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Everything posted by JoeViking245

  1. Maybe try what Kiinkyfox suggested in leu of the batch file shortcut(s). Note to add at the end ",C:\WINDOWS\system32, hide" to give the working directory and hide the window.
  2. That's an AHK error message. Quote the %1% Run, "C:\Visual Pinball\VPinballX.exe" -minimized -exit -play "%1%"
  3. Not sure why it wouldn't work as a .ahk but does as a .exe. Here's some code streamlining... Reduced the sleep timer from 10 seconds to 2 seconds (guessing that it doesn't actually take that long) Removed #IfWinActive and SendMode. (At least with my keyboard and Xbox controller, it's not needed.) Combined the 2 hot keys since they are to do the same thing. Still gives the option to press one or the other. Changed Process, Close to send Alt+F4. No particular reason. They do the same thing (in this case) #SingleInstance, Force Run, "C:\Users\Arcade\LaunchBox\Tools\Pinscape disabler\Pinscape_enable.bat - Shortcut.lnk" Sleep, 2000 Run, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe" -applaunch 442120 -class -table_"%1%" $Esc:: $vk07:: Send, !{F4} Run, "C:\Users\Arcade\LaunchBox\Tools\Pinscape disabler\Pinscape_disable.bat - Shortcut.lnk" ExitApp
  4. Can you share a screenshot of the main details section for your AHK-VPX emulator (whatever you called it)? Side note: Looking through some notes, instead of the 2 lines (While WinExist... and Sleep...), you could use 1 line: Process, WaitClose, VPinballX.exe (if you want, both ways do the same thing)
  5. That game had only become available in MAME a couple days ago. Probably just need to let the dust settle a little. But as always, where there's a will, there's a way. 😎
  6. You're welcome. Note: LaunchBox's update emulator feature for Dolphin works really well. It'll keep you up to date with the latest beta (when ran) which is a lot more stable than the Development Releases. I'm one that has always preferred to update on-my-own. But am now 'converted'. At least for the 3 currently available to do so. Dolphin, RA and PCSX2. Place the Orange Frame to where it looks good when launching the game. Play game(s). Call it a day.
  7. No. The rule of precedence is Edit Game - Custom Command-line parameters will override.. Associated Platforms - Custom Command-line parameters will override.. Edit Emulator - Default Command-line Parameters. They will not be compounded.
  8. The issue is you're using the Development version 5.0-21646 and the -b parameter isn't working in that version. You can try using an earlier Development version or go to the latest Beta Version 5.0-21460 which will have a bit more stability (and -b does work).
  9. In addition to those, there's %romlocation% (added sometime early in 2022) which will give the "full\Path\To\Rom\". Path only.
  10. While in the Arcade platform, go to Tools - Import - Manually Add Game This will bring up a 'blank' game. Add the Title, and in the Launching section, browse to your jumbogod,zip file. You can try to Search for Metadata. But you won't find anything. Click OK to save.
  11. I believe it tells you somewhere onscreen how to do that. But I think you select the control/key and then press delete.
  12. Looks good there. Can you show the Associated Platforms section. Somewhere, somehow you have something set that is making the GUI appear when launching a game.
  13. For some reason, your pictures are showing the GUI in the background as if you don't have -b in the command line parameters. So that's probably what the plugin is attempting to resize. The GUI shouldn't be showing, or be a window at all.
  14. For VPX, just do the same as you did for FP (create a new "emulator") but change the references from FP to VPX. Run, "C:\Games\Visual Pinball\VPinballX.exe" -minimized -exit -play "%1%" Sleep, 10000 While WinExist("ahk_exe VPinballX.exe") sleep 700 Oh, and shouldn't need "Run, "dmdext.exe"....". FX3 might be a little trickier as I believe it uses a 'launcher' of sorts to open the table. So you'd need to figure out what to put in the line for "While WinExists...". This may be different (the exe or window Title to look for) for each Table.
  15. LaunchBox and BigBox have separate controller mappings. Mapping one doesn't affect the other. So you need to map them individually. BigBox itself has separate Controller mappings and Keyboard mappings. In BigBox, it's in Systems Menu - Options. Near the bottom you'll see Keyboard Mappings and Controller Mappings. In LaunchBox, it's under Tools - Options - Game Controllers - Mappings.
  16. It would be in ..\LaunchBox\Data\BigBoxSettings.xml <UseAllControllers>false</UseAllControllers>
  17. If you offset the test frame, save, then run a game, does everything [else] work OK?
  18. For testing purposes, run the BezelLauncher setup, select your GameCube platform and then the emulator, then disable and click Save. Close the setup window. Launch a GC game. Is it indeed windowed? You should see the window title and the min/max/close buttons above 'the game'. For my graphics settings (in Dolphin), I have Aspect Ratio set to "Stretch to Window" and Fullscreen not-checked. In Advanced, the only thing I have checked is "Borderless Fullscreen" (don't recall if I ever changed it). If it's still not working correctly, (more testing), Exit LaunchBox, reset the scale to 100%. Restart the computer. Start LaunchBox, enable BezelLauncher for GC and reset the Orange Frame, Save and start a GC game. The game and bezel should be 'tiny'. Even at 100%.
