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Startup Themes

29 files

  1. StageBox

    A clean and simple startup theme that highlights the BoxArt.
    To install:
    Open the zip file and drag the StageBox folder into the LaunchBox\StartupThemes folder.


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  2. Coverbox - Fragments Startup Themes

    These startup themes are for use with Coverbox - Fragments BigBox theme. These MUST be installed if you wish to use the custom startup/shutdown screens I made for the fragments.
    Startup themes get installed to = "Launchbox\StartupThemes"
    Nintendo Super Nintendo Nintendo 64 Nintendo Gamecube Nintendo Wii Nintendo Gameboy Nintendo Gameboy Color Nintendo Gameboy Advance Nintendo DS Nintendo 3DS Sony Playstation Sony Playstation 2 Sony Playstation 3 Sony PSP Sega Genesis Sega Saturn Sega Dreamcast MS-DOS Microsoft XBox Microsoft Xbox 360


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  3. Windows Boot for Platform Boot Videos Theme

    I found the windows boot themes I found out there werent simplistic or very out of place so I took the real windows boot screen and slapped the launchbox logo on it. Looks way better IMO. Use with Platform Boot Videos Theme from ground7


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  4. Lightning Link Startup Theme

    - Startup Image
    In Game Startup menu under OPTIONS set "Startup Theme" to Custom Startup Image & for best result set "Minimum Startup Screen Display Time" to 3 Seconds
    In Game Startup menu under OPTIONS set "Hide Mouse Cursor  on Startup Screens" to on


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  5. FB Focus startup theme

    Here is a simple startup theme to go alongside my FB Focus theme.
    It is an altered version of the startup theme for the brilliant Slipstream to match the simple visual aesthetic of my theme. Many thanks to Juketsu for their hard work.


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  6. Flikbox startup theme

    Here is a simple startup theme to go alongside my Flikbox theme.
    It is an altered version of the startup theme for the brilliant Slipstream to match the simple visual aesthetic of my theme. Many thanks to Juketsu for their hard work.


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  7. Platform Boot Videos Theme 1.0.0 Revised...Added More Videos

    Hello To All
    So I was looking on the forums download section and found Platform Theme Load Videos, I though no way, that sounds cool. So I go into my BigBox and try it out, and it worked. I know I'm tired of looking at the same boring load screen with no feeling, so what do we have here I thought to myself as I'm watching the boot/loading sequences of my favorite systems. It looks really nice so me being the IT Tech genius I am, I decided to add to this guys works. Big thanks to the man right here ground7  for making me inspired to add to his work. The files that I have are add-ons to what the original creator put up. Just figured that since I been using launchbox on my gaming console PC, figured that I would help you guys out since you guys have made my gaming console PC better and better every new release of launchbox or new themes. God bless!


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  8. Slipstream Startup Theme

    Startup Theme for Slipstream.
    Assets and data used by this theme:
    Box Art Fan Art Custom background image (bg-image.jpg) Release date Developer Region Rating Title Remember to install the Google font family from the theme folder (Poppins).


       (1 review)



  9. Starting The Game

    This is my first startup theme that I’ve work on. I use Viking's COLORFUL Theme Dark for my Launchbox setup and I wanted a startup theme that uses the same colours, so I made this.
    Big system logo on the left side
    Developers logo in the bottom right corner
    Load-bar and background uses the same colour as “COLORFUL platform video set”
    Unzip the “StartingTheGame-Dark.zip” to your “..\Lunchbox\StartupThemes\“ folder. In Launchbox/BigBog select StartingTheGame-Dark as your startup theme and your good to go.
    If you are using 1.0 or 1.01 please close launchbox/bigbox. Delete the startup theme and install the new one. On future release it should be fine to just extract and replace
    Add more Dev logos. About 200 logos so far, so there's a long way to go.
    Add more Platform unique startups.
    StartingTheGame-Dark.zip and StartingTheGame-Dark-NoLogo.zip are both meant for 16:9 screens. The NoLogo version has the clearlogo removed. And then there's the StartingTheGame-Dark-16-10, us this one if you are using a 16:10 screen.
    @viking for his fantastic COLORFUL platform video set and COLORFUL bigbox theme
    @Fry for helping me when I got stuck with the xaml coding
    And everyone contributing to the COLORFUL platform video set
    Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below.


