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Everything posted by JoeViking245

  1. Glad that worked. Since you're already 'hanging around' for FP to close in this script, use the same command you used for enable, and run disable, right after closing dmdext and before ExitApp.
  2. Remove the optional ", MyPassowrd" since you're not using/needing/requiring a password to execute the batch file.
  3. IF the device can be disabled while VPX or FP is running (while it's still loading, actually), you can put the [full] command to disable-device in the emulators Running Script. The Running Script will execute whatever is in there as the emulator/game is being loaded. Since the disable-device command would happen real fast, it might be able to do-its-thing before the emulator gets loaded. You then add an escape sequence that will enable-device. If disable-device has to be executed before the emulator is even a 'thought' (i.e. the above doesn't work), I can think of 2 options. Add it to each table as an Additional App Create a new "emulator" that is a batch file (or AutoHotkey or PowerShell script or whatever flavor you prefer). This "emulator" will: send the command for disable-device start the actual emulator with the 'ROM' that LaunchBox will pass to it wait for the emulator to exit send the command for enable-device For option #1, you can add the Additional App(s) to all the games (tables) at once using this plugin. Option #2, you wouldn't have to worry about the additional app(s) when adding new tables. That all said, since you say disable/enable need to be ran as administrator, the 1st paragraph option would need to have the (AHK) Running Script call the batch file shortcut(s). Rather than just executing the command(s) in AHK lingo. Which shouldn't be an issue. Option #1 won't work. Option #2, the "emulator" will need to call the batch file shortcuts in step 1 and 4 to have them ran as administrator. (Similar to bullet #1) Can't have "the emulator" ran as admin because it would then run the actual emulator as admin. Which you DON'T want. There's a small thread here on the Forum dedicated to AutoHotkey scripts that's geared specifically to LaunchBox and emulators. When you have a little time, look through that and get a feel for how the AHK scripts are written. Then to learn more about a specific command (i.e. "SetKeyDelay"), simply Google "AHK SetKeyDelay" (without quotes). Note, this specific search, the 1st 2 results show in the links "AutoHotkey v1" and "AutoHotkey v2". You want the result for version 1 which is the version LaunchBox has integrated. Here's an example for Option #2 "creating an emulator" that's an AutoHotkey script.
  4. If you used the Import MAME Arcade Full Set Wizard to import, on the How would you like to filter your games screen, if you left the Create Playlists section as default, it will have created a playlist of vertical games. On the left pane in LaunchBox, switch to Playlist and then scroll down to Arcade Vertical. Select all the games, then go to Tools, File Management, and select Export/Copy ROM Files from Selected Games to New Folder. Edit: The playlist is actually called Vertically Oriented Games
  5. I believe it could. If the .m3u file and the 2 .cue files are in the same folder.
  6. You might be able to change the absolute paths in the .m3u file to relative paths. If the files that the .m3u references are in the same folder as the .m3u itself (vs a subfolder thereof), you shouldn't need the paths at all.
  7. You may need to use a little more 'force'. Try this instead: $Esc:: { Process, Close, mamehook.exe } Also, is there anything else in the Running Script?
  8. A quick search on the subject indicates that people will either start Mamehooker when LaunchBox/BigBox starts up (and leave it running) or they load and 'kill' respectively on a per game basis. To load it when LB/BB starts up, got to Tools - Options - Startup Applications and add it there. For per-game, you'd add an Additional Application to the game(s). Edit the game and in the Additional Apps section, add it there and check the box Automatically Run Before Main Application. If you have a bunch of games that you want/need to add this to, you can use the Bulk Add Additional Applications plugin to do them all at once. Select all the games you want to add this Additional App to, then run the plugin. Edit your MAME emulator and in the Running Script section, add $Esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe mamehooker.exe ;WinClose, ahk_exe mame.exe } Because we're adding an escape sequence here, you may need to un-comment the 4th line. In lieu of adding per-game Additional Apps, IF Mamehooker doesn't need to be running BEFORE MAME gets launched (i.e. it can safely be started after MAME is already running), to have it load when a game using MAME is launched, you could add the following to the top of MAME's Running Script. Run, "full/path/to/mamehooker.exe"
  9. AutoHotkey can't Send any controller commands. Only keyboard and mouse. If that "move" in the emulator can be done with a mouse (or arrow key? Not sure what you mean by 'move once'), then you could. ; wait until Infuse process is running Process, Wait, Infuse.exe ; give a couple secs to make sure it's fully loaded Sleep 2000 ; 'press' Right-Arrow key Send, {Right} ; ALTERNATE ; move mouse to screen coordidinates x=1000, y=700, 0=move-real-fast ; Mousemove, 1000, 700, 0 ; 'press' "A" Send a