  19. Earlier you said you couldn't Run a file that is a shortcut. At the time I ignored that. I think now, times are a changin'. If you have a batch file located: D:\MyFiles\myBatchFile.bat ..and you create a shortcut in the same folder to that file, the file will show as D:\MyFiles\myBatchFile.bat - Shortcut To execute the shortcut in an ahk script, use: Run, "D:\MyFiles\myBatchFile.bat - Shortcut.lnk" ..adding the file extension .lnk (that's an L (ell). Not an i (eye). Short for LINK). Since your shortcut is already set to run as admin, this should work. And you shouldn't need to use "Run *RunAs". At the end of the batch file, add "pause" (without quotes). This will hold the command prompt window open until you press the 'any' key. If and when everything gets to working properly (fingers crossed), you'll want to remove that. Then, as a bonus, edit the shortcut file(s) (properties) and in the Shortcut tab, change Run to Minimized. That will then hide the command prompt window. Giving it that finishing touch. Your emulator settings look fine. The scripts have the file extension .ahk . If you have AutoHotkey installed, that file extension will be registered to it. When double clicking the file, it will open with your installed version of AutoHotkey. Not everyone has it actually "installed". So double clicking a file with a .ahk extension would do nothing (except ask you what application you want to open the file with). In my examples of creating an AHK script 'as an emulator', it was just easier to have them launch the script using AutoHotkey that comes with LaunchBox than to assume they have it installed. To use your installed version of AutoHotkey, replace the Application Path with the path to your installed copy of AutoHotkey.exe. Alternately, since the file extension .ahk is registered to AutoHotkey (that you installed on your system), you could replace the Application Path with the path to your script (.ahk file) and then remove the Default Command-line Parameters.
  20. [Future] support for plugins is best found on that particular plugins' Support Page. The link to the support page can be found at the top of the page in which the plugin was downloaded. Here's a direct link to the Support Page for the Multi Monitor plugin you're referring to.
  21. It looks like you have Dolphin running in fullscreen. Open stand-alone Dolphin (in LaunchBox, right-click a GameCube game and select Open Dolphin). Go to Options - Graphics Settings and un-check Start in Fullscreen. For Xemu, make sure you don't have "-full-screen" in the default command-line parameters. As for the test frame needing to be offset, to be centered, the above should fix that. If not, do you have you Windows Display Settings scale set to something other than 100%? The latest release of the plugin (V2.1.1) should [have] fix[ed] that.
  22. Glad that worked. Since you're already 'hanging around' for FP to close in this script, use the same command you used for enable, and run disable, right after closing dmdext and before ExitApp.
  23. Remove the optional ", MyPassowrd" since you're not using/needing/requiring a password to execute the batch file.
  24. IF the device can be disabled while VPX or FP is running (while it's still loading, actually), you can put the [full] command to disable-device in the emulators Running Script. The Running Script will execute whatever is in there as the emulator/game is being loaded. Since the disable-device command would happen real fast, it might be able to do-its-thing before the emulator gets loaded. You then add an escape sequence that will enable-device. If disable-device has to be executed before the emulator is even a 'thought' (i.e. the above doesn't work), I can think of 2 options. Add it to each table as an Additional App Create a new "emulator" that is a batch file (or AutoHotkey or PowerShell script or whatever flavor you prefer). This "emulator" will: send the command for disable-device start the actual emulator with the 'ROM' that LaunchBox will pass to it wait for the emulator to exit send the command for enable-device For option #1, you can add the Additional App(s) to all the games (tables) at once using this plugin. Option #2, you wouldn't have to worry about the additional app(s) when adding new tables. That all said, since you say disable/enable need to be ran as administrator, the 1st paragraph option would need to have the (AHK) Running Script call the batch file shortcut(s). Rather than just executing the command(s) in AHK lingo. Which shouldn't be an issue. Option #1 won't work. Option #2, the "emulator" will need to call the batch file shortcuts in step 1 and 4 to have them ran as administrator. (Similar to bullet #1) Can't have "the emulator" ran as admin because it would then run the actual emulator as admin. Which you DON'T want. There's a small thread here on the Forum dedicated to AutoHotkey scripts that's geared specifically to LaunchBox and emulators. When you have a little time, look through that and get a feel for how the AHK scripts are written. Then to learn more about a specific command (i.e. "SetKeyDelay"), simply Google "AHK SetKeyDelay" (without quotes). Note, this specific search, the 1st 2 results show in the links "AutoHotkey v1" and "AutoHotkey v2". You want the result for version 1 which is the version LaunchBox has integrated. Here's an example for Option #2 "creating an emulator" that's an AutoHotkey script.
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