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  10. Custom Startup Image

    This theme gives you the ability to specify the startup images you want per game or platform.  I created this as I wanted to display controller mapping for each game as it loads to go with the Game Control FS pause theme by  @Retro808 and did not see a startup theme that already existed for this.  It will display any image you have or create that is game or platform specific when the game loads.  It displays the LaunchBox default "Game Over" screen with a clear logo added when a game is exited.
    All images must be placed in a specific folder structure and follow a standard LaunchBox naming convention to work with this theme.  Instruction are provided in the read me text file in the download.
    The theme uses .png images by default but can easily be modified (1 edit) to use .jpg images.


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  11. Pulse Startup

    User requested a Startup, Pause, and Shutdown theme to compliment the Pulse BigBox theme. So I decided to see how close I could get to the great design of that theme made by Juketsu. I am not a skilled or seasoned coder, more of a scratch type coder so behind the scenes may not be the prettiest. This was fun seeing how much of the BB theme I could decipher. Since the BB theme was done using the Community Theme Creator and that program uses some custom plugins I had to get creative to replicate some items.
    The Startup theme's Startup view was modeled after Pulse's HorizontalWheels3GamesView and the Shutdown view was modeled after HorizontalWheels2GamesView. Overall layout, metadata, and some animations are all there from the BB theme. Only creative difference I took was using a red heart for the favorites logo. The BB theme uses the same blue star as the user rating.
    Download zip file and be sure to unblock the zip.
    Simply place the PulseStartup folder inside your \LaunchBox\StartupThemes\ folder (Do NOT rename the folder).
    @Juketsu Pulse theme is his original design. The Startup theme uses his design and artwork.
    1. This theme will stay up until Juketsu releases his version. If he is planning to do one.
    2. Theme was only tested on a 16:9 and 4:3 aspect monitor.


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  12. Fading Elegance - StartupTheme - Designed with 4K Large Screens & TVs in Mind

    Startup/Exit Theme that matches the Fading Elegance theme. Designed with 4k Large Screens & TVs in mind. 
    "Fading Elegance v1" and "Fading Elegance v1+"  Theme
    Matching Pause Theme - can be used with any theme of course
    The star-burst smoothly slides in from the right resting behind the Clear Logog and then continues to rotate making it look like a live star.
    There's a green animated loading bar above the "NOW LOADING (not in real-time)" 
    Funny Fact - Look at the Play Count on the screenshot; well I used the 4 different 007 games in Gamecube to test my changes every time I would make a change. Between the 4 games in my collection, I have played them 430 times when you add them together. Thats a lot of starting and stopping. - 
    The video shows the Startup, Pause and Exit


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  13. Vertical Basic - Startup Theme

    This is a very basic startup (and shutdown) theme intended for vertical monitor setups. This theme was heavily influenced by the Big Logo startup theme by @Suhrvivor. The main difference being the background image is front box art instead of fan art, since fan art doesn't always fit real well on a vertical monitor. This theme is semi-awesome for vert setups, but the one place it kinda sucks is with Super Nintendo since it looks kind of ugly with the sideways boxart being smooshed. Because of this, I created a seperate Super Nintendo View that displays the fan art. If you prefer that look, you could rename that file to default.xaml and all your systems will open with fan art instead of the box art which would be very similar to the Big Logo theme at that point.
    To install, open the zip and drop the Vertical Basic folder into the Startup Themes folder found in your LaunchBox folder. In Launchbox, click tools then Options and scroll down to Gameplay/Game Startup. Once there, select the Vertical Basic theme.
    Theme should scale to any vertical ratios.  9:16 and 3:4 ratios shown here.
    There is now a non stretched version of the theme so box art will be shown correctly but may not cover the entire screen.


