'T FORGET CHD's.



       (3 reviews)



  5. Sega Naomi - Logos Carbon

    Sega Naomi - Logos Carbon



       (1 review)



  6. Sega Naomi GD-ROM (CDs) Set

    69 files in all for this Sega Naomi GD ROM set. These are all 1157px x 1157px in size at 72dpi.


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  7. Sega Naomi Cartridge Set

    Covers 93 Sega Naomi games. Dims are roughly 2696 x 1301.


       (0 reviews)



  8. Sega Naomi 3D Boxes With Discs (151) (GD-ROM set)

    This is a collection of Sega Naomi 3D boxes with Discs. As the Naomi library has a lot of different versions of the same game and flyers are not available for a lot of games, and certainly not for all the different versions, I decided on one box and disc per game.
    These 3D boxes are loosely based around what a real Naomi game box looks like with real discs. I figured manuals could be used as box art.
    If you find my work of use could you please consider donating to my Patreon found here: https://www.patreon.com/RobinLevingstone

    18 Wheeler American Pro Trucker.png
    Airline Pilots.png
    Akatsuki Blitzkampf Ausf. Achse.png
    Alien Front.png
    Asian Dynamite.png
    Azumanga Daioh Puzzle Bobble.png
    Beach Spikers.png
    Boat Race - Ocean Heats.png
    Border Down.png
    Cannon Spike.png
    Capcom Vs. SNK - Millennium Fight 2000 Pro.png
    Capcom Vs. SNK - Millennium Fight 2000.png
    Capcom vs. SNK 2 - Mark of The Millennium 2001.png
    Chaos Field.png
    Cleopatra Fortune Plus.png
    Club Kart (Europe).png
    Club Kart 2002.png
    Club Kart 2003.png
    Confidential Mission.png
    Cosmic Smash.png
    Crackin DJ.png
    Crackin DJ Part 2.png
    Crazy Taxi.png
    Dead Or Alive 2.png
    Death Crimson OX.png
    Dengen Tenshi Taisen Janshi Shangri-la.png
    Derby Owners Club World Edition.png
    Dinosaur King.png
    Doki Doki Idol Star Seeker.png
    Dragon Treasure II.png
    Dragon Treasure III.png
    Dragon Treasure.png
    Dynamite Baseball 99.png
    Dynamite Baseball NAOMI.png
    F1 Grand Prix.png
    Ferrari F355 Challenge 2 Twin.png
    Ferrari F355 Challenge 2.png
    Ferrari F355 Challenge.png
    Giant Gram 2000.png
    Giant Gram All Japan Pro Wrestling 2.png
    Giga Wing 2.png
    Guilty Gear X.png
    Guilty Gear XX Accent Core.png
    Guilty Gear XX Reload.png
    Guilty Gear XX Slash.png
    Guilty Gear XX.png
    Gun Survivor 2 (Asia).png
    Gun Survivor 2.png
    Heavy Metal Geomatrix.png
    House Of The Dead 2.png
    Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai 3.png
    Initial D Arcade Stage.png
    Initial D Ver. 2.png
    Initial D Ver.3.png
    Inu No Osanpo  Dog Walking.png
    Jambo Safari.png
    Jingi Storm The Arcade.png
    kurukuru Chameleon.png
    La Keyboard.png
    Love And Berry 1st-2nd collection.png
    Love and Berry 3rd-5th Collection.png
    Lupen the 3rd - The Shooting.png
    Lupin the 3rd - The typing.png
    Mamoru-Kun Wa Norowarete Shimatta!.png
    Manic Panic Ghosts.png
    Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - New Age of Heroes.png
    Mazan - Flash Of The Blade.png
    Melty Blood - Actress Again Current Code.png
    Melty Blood Act Cadenza.png
    Mobile Suit Gundam Federation Vs. Zion.png
    Moero! Justice Gakuen.png
    Moeru Casinyo.png
    Monkey Ball.png
    Musapey's Choco Marker.png
    MushiKing II - The King Of Beetle II.png
    Ninja Assault.png
    Noukone Puzzle Takoron.png
    Planet Harriers.png
    Pochi to Nyaa.png
    Pokasuka Ghost.png
    Power Smash 2.png
    Power Stone (JAP).png
    Power Stone 2.png
    Power Stone.png
    Project Cerberus.png
    Psyvariar 2 - The Will To Fabricate.png
    Puyo Pop Fever.png
    Puyo Puyo Da!.png
    Quiz Ah Megamisama.png
    Quiz Keitai Q mode.png
    Radirgy Noa.png
    Rhythm Tengoku.png
    Ring Out 4X4.png
    Samba De Amigo.png
    Sega Marine Fishing.png
    Sega Strike Fighter.png
    Sega Tetris.png
    Senko no Ronde Special.png
    Shakatto Tambourine.png
    Shikigami No Shiro II - The Castle of Shikigami II.png
    Shooting Love 2007.png
    Shootout Pool The Medal.png
    Soul Surfer.png
    Spawn - In The Demons Hand.png
    Spikers Battle.png
    Sports Jam.png
    Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper.png
    Super Major League.png
    Super Shanghai 2005.png
    Tetris Giant.png
    Tetris Kiwamemichi.png
    The King of Route 66.png
    The Maze Of The Kings.png
    The Typing of the Dead.png
    Tokyo Bus Guide.png
    Touch de Uno! 2.png
    Touch De Zunou.png
    Toy Fighter.png
    Triggerheart Exelica.png
    Under Defeat.png
    Usagi - Yamashiro Mahjong Hen.png
    Usagi - Yasei no Touhai - Yamashiro Mahjong Hen.png
    Virtua Athletics.png
    Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution.png
    Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned.png
    Virtua Fighter 4.png
    Virtua Golf.png
    Virtua NBA.png
    Virtua Striker 2 Ver.2000.png
    Virtua Striker 3.png
    Virtua Tennis 2.png
    Virtua Tennis.png
    Virtual On Oratorio Tangram M.S.B.S. ver5.66 2000 Edition.png
    WarTech Senko no Ronde.png
    Wave Runner GP.png
    Wild Riders.png
    World Kicks.png
    World Series 99.png
    World Series Baseball.png
    WWF Royal Rumble.png
    Zero Gunner 2.png
    Zombie Revenge.png