  10. Personally, I have no idea. My question is, is it worth it for all 3 of the games (the only 3 games) it supports?
  11. In LaunchBox, edit the MAME emulator LaunchBox setup for you. Since you've added the paths to rompath in MAME itself, in the default command-line parameters, remove -rompath %romlocation%
  12. The BigBox main display will only show on a single display (monitor/tv) that you set in the System Menu. Also, the 'Primary Screen' you select to use has no direct ties to the "Main Display" you set in Windows. It's either monitor #1 or monitor #2 (or #3 or #4 etc.). There are no command-line parameters available to tell BigBox to start on a specific monitor. To start BigBox on a specific display of your choosing (without launching it and changing it in the UI), you'd need to modify its settings file by changing the value for the Primary Screen, save and close, then start BigBox. This could be 'automated' by creating a PowerShell Script, batch file, AutoHotkey script or other medium of your choosing that would do the change, save, then start BigBox. Create 2 of them, one to start it on your Apple TV and another to start it on your ultrawide. Regarding it not scaling properly on the ultrawide, that's out of my area of expertise. But one thing I have read about is, if you have the displays' Scale (in Windows Display Settings) set to something other than 100%, you could experience something along those lines.
  13. Change your (2nd) variable from %%i to %%f (I did not look at any other parameters to verify they're correct)
  14. Replace your one line (Process, Close, %processName2%) with the 6 lines I show. Keep everything else the same.
  15. Just a shot-in-the-dark, try closing the process CastlevaniaArcade_Inputs.exe first, then close hvc.exe. Though seems it should work either way. To use the send alt f4 method you might need to set a key delay. Also make sure that it's actually the active window. if WinExist("ahk_exe CastlevaniaArcade_Inputs.exe") { WinActivate SetKeyDelay, 125, 50 Send !{F4} }
  16. 64-bit [Only] started with version 11.7. So 11.6 'should' work. Beyond that, I have no other useful information. Was there any kind of popup error message? After installing .NET desktop and Visual C, did you reboot the PC 1st, before attempting LaunchBox? Is there anything in the /Logs/ subfolder?
  17. I haven't been able to get the boxes to work with animated gifs, but have been able to with Animated Backgrounds and also Animated Clear Logos. When trying to apply the same principle to the box images, I get a cross-thread exception. So I gave up. Maybe someone with better xaml skills can get them to work.
  18. I don't think you can do it directly in xaml. It needs to be done in code behind, or in this case reference a dll plugin (to act as the code behind). But also, I'm not sure if in a FlowControl (the wheel), you can add/access a PreviewMouseWheel event.
  19. Tools - Audit - then Select All (to audit all games, but may take a while to load) or select the [currently selected] platform. There'll be a column called Duplicate. Games that are duplicated are highlighted red. You can click Duplicate and the duplicates will be sorted to the top of the list. To delete the duplicate you don't want, select it and press Delete on your keyboard. Alternately you can right-click the game and choose Delete from the menu.
  20. Speculating here... What may have happened is, when you expanded the games, that info was still cached (not yet written to the xml file). And when you when to delete the other files, it 'thought' there were still additional apps. So at the "would you like to delete additional application ROMs as well" prompt, I'd select "No". OR... it doesn't actually check for additional apps, and just puts that message up 'just in case'.
  21. The other log file showed what I needed. But thanks. Beta Release v1.4.0-beta-1 Fixed: Error appears when selecting extraordinarily high grossing movies (i.e. Avatar at $2,923,706,026) ⟶ MovieScraper2023 (v1.4.0-beta-1).7z
  22. Can you attach your most recent log file for when the error occurred, please. It'll be located in \\LaunchBox\Plugins\MovieScraper2023\Logs\
  23. It's my understanding the window title ("Roms Screen1") might not always be the same. It might be easier to just wait a certain duration (however long it takes for the window to appear after launching it) before sending Alt+Enter to make it go fullscreen. You might try: Sleep, 10000 SetKeyDelay, -1, 110 Send !{Enter} This will wait 10 seconds (10000 milliseconds) and then send Alt+Enter. You can increase/decrease that wait time accordingly. (But be sure to wait the full 10 seconds before deciding "it doesn't work". )
  24. You're welcome. Glad I was able to help. Hopefully in the end, it gives you what you're after. I have the exact same amount of pull with the LaunchBox Development staff as you do. The only difference between us is, as a volunteer, I get to have red letters under my avatar. 😎 When you go to make your feature request, verify there isn't the same-ish one already. And if there is, be sure to upvote it. So you know, I've looked into this in the past (the plugin idea) and quickly abandoned the idea. What I found (at the time I looked into it) was there were a lot of inconsistencies in how the "versions" were appended to the file names. (Some, were, in, parenthesis). [Some, in, brackets]. [Some] (were, mixed). etc. It may have been simply a source issue too (where the DATs came from, who wrote the DAT, what format they felt like following that day....). Maybe "today", a more consistent nomenclature is being followed. But personally, I don't use no-intro sets. So don't really care. No offense. Regarding "the default way that LaunchBox should be filling in the Version Field", you need to keep in mind, they can only work with what they're given. "Crap in, crap out." "You can't fix stupid." And any other old adage that "fits the bill".
  25. Remove those 2 lines. Then in the previous line where you're replacing ") (" with "; " add the parens back in. myString := StrReplace(Text, ") (","); (") aka: Replace [close parenthesis][Space][open parenthesis] with [close parenthesis][semi colon][Space][open parenthesis]
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