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  14. The Papaw-Startup Theme (4K Tested)

    This is a redux of the awesome "Just Simple Startup Theme". A Big thanks to BlazingRyuu for his contribution and allowing me to share a modded version of it. It was designed for 4K, but seems to work fine on 1080 as well.
    The backgrounds are from the game itself and pulled from the Fanart Backgrounds folder
    Animated loading bar (it loops for slower systems)
    Nice small 3D Box in the upper left corner (will default back to 2D Box if no 3D is available)
    Nice small clearlogo in upper right corner
    Play count on bottom right corner
    There are now 3 versions of the "Default.xaml file. Small, Medium and Large. They change the size of the Boxart in the upper left hand corner. Rename the one you wish to use to "Default.xaml". 
    The screenshots show the small cornered artwork. I added a couple more screenshots at the end that show the medium and large box arts.
    Unzip and drop the "The Papaw-Startup Theme" folder into your ..\Launchbox\StartupThemes\ folder. (Folder name has to remain The Papaw-Startup Theme)
    Choose the Box art size you wish to use by picking the correct Default.xaml file aand making sure it is named to Default.xaml (will default to Medium)
    The Roboto-Light font is included in the font folder if you wish it to match the screenshots. To install it on your PC (just click on it and follow the Windows prompts)
    Choose it in the BigBox Options. That's pretty much it.
    If you have a platform that doesn't work, make a copy of the "Default.xaml" and rename it to the problem platform and give that a try.
    I also did a remake of the of the "Big Fade" Pause theme to go along with this startup theme, the only changes made too it was I changed the font to match this and it now pulls the Fanart Backgrounds artwork instead of screenshot artwork.
    Pause theme I modded to match this: The Papaw-Pause Theme
    Don't forget to rate and leave comments and questions!


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  15. Unified Startup and Shutdown Theme

    This is a Startup/Shutdown theme for use with CriticalCid's Unified theme.
    The theme will pull its Platform background and clear logo images from CriticalCid's Unified theme folder, so it will not work properly without the theme being installed.
    The theme was designed for 16:9 screens and display resolutions only.
    Extract the archive and drag the 'Unified' folder inside to the "..\Launchbox\StartupThemes\" folder. Install the font supplied in Font folder. Launch BigBox and go into -> Options -> Game Startup -> Startup Theme and change the Theme to "Unified". IMPORTANT: Never rename the theme folder! The theme folder has to be named exactly "Unified" or the theme won't work properly!
    NOTE: If the background is showing Box art go into options and change Background priorities to Fanart - Background only.
    I have also made a Pause Theme to go with the Unifed theme to complete the setup.


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  16. Platform Boot Videos Theme

    When I found out you could play custom platform boot videos in launchbox, my first thought was to make these the console boot videos. However, I ran into some problems that this theme tries to solve. It might not be done in the best way, but it's working really well for me, so I thought I would share.
    The first problem is that my videos would loop unless I set an emulator specific timeout for the video. This doesn't work well though as the video often partially loops anyway. If there was a way to stop this, I couldn't figure it out.
    The second problem is that I use retroarch, and as far as I can tell, there was no way to override the timeout parameter on a platform level (not an emulator level). I could do this on the game level, but that's not ideal as I'd have to keep updating games when I'd add them. There were various other oddities that made cutting off this loop quite impractical.
    My solution was to create minute long videos where the majority of the video is black. This has solved my looping problem.
    About the theme:
    This theme will play the boot videos of these platforms (all others will play a default black video):
    Sony: PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP
    Nintendo: NES (video from the Famicom), SNES, N64, GC, Wii, WiiU, Switch, GB, GBC, GBA, DS, 3DS
    Microsoft: Xbox, Xbox 360
    If you'd like to add your own, put them in the videos folder with the console name. You'll likely have to do as I did and extend the video though.
    The majority of the videos play in 1080p at 60fps. Some are lower fps (NES, SNES, N64, Switch, PSP). The SNES video is also 720p, but it's the highest quality version I've found.
    The goal was not to favor accuracy over graphics, so most of the lower definition boots were created from scratch so they'd look good at a higher definition (by various people on youtube, not me). In the case where a console didn't have a boot (the boot basically went straight to a menu or game), I improvised to make one that I think will be satisfying to most people.
    The audio has been roughly equalized so no console boot should be too loud or too quiet.
    If anyone would like a system added, but they don't have access to a sufficient video editing program, they can send any clips they find my way. I'd prefer any old boots to be high quality remakes to keep with the theme. Other than that, try to stick to 1080p (preferably 60fps). Most of these remakes don't exist in 4K, but I might make a 4K version of them using waifu2x to attempt an upscale once I update my system with a 4K screen.