       (1 review)



  9. Sega Naomi 2D Boxes With Discs (151)

    This is a collection of Sega Naomi 2D boxes with Discs. As the Naomi library has a lot of different versions of the same game and flyers are not available for a lot of games, and certainly not for all the different versions, I decided on one box and disc per game. 
    These 2D boxes are loosly based around what a real Naomi game box looks like with real discs. I figured flyers could be used as Manual covers inside the boxes.
    My 3D boxes can be found here:
    File Actions
    18 Wheeler American Pro Trucker.png
    Airline Pilots.png
    Akatsuki Blitzkampf Ausf. Achse.png
    Alien Front.png
    Asian Dynamite.png
    Azumanga Daioh Puzzle Bobble.png
    Beach Spikers.png
    Boat Race - Ocean Heats.png
    Border Down.png
    Cannon Spike.png
    Capcom Vs. SNK - Millennium Fight 2000 Pro.png
    Capcom Vs. SNK - Millennium Fight 2000.png
    Capcom vs. SNK 2 - Mark of The Millennium 2001.png
    Chaos Field.png
    Cleopatra Fortune Plus.png
    Club Kart (Europe).png
    Club Kart 2002.png
    Club Kart 2003.png
    Confidential Mission.png
    Cosmic Smash.png
    Crackin DJ.png
    Crackin DJ Part 2.png
    Crazy Taxi.png
    Dead Or Alive 2.png
    Death Crimson OX.png
    Dengen Tenshi Taisen Janshi Shangri-la.png
    Derby Owners Club World Edition.png
    Dinosaur King.png
    Doki Doki Idol Star Seeker.png
    Dragon Treasure II.png
    Dragon Treasure III.png
    Dragon Treasure.png
    Dynamite Baseball 99.png
    Dynamite Baseball NAOMI.png
    F1 Grand Prix.png
    Ferrari F355 Challenge 2 Twin.png
    Ferrari F355 Challenge 2.png
    Ferrari F355 Challenge.png
    Giant Gram 2000.png
    Giant Gram All Japan Pro Wrestling 2.png
    Giga Wing 2.png
    Guilty Gear X.png
    Guilty Gear XX Accent Core.png
    Guilty Gear XX Reload.png
    Guilty Gear XX Slash.png
    Guilty Gear XX.png
    Gun Survivor 2 (Asia).png
    Gun Survivor 2.png
    Heavy Metal Geomatrix.png
    House Of The Dead 2.png
    Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai 3.png
    Initial D Arcade Stage.png
    Initial D Ver. 2.png
    Initial D Ver.3.png
    Inu No Osanpo  Dog Walking.png
    Jambo Safari.png
    Jingi Storm The Arcade.png
    kurukuru Chameleon.png
    La Keyboard.png
    Love And Berry 1st-2nd collection.png
    Love and Berry 3rd-5th Collection.png
    Lupen the 3rd - The Shooting.png
    Lupin the 3rd - The typing.png
    Mamoru-Kun Wa Norowarete Shimatta!.png
    Manic Panic Ghosts.png
    Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - New Age of Heroes.png
    Mazan - Flash Of The Blade.png
    Melty Blood - Actress Again Current Code.png
    Melty Blood Act Cadenza.png
    Mobile Suit Gundam Federation Vs. Zion.png
    Moero! Justice Gakuen.png
    Moeru Casinyo.png
    Monkey Ball.png
    Musapey's Choco Marker.png
    MushiKing II - The King Of Beetle II.png
    Ninja Assault.png
    Noukone Puzzle Takoron.png
    Planet Harriers.png
    Pochi to Nyaa.png
    Pokasuka Ghost.png
    Power Smash 2.png
    Power Stone (JAP).png
    Power Stone 2.png
    Power Stone.png
    Project Cerberus.png
    Psyvariar 2 - The Will To Fabricate.png
    Puyo Pop Fever.png
    Puyo Puyo Da!.png
    Quiz Ah Megamisama.png
    Quiz Keitai Q mode.png
    Radirgy Noa.png
    Rhythm Tengoku.png
    Ring Out 4X4.png
    Samba De Amigo.png
    Sega Marine Fishing.png
    Sega Strike Fighter.png
    Sega Tetris.png
    Senko no Ronde Special.png
    Shakatto Tambourine.png
    Shikigami No Shiro II - The Castle of Shikigami II.png
    Shooting Love 2007.png
    Shootout Pool The Medal.png
    Soul Surfer.png
    Spawn - In The Demons Hand.png
    Spikers Battle.png
    Sports Jam.png
    Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper.png
    Super Major League.png
    Super Shanghai 2005.png
    Tetris Giant.png
    Tetris Kiwamemichi.png
    The King of Route 66.png
    The Maze Of The Kings.png
    The Typing of the Dead.png
    Tokyo Bus Guide.png
    Touch de Uno! 2.png
    Touch De Zunou.png
    Toy Fighter.png
    Triggerheart Exelica.png
    Under Defeat.png
    Usagi - Yamashiro Mahjong Hen.png
    Usagi - Yasei no Touhai - Yamashiro Mahjong Hen.png
    Virtua Athletics.png
    Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution.png
    Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned.png
    Virtua Fighter 4.png
    Virtua Golf.png
    Virtua NBA.png
    Virtua Striker 2 Ver.2000.png
    Virtua Striker 3.png
    Virtua Tennis 2.png
    Virtua Tennis.png
    Virtual On Oratorio Tangram M.S.B.S. ver5.66 2000 Edition.png
    WarTech Senko no Ronde.png
    Wave Runner GP.png
    Wild Riders.png
    World Kicks.png
    World Series 99.png
    World Series Baseball.png
    WWF Royal Rumble.png
    Zero Gunner 2.png
    Zombie Revenge.png