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  17. Big Fade Start

    Big Fade Start is a compliment to the Big Fade pause theme previously released. The startup theme shows game metadata contained in a gradient transparent list box. A fanart background that is faded away at the bottom to allow clear view of a platform specific startup video and gameplay screen shot. The platform specific video is used to play a platform's boot video (SNK NeoGeo, Xbox, and Playstation systems for example). In the absence of a system having an original boot video, or the user not having one in place; the theme will play a default video.
    Only a portion of platform boot videos are provided in the theme as well as a default video. Additional boot videos will added later or can be added by user.
    Important notes about videos:
    1. A user can add or change videos for any platform. Simply place a video file in the theme's \Videos folder and name it exactly as the platform is named in your specific setup.
    2. The default video can be replaced by adding your own and naming the file "_Default.mp4"
    3. In emulators that may take longer to load than the duration of the video in place the theme will continue to loop the video until the emulator fully loads and take control. YOu can see this occur in the demo video with Sammy Atomiswave. 
    4. IMPORTANT: There is a minor issue with audio from videos playing in a Startup theme and it is something determined by our Launchbox developer that cannot be fixed at this time. Audio from the video will bleed into the start of emulation until the emulator officially takes over. It does not occur with all emulators and It is only about 1-2 seconds if it does occur. For any emulator this affects perform the steps below:
    To fix audio bleed issue:
    1. In Launchbox go to >Tools>Manage Emulators.
    2. Select the emulator the audio bleed is affecting and edit it.
    3. In the "Startup Screen" tab change the "Startup Load Delay" to 1 second. Click "OK" and close.
    Image Priorities:
    Recommend in your Launchbox Image Priorities for Background moving clear logos further down the list of not using at all. This theme will resize and crop clear logos since the theme was designed for fanart primarily.
    Installation (Requires Launchbox 9.8 or higher)
    Theme was tested and works on a 4:3 screen as well.
    I claim no credit to any artwork or videos provided in the theme. All credit goes to the original content creator. 



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  18. Retro Console Startup and Shutdown Theme

    Ok, here is my Retro Console Startup and Shutdown Theme. This is a slightly different version that the one you can download on the BigBox Theme page because it has a 'Loading Bar'. This has been a big request. I also added some new controller graphics and a few more platforms. Enjoy!
    The biggest change here is the Loading Bar which can be seen in the images but just incase you are wondering, yes, it is animated and moves from left to right as the game loads.
    You can download other versions and the entire theme to go with it HERE:


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  19. Neon Deluxe Arcade (Inside) - Startup Theme

    Note: This thread will not be pushed to the front in the "whats new" section, if you want notifications for future updates to this file be sure to follow this page by using the follow button in the upper right corner.
    An alternative to the "Street" startup theme. 
    Neon Deluxe Arcade is a series of themes, if you like you can download these to accompany the complete theme:
    Neon Deluxe Arcade - Big Box Theme
    Neon Deluxe Arcade - Launchbox Theme
    Neon Deluxe Arcade - Startup Theme (Street)
    Neon Deluxe Arcade - Startup Theme (Inside)
    Mr. RetroLust's Realistic Retroarch Bezels (Same style > Dimmed lit retro gaming)
    This Startup theme does not use fanart backgrounds but one static image in 4K quality.
    1. The left side has been bound to "Box3DImagePath" or what you've set in this image category's priority list.
    2. The right side has been bound to "Cart3DImagePath" or what you've set in this image category's priority list.
    3. On the left side covering the 3DBox is bound to "CartFrontImagePath" or what you've set in this image category's priority list.
    4. Game logo in Top Center 
    Unpack the folder in: LAUNCHBOX\StartupThemes, go to startup settings and choose the title of this theme.
    If you like the startup theme to last longer on your screen, simply delay it to 5 seconds in the launchbox and/or bigbox settings.

    Enjoy! ?


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  20. Neon Deluxe Arcade (Street) - Startup Theme

    Note: This thread will not be pushed to the front in the "whats new" section, if you want notifications for future updates to this file be sure to follow this page by using the follow button in the upper right corner.
    Neon Deluxe Arcade is a series of themes, if you like you can download these to accompany the complete theme:
    Neon Deluxe Arcade - Big Box Theme
    Neon Deluxe Arcade - Launchbox Theme
    Neon Deluxe Arcade - Startup Theme (Street)
    Neon Deluxe Arcade - Startup Theme (Inside)
    Mr. RetroLust's Realistic Retroarch Bezels (Same style > Dimmed lit retro gaming)
    This Startup theme does not use fanart backgrounds but one static image in 4K quality.
    1. The left side has been bound to "Box3DImagePath" or what you've set in this image category's priority list.
    2. The right side has been bound to "Cart3DImagePath" or what you've set in this image category's priority list.
    3. On the left side covering the 3DBox is bound to "CartFrontImagePath" or what you've set in this image category's priority list.
    4. Game logo in Top Center 
    Unpack the folder in: LAUNCHBOX\StartupThemes, go to startup settings and choose the title of this theme.
    If you like the startup theme to last longer on your screen, simply delay it to 5 seconds in the launchbox and/or bigbox settings.

    Enjoy! ?


       (0 reviews)



  21. Minimal-Colorful

    This startup theme is a modified version of keltogael's minimal, I wanted a theme to go along with the new modern looking Colorful by viking which is already my main theme.
    The theme is really simple, rather than show the game loaded, it uses the platform as "splash screen", same as minimal, but instead of the logos of each platform i found more pleasing to show the controller. Icons used are from the Noun Project. The .psd file is included so you can add your own platforms (save your .png on platforms folder, copy and edit the .xml to match the .png name and platform name) and translate the "loading" text. I'll update it if I add more platforms.
    [important] There's NO game shutdown screen, if you use this theme, you should disable shutdown screens.


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  22. Simple Detailed Startup

    Hello all, here is my first contribution to this community. I have enjoyed so many countless hours of fun as a result of Launchbox and everyone here and I have always wanted to give back so here you go. I made this originally after being inspired by @Palada. He made a Beautiful startup theme to go with my new favorite BigBox theme by @viking, called Colorful. At first I just wanted to add more platforms but you know how it goes. I went a little crazy. Anyway I hope you all like and enjoy this theme.
    Simple-Detailed-Startup-ml.zip - This one Uses Platform Logos from a folder in this theme that were made by ME. Simple-Detailed-Startup-yl.zip - This one uses Platform Logos that were set up by YOU in Launchbox. I am using assets from both @Palada and @viking  and of course all over this community. Please give credit to both for making this possible. Once i got going though I ended up with very little that I did not make on my own. I am not sure of the proper way to give credit, but if anyone has an issue with anything I have posted, let me know and I will take it down immediately.
    Colorful Theme by @viking (please consider patreon to help him with this amazing theme) Minimal Colorful Start by @Palada This was designed for a 1080p big screen TV. That is where my set up is and all my kids play on it. I tried this on my laptop and it all looked good but if you have any issues with layout or other please let me know. I will do my best to fix it.
    IMPORTANT: Please make sure your Launchbox image priorities are set or no images will appear and the theme will look boring. I recommend setting:
    Background Priorities to: Fanart-Background and Screenshot-Gameplay in that order Screenshot Priorities to : Screenshot-Gameplay and then what ever you want after that. What Is It?
    OK, this is a startup and shutdown theme that is unique for every platform. It includes a controller silhouette, game art game details on startup plus it has an animated GIF loading icon as well as a GIF closing icon. Every platform has its logo displayed. I had to make all of these so that they would fit. This means that some may be missing, but there is currently 77 platform logos and I plan to add more as time goes on. The controller silhouettes are also all custom and may be missing a few but it has 77 currently as well. (some are the same for multiple platforms) It also has a favorite icon in the bottom right corner that will be red if your game is Favorited. How to use it:
    This is my first upload, but you should be able to unzip it to your Launchbox Startup Themes Directory and Then select it from within BigBox. Please make sure that all of the *.xaml files in the root of this addon match EXACTLY to your platform names or they will not work. FIXED If you have any requests or problems please drop me a comment, I will do my best to stay on top of it.
    I hope I am not forgetting anything, Please enjoy and thank you all for the many years of fun. Keep on Gaming!
    PS: I have also made a Pause Theme to match and complete the whole setup. (this is a remake of PausePie by @faeran)