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  10. Sega Naomi Cartridges and 3D Boxes (74) (Add on set)

    This set of Cartridges with 3D Boxes is designed to replace some games in my NAOMI GD-Rom set. Some games were released as cartridges only for the NAOMI and not as GD-Roms but I would only add these if you want a Naomi set which is as accurate as possible but may not look as neat as just using the GD ROM set.
    The GD-Rom set can be downloaded here:

    18 Wheeler American Pro Trucker.png
    Akatsuki Blitzkampf Ausf. Achse.png
    Boat Race - Ocean Heats.png
    Cannon Spike.png
    Capcom vs. SNK Millennium Fight 2000.png
    Club Kart European Session.png
    Cosmic Smash.png
    Crackin DJ.png
    Crackin DJ Part 2.png
    Crazy Taxi.png
    Dead Or Alive 2.png
    Death Crimson OX.png
    Dengen Tenshi Taisen Janshi Shangri-la.png
    Dynamite Baseball 99.png
    Dynamite Baseball NAOMI.png
    F1 Grand Prix.png
    Giant Gram 2000.png
    Giant Gram All Japan Pro Wrestling 2.png
    Giga Wing 2.png
    Guilty Gear X.png
    Gun Survivor 2 Biohazard CODE Veronica.png
    Heavy Metal Geomatrix.png
    Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai 3.png
    Inu no Osanpo.png
    Jambo Safari.png
    King of Route 66.png
    Mamoru-Kun Wa Norowarete Shimatta!.png
    Manic Panic Ghosts.png
    Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - New Age of Heroes.png
    Mazan - Flash Of The Blade.png
    Melty Blood - Actress Again.png
    Mobile Suit Gundam Federation Vs. Zion.png
    Moero! Justice Gakuen.png
    MushiKing II - The King Of Beetle II.png
    Ninja Assault.png
    Power Stone 2.png
    Power Stone.png
    Puyo Pop Fever.png
    Puyo Puyo Da!.png
    Quiz Ah Megamisama.png
    Radirgy Noa.png
    Rhythm Tengoku.png
    Ring Out 4X4.png
    Samba De Amigo.png
    Sega Marine Fishing.png
    Sega Tetris.png
    Shooting Love 2007.png
    Soul Surfer.png
    Spawn - In The Demons Hand.png
    The House Of The Dead 2.png
    The Typing of the Dead.png
    Tokyo Bus Guide.png
    Touch de Uno! 2.png
    Touch De Uno!.png
    Toy Fighter.png
    Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution.png
    Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned.png
    Virtua Fighter 4.png
    Virtua NBA.png
    Virtua Striker 2 Ver.2000.png
    Virtua Striker 3.png
    Virtua Tennis 2.png
    Virtua Tennis.png
    Virtual On Oratorio Tangram M.S.B.S..png
    Wave Runner GP.png
    Wild Riders.png
    World Kicks.png
    World Series 99.png
    WWF Royal Rumble.png
    Zero Gunner 2.png
    Zombie Revenge.png


       (0 reviews)



  11. Sega Naomi 3D Box

    Not finished...
    ...still going!!!


       (0 reviews)



  12. Sega Naomi

    Cart Images for Sega Naomi


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