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  23. Multi Images Startup Theme

    This is a Startup/Shutdown theme for Launchbox 9.3 and above.
    Four images are displayed in this theme, top row left to right, 3D Box, Clear Logo and Screenshot. The bottom right of the window will show Cart - Front for cart based systems or a rotating Disc - Front for CD/DVD based systems. If you have a CD/DVD based system that is not included in the theme you can copy/paste one of the existing ones from the startup theme folder and rename it to match your system name.
    To install simply right click the zip and choose "extract all" once extracted copy to Launchbox/StartupThemes. 


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  24. Just Simple - Fanart with Logo

    Just a simple startup theme that uses the clear logo and fanart of the launching game with a sleek loading bar and a play count in the bottom right. The shutdown screen is just the fanart slightly darkened with a stylized "Fin..." in the corner.

    Extract the zip file into the Launchbox/StartupThemes folder.
    Under the options menu in Launchbox & Bigbox, select Just Simple as the startup theme.
    Optional - You can also install "Roboto-Light" inside the font folder of the theme to match the text style in the screenshots.

    Included is an alternative version that will be used for the Arcade Platform without the loading bar since these games don't get decompressed. You can also copy and rename the "Arcade.xaml" file to any platform name or "Default.xaml" if you don't want the loading bar for other or all systems.

    Also check out my Platform Fanart images that can be used if there is no specific fanart for the game that is launching (as seen in the last two screenshots above).


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  25. GridBlocked Startup Theme

    Decided to mess around some more looking at code and learning more. So I set out to look at adding gif, linking metadata, and linking images to metadata since I do not use the details screen in BigBox. So here is what I put in another little theme. Once again, I am not a coder so if anyone peaks at the xml file and sees some fixes or a better way please let me know. I am all ears. Or if you have ideas on how to make the theme look nicer fire away.
    Icons used in the theme came from BigBox themes by @CriticalCid and @Mr. Retrolust so big thanks to them. (Slightly modified from their original versions.) 
    I claim no credit to any artwork displayed or included in the theme.
    IMPORTANT: Launchbox 9.3 or higher required for Startup Themes. 
    Version 1.0
    Theme will show fanart background blurred 20%, Metadata text contained in a view box, and 3 metadata logos (Favorite, Your Personal Star Rating, and ESRB), along with large 3D Box and Cart/Disc.
    Startup theme view for non CD based games will show the cartridge image slide in from the right.
    Startup theme for CD based games will show the CS slide in from the right and spin.
    Shutdown view will show the fanart background blurred with blinking "Game Over" text.
    Download the GridBlocked.zip and unzip it into the Launchbox/StartupThemes folder.
    Install the supplied fonts. (Working on figuring out how to have it so the fonts do not need to be loaded. So once I can do that I will update the theme)
    In Launchbox go to Tools>Options>Game Startup and choose the appropriate named theme. 
    In Launchbox make sure for Cart Front Image Priorities you have "Disc" checked and listed as top item.
    If you need to add other disc based systems to the startup theme simply copy any cd based xml file in the theme's folder and paste into the same folder then rename the file exactly as your platform name appears in Launchbox. 


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